FFF Magazine Name?

What should we name FFF's magazine?

  • FFF Mogazine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Al Bhed Primers

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Jun 26, 2008
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Final Fantasy Forums' Magazine

As teased, we have discussed and started planning a digital magazine series for FFF. This shall be a good chance for us to promote our forum, to reminisce on old times, and to celebrate new content.

Here is a rare photograph of the magazine work in progress:

We actually have a lot of ideas about content (and we cannot use them all), but here are some ideas to give a teaser of what you might expect:
  • FFF news (changes on the forum will be mentioned as well as upcoming events)
  • Promotion of member artwork and other projects (with permission and full attribution)
  • FFXIV FFF Free Company updates and screenshots
  • Game reviews
  • FFF memories (funny forum stories, member quotes, etc)
  • Affiliate updates (such as upcoming KupoCon events and write-ups)
  • Final Fantasy articles:
    • Mythology Manual articles (adapted and updated from Dionysos' forum series)
    • Archaeology / culture articles written from the point of view of Elenaboko
    • Empires and Final Fantasy - An examination of what life could be like under FF's most notorious empires...
    • Fashion critic pages (discussing Final Fantasy's most embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions...)
    • Other articles on any FF subject - will vary from issue to issue.
  • Recipe pages
  • Puzzle pages

The focus will, of course, be Final Fantasy topics as we want to draw other Final Fantasy fans in and contribute more to the wider FF community out there. It shall also be an excellent place to showcase FFF work and member contribution to the franchise, and what it is like to be a part of our community.

Incentives for forum activity:
Participate in our forum activities (such as Birthweek, Easter, Halloween, Christmas...) and the winners of some competitions might find their work featured or on the cover!

Got ideas? Want to write an article?
Please contact myself or Mitsuki if you would like to contribute anything towards this magazine. We are listening.

Ilyena shall be assembling the pdfs once we're set.


Let us know if you have any questions.
-Added a poll to the thread. Please help us decide on a final name-

I think the name should be fun and inviting. If you want to use the magazine to draw in new Final Fantasy Enthusiasts then you want the magazine name to represent Final Fantasy. I suggest Moogle News be the name of the magazine and the cover should always have a Moogle somewhere.
I’m not entirely sure about Timber Maniacs yet, but out of the names suggested in the poll, I do prefer that since it gives a nod to FFVIII’s publishing company called Timber Maniacs. It just seems more appropriate for what we’re doing here and the background information regarding Timber Maniacs sounds really interesting.

Of course we could also play around with words. Turtle Maniacs, Danimaniacs (since this was his idea), etc. :P
If it goes Danimaniacs we need an entire theme song to go with it.
I think we should call it the Kupo News Wark (or something to do with many FF games not just one or two like these current names)
If it goes Danimaniacs we need an entire theme song to go with it.

Something like...

It's time for Danimaniacs!
And we're crazy to the max!
So just sit and grab that mag
Drink your tea or grab your frappe
It's Danimaniacs!

Come join Final Fantasy Forums
And the Editorial Staff
Just for fun we write
About ourselves until we laugh
Wait who's doing all the writing?
Not Mits, for she is nuts
But Dan and Linnaete
What's up their sleeves?
And now they have a plot.

It's Danimaniacs!
Timmy's cute and Adri's whack
Tyler cops all the flak
While Fil laughs like a maniac
We're Danimaniacs!
Something like...

It's time for Danimaniacs!
And we're crazy to the max!
So just sit and grab that mag
Drink your tea or grab your frappe
It's Danimaniacs!

Come join Final Fantasy Forums
And the Editorial Staff
Just for fun we write
About ourselves until we laugh
Wait who's doing all the writing?
Not Mits, for she is nuts
But Dan and Linnaete
What's up their sleeves?
And now they have a plot.

It's Danimaniacs!
Timmy's cute and Adri's whack
Tyler cops all the flak
While Fil laughs like a maniac
We're Danimaniacs!

xD that could actually work, I like it.
Hello :)

This magazine is a very good idea, for the name mmmh there are things with Timber Owls so maybe something like Owls of the Lifestream with a subtitle 'Follow the owls or get lost', things like that :)
Looks good Danimal! Keep up the good work as usual! Hopefully we will get some more content from members here at the forums!
I think we should have a separate section called “Danimaniacs” in the magazine though. What they would entail...well, I’ll leave that to your imagination.

On a serious note, we are pleased to see members submitting some of their content to be included in the magazine. I can’t wait to see how this will turn out in the end. I hope this really takes off, not just here on FFF but outside the site platform and through our social media promotion (it will be promoted heavily).

As for the name, we’re still not set on anything. Hopefully we’ll be able to provide some info on this soon.
Public Update:

Just to let you know... We're not dead, but Mitsuki and I have almost sacrificed our souls to this project! :O

This has been a LOT of work!

We are still working on this magazine. We are still trying to meet a Spring deadline, but we had to postpone the release date beyond our initial plans (which were not really stated publicly to avoid disappointment). Myself and Mitsuki have worked very hard on editing / writing content and Mitsuki has done a fantastic job on the design side of things, and we've had a great response from people who have provided content for us to use (including feedback, images, other articles, or information for us to adapt into articles).

We have a great variety of articles of differing tones and subject matter. Some really fun pieces, some more serious and 'semi-academic'. Some interviews. Some reviews. Some general promotion of the projects of FFF members.

We're quite happy with what we have and we are making great progress. We just need to finish things up.

So... Please be excited!
Nice! The design from that screenshot is looking on point. Will be sure to give this a look when it's done.
Nice! The design from that screenshot is looking on point. Will be sure to give this a look when it's done.

Thank you for expressing your interest. =] The design from that screenshot is actually just a mock-up draft and testing the waters.

I'm very pleased with the outcome so far. But with time constraints and trying to meet our new deadline, it has been very stressful trying to translate the content on design aspect of things. The program I'm using for this is Adobe InDesign and I've ran into so many issues since I first started using the program early last month. The amount of research work plus the actual design work... I think I've gone bananas, guys.

A very fun project, that's for sure, but realistically I don't think we can do a Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter issue. Instead, this will be a Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter Issue, so two Issues per year. We're still aiming for a Spring release (closer to summer now) since we are nearly done. It's just finalizing/reviewing/additional changes and few last minute work that still needs to be completed.

Some of our initial plans had to be set aside until Fall/Winter release. The workload is unreal, lol.

I can't wait until this is all published. Very soon now. Thanks to everyone who has helped / contributed to this! You know who you are.
A month later...

Looking back at my last post, we were nowhere done! So many things happened in the process, so many unforseen circumstances.

Today the magazine is officially completed. @Ilyena finally assembled the PDFs (both Dan and I accidentally made things a little too complicated for her than necessary). We’re finally done...

Tomorrow on May 21st, the magazine will launch, along with a surprise announcement. We’ll keep you guys posted.