Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion releases 13 December 2022

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The shiny remaster of a PSP classic, Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion launches 13 December 2022 for all major platforms (PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam). Please form an orderly queue if you too are pursuing the fabled Gift of the Goddess.

As a remaster, Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion will fundamentally retain the content and spirit of the original PSP game, but with a rearranged soundtrack, a reworked, more dynamic, combo-driven and fluid battle system, and stellar new visuals befitting modern hardware.


Everything LOOKS great! I wil lsay the trailer is spoilerific! But sadly the voice acting still hasn't won me over and I think it really could be a hinderance to the experience. Will I still play it, of course but I just hope that doesn't nag at me the whole time...
This new launch trailer was posted in the Discord the other day so I figured I'd post it here:

It is a good job I already know the story because, well, consider newbies will be spoiled by that. That's essentially the entire game in a nutshell.