Anime Union

Name: Inuyasha
Age: Appears 18 though is roughly 70 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Half demon dog-half human
Half-Demon form
Human form
Full-Demon form
Tetsusaiga true form
Kimono made from the fur of the fire rat: A special kimono that Inuyasha wears, it is 100% fireproof and highly resistant to human weapons.
Personality: On the surface he will appear to be uncaring about others, however if he can sense something that could lead to what he wants he would go to help whomever he needs to. He can appear cold at times and caring at other times but can always be counted on when the time is right. However in human form he tends to be more emotional (though not soppy or anything, just less closed in) and due to this h can be even more aggressive and defensive in this form. When in a full demon state he is completely berserked and cannot discern friend from foe, his mind becomes consumed by a pure killer instinct and nothing more or less.
First impression: Upon first encountering Inuyasha you would probably think of him as heartless, selfish and a very aggressive demon. However it would depend upon which form you see him in, while in human form you would probably be more understanding of him, unless you start to annoy him, conciously or not. If you encounter him in full demon form, unless you defend yourself thoroughly there would be no reasoning and unless you were fast enough he would probably kill you without hesitation and fairly swiftly at that.
Bio: During the early years of his adulthood he fell in love with the priestess Kikyo, they planned to use the shikon jewel to turn him into a full human, however when they were to use the jewel to turn him human and purify the jewel she turned her bow on him and struck him with a sacred arrow, pinning him to a tree, sealing him there for 50 years. After being sealed, shortly after Kikyo died of injuries, After being released he had a new goal... Using the jewel to become a full fledged demon, abandoning his human 'weakness'
Powers:Enhanced strength, speed, defense, endurance, sense of smell and sight.
With claws: Iron reaver soul stealer: Inuyasha's primary attack with claws, this can rip apart most forms of demon and hack up almost any natural material.
Blades of blood: If Inuyasha is wounded he can place his claws into the wound and unleash numerous blood red blade projectiles from the wound
With Tetsusaiga: Wind Scar: When the tetsusaiga is surrounded by the wind scar Inuyasha can unleash its power at any target in range, it can be used multiple times and is rather destructive. It appears when unleashed as 5 streaks of flame that can destroy most lower class demons and severely injure most higher class demons (the strongest of demons can completely withstand it unharmed)
Backlash Wave: An advanced version of the wind scar, this involves using the wind scar against a stronger enemies' demonic aura, sending its attack as well as the wind scar right back at it, an added effect is numerous tornados cutting the enmy to bits while the wind scar goes through.
Red Tetsusaiga: By turning the tetsusaiga red it can smash through almost any barrier (apart from sacred/holy barriers that are designed to repel demonic energy)
Dragon Scaled Tetsusaiga: The dragon scaled tetsusaiga is able to absorb the energy of demons
Air Wave: When slashing at a foe from a distance he ca unleash a weakened form of the wind scar, launching a single wave at an enemy/group of enemies.
Tetsusaiga: A single edged greatsword forged from his own fang, despite its size Inuyasha can weild it with ease and high speed. It usually looks like a battered, rusty katana but when Inuyasha weilds it it shows its true form. If a demon tried to weild it it will reject and harm them.
Claws: Inuyasha's claws, they are fairly sharp and deadly and are able to perform two different attacks depending on situation.
May I join? Here's a twisted character (helps both good and evil)

Name: Akabane Kuroudo
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Birth date: November 23rd
Blood type: AB
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 86 kg
Alias: Dr. Jackal
Job: Transporter
Personality: polite and always smiling
Weapons: 108 surgical scalpels and Bloody Sword(all are made from his own blood)
Abilities: Vast intelligence and superhuman speed
Biography: He was once a real surgeon and served as a doctor on a war. He failed to save a young boy's life in the midst of all his efforts. After that incident he mysteriously ended his career of being a doctor.
  • Bloody Cross - releases a cross-like pattern that can cut an enemy in 4 quarters
  • Bloody Rain - launches all his scalpels to the air and lands them all to an opponent
  • Bloody Stream - throws all his scalpels directly to an opponent
  • Bloody Shield - Akabane creates a shield made out of his scalpels
  • Bloody Hurricane - hurls his scalpel in the air which then forms into a hurricane that can impale all his opponents
  • Bloody Sword - Akabane's strongest weapon, he only uses it when he encounter a worthy opponent
References: wikipedia and bloody rain:)

All thats left is Solidjuss character, Zitanier to get more description and Klonoa to
finish it up.

EDIT: Klonoa and Kafka. As you two may have seen, in the answers i stated that, in each character own realm they will be able to do their full potencial. Untill there you are stricted to use uberpowerfull moves.

Klonoa: The Tetsusaiga won't have any powers in others realms but, in your own you'll have it at full potencial (depending your level that is).

Kafka: In your Techniques section, you won't be able to do Bloody: Sword or Hurricane.

Seph: Vegeta won't be able to do the flying or sending ki-blasts. Only super strengh, speed and agility. Ok?

Crescent: You'll be able to chose one of these: a) Envy won't be able to do alchemy. b) ENvy won't be able to tranfrom herself into someone else. This is just the restriction. Tell me your answer...

Tipsy: Saber won't be able to wield the Caliburn and the Caladbolg. Normal Excalibur. EDIT: And no Avalon. Sorry. Gotta take one power to...

Zitanier: After you give more info bout your char, i'll be able to put restriction to him.

Rage: My own char won't be able to do the Clown Clown appearance. Only the claw and the eye.
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Aw man! My Calibrun and Caladbolg T.T ! Ill put up her skills up now.

Done, go check out my profile again Rage.
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Alright, but can I make the Tetsusaiga transform? In basic form it's a rusty, battered katana
Hey guys, get posting, this RP has loads of potential and i wish to get into the form of Vegeta and unleash havoc upon the badguys of the world
Well I just need to think of what to put in the bio to avoid spoilers and add in another of inuyasha's attacks
You can transform it, yes. But no techinic of it. Like i said, no uberpowerfull technic in the outer-realm.
Ya, I just needed to know how far I could go with it. Also for bio, like I mentioned in an earlier post I don't want to spoil so what would be sufficient, considering this?
I hope i wasn't too late in this

Name: Itachi Uchiha

Age: 21

Weight: 63.9 kg

Height: 183 cm

Gender: Male

Appearence: Long black hair in a lighter shade and similar style, but without the spiky style in the back. He also has a long ponytail in the back of his hair that is covered by his Akatsuki cloak that he wears.

^Just for further details. I'm no good at describing faces...
He also wears a vermilion ring on his right ring finger

Personality: Mysterious, and with his strong control over personal emotions, he appears to be emotionless, but is actually compassionate deep within.

First impression: Cool, and handsome.

Jutsus: (Referrence from Naruto Wiki)
Clone Great Explosion
Crow Clone Technique
Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes
Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique
Mangekyo Sharingan
Scattering One Thousand Crows Technique
Shadow Clone Technique
Transcription Seal: Amaterasu
Water Clone Technique
Water Release: Water Fang Bullet

Powers: Mangekyo Sharingan (Which leads to some of the jutsus above.)

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What do you mean?? Homunculi don't use alchemy! I said never mind alchemy, and I used Envy as a homunculus.
Klonoa: You can't put your bio as you want. Just put the basic of him. He is a half-demon, wanted the necklace, his disput for it with (her) and all that. Don't need to put the rest. The bio of the char is just to help others to see you in a way. Nothing more.

Tipsy: Your char's bio is okay, since it doesn't spoil anything of the Anime itself.

8th: You can't use this apart the Naruto Realm. If theres any you want to change, tell me. Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique, Mangekyo Sharingan, Scattering One Thousand Crows Technique, Shadow Clone, Technique, Susanoo Transcription Seal: Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Water Release: Water Fang Bullet.

Crescent: I mistake Envy for using alchemy. She can only tranform herself 3 times a day, outside the FMA realm. Is that okay?
Alright, I added in the bio and under appeaance I added a small description for Inuyasha's kimono.
I simply decided I HAD to join. ^^;
Name: Saya Otonashi
Age: 175, but she remains young looking
Gender: Female

Personality: Saya is a very shy young girl, distancing herself from contact more and more as she recalls who she is, but now knows that strength comes from friends, and fights to protect them fiercely.
First impression: Shy and distant, but strong.
Bio: Saya Otonashi, is a seemingly ordinary teenage girl adopted and living with amnesia. As her memories return, her life is turned upside down. She was born in 1833, survives on the blood of others, and is destined to destroy chiropterans and her twin sister Diva. Aiding her in her quest are her adopted brothers Kai and Riku and her ever-faithful chevalier Hagi. She also is aided by David, her protector from the powerful organization Red Shield.Diva also has her own helpers, starting with her five powerful chevaliers: Amshel, Solomon, Karl, James and Nathan. They also have their own human allies as part of the Cinq Flèches Group that they operate, including Van Argiano who helps them develop the Delta 67 substance that Cinq Flèches uses to create chiropteran.
Working against both sides are the Schiff, a group of escaped artificial chiropteran created by Diva's group. The Schiff attack both groups, believing that the blood of Saya, Diva, or one of their chevaliers will save them from a fatal and painful disease they call the Thorn.
Powers: Chiropteran Queen who gains power by drinking blood. Likewise, if she does not have blood, she will grow weak.
Weapon: A sword that, when infused with her blood, can kill any chiropteran.