Air ships


(C)loud (S)trife
May 30, 2008
the air ships are named after the aeons in ffx, what they had difficulty making different names up lol
No problem with it.

Except they should of had a huge Airship in the form of a giant whale and called it Bismark. If FFIV could have a giant whale then why the hell not XII! :wacky:
It didn't bother me, and it's not just FFX either, Leviathan wasn't in X .....they always recycle things, I guess you could say it's either for familiarity(ugh sp) or lack of originality. I think it's a nice touch keeping things from previoss FF's in newer ones, wether its a Summon or just a name, it makes it all tie in together :monster:
I agree with Bam, i like the fact that they kept some of the name's from other FF games, after all from all of the games i own Bahamut has been in them all, and it would have been Weird if the name wasn't in 12. I preferred that they had many of the same names because it kept things familiar instead of having different names throughout the entire series
Because they're so freaking awesome and it would have been impossible to not have been mentioned in another game.
Eh, it's not that they had any difficulty making names up. The names have been in most of the series for such a long time now that it's become more of a traditional value to reuse the epic names throughout the series, whether it be for aeons, GF, summons, or airships. So I really have no problem with it either.
I have no problems with that either. Thought it sounded kinda interesting, in fact.
I thought I already posted something similar?

My previous post mentioned that Adrammalech, Famfrit and Mateus where from FFTA, and that Cuchulainn was from another game.
the air ships are named after the aeons in ffx, what they had difficulty making different names up lol

You've obviously never heard of tributes, or haven't been a fan of Squeenix very long. They always do this in their games and toss little references in to previous games. It isn't a "difficulty" in coming up with new names.

Also, I like how you described them as "aeons in ffx." That makes it apparent to me that you've never played anything prior to X, because Bahamut and Ifrit and Shiva are much older than that game and typically aren't referred to as "aeons from X."

My previous post mentioned that Adrammalech, Famfrit and Mateus where from FFTA, and that Cuchulainn was from another game.

Ultima is also from TA, as well as Tactics. Adrammelech is also from Tactics. Cuchulainn was called Queklain in Tactics; Zalera, Belias and Hashmal are also from Tactics. Chaos is a throwback to Chaos from FF1 and Exodus is from Tactics Advance (although he's also made similar in design to ExDeath). Zeromus is pretty much a throwback to the old Zeromus, and has one of his attacks (Big Bang, I think).

Still, it makes me wonder why they couldn't throw in some of the more traditional summons (since the espers were all completely useless). After all, Bahamut, Shiva, Leviathan and Ifrit were all in Tactics, along with several others. So it's obvious they exist in the world Ivalice. But then again, Tactics is a few hundred years in the future, so maybe they just don't exist in Ivalice yet.
Not many people had problems with it and I'm included in this.

I think they might have been short on names or just named the airships simular names to there power and appearance to there summoning name. Eg. Bahamut=powerful summoning. Bahamut airship=powerful airship.
i don't really care about the name of airships, i just fly them. using espers of old names just signifies that it is FF
I rather liked all the air ships named as aeons. Because i finally learnt the right prenoucuation of all the aeons names. Any way FF recycle stuff all the time don't sweat it :gasp:.
Meh, I was annoyed when I saw that the ship carried the Aeons, GFs, Summons names, but I forgot that after I progressed in the game and I don't think they had a difficulty it's just those names were in FF since the beginning so why would they dump them now.
Well, Shiva, Leviathan, Bahamut, and Ifrit are all FFIII summons. They did not have any trouble making up names. It's called a tribute!
All FF games have references to other games, in form of summons/aeons etc.

Do you think he noticed that a guy named "Cid" keeps turning up in FF games yet?

It didn't bother me, and it's not just FFX either, Leviathan wasn't in X .....they always recycle things, I guess you could say it's either for familiarity(ugh sp) or lack of originality. I think it's a nice touch keeping things from previoss FF's in newer ones, wether its a Summon or just a name, it makes it all tie in together :monster:

Leviathan was in X wasn't he? Not as an aeon though, but a boss, could've sworn you had to fight him on the airship.....or am I just remembering it wrong?
Leviathan was in X wasn't he? Not as an aeon though, but a boss, could've sworn you had to fight him on the airship.....or am I just remembering it wrong?

Nah, that was Evrae. Leviathan wasn't in X to my current knowledge. =/.

But, to the subject of the airships...I think that it's cool they left something original from the previous FF games. I mean, we all missed the summons and having in there in some way was nice.

Plus, it was cool how the airships actually represented the names well. Bahamut being the strongest and biggest...and so forth.
I think it was a good idea to name the ships after the summons, usually in life you dedicate something to someone important so you name it after them. They named the ships after legends, which they are. What a way for Shiva to go though :sad:
Naming the ships after the summons didn't really bother me. FF games always have the aeons in them in some form or fashion anyway.

I rather liked all the air ships named as aeons. Because i finally learnt the right prenoucuation of all the aeons names.
Haha me too. I realized that I had been pronouncing Ifrit If-rit instead of If-reet =P