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  • oh man i wish it was cheap D= Berlin is one helluva expensive city. Almost 10 euros for a rum and coke wtf :rage:

    The massive beer jugs were awesome though :ryan: I also got myself one of those boot glasses :wacky:
    Its an adidas one. Im pretty attached to it now :wacky: Its so much handier than taking my phone out my pocket to check the time. Il try and find a pic. Its black with the old school adidas logo in the centre.

    ps i just got back from Germany. It was awesome.
    I know I remember when I used to play that game too much loool terrible. Ill probably be on later tonight look out for me bro :D
    50k kills! damnnn i gotta get back on it and claim top spot again :P miss the HoHo days i played like a few days ago and i couldnt believe how shit ive become :( need to catch up on practice
    no no just 1 headshot :lew: ive got loads of multikills hehe. I need the osprey gunner expert title but its takin forever :sad3: when you get 1000 multikills with the javelin i think you get the gold title which would be sweeeet
    No worries. Your a decent bloke. Some folk on here are just straight up bams. Simple as.

    RIP ryan i suppose. Not much worth coming around for these days anyway. He wont even give it a second thought.
    dem throwin knife kills :giggle: you should try c4 bro its harrrd as fuck throwin then detonating but you get some funny double kills :lew: congrats on the prestige btw
    I am slowly improving on MW3. I'm just so used to blops I guess. It's still fun playing with you guys though :lew:

    Hopefully I'll pick it up soon :sad3:
    I showed her that article. :wacky:

    What the fuck kind of photos are you and Ryan looking at!?
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