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  • I know. I just think it's sad that out of all the people that I know, I'm gonna spend my week talking to someone I met online and don't even know.

    Not that it's a bad thing, though.
    Ya, I tried earlier and got demolished, Taokaka was no match for Tager but I almost beat someone's Jin with Noel :hmmm:

    And yus, I love LBP2 <3 i'd play tonight but I need to be up early in the morning xD
    aw yes i love sarge ^__^ he and his hatred for the blues is pure win. i also love his voice XD
    Indeed :monocle: and imma try Blazblue again and see if I can get back into it before I consider getting CS :hmmm: save wasting my money if I can't get into it, shame the online is so empty but that's to be expected :sad3:
    oh yeah, i do like the earlier ones better. i only keep watching them for caboose XD
    Aw, sorry to hear that, hope he didn't get you too down. I'm starting a holiday job in a few weeks too, just have a few weeks to relax with friends and family for the moment. It's raining constantly though, so I'm stuck indoors without much to do. Also, I think that if someone had deleted my Spyro saves when I was a kid I would have almost killed them :dry: That game was too much fun.
    good idea. just hang and see where he's taking it.

    im excited cuz the next episode of red vs blue is coming out :awesome: have you seen the series?
    Not really, the AI only controls healing on Neptunia :lew: and you're probably the first person i've met who prefers WKC1's story to WKC2's xD
    You set up the attacks and watch them play out, you can actually set up what to use in combos etc so there's some control in the attacking.
    uh oh...that is a toughie. well, if its random, maybe he rethought it and maybe wants something more? that would be pretty sweet. ^__^ i would still go...maybe you can talk about how ya feel? lol yeah that would be a hard thing to do. im very bad at telling feelings myself :sad3:
    The characters are pretty much girl focused, but it's not fanservice in the usual sense. It's more a game which is best played when you've played a good variety of genres, least to understand a lot of the stuff in game. The gameplay is all turn based with your usual special attacks etc and the healing is a bit more left to the AI with some control from the player but overall it's pretty good. Still need to complete it though, stuck atm :sad2:
    Thanks, darlin. It's just a shame I don't have an easier way to get a hold of you. There's plenty of times where I could use a friend now, it seems.
    Hey Natalie :) I'm pretty good, I got away from uni for the summer holidays finally, and I'm enjoying the freedom (more time to play games!). One of the memory cards for my PSP randomly went blank though a few days ago, so I got frustrated by that, have to re play all the games now >_< Anyways, how are you?
    Most of my female friends actually have it over male ones :lew: (Black Ops) and i've also ordered Agarest Zero which i'll hopefully have tomorrow so that will probably be getting abused :wacky: though I should complete 1 first :sad3: I want Leonhardt in my party for Zero
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