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  • I know it's hard, but it's just difficult to hear when the coaching staff is already spread thin as it is. I've been trying to stay positive, but I've just been really stressed out lately. Now it just seems like everything is just stacking on top of everything else. :gasp:
    I need to get the hang of Blazblue first (when I decide to play it again :lew:) i'm effectively mashing all the buttons atm xD
    I've just been in kind of a downer mood the last few days is all. I just found out the other day that one of the guys I coach with is going to have heart surgery. :sad3: I've also just been thinking way too much about stuff that is beyond my control, and I've been feeling down about that, too.
    Haha, believe it or not, for my level i'm a tad behind too xD once I master the axe that should change hopefully, then I can shoot out 1000+ with a regular attack :lew: and armour is worse, I want the Ogre Armour but I need to be GR 18 for it :sad3:

    Am glad you had fun though, we'll have to try and play again sometime. Do you have a mic btw? Could make it easier to talk that way xD
    Alright, i'll just get online now then, just look out for a guy named Damon in black armour with a single edged greatsword, most likely me :wacky:
    Some action eh? Your place or mine? :kinky:

    Well I can free up my time completely tomorrow, perhaps aim for sometime after... 8 or 9pm? :hmmm: Or should we go for 10 again?
    I've got a slight headache right now, but apart from that, I'm not doing too bad. I'm replaying FFVIII right now, and trying not to worry about my own stuff too much.
    Try not to worry about it too much, sweetheart. If you keep getting mad about it, it will be harder for you to move on from it. Trust me, I've been down that road, and it's not fun dwelling on what you can't change.
    Well, some friends are like that with people. My ex girlfriend was like that with everyone, so I know what you are going through.

    Though, if you were to do that to me, there wouldn't be a chance in hell where I wouldn't see it.
    Well, that is nice of you to say. I've been in too many situations where someone thought the wrong thing based on what I say or how I act, so I just don't want to have to deal with it if I can.
    tell me about it :mokken: my grandpa quizzed me on all this different stuff about it, and i had no idea. he got pretty annoyed and angry with me. yeah, because lead mining is SO IMPORTANT. :mad:
    No I mean to add people on Geonet outside of the hometowns you need their PSN, least that's how i've always seen it xD
    I'm Back:yay: lolz, the only good part was I got to go swimming. Ya know what I did? I learned about steam boats...and lead mining...Well I guess it was decent. :mokken:
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