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  • Haha, drunk Nbot is drunk? xD maybe I should head on over while I have the chance :ohoho:

    And of course i'm awesome, it's common knowledge :britt:
    lmfao ive had shop clerks and assistants do that. "so is it fitting right?" "yes..." "do you like it" "sure" "can i see it on you" "NO!" :britt:
    Ah, i'm at the end of there, I just need to convince myself to plough back through and finish it :gonk:

    Also awesome cutscene was awesome amirite? :ohoho:
    True, true. Yeah FF8 is a classic. And agree that today's RPG's just don't have that .. spark. Some of them are really good, but like FF13 they have alot of disappointments.
    You should :sad3:

    And it's the game between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, only America and Japan got the decent 3D version -__- we got stuck with the crappy GBA version
    yup...it was pretty terrifying. i quickly changed back and went into another room lolz :P
    Haha, I loved the Daxter rocket xD epic minigame was epic

    On a side note, preordered the US version of Chain of Memories for PS2, i'm SO looking forward to that, even if the card combat will take getting used to
    I've never played Jak X or The Lost Frontier, but I have to agree that 3 is the best :ryan: Light Jak is very ftw, as is all the gun upgrades, and Daxter as Pac Man was epic
    aw yeah, i hate curtains XP except most places i go just have doors. but was really creepy is one time in the dressing room there was a security camera right inbetween my dressing room and the one next to me...
    Oh yus, if Daxter wasn't in it I doubt i'd enjoy it half as much, he's so witty xD

    Don't make me come down from my perch!

    You want a perch? Here! Twirl on it!:rofl:
    Yay you rock ! I'm so happy that you love FF8 ! There's so many FF8 haters out there lately. T-T Yeah, FF8 is awesome !!
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