Belazor et Britannia

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  • It's the Edinburgh Festival!!! There are thousands! So far, we have booked Neil Gaimain (book festival) and Stuart Lee! We're also planning to watch Chris' friend in a play and may book a couple of others; sometimes, it's fun to just wait 'til you arrive there and to book things based on positive reviews. It's how we discovered Spy Monkey Cooped (a fantastic comedy), Jump (live martial arts!), Shlomo (a beat boxer who layers his voice, imitating instruments and other sounds, to create music).
    Seen that film; love it! It's my reason for going to Bruges, actually. ;)

    I know, right! :yay: I'd pop down to Glasgow if I could but I'm with Chris and he'll no doubt want to see a show each day. :hmmm: We're only there for 4 or 5 nights. :sad3:
    I'm pretty good, thanks! :) I finish work on Friday! :yay: Then I have the summer before I start training as a teacher - I'll be working towards my career! ^_^ This summer is going to be quite awesome too. :) I'm going to Brussels for 4 days, then the Lake District and then Edinburgh during the festival!!! :cheer: I love the Lakes and Edinburgh; Brussels will be new to me, but I am looking forward to exploring and the food (FISH!) sounds awesome. I will also be visiting Bruges for a day to buy some of their delightful pralines! :wacky:

    Do you have anything good planned? :)
    Hmm, I checked vB Options but I'm not seeing anything for the auto-resize of images. :hmmm:
    Sorry about the very long gap here. I was at cadets :wacky:

    Be convinced :rage: I am always a lady and always on my best behaviour :monocle: mhm.
    Meh, drinking numbs the pain, clearly I didn't feel the pain 'till the morning :wacky:

    Mhmmmmmmm :ahmed: of course :monocle:
    Sorry... I was tired, my friend I was talking to bailed on me, so I just went to sleep :sad3:

    I've never forgotten everything actually. I remember everything about that night APART from breaking my toe... I must have tripped and not noticed the pain at the time :wacky:

    Don't get any ideas :ahmed:
    It's because I went out with 4 lads. They kept buying me drinks :gonk: I only spent £10 that night. It was a good night :wacky:

    Also I went to bed at 1 last night, sorry :mokken:
    Well, I don't know... I just woke up the following morning with a broken toe and figured I must have tripped and caught my toe funny :wacky:
    It hurt :sad3:
    Well on my most recent night out... I broke my toe tripping up some stairs in a nightclub in Exeter :wacky:
    Which is pretty good for me :mokken:
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