What do you do?

Most players, if bored enough would either do -

- Sidequest
- There's always at least one monster arena in an FF, so they hone their skills in that so called arena
- or yeah, 100% completion.
first playthrough il just move on for the story, 2nd playthrough il go for a 100% or as best as i can get run

I cant help myelf, even when i try just to have a quick run of a game, i find myself veering off and sidequesting, and before i know it im trying to 100% the stupid game

but then i get bored and stop playing altogether, which is why i wanted to just do a 'story run' in the first place

I can never be stuffed completing any game 100% let alone an FF game.

The closest I came was X-2 where I got 96% trying to get the good ending.. turns out the one I got was better anyway.

I generally find it more enjoyable to just play through the game without doing any of the ridiculous side quests which are designed for people with OCD. I do try to complete a few easy side quests here and there though.

But yeah, to answer your question I prefer to just find stuff as I go along.
I'm one of these lazy individuals who can't be bothered with achievements.

Once I finish the main story in a FF game (and that is always the thing that drives me to play through a FF game), I just leave it for a while. I prefer to find stuff as I go along.

Then I may pick it up again and do a few sidequests just to get some post-ending enjoyment out of it. But I honestly can never be bothered to do everything. The only time I did that was in FFIV.

FFXIII for example - I've finished the main story and I'm leaving the missions mostly untouched. I've played enough of the game anyway and I probably wouldn't be touching it for a long time. :dave:
First playthrough story mode.
Then If I got hooked on it I'll complete all the side quests and kill all the extra bosses and stuff =3
I mainly just find stuff as I go along. Some of these Side-quest and extra bosses are ridiculous. Like right now I'm playing through FFX for my second time and I was going to get everyone's ultimate weapons and the Sigils and crest for each weapon. But some of them require you to do some really long and annoying things. So I've decided to just get about 4.

So yeah, finding them as I go along. Makes playing the games shorter and more fun without wanting to pull my hair out.
I try to get as much as I can during my first play through. I love to explore and inspect places and things. I'm also diligent with side quests regardless of their necessity.

Unfortunately, I also have this bad habit of looking into guides if I feel like there's something I know shouldn't miss but couldn't find on my own.
(Ex: miss-able missions in Crisis Core),
I'll do sidequests if they're fun, and if its my first playthrough. I'm one of those odd people who likes to do everything the first time, then only do the story each time following that, unless I'm particularly bored.

A game like FFXII or FFVIII I'll do the sidequests every time, because they're just so much fun.

A game like FFXIII I won't even bother doing the sidequests and getting the achievements the first time, because grinding is dull and unrewarding and its just boring in general.

Any other and...meh, it depends on my mood.
Ive just started VII again and ive only been playing 4hrs and ive already got all limit breaks you can learn, no leavel 4 yet coz you cant learn them till disc 3, or if you spend gil at the gold saucer you then can get 1 level 4. Clouds one
On my first playthrough I never attempt to complete the game 100% (if it's even possible to complete any FF game 100%?), I just sit back and enjoy the story, chortle at the melodrama, and get to grips with the new system. Then, on my second playthough I'll try to complete the game without leaving any stone unturned. Of course, a guide is always prerequisite for that.
Well, I'll try to aim for the 100%, but usually I'll need a guide of some sort to do that. Then... it takes one hell of a long time to finish... and usually I'll find myself forgetting about the game, then taking it up again eons later. By that time, I'll forget the whole point of the 'journey.' Haha.. like my FF12 right now. Turned it on a week or so ago, and I don't even remember what I'm supposed to be doing.

I find it funny how I manage to finish some of the games I did, haha! Well.. then again, I did have a lot more time back then than I do now. (・ε・)
I go for 100% completion if I actually want to do it. For example FF XIII. Im almost at 100% I just need to do a fem more little things. FF XIII actually gives you acheivements/trophies cause its on 360/ps3. If its Something like ffx where you get all the celestial weapons. sure I would do it but I would be bored cause it acheives nothing after you beat all the side bosses. Like in the pal version Penance is lmost impossible. FF X-2 i would try for but if I get 99% at the end then youtube the ending it is :gasp: FF VII I got 100 percent and VIII also. Oh and IV. I only 100 percent if I feel like it. XIII actually is rewarding you with something.
Can't do 100% on a first playthrough for the more recent installmets - just too disruptive to the story and feel/flow of the game. The SNES games are probably an exception since FF IV is very linear and limited in the number of hidden/rare items that you can get, and the whole 2nd half of FF VI is about roaming free and finding your companions.

Usually the 2nd playthrough I'll try to do 100% as well as fill in the blanks with the story.
I swear I answered a question like this befor.....

Im anal retentive I try and get 100% the first playthrew...Getting everything is part of the fun for me~without anyform of guide I might add...
Normaly I do well on my own the first time threw so ive yet to have to get any "secrets" beforhand to play....Its just the way I like to play...The little bits are all a part of enjoying the game so I prefer to do them
I rarely have the urge to find EVERYTHING in video games (unless it's LEGO Batman). I actually tried to fight all the bosses in the caves in the Dawn of Souls remake of the first game and find all the treasure chests in the ninth game, but after a while I just gave up. I mean, it's a game. If I find everything...then what? Will I be given gold? Will Monica Belucci come to my house and demand I marry her? Highly doubt it. Then again, I just don't have the drive I used to when it comes to video games. :hmmm:
i missed hundreds of things in the eariler ff games...missed yuffie AND vincent in 7
missed all the top weapons in 8 as well as ulti weapon omega weapon tonberry king gigantuar heaven/hell etc etc.

i do generalyl tend to go the wrong way on-purpose tho, e.g To finish this chapter go to said town, well i'm gona go over here...oo a cave!

when it gets to the point wher you have a vehicle or something i explore the world map an find random towns like the shumi place but i always miss so much...

but ye, i never make it to %100...i generally half try to then say fck it..final boss!
I usually like to get 100% with my games, but when it comes to achievements on 360 its difficult. But yeah I like to try the sidequests and see how far I can get with the game without the sidequests.
First Playthrough
- Complete it for story reasons.

Second Playthrough
- 100% Complete it.

Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Playthrough (if I actually care for the game.)
- Challenges (FFX No Sphere Grid.)

That's how I usually go when I play any FF game really, but only if I actually like the game that much. I must say that I played FFX-2 almost religiously to complete it 100% with all dresspheres maxed out and all that shit so that's how I end up playing the games.

Well this kinda goes for any game that I really enjoy.
I'm the kinda guy that always has to take the wrong path first, there's always treasures that way! Lulz, so i pretty much explore as much as i can in the first play through, i hate missing even a single chest. This is what made me not enjoy 13, it's like "follow path, fight, turn, oh look! a floating orb, fight, return, follow path again." I know, that's what most are like, but 13 just put all the treasures right in plainsight and in such obvious locations, plus they all sucked. I HATE FF13!:tongue1: