
@ Pools I didn't think of that :wacky: I think I have one lying around somewhere aswel :monster:

Just been informed about a new album coming out at the start of 2009:

KERRANG! said:
Muse have begun demoing material for the follow-up to 2006's Black Holes & Revelations.

"We're working on new stuff and we're gonna have a couple of weeks off and then in about two weeks time we're back out to Italy to start writing again," said drummer Dom Howard in an interview with the BBC's 6 Music. "We've already done a few tracks and it sounds great, so we're just working towards the future."
The band's as yet untitled new album is expected to surface early.

Very happy bunny as hopefully I'll now be able to finally see them live. Need to get my tattoo soon aswell.
Yeah I got the feeling that sometime in 2009 was the most likely time for a new Muse album, it was three years between Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations after all. More stuff like the first half of the last album please!
Quoting Bellamy;
"What will come out of that is impossible to say. It may just be albums, but it may be a stream of singles, or it may just be one 50-minute symphony, do you know what I mean? Who knows?"
I read that in a magazine a while ago. They'd also hoped to have one or two new songs to play in their set at V Festival, so it seems that they may be a little behind.
Yeah I read that and almost wept as I thought it would result in no concert if it was going to just be a 50 minute symphony. I wouldnt enjoy that as much. But thankfully it may be an actual album.
I've also read that this is quite likely to be their last album they'll release. After that, they're (apparently) looking into digital releases, much like Radiohead have done in the past. No confirmation though.
I'm not exactly sure since I've only heard the term 'digital releases' a limited amount of times, but doesn't it mean online releases, much like iTunes? D:
Doing only "digital releases" would mean only releasing stuff via download online. But lots of bands say they'll do this and few have gone solely down this route so far (Ash are one of the few I can think of). I suspect though they may for instance release their next album online to start with (like Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Bloc Party did in the last year or so) before doing a physical release soon after.

Some brief talk about their next album - basically they'd idealy like to have it out in the latter half of 2009 but won't mind if it takes longer to make and it's not released until 2010. So got to wait a little while longer yet.
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That website is BEAUTIFUL.

So we have a new album to look forward to and a SYMPHONY included in it? Matt Bellamy has to be some form of musical Deity. It's been amazing to see how Muse collaborate classical music with rock, already, so this should be something spectacular.

Looking forward to this. <3
I was actually wondering before about this...
Slightly disappointed at having to wait another year, but ah well. You can't rush things like that, I suppose. That little dig about Black Holes at the end made me chuckle. xD
So I recently just got into Muse. (Yeah I know, late much?) I rock out to Knights of Cydonia on Guitar Hero and so my love for Muse was born. I listened to a few other songs and they're pretty nifty. I heard they released their new album recently and I was hoping to get that and one other old album for my husband's birthday. Any recommendations? I don't really know the band all that well but I do know Matt Bellamy's a very talented vocalist.

And how is the new album anyway? Anyone listened to the new songs yet?
Oh aye :grin:

I think it's brilliant, get it, infact just get them all you should be able to pick them all up fairly cheap now anyway, I got a couple of mine on offer at HMV. Dunno which album I'd recommend, despite the dig at Black Holes and Revelations on that article above, I really like that album. That ones got Knights of Cydonia too.

Also, roll on Nevemberrrrrrrr
I'd probaby recommned Origins of Symmetry over Black Holes and Revelations, I think OoS is the better album. But I think BH&R is probably a more 'accessible' album, songs like Starlight, Map of the Problematique and Invincible are more radio friendly. Then there's Absolution which has butterflies and hurricanes which is really good too.
tl;dr, BH&R is an easier listen, but you'll probably find other albums are better.
And how is the new album anyway? Anyone listened to the new songs yet?

Completely different feel from all the other albums... This one seems to focus on bellamy using the Piano and pretty much solely playing guitar effects and short riffs.

It feels kind of sluggish to me so far...

But really, I can't give a fair judgement on whether I like it or not yet, I've still only listened to about half the albums and break on it with eminem (i seriously forgot how funny his shit is) and old muse stuff

But depending on what kind of taste you dig...

I'd probably suggest BH&R (Black Holes and Revelations).... You just can't go wrong with Supermassive Black Hole and Invincible :monster:

Absolution was pretty good too, it's a pretty down to earth-paced album, barring Stockholm Syndrome. It's a pretty unique track compared to the rest of the album. The Small Print [TSP] is also pretty fast paced, might not be something that you'd ideally sit down and listen to for some R&R.

Origin of Symmetry is complete rocking the fuck out, for srs.

But showbiz... really nice album to kick back to for the most part. Especially Sunburn, first track on the album... Love it.

But really, the H.A.A.R.P album wouldn't be a bad choice... It's a compilation of some of the live recordings from Muse's gig in Wembley (2007, I think?), it also features some of the more popular variances in some of their music that most people like to use in their covers of Muse songs on sites like youtube.


Supermassive Black Hole BH&R Version

Supermassive Black Hole H.A.A.R.P Version
Ok so I took Kelly's advice and got all the albums except for Origins of Symmetry - that's next on my list. I can't believe I've been missing out all this time...Muse really is a freakin' cool band. I'm normally not into rock bands (except for AFI, Blaqk Audio, and Linkin Park mainly) but Muse is definitely up there. And I really like their new album, especially Resistance and Undisclosed Desires. But then again I like anything with piano added into the mix.

Time is Running Out and Hysteria are also my fave - I know I've heard those before awhile back...just didn't know they were from Muse.
I approve :awesome:

Undisclosed desires is already right up near the top on my most played list, Im a sad individual. The symphonies has grown on me aswel, especially part 3. Guiding light is awesome as well. It's not often I can say I love a whole album, Im normally a bit meh over one or 2 tracks, but I love it

Up there with James latest new album IMVHO
Kelly's got me recently hooked on this band as well. She sent me their entire newest album yesterday and I can't stop listening to Uprising, Undisclosed Desires, Guiding Light and the Symphonies as well. Some really good stuff here! They have such a unique sound. It's awesome.