Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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thank you I will know not to do that...

I wish my birthday was the same day as an final fantasy character
Paine yours is on aeriths that's cool

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I refuse to ask this again.

Cloti-forever; please stop double/triple posting. This may not be a post count area but it gets quite irritating when everything you wanted to say could just be put in to one post. If you have something to add to a post, and no-one else has posted yet, simply hit the edit button..

guys have you read Tifa's profile from Dengeki magazine?

some extracts of it:

A member of the anti-Shirna organization AVALANCHE, and Cloud’s childhood friend. She is the only person who knows his past, and the one person who understands him. In the previous battle, she supported Cloud not only in battle but also mentally, and at the final stages of their fight was a great help to him. When that long battle drew to a close, she reopened the bar she formally worked in, Seventh Heaven. She now runs the bar on her own, while taking care of the two children Marlene and Denzel. Unlike Cloud, who is dragging on the past and unable to move forward, Tifa has the strength to accept reality and try to move forward. Perhaps acting as the mother for the two children has giving her further strength.
With the sudden appearance of Kadaj’s gang, she too is once again dragged into battle. She gives encouragement to Cloud, who is unable to shake off his doubts, and creates the catalyst for him to regain the will to fight. Hopefully this also leads to her own salvation as well"

The catalyst of Cloud's strenght! that says a lot.
I must admit that I squealed reading Tifa's profile. For some reason, I am most satisfied with the "She must have been concerned for a very long time" line. Just because there's that idea out there that Tifa only likes Cloud because he's in Soldier, and that she never really cared, and blah blah blah. This line made me happy... they're making it really clear that Tifa is important, and genuinely cares for the real Cloud, not some fantasy.
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