
I Believe in ghosts. I have a creepy experience with one too.

When I was pregnant I was living together with my boyfriend at the time in an old house, at night I sometimes could hear footsteps, near our bedroom. One time at night I had to go to the bathroom (when your pregnant you get problems with your bladder sadly :confused:), I saw a vision of a girl all in white. She was all wet and she was crying and looking at me as if she was asking me for help. I was so scared, that I didn't went to the toilet and stayed up all night. Everytime I had to go up that staircase I was afraid. The lightbulb on that staircase was broken a lot too. Every week we had to replace it. And it was only on that place that we had that problem. Now the eary thing is, that my ex still lives there. And one day my son was visiting his father for the weekends, and when he came back he said to me: ' the wet lady in white is asking how you are doing'. Ok that totally freaked me out. Since then I tend to believe in ghosts. I have seen other abnormalities in houses, and it seems that I'm very sensitive about it.
Sorry, but I'm affraid I don't believe in ghosts or spirits. Well...... I suppose I am a skeptic but a very doubtful one. The one thing I definately believe in though, is Aliens. not the "flying saucer" type but It's pretty obvious that there's gotta be some other planet with life and intelligence in the Universe.
I Believe in ghosts. I have a creepy experience with one too.

When I was pregnant I was living together with my boyfriend at the time in an old house, at night I sometimes could hear footsteps, near our bedroom. One time at night I had to go to the bathroom (when your pregnant you get problems with your bladder sadly :confused:), I saw a vision of a girl all in white. She was all wet and she was crying and looking at me as if she was asking me for help. I was so scared, that I didn't went to the toilet and stayed up all night. Everytime I had to go up that staircase I was afraid. The lightbulb on that staircase was broken a lot too. Every week we had to replace it. And it was only on that place that we had that problem. Now the eary thing is, that my ex still lives there. And one day my son was visiting his father for the weekends, and when he came back he said to me: ' the wet lady in white is asking how you are doing'. Ok that totally freaked me out. Since then I tend to believe in ghosts. I have seen other abnormalities in houses, and it seems that I'm very sensitive about it.

The ghost seems to indentify with you. I have had my experiences that keep me up late at night too. I can relate. :)
I have looked at this so many times and never heard that. THAT is brilliant . :P A robot . I was wrong your imagination OWNS....>_< I'll show you imagination....:mad:


She is going for an eye appointment anyways, she is blind. Dont take her word for it.

No pick on me..I just need glasses. :( lol

U can't see it? It's a blue and white thing! I SWEAR IT'S THERE!! lol
No pick on me..I just need glasses. :( lol

U can't see it? It's a blue and white thing! I SWEAR IT'S THERE!! lol

This is a fake reply because I have bombed you with replies.:) Yah, I see it...right....

*pssst* watch yourselves , we have a hot one here. Ya know...a looney bird. I dont mean tweedy either from the cartoons.
This is a fake reply because I have bombed you with replies.:) Yah, I see it...right....

*pssst* watch yourselves , we have a hot one here. Ya know...a looney bird. I dont mean tweedy either from the cartoons.

I know, thanks.

Oh, come've got to be joking. I'm not in the mood to be picked on right now. My life today has been :mad:. And my brother hasn't made it any better.

Anyways.........I don't believe in ghosts...but I swear there is a blue and white robot looking thing in that pic....and that is that.

*decides to retreat from topic*
I know, thanks.

Oh, come've got to be joking. I'm not in the mood to be picked on right now. My life today has been :mad:. And my brother hasn't made it any better.

Anyways.........I don't believe in ghosts...but I swear there is a blue and white robot looking thing in that pic....and that is that.

*decides to retreat from topic*
OH NOES ! Im not picking on you, if it stops being fun you can virtually beat me up. WAtch

*hit kory *

*kory hits the floor !*
....I don't get physical.

Could we maybe debate something about ghosts and get back on topic?
Yah ok , NP. You started it with your robots, was that on topic ?


Back to ghosts.
I was just stating something I see in that picture you posted, that's all.

I've never had something weird happen to me that should make me believe in I blame it on something else. I believe that when you die, you go to heaven, hell or purgatory, and therefore I don't think ghosts would be around here. ;) lol
I was just stating something I see in that picture you posted, that's all.

I've never had something weird happen to me that should make me believe in I blame it on something else. I believe that when you die, you go to heaven, hell or purgatory, and therefore I don't think ghosts would be around here. ;) lol


Right we are on topic now, thanks to me.
-Threads merged-

I believe I already posted my views about this issue. No, I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe in some other form. I won't explain why. It is a very controversial matter and a touchy subject for me.

And yes, please do get back on topic, guys. =)
Ghosts? No. Demons? Yes. If Good exists, an equal (or near equal) and opposite force exists as well, called "Evil" by our civilization. There are those called "Inner Demons", that take the form of our loved ones that passed away and most of the times are mistaken by ghosts.

Simple, a human dies, the human stays dead. Demons most likely take the form of the long dead because it is the best way to attack our most fragile vulnerability: fear.

PS: Yeah Mitsuki....I 100% agree with it.
I believe in ghosts and aliens, but none of the other stuff.

I believe in ghosts because I' crazy as this sounds, seen several before. If anyone's curious, I'll elaborate on it in full detail.

As for aliens, it's ridiculous for us to believe that we are the -only- intelligent life in this outrageously vast Universe. Sure, they may not be big green ugly things, but I'm sure they exist.
I believe in ghosts and aliens, but none of the other stuff.

I believe in ghosts because I' crazy as this sounds, seen several before. If anyone's curious, I'll elaborate on it in full detail.

As for aliens, it's ridiculous for us to believe that we are the -only- intelligent life in this outrageously vast Universe. Sure, they may not be big green ugly things, but I'm sure they exist.

It is a definate interest of mine.
Well the fact that you can't "see" something doesn't means that it does not exists. For example, the air, you can's see it, you feel the wind, and yet you know it exists. Or perhaps, the atoms, you can't see them yet we all know that the atoms do exists. Also simple thoughts or feelings such as "love", "joy", "sorrow" and so on. You can't scientifically prove 100% that they exist, yet we know they are part of us.

Humans fear what they can't understand, and deny the existence of that which can't be proven by our knowledge and methods.
I once had data as to what I think ghosts are I can not explain it now too well.

Your thoughts are electormagnetic, cameras record , take pictures of electromagnetic energy. They can.

Most , all ghost hunting tools read electro magnetic impulses at specific rate. The same rate of the average function ability of a all together human conscious .

Einstein, Eidson and a few others have briefly explored this, ghosts, or so documentation suggests.

It is not as crazy as you think. There is science.

I believe that all our energy can not be destroyed. Perhaps a scientist here knows the law of conservation of mass and energy . OR whatever it is called.

All energy takes a different form .

You can say your thoughts are the same type of energy that a camera can record. You can say that there are many many paranormal pictures out there of ghosts . But everything in between is speculation until it is proven entirely.

The prob is that people are closed minded because of religions and the like. I am catholic but I believe in spirits on Earth , wether it is human spirits on earth or some sort of signature remain I am not sure..
All right, here's my Ghost Stories:

1. When I was walking along the Point Pleasant boardwalk in New Jersey at the age of 14, I was stopped dead in my tracks in front of one of the water-front houses. I was overcome by a chill and a brief, panic-like feeling. It passed quickly, but I was still standing there, staring.
There was a girl, about my age, on roller-blades that was passing by, and stopped when she saw me staring. She said: "You get that feeling, too, huh?" "...Just a bad feeling." "Well, a month ago, the woman who lived in that house, killed her three children, before committing suicide. It was all over the news."
Needless to say, I was stunned. But, it explained that horrible feeling I got.

2. When I was about 13, I had visited my grandmother's home in New Jersey. My grandfather had died in his bed when I was about four years old, and that was the bed I was supposed to sleep in. I was a superstitious kid, so I asked my grandmother if we could switch beds. She agreed to.
That night, I had a dream that my grandfather had walked into the room, and sat at the edge of my bed, smiling at me as I slept.
The next morning, I went to the kitchen for breakfast, and my parents asked me if I had come into their room the night before. I didn't, when I sleep, I'm out like a rock.
Apparently, someone had walked into their room, and sat on the edge of their bed. They both described feeling very tired, and feeling the weight and hearing the creaking of their bed as the person sat on it, but they didn't open their eyes to look.
My grandmother wouldn't have gotten up in the middle of the night, even if she wanted to, and I didn't.
So, it seemed my dream was a reality for them.

3. This one, really makes very little sense to me. I was 16, and no one was home, so I took a bath in my parent's master bathroom, because they have a jacuzzi tub. I left the door open to the bathroom, because, again, no one was home. Outside of the bathroom, is a small hallway of mirrors, because the closet doors are big sliding mirror-doors.

The reflection in the mirror, from where I could see it, showed their bed. When I was getting out of the bath, I saw a little boy standing behind the bed, near the window. He had pale skin, dark, short brown hair, and he was wearing a white dress-shirt with black suspenders and brownish-colored shorts. I wasn't scared by it. In fact, I felt slightly calmed by the image, but knew I should be disturbed.
I darted forward, opening the door all the way, and of course, nothing was there. I glanced back in the mirror, and also, nothing was there.
It doesn't make any sense to me, because my home is new. But, where I live now used to be a lot of farm-land, and his appearance did match that of a young farm-boy. It was really strange, to say the least.

4. I didn't experience this myself, but my mother and brother, both experienced this.
They both described waking, and unable to move, with a man standing over their bed in what they described as 'Navy Fleece.' They both described feeling strong fatigue, but not fear.
My guess is the ghost was some sort of soldier, possibly Civil War, which would explain the Navy fleece.

5. I was in Savannah, Georgia. Which, by the way, is the freakiest place I've ever been to. And, I was in the town square, walking around during the day, and just looking at some of the old, historic buildings. I stopped by this one yellow, run-down building, and was overcome by some terrible sadness.

My parents dragged me away, and, out of curiosity, I stopped by a nearby boutique and asked the owner there about the building, since it was right nearby. He told me that it used to be a children's hospital, that was used to treat Yellow Fever.
The devestating part of that, was that parents, who couldn't cope with the screaming and crying of their children, would send them to that hospital, where those that could not be treated, would be placed in the upper-most floor. All they could do was wait for their screams to stop, which meant that they had finally died.
The man at the boutique said a lot of people feel a wave of sadness when they pass by the place. I didn't mention that it had happened to me.

That's all of the stories I can remember for now. I know I've had others, but, those were the most significant.

Hope you guys don't think I'm loony. If I hadn't experienced it firsthand, I would have never believed any of it.
All right, here's my Ghost Stories:

1. When I was walking along the Point Pleasant boardwalk in New Jersey at the age of 14, I was stopped dead in my tracks in front of one of the water-front houses. I was overcome by a chill and a brief, panic-like feeling. It passed quickly, but I was still standing there, staring.
There was a girl, about my age, on roller-blades that was passing by, and stopped when she saw me staring. She said: "You get that feeling, too, huh?" "...Just a bad feeling." "Well, a month ago, the woman who lived in that house, killed her three children, before committing suicide. It was all over the news."
Needless to say, I was stunned. But, it explained that horrible feeling I got.

2. When I was about 13, I had visited my grandmother's home in New Jersey. My grandfather had died in his bed when I was about four years old, and that was the bed I was supposed to sleep in. I was a superstitious kid, so I asked my grandmother if we could switch beds. She agreed to.
That night, I had a dream that my grandfather had walked into the room, and sat at the edge of my bed, smiling at me as I slept.
The next morning, I went to the kitchen for breakfast, and my parents asked me if I had come into their room the night before. I didn't, when I sleep, I'm out like a rock.
Apparently, someone had walked into their room, and sat on the edge of their bed. They both described feeling very tired, and feeling the weight and hearing the creaking of their bed as the person sat on it, but they didn't open their eyes to look.
My grandmother wouldn't have gotten up in the middle of the night, even if she wanted to, and I didn't.
So, it seemed my dream was a reality for them.

3. This one, really makes very little sense to me. I was 16, and no one was home, so I took a bath in my parent's master bathroom, because they have a jacuzzi tub. I left the door open to the bathroom, because, again, no one was home. Outside of the bathroom, is a small hallway of mirrors, because the closet doors are big sliding mirror-doors.

The reflection in the mirror, from where I could see it, showed their bed. When I was getting out of the bath, I saw a little boy standing behind the bed, near the window. He had pale skin, dark, short brown hair, and he was wearing a white dress-shirt with black suspenders and brownish-colored shorts. I wasn't scared by it. In fact, I felt slightly calmed by the image, but knew I should be disturbed.
I darted forward, opening the door all the way, and of course, nothing was there. I glanced back in the mirror, and also, nothing was there.
It doesn't make any sense to me, because my home is new. But, where I live now used to be a lot of farm-land, and his appearance did match that of a young farm-boy. It was really strange, to say the least.

4. I didn't experience this myself, but my mother and brother, both experienced this.
They both described waking, and unable to move, with a man standing over their bed in what they described as 'Navy Fleece.' They both described feeling strong fatigue, but not fear.
My guess is the ghost was some sort of soldier, possibly Civil War, which would explain the Navy fleece.

5. I was in Savannah, Georgia. Which, by the way, is the freakiest place I've ever been to. And, I was in the town square, walking around during the day, and just looking at some of the old, historic buildings. I stopped by this one yellow, run-down building, and was overcome by some terrible sadness.

My parents dragged me away, and, out of curiosity, I stopped by a nearby boutique and asked the owner there about the building, since it was right nearby. He told me that it used to be a children's hospital, that was used to treat Yellow Fever.
The devestating part of that, was that parents, who couldn't cope with the screaming and crying of their children, would send them to that hospital, where those that could not be treated, would be placed in the upper-most floor. All they could do was wait for their screams to stop, which meant that they had finally died.
The man at the boutique said a lot of people feel a wave of sadness when they pass by the place. I didn't mention that it had happened to me.

That's all of the stories I can remember for now. I know I've had others, but, those were the most significant.

Hope you guys don't think I'm loony. If I hadn't experienced it firsthand, I would have never believed any of it.

I do not know what my opinion matters to you but I believe you. What I experienced is really hard to explain but I am obsessed.
If I haven't seen it, and there's no evidence for it, I don't believe it.

Some people believe in ghosts and other things that shouldn't exist because of their feelings. Feelings aren't always rational though, so you can't always rely on them. Intuition can never prove anything, and neither can hearsay.

There are possibly three reasons why people think ghosts exist:

One being lack of evidence. If there was enough evidence, and the scene could be repeated again, it's entirely possible that any scientist worth his salt might be able to figure out how or why things happened the way they did. It might even be something as simple as a sheet of laundry hanging out to dry, and a wheelbarrow with some tools happened to be behind it and was illuminated, so some kid, or someone high strung on emotions took that to be some scary monster or ghost. Entirely possible, but there was no ghost or monster. In the cases where evidence is lacking, no conclusion about the existence of ghosts or other supernatural beings can be made.

The other is that the event is well documented, and it is simply nothing more than a magic trick--you see it, and it deceives you, but there is a logical explanation for it. The only problem is that these reports are sometimes never read by every audience, and you end up not hearing about it.

The last is fraud. Someone was playing a nasty trick on you, and made other people believe there was a ghost, but it is probably nothing more than a simple trick.