

I know you are but what am I?
Apr 27, 2007
Up there!
Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts, paranormal beings and so on? Don't call me weird but I do. Here's a pic my friend found in encyclopedia


If you look closely you can see a woman in the backround. Before this picture was taken the man's wife had died... Weird
Maybe they do... we'll never know. So i kinda believe in them. Paranormal, yes... there are so many mysterious things in the universe that i cant rule out the paranormal...
My ex believed in them. Her dad, among his other hobbies which included a cheat, womanizer, and human food disposal, was also a ghost hunter. I can't say I've ever believed in them. I've heard a lot of stories since I started dating her and honestly I haven't really bought into any of it. I guess I've hear crazier things... but it just doesn't seem to exist to me.
As a fairly religious person, aye I loosely believe in them. I'd say that tragic or really violent endings to someone's life can leave an impression. I also believe that if you are not mentally or spiritually strong then you might possibly leave yourself open to something that could be malevolent. I don't really believe in "hauntings" though. I think the closest one could get to that is how I mentioned I believe in "impressions", but nothing that is a conscious and aware sort of entity.
I fully believe in ghosts, but i dont believe in ghosty pics. I just dont think a spirit is likely to appear in a photo.
Something I've always wondered and it's been in a lot of movies featuring ghosts is whether or not you can interact with them. If a body is essentially body, spirit, and mind... and a spirit is only that... then you should have the necessary components to communicate or interact with them.

Some ghosts are shown as mindless beings that are simply driven by instinct. Others show rational thought. I'm not really sure of my thoughts on this... but I do know they lack a body. And physical interaction should then be impossible... but spiritual interaction should not be.
I'm not a great believer in Ghosts or supernatural activites. There have been a number of unexplainable things happen to me, or people I know, but I wont bore anyone by recounting them to you all.

On a different subject, if a Ghost ever appeared to me, I don't think I'd be frightened. I'll leave this post with a quote from Scrubs:

[J.D. is using a body-cart to get out of the hospital. Doug takes the cart into the elevator]
J.D.: Could you press GROUND please?
Doug: AHHHHHH! [Grabs fire extinguisher and starts bashing the body.
Doug: Because I thought you were a dead person coming back to life!
J.D.: .....Then WHY were you hitting me!?
I cant really see a ghost in that pic....i think i'm just blind though
As for ghosts, i wish i could believe in them, i would have to see one i guess, to be convinced, i doubt people have a 'spirit', but i do believe in spirituality......:S it would be cool to see a ghost, but i would probably be shit scared, dunno why most people associate ghosts with fear....maybe we're just affraid of what we don't understand....also the human brain is still an enigma........who knows what its capable of doing......(cue X Files music, or Twilight Zone....) du du du du du du du du

*Back to looking at the ghost pic*
Oh, I believe in ghosts, but not as much as I would to since I haven't had any....'contact' with them. But I believe they exist, as pictures like the above suck me into believing that they do.

I've seen a lot of ghost pics and it really intrigues me reading all about ghosts, how they came to be there, what they did, and why they are left behind. I guess it's just me, but everyone else I know in real life don't seem to think they exist.
I very much am a believer in the supernatural beings that may wander this Earth. Our eyes can only view a small portion of the color spectrum. I believe they exist on wavelength that our eyes cannot see. However, maybe once in a while we can see the electrical energy given off by these beings whenever they are in a heightened state of emotion. That's why some people claim that they see ghosts. I worked as a mechanic at one of the bowling alleys in my city, and I heard that the place was haunted by two ghosts. One of my bosses claimed that when he was locking the place up, and as he was about to walk out the door he was looking around to make sure everything was in order, and he saw an apparition in the door to the pro shop waving good-bye. I don't really know if this story is true, but I kinda believe him. Here is my story. I was about 19 years old, and I was at my girlfriend's house. We were laying on the bed (not doing anything) except resting. It was just us in the house. She was asleep; I was trying to get there. All of a sudden I heard a little girl whisper, "SSHHH, THEY'RE COMING." The sound came from the opposite side from where my girlfriend was laying. I opened my eyes and looked at my girlfriend and said, "What?" She didn't answer. Then the hair on the back of my neck started to raise as I started to get a little freaked out. I woke her up and told her what had just happened. Then I went to look out of the front window and saw her Mom and her mom's fiance driving into the driveway. My girlfriend then told me some stories of why she thinks her house was haunted. I have a few more reasons why I think ghosts are real, but I'll save them for a later post.
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No, I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in spirits. I've seen it happen to many people - like Riku said, unexplainable. People getting "held down" where they can't move their body but they are awake...can't open their eyes, and can't really breath.

It happens quite a lot to my husband and once to my brother and several times to my brother-in-law. I admit, there's stuff that happened to me too, but nothing like that. I just heard a woman's whispering voice almost two years ago. It's'll think it's like a dream but it isn't. I don't know why these things happen to people, but such things do exist.

Yeah, that pretty much says my beliefs about ghosts, tbh. xD
I mean, yeah, I want to believe in them, but at the same time, it's quite hard to explain scientifically what happens in phenomena such as ghostly hauntings and such.

I'm an empiricist. And I believe in science. But I also hold traditional religious beliefs. Hard conflict there.
I believe in science too, but my beliefs are limited. I do believe that our minds cannot fully comprehend the spiritual realm - there's just no way. We're humans and as humans, it's only natural for us to search or try to know the "unknown"...but when we cannot explain them, we usually tend to dismiss the fact that something is simply there. I'm very open-minded so it's easy for me to look at things at different angles.
I've never seen a ghost and I'm not quite sure if I believe. I guess you could say I'm one of those people who "have to see it to believe it". I do, however, love to watch those TV shows like TAPS and Most Haunted (even though I know that last one is a crock of shit--it's still entertaining). In fact, I've often said I wanted to become a ghost hunter. I think that'd be pretty flippin' awesome.
People getting "held down" where they can't move their body but they are awake...can't open their eyes, and can't really breath.

Are you referring to waking up in such a state? Once in a blue moon I'll wake up in the dead middle of the night unable to move and overwhelmed with panic. And it feels so damned unnatural, and it's like there's this intimidating presence looming right over me next to my bed and if only I could turn to look at it, I'd see it. This is usually accompanied by a low, constant rumbling or growling. Or perhaps more accurately than growling, since that implies the kind of sound you'd picture coming from some animal's throat, a throbbing sort of feeling and sound is experience. It scares the living shit out of me. I'll just lay there unable to move for what seems like a blood-ass long time even though I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's only maybe barely a minute, and then I usually jump up and turn on all the lights and sit down on the computer or something. The last time this happened I even thought I saw some sort of statue-like face in front of me but when I finally snapped out of it my eyes focused in on my bookshelf and now that I think back on it I was seeing various things I have on it kind of jumbled together all unfocused and to me it resembled a menacing looking face. I just remember trying to move and hit this thing as hard as I could but was pretty much paralyzed, and then I finally was able to get up and it all just abruptly ended.

This has happened more than once, a few times in almost every home I've lived in. Usually when I'm stressed over shit. I finally decided to look it up, and found that a lot of cultured have some myth about people waking up like this because there's an "old hag" or some other mythical creature or demon sitting on their chest sucking at either their youth or their life. That obviously creeped me the hell out, but searching even more on the internet finally got me a reasonable, scientific explanation.

It's called sleep paralysis. Almost every one of the symptoms exhibited were things I've experienced. People wake up in the middle of a deep sleep and they can't move, hear some sort of loud and constant sound, feel like there's some sort of "presence" with them, and sometimes see shit. The explanation is that when you fall into a deep sleep your brain will shut off your motor functions because otherwise when we dream we'd be moving around in bed a lot pantomiming whatever actions we take in our dreams (although occasionally sometimes this doesn't always get completely shut off and we move and twitch a little still). But what happens is sometimes we'll wake up but our mind won't completely shut off this sleep paralysis function and so you're stuck halfway between a state of mental alertness and a dream state. You can clearly see your surroundings, but you're also susceptible to the sort of hallucinations you get during your dreams which would certainly explain why you're convinced you see shit in front of you or "sense" something standing over you just out of your sight. So if that's what you were talking about there's a completely logical and scientific explanation for it, but Jesus fucking Christ it's still unnerving as hell to experience.
I have ONE TRUE ghost story that I have lived through myself.... *clears throat*

I used to live in Ireland not so long ago. Can you guess why I moved out? Yes, you are very correct. It was haunted!
*ghost sounds in the backround*

Here's how it all began....
It was a sunny day 14:00. There was my friend that is 15 years old (her name is Nelly) and her cousin that's 6 (Willy). Me and Willy were playing in the backyard while Nelly was drying up her hair. the back door was open...
"Leslie!!! Stop that!" she screamed from the bathroom.
"I'm not doing anything" I replied.
"Oh sure. So who's flickering the lights? a ghost?" Nelly had said to me.
"Whatever Nel... I'll close that door so that I can prove you that I didn't do anything. If you hear the door open it will be me!" and so i closed the door...
"Leslie open the door" she shouted from the inside.
"What, you can't even open the door?" I giggled :-)P)
"It's not funny. I can never unlock these doors." Nelly cried.
"Turn the to the left without mercy!" I dictated.
Finally she opened the door and ran out, but I ran inside to try and find logical explanation (they were obvous). I told told Nelly those explanations to calm her down...But there was one I couldn't explain... When I ran inside the house, I noticed that ALL windows in the house were open. That freaked me out, but I didn't say anything. No had layed a finger on those windows since yesterday (at that time).
I beleive in ghosts, especially when I'm in the house alone I "feel" something else. I swear on my life i'm not making this up.
You may not be able to "see" the spirit world or ghosts, but we all know its there. why: I'de say it is something completely different from physical entities.

I mean look at your hand right now and "feel" it's energy and its very existence. Now imagine the exact opposite. That's what I think a ghost is