Final Fantasy VII Remake

I think it's pretty much inevitable at what's going to happen here. While I'm not sure if I want one or not, I'm almost positive this is going to happen. It'll probably be after Square finishes all of their FFXIII and KH projects so it may be a few years yet before we see a remake. I'm looking forward to the next gen CG, cutscenes, FMVs and re-done music. What I'm not looking forward to is them fucking up the original story. I'm worried that they're going to completely screw up the LT, screw up good bits in the storyline. I want to play all of those fun games and do sidequests, like the whole dressing Cloud in drag, etc...It'll be nice eyecandy, but fucking hell Square, when are you going to stop milking the FFVII series for all it's worth? People are going to get really sick of it after awhile.
I want a remake so they can give Yuffie & Vicnent some screen time sort out the translation and pretty it up.... that would mean I'd have to buy a PS3 tho....and annoyingly I would just for that game
What I DON'T want is things being added and/or changed storywise. They just can't leave things alone and I have the feeling that if there IS a reamake they will kill it >.<
I would love a remake with better Graphics and such for next gen consoles, because I lost my original copy of FFVII and couldn't finish it!!!!

And besides, people of all ages deserve to enjoy such a masterpiece like FFVII, if not an original version, then a remake :P
I would love a remake with better Graphics and such for next gen consoles, because I lost my original copy of FFVII and couldn't finish it!!!!

And besides, people of all ages deserve to enjoy such a masterpiece like FFVII, if not an original version, then a remake :P

thats exactly the reason i want a remake :) i cant find a copy of the original :'(

im glad squares milking ff7. its my fav ff and i like to see a continuation of the story. besides who can blame them. they see a great oppertunity to make millions of dollars and there taking it. plus people who dnt want a remake or dont agree with the compilation dnt have to buy any of the spinoffs. just play the original and close ur ears to the new stuff comin out. besides i read they're countinuing the compilation for twenty years so its going to b milked for a long time to come. yay!
I've pretty mixed opinions about this one.. It'll be great to see the game again in better quality graphics. I would love to see Omnislash again, ha ha..
This idea would sound pretty great... Like I've probably said in other threads, i would love to see Omnislash again in better-quality graphics
thats exactly the reason i want a remake :) i cant find a copy of the original :'(

Got any stores in your town that sell PSone games? Or you can always try yard sales, antique places or eBay.

im glad squares milking ff7. its my fav ff and i like to see a continuation of the story. besides who can blame them. they see a great oppertunity to make millions of dollars and there taking it. plus people who dnt want a remake or dont agree with the compilation dnt have to buy any of the spinoffs. just play the original and close ur ears to the new stuff comin out. besides i read they're countinuing the compilation for twenty years so its going to b milked for a long time to come. yay!

I can blame them. They're taking advantage of unwitting fans by taking liberties with the story and not putting effort into their games because they know people will eat it all up. If anything, you should be disturbed by SE's milking of VII. They have no respect for it as a game and are raping it to shreds. And it's kind of hard to "close one's ears" to it when it's constantly being reinforced by fanboys/fangirls and shows up everywhere.

This idea would sound pretty great... Like I've probably said in other threads, i would love to see Omnislash again in better-quality graphics

You want a you can see the Omnislash in better graphics? Wow. I won't even say anything to that. :dry:

I'm for and against a sequel to VII. I'm nearly positive Nomura would ruin it and turn into a flashy action-RPG...however, if they did it they could pull it off. They would obviously have to change things so it wouldn't conflict with its prequels, but the original story could have stood alot improvement so it would be a good chance for them to make the story more coherent and flesh out the characters (wouldn't mind seeing Red and Bugenheim being given more attention).
VengefulRonin said:
I'm for and against a sequel to VII. I'm nearly positive Nomura would ruin it and turn into a flashy action-RPG...however, if they did it they could pull it off. They would obviously have to change things so it wouldn't conflict with its prequels, but the original story could have stood alot improvement so it would be a good chance for them to make the story more coherent and flesh out the characters (wouldn't mind seeing Red and Bugenheim being given more attention).

Exactly my argument. I love this game, but I hate when the people who create the games get too big and think they can do as they please. I loved AC but I agreed that they tried to make it too flashy, so the story suffered for it. And yeah not only Red and Bugenhagen but more of Barret too, I would have said more Vincent but we got that from DoC for better or worse.
I voted yes for two main reasons. First, it would allow more people to experience the game, which has now become hard to obtain, and it would do the game justice to see it in up-to-date graphics and sound. In fact, I think that's reason to remake all the classic ones for current consoles.
I voted yes for two main reasons. First, it would allow more people to experience the game, which has now become hard to obtain, and it would do the game justice to see it in up-to-date graphics and sound. In fact, I think that's reason to remake all the classic ones for current consoles.
One of the local game stores has 4 copies of FFVII. All the others also have a couple of copies knocking about. 'bout £15 a throw. Hard to obtain my arse. :P
One of the local game stores has 4 copies of FFVII. All the others also have a couple of copies knocking about. 'bout £15 a throw. Hard to obtain my arse. :P

About 2 years ago, toys R us had an ABUNDANCE of FFVIII's and im talking shelf after shelf of them all for 8 quid......all the black versions aswel *still kicking self for not buying them all and flogging them on ebay*
Iv not seen any copies of VII OR VIII since O.O

Maybe in England but It is very hard to find here in the U.S. So speak for thy self Moonbaby.

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Exactly my argument. I love this game, but I hate when the people who create the games get too big and think they can do as they please. I loved AC but I agreed that they tried to make it too flashy, so the story suffered for it. And yeah not only Red and Bugenhagen but more of Barret too, I would have said more Vincent but we got that from DoC for better or worse.

I'm not the biggest fan of VII, it's mainly the principal of the matter that upsets me that SE is whoring it out. They take advantage of fans of the game, basically. But the story in VII could have used some work, and a remake would be the perfect chance. I wouldn't mind seeing more development of Yuffie either, if they somehow managed to work that in.

Maybe in England but It is very hard to find here in the U.S. So speak for thy self Moonbaby.'s actually pretty easy to find here in the states <.<;
Maybe in England but It is very hard to find here in the U.S. So speak for thy self Moonbaby.
Thy shall because we English are the doggy's bollocks. :cool:

About 2 years ago, toys R us had an ABUNDANCE of FFVIII's and im talking shelf after shelf of them all for 8 quid......all the black versions aswel *still kicking self for not buying them all and flogging them on ebay*
Iv not seen any copies of VII OR VIII since O.O
Come to think of it I haven't seen VIII for about a year either, and even that was a tatty second hand Platinum with a case that looked like it's been gnawed by a very hungry Bear. OMFGZ WE NEEDZ A FF8 REMAKE!!!!
I remember when I first got my PS2 I sold heaps of my games to pay for it which included 7 and 8. Took me a while to get them back which sucked
I certainly want a remake of Final Fantasy VII for PlayStation 3, possibly released between Final Fantasy XIII and XIV. It would include enhanced graphics, arranged/orchestrated soundtrack, as well as adding voice acting (as in the upcoming Final Fantasy IV remake). Instead of pre-rendered backdrops, there would be a full 3D graphics environment. The FMVs will be upgraded to be on par with Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. Final Fantasy VII is one of my favorites, but not as much as I like Final Fantasy X and XII. There are still members of the Final Fantasy VII original staff at Square Enix. They should leave the original story and character backgrounds alone. The remake will borrow the voice actors from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children in both the Japanese and English versions of the remake. Per Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts, Aeris would be renamed Aerith, and per Advent Children, Tifa's dexterity will be changed from lefthanded to righthanded. The remake will have a better English translation, correcting the grammatical errors in the original version's English localization.

I want Final Fantasy VII remade exclusively for PS3. The Final Fantasy VII remake will greatly increase PS3 sales. It is just what the PS3 needs. It will help Sony gain ground on Nintendo in this console war.
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The problem is not sound and graphics. The problem is what square enix have done to FF's. Todays FF's have a very differant feel from earlier ones since Enix came into play. Yes agreed FF would look and feel better but gameplay and plot??? They would change it of that i'm certain
For the record, I never played the original version of Final Fantasy VII, but I did watch Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. I do not think the plot will be changed if Final Fantasy VII is remade. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII hints the possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake. The remake may have an orchestrated soundtrack with some Black Mages arrangements. The orchestra conductor would be Kazuhiko Toyama, who conducted for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The orchestral arrangements would be recorded by the same studio that recorded for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
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