Final battle party

Humm having to choose I would say;
1) Zidane (You have to? but also even if you didn't I always felt he is the strongest character, as well as doing 9999 with the right combernation.
2) Steiner (A strong character dealing the 9999 attacks)
3) Garnet-eilko (To me I dont really mind wich one, but their there for healing my party)
4) VIVI (this lil' guy kicks serious bad guy ***)

Although my brother does not use garnet or eiko because his combenation of abilities mean he acctually CAN NOT die) - tested by leaving the game on the last boss for 1 day without pausing, to return to fins hs characters on full health and the oppent considerably weakend.
Zidane - Trance - Grand Lethal

Stiener - Flare Sword

Garnet - Heal/Protect

Vivi - 2x Flare

Every single time, always the same team.
Eiko: Madeen, back-up healer. Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, MP 20%
Freya: Jump, emergency rezzer, Dragon Crest. Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Dragon Killer, Auto-Potion, 20% HP
Zidane: Theivery, stealing items, physical damage. Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, 20% HP
Garnet: Summons, Primary Healer/rezzer. Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, 20% MP

Auto Haste & Regen combined with the time-consuming summons, Thievery and Dragon Crest allows for characters to heal up quickly without need for potions or healing spells, except for super damaging moves that reduce a character to 1 HP. I keep auto-potion on Freya as a back-up, just in case. Why? For the same reason you would want to bring Chuck Norris into the fight: because they're just that awesome =P

Freya is the emergency rezzer with Phoenix Downs since I have her Jumping most of the time. Not only does jump do a good amount of damage, it keeps her safe from attacks until she lands. In boss battles I switch between Jump and Dragon Crest. I'll use Dragon Crest while Zidane steals, then when I have what I want, she Jumps while Zidane unleashes Thievery. Madeen and Bahamut do some very good amounts of damage. I usually have Thievery and Dragon Crest maxed out by the time I go for the final bosses on CD 4, so they're hitting for 9999 each time.
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It's pretty tough for me to choose because I've beaten the game more than once. I have two favorite parties:




I've dominated with these groups.
I always used Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, and Steiner.
I feel like they were the main cast of characters in this game.
The others didn't really interest me too much, but this is one of my absolute favorite FF's of all time. I play it on my cellphone all the time when I'm bored at work.
From what I remember for the last boss i used:
Zidane: he's a great powerhouse specially when using Dyne.
Eiko because she is a better healer and know holy.
Vivi, Black magic is always helpful I find I can't have a party without him
Steiner, He's also really strong and deals great damage while other party members focus on healing eachother up!

I still had trouble with the boss though :( Even with this party.

That is exactly my party!! I also had a bunch of trouble on the last boss. Even after leveling up a bunch, I still had trouble with him. Kuja was easy with that group, but not the last boss (OMG I can't remember what he was called!!)
Zidane, Vivi, Stenier, and Amarant.

I feel that Garnet and Eiko become obsolete at this point of the game, as protective spells are easily replaced by ability augments and armor. Same with summons. Vivi can rape and pillage with regular magic.
For me, if you have Steiner in your party, Vivi is a must because of his spellblade ability. Amarant has good magic after he is built up some, and his overall constitution and strength is great. Some people say he isn't a good character, but I think you just need to know how to use him :D
This is how it always ends up for me lol. The last time I played through, I tried to use Garnet, but Amarant eventually took over.
The only time I ever needed Eiko or Quina was I was fighting Ozma.
Is it just me or is the final battle really easy in relevance to other FF's?
quina(or watever the name is)

i usaly stick with this combo... not sure why but it works best for me. use quinna for heavy buffs while others for damage. probably not strongest combo but.....
Freya,Amarant,Garnet and Zidane.....:)

I used each of them for a different reason
Zidane and Amarant were my main attackers.....I used amarant to throw all my expensive junk away and zidane who eventually killed Necron by himself(rest of the party died) :sad3:.

I used Garnet to constantly heal.......didn't use Eidolons though even when she was in trance mode.

I used Freya for only one jump so she doesn't get inflicted with anything from Necron attacks and auto-regen (one of her abilities) which was responsible for keeping most of the party alive and beating the game eventually.
eiko, zidane, garnet, vivi not just cause theyre white mages but summoning a 'holy' like attack an having holy since its my favorite attack is best
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner

I always use Vivi because he is my favorite and he has some really strong attacks so I use him mainly to keep attacking with magic, Zidane and Steiner I use for their strong physical attacks and Garnet I use for her heal and status boost magic. When things get really bad in the battle I use Steiner to help throw potions on the other party members and keep Vivi and Zidane attacking, I only let Vivi and Zidane stop attacking when both Steiner and Garnet have died so that I can revive them and put more status boosts on my party but they are the main party I use because I have always liked them the most and all of their attacks are really strong
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, and Freya/Steiner

I wasn't ever a big fan of Eiko (I kind of felt like a pedo using her for some reason :/ )
and Amarant is just...ugh.

Zidane is awesome, Garnet is hot, I can kind of relate to Vivi in a way, and Freya was pretty badass. Not a big fan of Steiner, honestly, but he was useful in battle.
Zidane, Vivi, Garnet and Freya. Zidane.. because well you have to, Vivi just because he is awesome and has great magic, garnet for the obvious healing and freya just because I like her. I just usually pick at random on the moment though to be honest as I like to level and gear everyone. :neomon:
My Party

I actually just beat this not too long ago. I stuck with a Thief (Zidane), White Mage (Dagger), Black Mage (Vivi), and Knight (Steiner). Steiner and Vivi make an awesome team with Steiner's sword magic. I contemplated using Eiko because she is the better white mage, but her HP wasn't as good as Dagger's.
Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner

Zidane was my strongest party member when i completed the game XD, Garnet just rules, Vivi magic is a great help (Comet for the win) and Steiner cuz he has good attack XD

on my next run I might replace Garnet with Eiko.... she meant to kick ass with holy XD
I used Zidane/Garnet/Vivi/Steiner.

Every good party needs a white magic user and a black magic user, and Garnet/Vivi fill those roles nicely. I'll admit, I actually liked Steiner somewhat so I tended to use him, and the fact that his attacks were strongest didn't hurt matters. :wacky: Zidane was there for, well, obvious reasons.
I tend to use Zidane, Dagger, Vivi and Steiner. It's the most balanced possible setup, and they're my usual setup on most of my playthroughs, which explains why; occasionally, I may switch out one for Eiko to play around with her summons/abilities.
Zidane - He uses Steal, enough said.
Garnet - Got to have a Healer
Vivi - Got to have a Wizard
Amarant - I use him to just throw all the useless junk I have.