Does God Hate Bisexuals and Homosexuals?

I totally skipped the last post once it was clear that it only existed to be disrespectful.

No. The answer is no. God did not send His Son to die for you because He hates you. He did it because He loves you. He did not tell the Church to love everyone because He hates you. He did it because He loves you.

I am a very oversexualized man. I loves ze womenz. Petite ou grande. Blonde or brunette. White, black, red, brown, etc. This is also something that is considered sin. It is not something that I actively chose, though I did pursue it at one time. It is not something that I can just snap my fingers and say, Well, I'll never do that again! It's a struggle, expetsully when the ladies go around wearing the things they wear these days. Does God hate me? No.

Let me give you a reference here. Luke 14:26 (Jesus talking)
"If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be My disciple."

Is Jesus telling you to hate those people? NO! Jesus spends all His time and shows us the constant example of loving everyone. Throughout the Bible the command is to love. What Jesus is saying in the above verse, by using the word, "hate", is that He wants you to love Him more/choose Him.
Don't wag around your King James version of the Bible where it tells you God hates one over the other, etc. I've seed where it says something like, "God loved Jacob, but Esau He hated," and later something to the effect of how much He loved Esau. The Bible should be taken pretty literally AS A MESSAGE. But don't spend too much time nitpicking over words used. Every kind of evil on earth has been seen when the Bible is misused.

No God does not hate homosexuals. Neither can I find where homosexuality is called and abomination. In Leviticus it says that it is detestable. So it's a sin. And I can walk you all over the Bible with references from the Old and New Testament that shows you it's a sin, so please, don't try that "Leviticus is outdated" or "well, I guess you can't eat shellfish, huh?" crap on me. The Bible's pretty clear on the purpose of the Mosaic Laws, and what it means to us now, and it doesn't change that sexual sin is. In the same chapter in Leviticus that homosexuality is declared sinful, so is bestiality, incest, and rape. So please, ask a question if you have one, but don't try to go there unless you really know your stuff. Hearing/seeing an out-of-context reference ten years ago isn't knowing your stuff.

So homosexuality is considered a sin by the One who made you, and sent His Son to save you because He loves you. So is what I do. I am a sinner, and I will likely struggle with it my whole life. Don't think any less of yourself because you struggle with whatever you do; simply choose God instead. That's what the Bible teaches.
I'm gay myself, which obviously gives me the final say. <--- sarcasm

There is one argument that I will accept as a valid reason for homosexuality being wrong according to religion. The only way is if the Doctrine is that all sex exists to give forth God's seed. As in, if you want an orgasm, it'd better be bringing forth a child, which, obviously, a gay partnership cannot do, same for masturbation, and using any contraception, so the choice to develop the baby is entirely up to God. If the word 'immoral' is used, I start throwing things and getting my 'stupid' branding iron.

* though even if I believed in this God, I would still doubt whether he encourages all couples to have babies. What about overpopulation?
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Don't wag around your King James version of the Bible where it tells you God hates one over the other, etc. I've seed where it says something like, "God loved Jacob, but Esau He hated," and later something to the effect of how much He loved Esau.
No where is God said to have loved Esau, but you do raise an important point in the discussion: there a sense in which God hates the wicked, and there is a sense in which He loves them. He hates them in that they stand defiant against His law by neither loving Him nor their neighbors, and in the more technical sense that He has predestinated the wicked to their fate. At the same time, He bestows upon them "common" grace, such as letting them live for the time being, or allowing them access to the benefits of medical science. And, of course, all whom He loves in the technical sense of predestinating them unto life are, as Luther put it, simul iustus et peccator -- simultaneously justified and wicked.

The question of this thread is misdirected, because what people should be asking is whether God hates anyone. Most of us are fine with the fuzzy-wuzzy pop-culture Jesus that was created in the image of 19th-century German liberals, but the second He starts wagging fingers at us for stuff we like to do, we want to be able to tell Him that He really owes it to us to be merciful.
No where is God said to have loved Esau, but you do raise an important point in the discussion: there a sense in which God hates the wicked, and there is a sense in which He loves them. He hates them in that they stand defiant against His law by neither loving Him nor their neighbors, and in the more technical sense that He has predestinated the wicked to their fate. At the same time, He bestows upon them "common" grace, such as letting them live for the time being, or allowing them access to the benefits of medical science. And, of course, all whom He loves in the technical sense of predestinating them unto life are, as Luther put it, simul iustus et peccator -- simultaneously justified and wicked.

The question of this thread is misdirected, because what people should be asking is whether God hates anyone. Most of us are fine with the fuzzy-wuzzy pop-culture Jesus that was created in the image of 19th-century German liberals, but the second He starts wagging fingers at us for stuff we like to do, we want to be able to tell Him that He really owes it to us to be merciful.

I agree. And, perhaps you think I'm one of those German liberals when I say that God loves everyone, but He showed love to the adulterous Samaritan woman, the prostitute people (for whatever reason) think is Mary Magdalene, the rich young man who wouldn't sell everything, and the very people who cursed, abused, and crucified Him. The point is:
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."
I think I can recall one passage where it is said that He loved Esau (Isaiah? Ezekiel?) but I digress. Because the very point is stamped throughout the rest of the Bible, and the very fact that Esau's descendants. Remember, it was not for the sake of Israel that He chose them as His people, but for an example to all the earth.
Anyway, in keeping with the original question, which I believe it would be best if we present the Hope and Grace which God offers, along with the affirmation that "You can't take it with you," I am again going to say that God does not hate homosexuals, bisexuals, oversexuals, transsexuals, etc., but neither will He accept it.

I'm gay myself, which obviously gives me the final say. <--- sarcasm

There is one argument that I will accept as a valid reason for homosexuality being wrong according to religion. The only way is if the Doctrine is that all sex exists to give forth God's seed. As in, if you want an orgasm, it'd better be bringing forth a child, which, obviously, a gay partnership cannot do, same for masturbation, and using any contraception, so the choice to develop the baby is entirely up to God. If the word 'immoral' is used, I start throwing things and getting my 'stupid' branding iron.

* though even if I believed in this God, I would still doubt whether he encourages all couples to have babies. What about overpopulation?

I'm not going to pretend to have a ready and acceptable answer for these points. God decided He detests what He detests. I can't find definitive answers to the question of whether He detests contraception, but I can tell you that sex is meant to be enjoyed in the correct context (Proverbs, Song of Solomon).

If you have this question, don't ask me. Your best bet is to ask God, and be willing to hear an answer you might not like. I've asked the question about the homosexuality thing, because my natural mindset leans left, and I won't share with you the answer I feel like I received because: a. I don't completely understand it. b. The answer may be incomplete. c. You prolly wouldn't accept it as a self-described unbeliever.

I didn't accept God's answer about me being a womanizer and a drunk before coming to Him for reasons completely unrelated to those flaws. I couldn't give you the kind of "answers" you're looking for, because the answer I have doesn't make sense to someone on the outside looking in. I hope that makes sense. If not, I can tell you that I've found that walking by faith in God and the Bible, even without understanding, has not failed me, even when it seems to at first.
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Anyway, in keeping with the original question, which I believe it would be best if we present the Hope and Grace which God offers, along with the affirmation that "You can't take it with you," I am again going to say that God does not hate homosexuals, bisexuals, oversexuals, transsexuals, etc., but neither will He accept it.

Well speaking from a non-christian, non liberal, non conservative (yes you can be neither both) frame of mind, I will say one thing.

Why does this god of yours create an individual who has no appetite for the opposite sex nor can understand what it means to be "straight."

Man was created in his image by your definition, and from what everything you have been saying.. you said take the Bible as a literal reference.

By what you are saying is that homosexuality is an urge, not a way of life? It is very easy to say since you are straight and there are no laws against being married to the opposite sex and so on. I am straight, but I want you to consider something... Take yourself out of your current thought process.

You said you lust for other women, and your wife could possibly read this since everything on the internet is open. It is by that same notion that you have admitted to having sexual advances to other ladies.. but what if you were denied from ever having sexual advances to your wife or any other lady for that matter. You were able to only have one kid, and the use of birth prevention is a sin. What would this do to you? Well the same as a catholic priest mind you.. anything would stimulate you to the point of becoming animalistic. Hince where rape comes into play, even a small platonic relationship with the opposite sex could turn out bad just because you have been cut off from sex for so long.

So by saying homosexuality is a sin... is another reason why we have middle aged men touching small boys who won't tell a single soul. That's why we have Jeffery Dahlmers or john wayne gacy's in the world who are pent up homosexuals and because it is hard to find an outlet for them; they turn to small kids. To think most of these men were Christian Church goers who punish themselves every night because of their lust for the same sex.

Now that could be generalizing.. it could even be purely opinion but the fact that we have indoctrinated words written by "humans" that were "divinely inspired" I think a lot of the words within it are biased to what the person feels. You can't take the Bible word for word, or you would be a hermit who never even sees the light of day. You wouldn't be married and the only way to follow the Bible would be to live as a monk. Otherwise you are a sinner.
Shu. Pedophilia is not the same drive as homosexuality. It is NOT.

It causes some sick individuals to prey on CHILDREN. Some of them gravitate towards children of the opposite gender, some to children of the same gender.

A woman I adored, the daughter of two lesbians, was straight. She married a conservative Christian man. Years later, after many problems including abuse, she divorced him. A year later, her 12-year-old daughter was finally brave enough to tell her the man had been sexually assaulting her for YEARS, threatening her and her little brother if she ever said anything. The man is now behind bars.

So now my straight friend has two model families: the sane lesbian home where she grew up, with two caring mothers who set her on her feet and enabled her to have the strength of character to deal with this unthinkable disaster, get her ex behind bars, get her daughter safely away and in therapy -- the only residual side effect of having a lesbian household being that she may not have had as much practice in judging men -- or the straight, conservative Christian who preys on HIS OWN DAUGHTER.

It's a good thing she knows that his being straight has nothing to do with pedophilia, doesn't it?

Gays who are forced not to be gay do not necessarily go after children, pets, or other random things. They just break the rules and find other gays.

And if it's so unnatural and against God's will, then why are there thousands of documented cases of life-long homosexual relationships in animals from penguins to wolves? God made those, too.

Unfortunately, if someone believes the Bible is literal -- despite all the hundreds of contradictions, despite the fact that most fundamentalists do NOT actually abide by all the laws of the Bible (they pick and choose whether to obey the part about homosexuality, and disobey the part about shellfish and wearing artificial fabrics, when it's appropriate to kill slaves and the rules for stoning people to death) -- it doesn't matter that God has made homosexuals as part of the fabric of life, it doesn't matter that there is plenty of evidence it's biological, it doesn't matter that children of homosexuals can grow up to be good, outstanding members of society who aren't necessarily gay, it doesn't matter that homosexuals are forced to die alone in hospitals (partners not being "legally related"), can't get health insurance or provide for loved ones, have no rights to their children if the "legal" parent dies -- that's all negated, because the believer's convinced that it's all God's will.

Which makes God cruel and self-contradicting, to create gays and then forbid them to be what they are.

The thing I find most amazing is that the believer knows that he/she understands God's will perfectly!

Sorry, just a little outspoken on the topic, due to my friend's daughter... a wonderful kid... and because I've witnessed several examples of how attitudes against gays result in lifelong hardship, abuse, daily challenges, pain, and (once) murder of gay people by those who think their interpretation of God's will gives them carte blanche to control and hurt people they don't even know.
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Shu. Pedophilia is not the same drive as homosexuality. It is NOT.

I didn't say that it was.. if you have read anything on the two people I listed you know they were very... mind altered homosexuals. Pedophilia could be addressed differently all the way around, that's why I didn't go into that much detail about it.

The point had to do with "sin" relating to homosexuality, not chemical psychology. I to be honest would never know what makes up a pedophiles mindset, they are one of the things if I had a "erase button" (to put it kindly) I would use it then and there.

it doesn't matter that God has made homosexuals as part of the fabric of life, it doesn't matter that there is plenty of evidence it's biological, it doesn't matter that children of homosexuals can grow up to be good, outstanding members of society who aren't necessarily gay, it doesn't matter that homosexuals are forced to die alone in hospitals (partners not being "legally related"), can't get health insurance or provided for loved ones, have no rights to their children if the "legal" parent dies -- it's all down to the believer deciding that God HATES homosexuals, and one can't change that, because the believer knows that he/she is right and understands God's will perfectly!

I can't make a valid argument out of this since I believe you are on the same mindset of me.. but you kind of strung way too much into one relative topic. I THINK! you are saying that it is up to the believer if the person is sinning for being a homosexual or not.

Well this might be true, but the topic here is that the Biblical reference both King James and Times New Roman both say that if a man lays with another man.. then it is frowned upon (not direct quote, just summarizing for time sake).

Hince why I don't care what the person (who is gay) thinks in general, but as a heterosexual man trying to defend a religion in which has a lot of seems woven into his own religion, I am trying to defend and give a reason to why homosexuality is not considered a sin. So what I mean is.. those that aren't homosexuals (including those that wrote the bible [we assume]) are basing their opinion primarily off of too much biased opinion. Things were very different back when. The Romans(more in the latin area) had open bath houses and such where many homosexual activities were assumed. Sexual preference.. as long as kept in human boundaries (not out of species) should not determine that one is condemned or not by a sin.

And this is why some (i am saying some, since I can only count them on one hand) homosexuals choose not to believe in the Christian religion at all. Why? because they are openly condemned thanks to small minded folks who don't realize the change in generations and the effects that people thought of back then.

That's like saying here in America we should never make amendments to the constitution. That's retarded, because a lot has happened since the constitution and the bill of rights and the declaration of independents. Freedom from slavery, Women's Rights, Affirmative Action, NAACP Grants, (cough) Gay marriage in a few states, Abolishing capital punishment in most states..

A LOT HAS CHANGED! Just imagine if we all abided by the 10 commandments.. know how crazy that would be?
This is all an exercise in cognitive dissonance.

From Day One, Christians are brainwashed with the concept that God created all things, and specifically, created man in his image. And we're fine with that, as long as everything conforms to the tenets of Christianity. But then we're encountered with a homosexual person, and our brain can't comprehend it. If God created everything in his image, why would he create something that we find so icky?

Obviously, God could not be wrong. And even more so, we ourselves can't be wrong about the values that we project on the construct of a Christian God. So who becomes wrong? The homosexuals themselves. Obviously they were created in God's image originally, but they made the choice to sin, so the blame lies on them. And more importantly, the blame does not lie on us. And even more importantly, we don't have to radically alter our perception of God.

tl;dr version - God does not hate alternative lifestyles. We choose to believe that God hates homosexuality/bisexuality because it allows us to change *them* instead of changing *us*
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Well speaking from a non-christian, non liberal, non conservative (yes you can be neither both) frame of mind, I will say one thing.

Why does this god of yours create an individual who has no appetite for the opposite sex nor can understand what it means to be "straight."

Man was created in his image by your definition, and from what everything you have been saying.. you said take the Bible as a literal reference.
I do suggest the Bible to be taken in whole, with a literal message with literal references. Everything I write here, for my convenience, will assume this perspective to be the truth.
So, in keeping with that perspective, the Bible says we have a sinful nature. It's not the nature God created in us; it's what has been bred into us since the incident in the Garden of Eden. I take that incident as a literal occurrence, but even if you, as an outsider looking in, look at it as a figurative reference, it should explain what I mean: mankind was changed because of that. Man became murderous and revelrous. God nearly wiped us out because of it! Yet, though He was angered at our ways of living, He was grieved at the thought of destroying us. It is this essential truth that led Him to eventually send Jesus Christ to die on our behalf, allowing us to overcome the death sentence He put on us at Eden (though He graciously gave us time to be mortal, however angry He was), though not in this world; not in this imperfect state of being.
So what I'm saying is that whatever natural urgings and feelings and inclinations you have within you, it doesn't perfectly represent the will of God. We have become a distorted reflection of Him.

By what you are saying is that homosexuality is an urge, not a way of life? It is very easy to say since you are straight and there are no laws against being married to the opposite sex and so on. I am straight, but I want you to consider something... Take yourself out of your current thought process.
I am saying that homosexual urges are urges until they become a way of life. In that vein, I don't consider someone "gay" until they habitually act on those urges.
On the other hand, I am an alcoholic, despite that I very rarely give in to act on the urge to drink. So I guess I don't really see this as a big point of argument. I'll explain further after the quote:

You said you lust for other women, and your wife could possibly read this since everything on the internet is open. It is by that same notion that you have admitted to having sexual advances to other ladies.. but what if you were denied from ever having sexual advances to your wife or any other lady for that matter. You were able to only have one kid, and the use of birth prevention is a sin. What would this do to you? Well the same as a catholic priest mind you.. anything would stimulate you to the point of becoming animalistic. Hince where rape comes into play, even a small platonic relationship with the opposite sex could turn out bad just because you have been cut off from sex for so long.

My wife knows of my nature. I told her. She's also busted me on occasions I've tried to hide it, and forgotten to erase the browsing history; and she's actually extremely patient with me when I give a lingering glance to a lady in the real world. I admit to having sexual urges for other ladies. And you know what? According to the Bible, that in itself is adultery (Matthew 5).

And though I'm saying these urgings that either I or a homosexual person have are wrong, that doesn't stop me from having them. I do my best to control my body (never slipped there (though opportunities are sparse:wtf:)), my eyes (egad), and my thoughts ([you can't read this cuz I'm saying it in my MIND]). For where I come up short, I have Jesus to cover my cost. It's the same for a person that's actually physically committed adultery, and even for them pesky gay folks. I don't know if God considers their sins worse than my own. Actually, I don't think it matters even if He does, because since He is perfect, anything wrong with me botches His reflection and represents a failing on my part to love and/or believe in Him. I guess what I'm saying is that if someone is struggling with homosexuality, or any other urgings, he or she is welcome to come to Jesus Christ. He hung out with folks just like us when He walked around down here. But there's a difference between wanting something, and chasing it, because you can't chase something else and expect to still be following Jesus. You can't take something worldly with you and still carry your cross like you're told to. Does that make sense? Despite what you've likely heard or seen from the church and Christians, Jesus calls us to abandon this world, even while we live in it. I can extrapolite on that if you want...

And, really, there are many people who live just fine without sex. The problem with the priests and many, many others in the church who are having problems is that they won't admit that they are having those urges and feelings, because that in itself is sinful. For some reason, the trademark of a Christian (that he is sinful, yet saved) has become a real stigma in the church. Why? I think it's because a lot of Christians don't really believe anymore. And so they just want to impress each other. They feel a need to appear perfect, as Jesus was perfect. In short, if the Catholic priests were allowed to take wives, that would be very helpful to them. However, many pastors who have loving wives at home commit adultery. It's when we hide these urges that they grow into problems. You either have to face your flaws, or they will take you over. A good chunk of the Old Testament was about this.

I'm not saying it isn't hard. Jesus didn't say it isn't hard. I won't even say it doesn't appear foolish! Living a life based first on faith and love can often contradict a life based on reason and desire. (disclaimer: I am not saying reason has no part in a Christian's life (or desire, for that matter), nor am I saying there aren't very loving people who have nothing to do with Christianity.)

So by saying homosexuality is a sin... is another reason why we have middle aged men touching small boys who won't tell a single soul. That's why we have Jeffery Dahlmers or john wayne gacy's in the world who are pent up homosexuals and because it is hard to find an outlet for them; they turn to small kids. To think most of these men were Christian Church goers who punish themselves every night because of their lust for the same sex.
I'm going to disagree on a few points here.
1. I think the priests aren't automatically gay. I think accessibility and inner corruption (like an infection of the soul that occurs from the life of physical denial that they live, coupled with the denial of the mind that they are having problems.) are the reason these priests tend to target altar boys. When you get a trusted authority figure together with the opposite sex, people tend to watch you more than they do with the same sex. That's accessibility, since they spend some time alone with these boys, without arousing suspicion. Inner corruption could be addressed by giving the ministers accountability, instead of being systematic about something that's meant to be intensely personal: being a Christian. At any rate, if you don't believe me, just look at the similar situations outside of the Catholic church: most cases of sexual misconduct of Protestant pastors occurs with the opposite sex, while it is same sex within the Catholic church. It's the faithless, spartan lifestyle they are allowed to live, alone. But people are twisted everywhere (see 6)
2. There are more sexual orientations than just straight, gay, and bi. There's pedophilia, which I believe Dahmer had. There's bestiality. There are those who are turned on by violence and control. There are those who are physically attracted to inanimate objects. I'm sure there's more. Even within these orientations, there's subsets, such as guys being attracted to skinny women, curvy women, obese women, old women, breasts, butts, legs, stomachs, faces, muscles, hair/skin color (?), etc.
3. You introduce the idea that someone will change their sexual orientation (or at least expand it) when denied what is natural to them. Why, then, is it unreasonable for a Christian to suggest that a homosexual either choose a life of chastity, or choose to find a good spouse of the opposite sex who will help them with their struggle? This is what we suggest for pedophiles. Granted, I personally view pedophilia as detestable and homosexuality as an unfortunate conflict of interests (though I prolly sound pretty bad to you saying so), it is similar. It's also similar to me abstaining from the drink, and finding my jollies elsewhere in life.
4. As I said, we are not meant to do this alone. There's a ton the common church could learn from AA. Instead of facing our struggles, admitting our weaknesses, we put on a mask of doubtless, loving perfection. Human beings will generally abuse their freedoms, which is what you see in those settings. These people become twisted inside, because they can't share what's inside.
6. If this is your summation of what happens in religious settings, what of what happens in secular settings? There are more cases reported every year of sexual misconduct of public school teachers (mostly female) than of Christian ministers. Why is that? They have the same problems we have, and it has little to do with homosexuality in general.
7. There was something else, but I forget what it is. Whippersnapper.
Oh yeah:
8. There are certainly, most likely, cases of pastors and priests who naturally have homosexual, or even pedophilic urges. That doesn't excuse the behavior of those who have abused their position. If a straight priest is expected to show sexual restraint, so is a gay one.
9. Did you mean to insinuate that gay people aren't as capable of self-control as straight people? Relax; I'm sure you didn't. However, I think this point alone shows a fatal flaw in your theory.

Now that could be generalizing.. it could even be purely opinion but the fact that we have indoctrinated words written by "humans" that were "divinely inspired" I think a lot of the words within it are biased to what the person feels. You can't take the Bible word for word, or you would be a hermit who never even sees the light of day. You wouldn't be married and the only way to follow the Bible would be to live as a monk. Otherwise you are a sinner.
That's not true at all. Even if you lived as a hermit/monk, you would be a sinner. Man creates opportunities.
Also, sex in itself isn't sin. The Bible never implies that. There's just a context for it, and if that context isn't kept, at the very least you have to admit people can't be protected (diseases, unwanted pregnancies, abuse/rape).
There's nothing in the Bible that forbids you from living very much UNlike a hermit. That we are going to stumble is a given; we're human. God isn't as unreasonable about us as you think He is. That is why the Good News of Jesus Christ is that we are forgiven. This doesn't excuse us to live a life of sin; it's part of the call away from this world, if that makes any sense (as in, at all). What I'm saying is that, I am married, and I'm not a hermit, and I'm doing my best. And I think I'm doing well with Christ. Not that I don't sin; I know I do (I have done a lot wrong even today!). But I trust in His love and love Him, and this impacts me greatly in the way I live.

PS: I'm not asking anyone to do anything. But understand, I'm not suggesting that anyone has more to change about the way they live than I do/have. I've given up a lot, and have a long way to go.

PPS: I know a woman who describes herself as a former lesbian. She came to Christ, and has overcome many obstacles, even though she considers it still a struggle. To this day, she claims to be abstinent and happy. I believe her.
Soul Saver said, and I quote:
In which religion in particular?

In Christianity, well, the belief that orthodox "Christians" supposedly hold is that God/Jesus loves everyone. And yet homosexuality is condemned, and not tolerated by most conservative christians, who will often shun and abandon homosexual family members. Contradictory, or what? They forget many basic teachings of Christianity. Is tolerance and forgiveness not what was preached by Jesus? It is this hypocrisy and contradiction which discredits alot of Christian conservative arguments.

That said, why would God hate homosexuals? For wasting His seed? For having sex with no intention to reproduce? What about infertile couples?

Homosexuality happens in nature too, in most, if not all species. Is that not God's "will", being natural?

Also, the supposed breakdown of the family? Homosexuality and the traditional, stable family can and do coexist, it's just a matter of politics and societal attitudes, etc.
Hear, hear! As one who came to faith in a very fundamentalist church, I can attest that some Christians seem to forget that Jesus said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". That said, I'm not saying that if you're a Christian it's OK to do anything you want (He also said 'he that taketh not up his cross and followeth not after me is not worthy of me'), but a good Christian friend of mine once told me, and I believe her, that if we are not kind to that type of people (and other sinners, of course) we might get something worse. Also I personally am not convinced that adultery (marriage vow and trust betrayal) is not as bad as homsexuality.
Just one more thought and I'll try and close this, and that is, there is a genetic condition, I think it's called androgen insensitivity syndrome where a child is genetically male but they are always (as far as I know) raised as girls because externally they are girls. So are they going to hell? That seems to me ludricous. Now I'll shut up cuz I only read about one or two posts before I had to shoot off my mouth :jon:
P.S.: Sorry to quote the whole post but I haven't learned yet how to quote only the parts I need...
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To answer the thread heading: Yes. But he contradicts himself so often, sometime he doesn't. o_O Good thing this period ridden being doesn't exist. :P

(messing, don't flame me).
I don't believe in God, but I wish I did. The God as depicted in the Bible would not hate homosexuals or bisexuals. Jesus supposedly love us all, and as long as we love and respect eachother, surely we've lived a good enough life? That is surely what life is all about?

Simply put, I don't see a God picking and choosing who joins him in Heaven. It seems ludicrous that an all-loving, all-forgiving God will send you too the depths of Hell for sexual deviance, or not believing in him, or not going to church.

I hate organised religion so much.
I masturbate a lot, does God hate me? :(

anyways God doesnt hate he loves but ignores us for a reason
Homosexuals do often act unacceptable ! passing on HIV etc and other diseases...
Its rather disturbing....
You can get HIV just as easily having sex as a heterosexual though.

And there's nothing inherently wrong with being a homosexual; personality traits are not dependent on orientation. A man cannot tell if another man is homosexual or not, just by looking at him or talking to him (unless it's asking which orientation he is.)
I don't think God hates homosexuals. If He did, He would contradict Himself. Most "Christians" are never taught about tolerating others, and thus hatred for homosexuals is born.

I always thought that God hates the sin but loves the sinner. Even if you were the world's slimiest scumbag, He'd still give you a chance. God is not like human beings, or He'd be full of flaws. Just because one group supposedly "represents" Him does not make God a hateful Being.

I believe that some homosexuals can make it to Heaven. Let's say a particular person was raised by ignorant hicks, and thus believes that God is evil and uses a life of homosexuality as a form of opposing Him. Would he go to Hell? Maybe not, but his parents definitely would for teaching half-baked ideas. This is a serious topic, and lots of people don't take take the concept of doing good very seriously. To all teachers and ministers, be careful what you say. Why do you think Catholics and maybe other Christian groups select only people with a bow of celibacy (a form of devotion) to serve as priests?

In closing, homosexuals and bisexuals have as much of a chance to make it to Heaven as heterosexuals, as it is written that "all have sinned." Some may not know they are doing right or wrong, and those who feel it may be wrong have the choice of doing it anyway or step away from a life of homosexuality. In the end, it's their choice, not ours.
You do realize that homosexuality is genetic right? It's not so much a choice if you're born with it.

I'm not a religious man so I have no clue as to if God hates 'em. But I did read the Bible and noticed how God had a major mood swing from Old --> New Testament. He pretty much killed anyone he didn't like in the Old Testament (pretty bad ass imo). Then he became all loving and forgiving in the New Testament. So it probably depends on what passages you use and how you interpret the Bible to answer this. Answers vary but I wouldn't be surprised if the Church said No.
@Ireal: It's genetic, too? I had no idea. Seriously, I didn't.

The point I'm trying to make, though, is that we all have the same chances of making it to Heaven (in my opinion), and the only difference is the time we make our choices. As it is written, even the smallest sin is enough to get someone into Hell -- unless they repent. You could go for simply lying to your parents without regret, or by killing someone in cold blood. Whether big or small, in God's eyes it's still sinning. Kinda what most people see between white lies and actual lies. You can dress them up any way you want, but it's still lying.

So to all "Christians" who claim to read the Bible and be imitators of God, answer me this: Do you look at yourselves in the mirror? No one is perfect. Even you sin when you lack tolerance and condemn homosexuals without a second thought. Put yourselves in their shoes. In the example you're setting for them, is it any wonder they think God is evil?

We're all equal in God's eyes, so again. We all have the same chances to get into Heaven. I'm using a Christian perspective on this. So if someone wants to be gay, bi, or lesbian, let them. Though unlikely, it's still possible to go through life without knowing that homosexuality COULD be wrong. Would God send someone to Hell for acting in good conscience? Not if the person has done good! Good deeds can aid a person in the difficult path of Christianity.

I think it's ridiculous, especially for a Christian, to blindly condemn homosexuality. What about the corruption in this country? Or the hateful examples of any religion we have as well. Why not fight those things too, and not just fight something that would obviously make you look like heroes?

Well, to qualify my statement, there is no "gay" gene or anything; however, genetics does play some role in someone's gender preference. So I'm just saying that comparing homosexuality as a choice synonymous to let's say deciding to diet isn't a very accurate comparison.
I will make this short. God has told us to love our neighbors and not to hate. It is not our place to judge others, as all will be judged in the end. As to weather God hates homosexuals, we can yet again only speculate.
I find it hard to believe that a creator would create a being, allow it to evolve (down a fated path or one of free will is up to debate), and then despise what it has become. That just sounds like a bad monster movie to me. I always love those people who waste perfectly good time by going down to these churches and picketing outside. They claim it's evil and against the will of God. I ask "How the Hell do they know what's God's will?" Because a book saide so? I've read the earlier releases of the Bible and it didn't say shit about Gays. And then I read one of the newer releases and NOW they bring it up. So, what? Does God call these people up and say "Hey, don't do that!" It just all sounds soooo stupid to me.