Help Complete Walkthrough?

Jun 18, 2011
I tried finding one on Google, but has anyone done a complete video walkthrough of Final Fantasy VIII, doing all of the side quests, Triple Triad, and getting all of the GFs? I can't find one online
I'll shift this over to the Help Booth for you. =]

[Moved to FFVIII Help Booth]
There was a good video walkthrough on Youtube... Cant remember, but it was in a lot of parts, if you search youtube for "FFVIII playthrough" You can find one I'm sure. :elmo:
Well for a complete walk through you can always check out gamefaqs. Their guides written by other players are usually very accurate so i'm sure you can find out what your looking for there. You could also ask the board here what you need help with. There is a a decent amount my self included who lobe FF8 and can answer any question you may have.
How about just buying the official guide from a bookstore. If you want to be able to do EVERYTHING within the game I highly recommend this method. If you want a free guide there are more than plenty online o.o
They still have the official guide in bookstores?

Well it doesn't matter, I picked up one of the originals recently.

But I've honestly been thinking of doing a video playthrough. Maybe I should.

In the bookstores in MD I still see ff8 guides 0.0 I even see ff7 guides xD I thought about doing a video walkthrough too but I dont have a decent recorder :p
But that thing must be old Oli. Like 10 years. I don't think they even reprinted it.

A video game walkthrough would be fun to do over the summer for me...

It was at a Borders book store and Barnes and Nobles here. The guides sure looked fresh. I even bought one for 8 a couple years ago so I could finally beat the card quest-Another thing I highly recommend the guide for. ^^