Are you worried about global warming?


Jun 12, 2007
The title says it all really. Are you worried about global warming or do you think it’s been exaggerated?
Well its a fact glaciers are melting. Compared to 50 years ago many has shrunk in size. Co2 gasses are spewed out by
by volcanos and plants. So the planet would be hotter eventually either way. There is one glacier tht is supposedly even growing. I think its all a propaganda, but climate does seem to act strange lately.
Gosh, I know a fair a bit about global warming since Chris was/is somewhat concerned about it and it was pretty much all he focussed on. :/

We are able to do something about it, but some scientists believe we've reached the 11th hour, which is the final point in time at which we CAN do something about it. However, it's not as simple as reducing greenhouse gases; cutting down too severely too rapidly could actually have a detrimental effect as it would affect the aerosols in the air, which keep out planet a little cooler. :hmmm:

I would like to see us switch slowly to cleaner methods. Last I heard from Chris, nuclear power is the answer. I personally don't trust it. :ahmed: Disasters like Chernobyl are absolutely devastating and still affect the planet today. I'd rather have solar power and wind power...They're not without their issues - putting the noise aside, wind turbines can affect the heat of the local air, I believe - but it would be cleaner than burning fuel.

I don't tend to worry about global warming - I can do my little bit by not eating meat (Methane is 24 times as potent as CO2); switching off lights and applicances when I'm not using them - but on a grander scale, the government and big businesses are in control. They can choose to put money into large green projects, they can choose to spread awareness. They could even introduce extra tax for those who use more than X amount of electricity and gas. :hmmm: Sadly, this is only likely to happen when we are in dire need. :lew:

What does scare me is the prediction that the UK will eventually be a bunch of islands as the water levels rise. Furthermore, the amount of clean water may reduce. Currently, we cannot purify water past a certain point and apparently, a lot of water has harmful substances in it which cannot be removed. :hmmm: I'm not sure how accurate that is though. :hmm:
I never even think about global warming until someone brings it up.
I don't tend to worry myself with things like this, it's literally out of my control so why bother fretting? :hmmm: It sucks that for future generations the world might be a bit if a fucked up and shitty place because of it but it doesn't effect me now and I'm much to lazy to worry my little brain about it.
Well I think it's true that our planet is changing temperature. But I'd hardly say we're a big enough influence to be doing that ourselves. I mean, there's no proof that global warming is linked to anything we do or produce. The world has been heating up and cooling down at different speeds since it began, I really don't believe for one minute that's we are powerful enough to impact the planet. I think humans like to think they're really influential and important; the world's heating up - it must be something we did, because it's never happened before right? :dry:

That's not to say I don't think we should still look after our world, not because we're scared of global warming, but because the world is a beautiful place and our workings often leave it ugly, kill other animals and just basically make it not such a nice environment for us and the other inhabitants of the earth to live in.

I used to worry about it.

One of the main problems are a phenomena known as methane burps. As glacier ice melts it releases methane that is trapped within it. Methane is much more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide & poses a greater danger. Previous historical eras of global heating are associated with periods where methane was released from melting ice.

Another main problem is money. Transforming a polluting industry or business to one that is environmentally friendly costs big bucks & that money or initiative has to come from somewhere. Considering the current era of political de-regulation where things like oil rigs have nearly non-existent regulatory and safety guidelines, there's near zero incentive nor political pressure where it needs to be as the necessary framework of regulation and standards does not exist.

In terms of energy, there aren't many options. Thorium nuclear power plants have all the advantages of nuclear power without associated disadvantages. But, nuclear energy has exceedingly high start up costs & the manufacturing and construction of it is specialized. Example, if the United States wanted to build a nuclear plant they would need to sub-contract the pre-fabricated concrete portions of the job to japan or another country as we lack the necessary expertise and infrastructure to do the job domestically. If there is a silver bullet to cure our energy needs, it hasn't been discovered yet and likely won't be developed for awhile.

I think we're definitely the cause. Historically, we're credited with something like 99% of species extinctions during our existence here. Its difficult to quantify the degree to which we affect the environment as gas pollution is the largest and most major component of it. The thing to keep in mind may be our carbon, methane and assorted gas pollution is measured in trillions of tons, if not more. If a trillion tons of oil were dumped in the ocean, it would have a visible effect & the dissenters wouldn't be taken seriously. But, because its gas pollution and the effects aren't directly visible to the naked eye its easy to be apologetic and dismiss the possibility that there is correlation between increases in temperature and gas emissions.

Anyway, long story short, I used to worry about global warming.

But, I've pretty much given up caring about it.
Not really, the liberals have been saying "the world will end in 5 years if you don't vote for us" for several decades now, and we're still here. I haven't done enough research on global warming to come to conclusion as to whether or not it is real or not, but even if it is real, it's just a power grab by the left and the United Nations.
It's quite exaggerated. I WOULD have thought something was up this year had it not been chilly and snowy in Minnesota.
Last year there was barely ANY snow on the ground and it wasn't cold at all. That's UNHEARD OF for Minnesota winter :O But it seems like it's going back to normal. Global warming is over hyped... Science can only tell us so much.
The title says it all really. Are you worried about global warming or do you think it’s been exaggerated?

Global warming is a political fraud. The theory was introduced in the 90's, and since then has simply been a liberal agenda.
The fact of the matter is that no statistics show any abnormalities of the Earth's atmosphere. There is a temporary shift, something that the world has seen many of times. Outside of theory, the global warming threats are simply not there.
I suggest anyone who believes global warming to do themselves a favor and read between the lines; stop being a sheep.
There are certain undeniable facts that have been acquired on this issue. Whether global warming is used as a political tool or not is a trivial issue in the grand scheme. Satellite images of the arctic circle from 1975 to the present day have shown a clear decrease in ice coverage of around 35-40%. That's a big difference in such a short amount of time. As a result of this the Earth absorbs more heat as it is not reflected back into space by the the dazzlingly white snow. This increased heat coupled with the slowly increasing heat of the sun spells out potential extinction for the human species if forward planning is not implemented.

There is no morality to the issue. Like so many species that have existed on this planet we will either live or we will die. There is a tendency to blame humankind for the problems we are facing and will face in the future. Whilst we may have contributed slightly to the problem e.g. the greenhouse effect, we are not to blame entirely. The Earth itself is a synergistic system that regulates itself through various geological/ecological contrivances and human well being(as well as any species's well being) doesn't factor into such methods of regulation. As a conscious species who have the capacity to be aware of the impending problem and have the potential to survive drastic climate change. The only question is whether or not we can organise ourselves on a global scale to work together. My current pessimistic outlook suggests we can't.
There are certain undeniable facts that have been acquired on this issue. Whether global warming is used as a political tool or not is a trivial issue in the grand scheme. Satellite images of the arctic circle from 1975 to the present day have shown a clear decrease in ice coverage of around 35-40%. That's a big difference in such a short amount of time. As a result of this the Earth absorbs more heat as it is not reflected back into space by the the dazzlingly white snow. This increased heat coupled with the slowly increasing heat of the sun spells out potential extinction for the human species if forward planning is not implemented.

I think what the issue is, is that people expect this planet to be remarkably stable. In relevance to others, it is, but stability just isn't a proper term for most anywhere in the universe.
The world is going to experience changes for better or worse. Do I think pollution has contributed to global climate? In general, no. It may contribute to a very small percentage, but the Earth is doing it's own thing. There is not much to show for humans being the cause outside of a bald statistic. The fact is that Earth is due for another change, and it'll happen no matter what we want it to do.
For example, the ice caps weren't always there. They formed about 38 million years ago. If they can appear without human doing, they can disappear without human doing.
Ehh, not really. If anything does come of this, it'll be many many years from now. We'll all be dead. So no not really. Maybe this will help get rid of this damn snow. I hate snow.

Anyway I'm not a whizz on this stuff so don't expect a scientific post. I'm not worried because there's no point in worrying. Eventually earth will get eaten by some giant red thing anyway. Global warming is happening. Can't stop it (at least I don't think we can). It is what it is.
Anyway I'm not a whizz on this stuff so don't expect a scientific post. I'm not worried because there's no point in worrying. Eventually earth will get eaten by some giant red thing anyway. Global warming is happening. Can't stop it (at least I don't think we can). It is what it is.

I heard this futurist say that at around 2100, we will be able to control the weather.