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Maybe he realized he would never as badass as Denzel or Samuel L. Jackson so he grew himself a fro to relive the 70s.

Does Ultimecia hate Gundam Seed as well SeeDs?

If you could choose one person to rule over you for the rest of your life, who would it be?
Aeris (FFVII)
Because she'll die soon after that anyway (she is that kind of character after all :P) and I don't want anyone to rule over me

Why in most FFs, the main character is blond?
No, because he has a possesive dead girlfriend.

What kind of hairgel do Final Fantasy characters use?
Extra super-duper gravity defying moulding gel.

I want a pet, but I also want a friend. Should I get myself a moogle?
You should get a chocobo. That way, you have both pet, friend, and a ride.

Where can I buy silver hair dye?

SuperSearchIconShadow.gif not even sure how to respond to that....

How did poisoning the water in FFVI kill everyone in Doma castle but not Cyan?
It probably best you dont try and answer that if you value you sanity.

Poisoning the water in Doma castle kills everyone accept Cyan because cyan drinks and cleans with toilet water.............coz loo water isnt pulled from primary water supplies.

Basically Cyan, though a cool ninja type dude, is one sick puppy:panic:
Because she didn't know what they were used for and she decided to use that instead of cotton.

Why doesn't Jecht wear shoes?