Your favourite bro?

Which is your favourite bro?

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Which of Noctis' brotherhood / T-Birds / Stag Doers is your favourite?

Ignis? Prompto? Gladio?

Vote in the poll, and if you like you can discuss why you like this particular companion the most. You may reach your conclusion based on design, personality, character development, etc, or a combination of all factors.

Please add spoiler tags to your post if you wish to discuss details relating to the progression of the story.
Wow I see Noctis isn't getting any love at all! #ForeverAlone Ignis is easily my favorite out of the 4. His cooking abilities are very well welcomed, and I am pretty sure he saves the crew a great amount of gil by cooking for them. Also, he's a total badass with daggers. Kicking daggers into enemies several feet away is pretty impressive. I think I am starting to see a pattern with party members that wear glasses in this series.......
It was really difficult to not pick 'Can't Decide', because I like them all quite a lot. But I decided to go with Prompto, mostly because I think he serves by far the most important role as being the levity of the group. If you actually stop and imagine what the group would be like without him, it would be an incredibly depressing road trip, lol. Not to mention he has some of the most entertaining quips while exploring/fighting enemies, and he's the only one who can consistently help you fight STUPID FLYING ENEMIES!!!
I love all of them but I went for Ignis in the end...

Ignis is the character who I'm likely to remember more in the future. I'll never forget his constant interruptions at the most inappropriate moments to reveal that he has come up with a new recipeh.

He also gets points for dealing rather stoically with turning blind. Turning blind was such a traumatic event and you could tell it affected him, and he had some of the most powerful scenes in the game dealing with it - and then he comes to terms with it and makes the most out of it.
You might be surprised by this, but I would say Prompto. Prompto evolves as a character throughout both Brotherhood and the game itself.

He's definitely always there for Noctis and honestly his best bud. He doesn't actively do anything bad, but you know there is something more to him (no spoilers). To be honest he surprised me towards the end and I wish they would give more input into his backstory that is revealed towards the end (no spoilers).

He is optimistic, he gives everyone a shove, and honestly reminds me of my goofy humor and picture taking.
Prompto does seem like a cool and funny character, but I kinda got the impression that his backstory in Brotherhood was kinda shaming fat people. :hmmm: I mean, I probably would have found him a lot more interesting if he never felt that need to lose so much weight to the point he looks close to being anorexic.

In any case, I haven't yet played the game. Ordered it a couple of days ago and just waiting on it to be delivered though. However, at this point in time I'd say my favourite character is Gladio. From what I've seen in game footage, he seems awesome, and I enjoyed his episode in Brotherhood. It was interesting how his relationship with Noctis developed in that.
Prompto does seem like a cool and funny character, but I kinda got the impression that his backstory in Brotherhood was kinda shaming fat people. :hmmm: I mean, I probably would have found him a lot more interesting if he never felt that need to lose so much weight to the point he looks close to being anorexic.
I could understand the fat shaming angle if they showed him being bullied while young. However, I didn't see anything like that. The amount of weight lost by Prompto is something I don't have much to comment on. However, the change itself I found to be pretty motivating. There are soooooo many people in the real world that get content with what they are doing, but they aren't happy doing it. As long as it pays their bills, and they might be able to buy something nice here and there they are good. I liked how Prompto did not like his situation, therefore he made a change.
I picked Gladio as top guy. I can see the merits of the other 2 and I really like them both but there's something about Gladio that puts him on the top of my list, followed by Ignis and then Prompto. Why? Certain aspects of the game gives us a glimpse of his personality and he's not just the muscle of the group. His book reading shows him to be more intelligent then his muscular body suggests, protectiveness of his sister and the quirky banter between Noc and himself and a few other things shows him to be a complete and interesting personality. Of course, being female, I fought through the Gladious episode to get that Rugged Attire, which should have been named something else. Now that I earned it he's not wearing anything else. There's a comment that I'd like to make but it would be a spoiler and I'm new so I don't know how to list it as such. Naming the Rugged Attire doesn't give away anything, it just tells what the award is for finishing the first part of the DLC and completing the second part, the timed portion with 100,000 points or better. What I see with Gladio and maybe others don't see it or I'm reading too much into the character but a tiny bit of a sensitive side sneaks out every so often and a humerus side even more often, shows up in the game itself and each time they camp or bed down for the night shows a practical joker side in some pictures. The DLC also reveals more of his personality and what motivates him throughout the game.
I'd say Ignis and it's not particularly close, at least for me. Gladio is kind of a jerk at times, and while Prompto is likeable, he's often feels like more of a liability.
It was honestly a toss-up between Ignis and Prompto, who I love equally for different reasons, but I gave the point to Prompto because I found his abilities more fun to use. But Prompto had the edge because of gameplay reasons. Character-wise, I really love everyone in the party who isn't Gladio. Not that I hate him, though. He's fine, but I just don't find him terribly interesting compared to the other three. That, and what happened in Chapter 10.
lol im surprised to see ignis got so many votes, it's not even close for me. honestly i was pretty disappointed with FFXV as a whole but i always liked how Gladio kept it 100 and didn't just act as a bodyguard to Noctis but also as his brother - the kind of friend you don't realize you need in your circle until you're fucking up in life because they won't beat around the bush or mince words; they'll speak plainly and tell you how it is with zero chill.

some people take that as being a jerk but a little tough love never killed anyone :) its like yeah its never fun having a moment like that but it only gets like that because they're trying to make you think about it and take your problems seriously so you can pull your head out of your ass. If I could choose any one of these guys to be my brother, it'd be Gladiolus hands down.
Finished-ish FFXV yesterday and although I haven't played through the individual chapters of Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, I still doubt that any further material would change my mind that Ignis is definitely all business. I think his role in Noctis' life seems to be the most difficult as compared to the others. In the animated series, Ignis is almost more like a secondary father figure to Noctis, which is very challenging given his own relative youth and strict standards he is both held to through the nature of his job and indeed by himself. I love his self discipline and ability to still prioritise the almost quaint niceties of cooking, cleaning and proper presentation - that moment when he tells Noctis to mend his clothing while your out on the field is pure gold :lew:

His strength of character when dealing with set backs and stoicism is actually pretty inspiring. I like the counterbalance he lends to the rest of the group; where Prompto is loud and rukus, Ignis is more reserved and where Gladiolus is blunt and sometimes explosive, Ignis is far more considerate of his words and restrained.

I realise that it seems like I've put him on a bit of a pedestal there, but don't get me wrong, the dynamic rapport between the four characters is awesome and filled with that idyllic friendship thing that makes the game work despite everything. Ignis is pretty badass though!
Well, since this was accidentally revived~

TBH I'm not usually drawn towards Ignis' type of character very often but I enjoyed him most out of the three. I really enjoyed playing & battling as him after playing the DLC for his story. I think my least favorite is Gladio-tho J:

I was five or so, and my brother had been told to teach me how to use MS word as part of his holiday chores (for lack of a better word) Anyway, he starts showing me all these tools but I’m extremely bored and so when he takes a bathroom break, I start typing (he had forbidden me to type as he deemed it too advances)

I'm really sad this was left on a cliffhanger. So many questions left unanswered.