Worst game you have ever played


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
And I'm not simply talking about a game you were disappointed with. I mean those games that probably took the developer 2 seconds to come up with XD. You might even consider them awesomely bad

Usually when asked this question, I answer ET even though I have never played it. It's just that everytime the question is asked, this is always one of the first games mentioned. I think even Wikipedia calls it the worst game ever.

Click to see how bad it is. The actual game starts at 2:11 if the guy annoys you and he doesn't talk during the game play.

EDIT: Fuck they are not going to actually let you watch it year, you have to go to youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DTjLG3usQo

But as for the worst game I have ever played, it would have to be Kung Food for the Lynx. Dear God if anyone else remembers that system.
Basically, you are a green blob, and you go into your refridgerator to blast all your food that is attacking you.
superman 64,it even has terrible reviews on gamespot,ign and other sites.imo it was the most horrible game i ever played,it achieves nothing just going through rings.
But as for the worst game I have ever played, it would have to be Kung Food for the Lynx. Dear God if anyone else remembers that system.
Basically, you are a green blob, and you go into your refridgerator to blast all your food that is attacking you.

LOL, that actually sounds kind of funny :) I would have to vote for Jeopardy for the SNES. I like the show, but the gameplay was just really hard for me to get used to for some reason. And the people were kind of cheesy looking, even for SNES graphics.
Any of the Suikodens after 3, OMFG!!!! They were so bloody wrong! It was shcoking, the lead characters were terrible and you didnt care about them, the level system was beyond rubbish and the story had no flow to it. You didnt want to help these characters, you wanted to flipping ignore them!
Civilisation 2, on PS1. There was very little gameplay or substance to it. To this day, I'm not quite sure what the aim of the game was; it was like a very poor version of Age of Empires. And the worst thing was that it took 15 blocks up on your memory card - which was the entire thing. I never would save a game on it because of that reason, and I remember spending an entire morning playing up to the year 0, to see what happens. It turns out nothing of any significance happened on that date...

Other than that, I'll say any Final Fantasy released after X. I never played X-2, and there's a reason for it. Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, XII and Dissidia have all been terrible games.
The worst game that I've ever played would have to be Final Fantasy X-2. Why, you might ask. Well, first off there's the dress sphere's. That is a change that I didn't like. Second, is because my stupid step-brother use a gameshark on it to "make the game easier." And last, but not least, I didn't think that it kept the story, but that's my opinion.
The game Damnation easilly takes the cake. :hmmm:

I've played alot of games, but never any quite this bad. I even enjoy many games shunned by the general public (Mercenaries 2, Empire Earth 3, ect) so I like to say I'm never picky. However, Damnation can't be explained any other way besides half assed and broken. It's like the controls of the original Syphon Filter, except you CAN'T get used to them. Why? Because they don't work, plain and simple. :facepalm: Story was crap, and the graphics struggle to be medeocre for the games time. They had alot to go on, and quite a bit of promise. Shame they failed.
the worst game i have ever played must be, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle that game just suck..you go to place to place for what? just so you can get some stupid ass water..and after 1 year, a new year starts and you gotta collect all the water again O: that was just terrible..
The worse game I have ever played has got to be Lord of the Rings Conquest. You barely get to play as any main characters of the trilogy, and on top of that none of the actual actors are doing the voice overs except maybe Hugo Weaving for Elrond.

On top of that the gameplay mechanics are simply horrible. Also, quite frustrating, if you have a short temper as I do lol it is quite easy for an enemy to knock you on the ground and on top of that they can hit you several times before you are able to get up and mount a counter assault. About the only thing this game managed to get right was the names of persons, places, and things.

It was definitely a big let down for a big Lord of the Rings fan as myself. Lord of the Rings seems to suffer the same tragedy of not having a decent game made for it as does Transformers.
Star Ocean Till The End Of Time: the game really reads just epic fail. I hate the game. The story line sucks and the graphics is awful. Plus the characters are annoying.
Crimson Gem Saga :ffs:

This game was just horrible. I saw that it was a nice little Korean game and decided to play it. I swear to God I died. The game is so messed up. The difficulty goes from pretty bunnies to satanically dreadfully punishing. The characters are very poorly drawn and all seem to resemble a person's butt for some reason. The learning curve this game has does not help it either. It was supposed to be Astonishia story 2, but the first game was an abomination, why the hell make an even worser game?
Mr Musqueeto.

Really, you are a musqueeto and your goal is to suck blood at the spots that are given you x.x
Every stage gets more difficult as the people you have to sting pay more attention and know there are musqueeto's in their house.
Never played it again XD
Probably Insector X for Sega Genesis. :hmmm:

I don't remember much about it but I remember your goal was apparently to kill giant insects and possibly normal-sized ones as well. The game play was terrible though and it had very bland music and scenery. >.>
ehh, well i'd have to say Doom 1 for the ps1 really wasnt a shocker like it should of been
Unlimited Saga. I turned it off after about 5 minutes and Ive never looked at it since. Biggest pile of crap I have ever put in my PS2
Anyone ever played Dragon's Lair? I used to think I just really sucked at the game but apparently many people have complained about it. The controls are awful so much that I never got passed the first screen.

Unlimited Saga. I turned it off after about 5 minutes and Ive never looked at it since. Biggest pile of crap I have ever put in my PS2


The game barely even had graphics, and what little it had was ugly as sin. The battle system was non-sensical and random and apart from the annoying battles, it played like a board game from hell.

Worst game ever.