Where would you like to live?

Macalania woods. I'd like to live near nature, and they always seemed somehow magical to me. Another place I'd like is Mt. Gagazet: I really love cold and quiet places and the Ronso are an awesome tribe, warriors but also wise.
Definetly not Besaid or Kilika, I don't like hot climate and hate how the sands gets everywhere! But I think they'll be ok for a vacation, because the sea is lovely and I love watching at the sea life.
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Luca...too much of a sports fan to resist the call of the stadium

Macalania woods. I'd like to live near nature, and they always seemed somehow magical to me.
As always, please remember to try to develop your posts a bit further than this - we try to discourage such short posts from the forum. Thanks.
Overall, even though I'd love chillin' in Besaid as a summer resort, I'd love to visit all of the other places. Just lookin' at the history in Bevelle and Zanarkand, ya gotta dive right into it.

I mean, just everything that's packed into each area in the game is amazing. The story behind the Stolen Fayth from Mt. Gagazet to the Cavern at the base of the Mountain, to the sunked Temple of Baaj as well. Spira sure makes for a great sight-seeing place.
I would love live in either Luca or Besaid. Luca because its big city that is surrounded by water. ;)) Plus it would be cool to be able to goto a Blitzball game anytime I wanted too. And Besaid because I have always wanted to live on a tropical island. It would be cool just to kick back and relax almost everyday.:)
Dream Zanarkland, it just seemed so amazing, like their equivalent to NYC...so much happening, huge buildings, beautiful sights and a huge stadium. It seems like there would have been a lot of diversity there
the entire world is so beautiful, I wouldn't feel right if I hadn't been able to see it all. So, I'd probably pick one place as my main home- but only stay a month or so at a time, because I'd be travelling everywhere else constantly. I would spend weeks at each place, experiencing it to the full, and getting everything I can out of it.

Kilika reminds me so much of Venice for obvious reasons. Imaging living in a gorgeous, cute little hut, connected to everyone else, and to move between it all, you glide by in a boat. Beautiful. Then of course you have Luca for the Blitzing- but I'd only stay there during the climax of the season and watch a few games; otherwise it has very little appeal for me because of the other more awesome places. Places like the MoonFlow would just be fun and have an adventure-feel to them. Lot's of other people, lot's of exploring. The Mi'ihen Highroad would a be very peaceful (but long) walk, with history scattered all over it in the form of the ruins and statues. It would feel like a tour, and I love them. The places I'd be most eager to see would be Macalania, Mount Gagazet and Calm lands. I would spend weeks and weeks camping in that gorgeous forest, and knowing myself the beauty of the lake would move me to tears everytime I saw it. I'd spend hours just walking around the trees, listing to natural sounds and feeling generally peaceful. Mount Gagazet would be freezing, yes, lol. But it still seems like it would be really beautiful, both inside the caves and out. Imagine walking on the big suspended area were you can see below you? The same when travelling to the temple- mind blowing, dangerous, exciting, beautiful. The little streams and such inside the caves would be beautiful too. the Calm Lands would just be overwhelming. Beautiful in it's own right, and lovely hot weather. Then of course looking over the cliff edge would be a real sight.

Other places, like Bikanel, Bevelle, Guadosalam etc would all be worth a look too for how unique they are. I'd still visit the Thunder Plains even though it's dangerous, because it's always dark and has a groovy, brooding feeling.

In between all this, I'd keep coming back to my home Besaid, which I share with my wives Rikku and Yuna... near the beautiful, realaxing beach with wonderful people surrounding me. Ahhhhh, if only. *dreams*

You can tell I'm obsessed with game and it's world can't you..?
I prefer Besaid Island to be honest. I hate the city. It always makes me nervous even when I see the big buildings and what not it makes me sick.

I'm too used to the beach and country lol.

Besaid is a peaceful little town by the water in the middle of nowhere, which is what I love about it.

Besaid Island.


Oh, and most importantly, it never got attacked by Sin. :D

Oh my gosh I totally forgot that :gasp: Even more reason to want to live there. =D
Besaid Island would be a great place to live. It would be like living at a resort. My only job being a Blitzball player. Yeah, that's the life.
I prefer to travel all over the world before finally residing back in Spira... Since the place is in peace after Sin's destruction, might as well take a break and go for a long holiday! :D

What do you mean travel the world before going to Spira? You mean Luca or something?
Well this is an easy choice for me cause I would obviously choose the Omega Ruins even I dont know why but thats my choice.
Hmmm I was thinking Bevelle would be nice but I find it is too strict and now I must say I prefer Besaid or Luca. It must be fun to play some blitzball or watch it.