Welcome to Birthweek 2016!


“10 years have passed, Kupo…” Mog laments as he wipes away a tear from his eye. The moogle then turns another page of the photo album dated to 2006.

“Aww. Little Moglet’s a newborn in this one, Kupo! Now he’s flying up trees with ease, and reaching heights where my own mortal body can no longer aspire, kupo!”

Mog sighs, then smiles nostalgically.

The moogle turns another page and examines another photograph. Suddenly, Mog’s smile grows, successfully conquering the other features of his face. He squeals with joy and does a happy jig.

“This day! I remember this too, kupo! The foundation of FFF! See how young the site looked back then, kupo!”

Mog puts down the album, leaps high into the air and does a triple back flip before landing on the tips of his toes.

“Yeeee! 10 years, kupo! A landmark Birthweek!”

Mog lunges out of the window and slides down the trunk of his tree-house. The rub of the bark surely hurts a lot, but Mog is euphoric and giggles the whole time.

“FFF is 10!” he cries as he skips to the town square.

But everyone is already there. The banners and streamers are up. Some of the piñata chocobos have already been whacked and emptied of candy. Moogle children clutching Timmy the Turtle plushies giggle as they watch a funny puppet show titled ‘Captain Sea Bass’ Fishing Forums’. The adults nudge and wink at each other, for they understand the in-joke.

“Mog… You overslept again! Come and join us. We left the cake-cutting honours for you, kupo!” says a moogle elder.

Mog, tearful again now, steps up to an enormous kupo-nut cake. He rests the knife on the icing, ready to cut, but pauses to look up at the sky.

“Thank you all for 10 fun years of fandom, and for keeping the spirit of Final Fantasy alive! May there be many more years to come, Kupo!”

Mog cuts the cake and whole forest is filled with dancing and singing.


Birthweek 2016!
The moogles aren’t the only ones who should be celebrating.

They don’t lie; it truly is FFF’s 10th anniversary on June 6th. Time for all of us to celebrate with some fun competitions and activities. As always we shall call this momentous occasion ‘Birthweek’.

As with previous years, a variety of competitions shall ensure that there should be something for everybody who wants to be involved.

What events can you expect?

If you enjoyed killing Mortimer the Malboro last year then a new monster, Andre the Adamantoise, is a naughty pirate awaiting your creative requests of punishment. There shall also be a Treasure Hunt, where players can control a chocobo and dig for treasure on an abandoned island. If you have a camera ready and fancy snapping away then there shall be photography contest waiting for you. If your creative juices are flowing there shall be GFX events and a caricature competition. For those who are active on FFXIV, there shall again be a screenshot contest. Want to be rewarded for posting on the forums? Well with the return of the POST contest you can compete by doing just that!
All that and more!

The guidelines for these competitions shall be posted from June 1st and all competitions should be completed by June 30th.

To view our competitions, click here.


The Birthweek Point (BWP) system worked well last year, so they’ll be returning for calculating the highest scorers on our leaderboards. BWP will be given out in addition to the usual rewards in Gil.

BWP shall be distributed for each competition in this way:

1st Place = 5 BWP
2nd Place = 3 BWP
3rd Place = 2 BWP

For participating = 1 BWP.

Gil should be seen as an extra reward for the benefit of the participant, but they do not affect the leaderboards. BWP shall be used for this instead. Since certain types of competitions have traditionally distributed more Gil than others, the reliance now on BWP instead should provide a fairer system and encourage participation in a wider range of activities.

The member with the highest number of accumulated BWP shall be declared the overall winner of Birthweek 2016.

Here are the prizes that the overall winners of the whole Birthweek competition can expect:
1st: 300 Gil & 10 GP
2nd: 200 Gil & 5 GP
3rd: 100 Gil & 2 GP

Birthweek will have no entrant reward as the competitions themselves give out good prizes.

- Note that these gil prizes will be rewarded via the Admin Control Panel to keep the 50 Gil cap in tact.

We'll be keeping a record of the winners for each competition and shall list them in tables in the Birthweek thread, so check back regularly!

If all runs smoothly then the winner shall be announced on Monday, July 6th, 2016.

In the meantime keep alert for the appearance of the various competition threads, and enjoy yourselves.

For now, I leave you with an additional announcement:
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of FFF we shall be giving away one copy of the first part of the FFVII Remake upon its release!
The game will cost 200 GP and will be up on sale in the MogShop soon, so keep on earning that GP until it is released!

Happy 10th Birthday, Final Fantasy Forums!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Welcome to Birthweek 2016! started by Dionysos View original post

