The Most Powerful Force in the World

Now that I'm going more in depth with this, I have to point out that it's easy to manipulate people into having certain beliefs. All you have to do is tell a child this or that and it's branded into their minds for life. Children and teenagers specifically are gullible and eager to follow higher powers. You don't have to be intelligent to rule a nation.


You have to be ambitious.
Which leads me to the conclusion that ambition is the most powerful force, or..."quality" in human beings.

And Warbourne, I suppose ambition is a natural trait...meaning that Nature is the most powerful force.

And as stuck up as it may seem, coming from a girl...I agree that females are the most manipulative and cunning sex on the face of the earth. XD
Nephany said:
Natural disasters are powerful forces, but the damage that they wreak is preventative. Most of them are detectable, and when you have a smart person in power, it's easy to clean up the aftermath; if any.

You can't "prevent" a natural disaster. There is no way to stop an Eruption, the plates of the earth shifting, Tornadoes forming, and such like. Aye, you can tell if they're coming, but the best that can happen is manditory evacuation and no one is hurt. It's hardly "easy" to clean up the aftermath. For example, part of Britain has been obliterated by Flash Floods. According to Government statistics and estimates, it will take approximately one year to completely fix the damage done by the Floods, because homes are, literally, destroyed. You can fix the damage, but it's far from easy.

I wouldn't say so Warbourne.
Love is a strong emotion, but it doesn't outweigh ambition, power, or intelligence.

People are programmable.

If you tell someone repetitively to love God; a force who's existence has yet to be proven; you can program someone to have an inexplainable love towards a being that may or may not even be.

Hitler programed Germany to hate Jews, Christians, and opposers of the Aryan allegiance.

You can't program someone to be ambitious. You can teach a person to accept knowledge, yes. You can teach someone that it's good to be outgoing and ambitious, yes.
But you can't teach a person to truely want or have an indescribable need for something for their own personal gain.
If you want it, you want it. If your smart enough to devise a way to reach your own goals, then you can obtain whatever it is that you're after.
I wonder what can be said about the people who actually think for themselves and, no matter how many times they're told something, they still form their own opinions and beliefs?

Not everyone is a pushover.
You can't "prevent" a natural disaster. There is no way to stop an Eruption, the plates of the earth shifting, Tornadoes forming, and such like. Aye, you can tell if they're coming, but the best that can happen is manditory evacuation and no one is hurt. It's hardly "easy" to clean up the aftermath. For example, part of Britain has been obliterated by Flash Floods. According to Government statistics and estimates, it will take approximately one year to completely fix the damage done by the Floods, because homes are, literally, destroyed. You can fix the damage, but it's far from easy.

I wonder what can be said about the people who actually think for themselves and, no matter how many times they're told something, they still form their own opinions and beliefs?

Not everyone is a pushover.

Exactly Riku, but that depends on the person since each of us is a complete different mind to work with, and not everyone is easy to "program". There are those, like you say, that form their one beliefs no matter how many times you tell them to do the opposite, and there are those who can be easily manipulated.

So in the end, like I stated before during my previous post (a page ago), we have three types of human:
Those who are born to lead and manipulate (the players)

Those who can be manipulated (The pieces of the Chess Board, Pawns, Rooks, Bishops, Towers, Horses, King and Queen)

And those in the middle (the witnesses, the ones with that have a choice to be what they really want to be, either a player, another pawn, or just someone who stays away from the battlefield)

It's simple, every game needs pieces to be manipulated...think of them expendable assets that a business man has to move his way through the world of commerce.

Or like the crusades in which many thought that the true way to power, glory, and wealth and a way to obtains the means to accomplish those goals required a few martyrs to die for the cause...

I know it sucks, it sounds bad and I even feel bad by writing those comments, but hey that how most of the world works...:worried:
What part of NUCLEAR FISSION PWNS ALL is confusing? We wouldn't have the Sun without it, for Christs sake. And don't tell me "mother nature" or "peoples emotions" would make a bit of difference if we lost that.
What part of NUCLEAR FISSION PWNS ALL is confusing? We wouldn't have the Sun without it, for Christs sake. And don't tell me "mother nature" or "peoples emotions" would make a bit of difference if we lost that.

Oh yeah, that too XD

If it weren't for the Sun, Earth would freeze, plants would die meaning no oxygen there we die too....everything would be too damn cold, but it wouldn't matter 'cause we would be dead anyway.

But there's a point, the thread says "in" the world not "in the Universe"....not that that counts anyway...

I think you have a valid point here anyway :monster:
Ahem. I mentioned in one of my posts that children and teenagers (typically speaking) are naive and eager to follow higher popularity. Along with unintelligent people; I have to say that they're easy to push over.

No, natural disasters aren't preventable...what I mean is...some of the damage that they deal to society could be prevented. Not all of it, but there are means to avoid most natural disasters.

It just baffles me that some people are too incompetent to follow the rules. During every natural disaster that I've been faced with; tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes, there's always a warning, and there's always a preventative measure to be taken.
In every tornado alert, they sound the tornado sirens.
In Floods, they drive around town telling you to gtfo.
In hurricanes, you're told to evacuate...

But some people would rather sit at home and cuddle with their belongings.

Admitted...disasters like volcanoes are just horrendous...
I mean you can't help it if you live on or near a volcano...
Ahem. I mentioned in one of my posts that children and teenagers (typically speaking) are naive and eager to follow higher popularity. Along with unintelligent people; I have to say that they're easy to push over.

No, natural disasters aren't preventable...what I mean is...some of the damage that they deal to society could be prevented. Not all of it, but there are means to avoid most natural disasters.

It just baffles me that some people are too incompetent to follow the rules. During every natural disaster that I've been faced with; tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes, there's always a warning, and there's always a preventative measure to be taken.
In every tornado alert, they sound the tornado sirens.
In Floods, they drive around town telling you to gtfo.
In hurricanes, you're told to evacuate...

But some people would rather sit at home and cuddle with their belongings.

Admitted...disasters like volcanoes are just horrendous...
I mean you can't help it if you live on or near a volcano...
Again placing wealth and expendable things before life and security, most of the people tends to act like that...

It's wrong...but hey it won't change as long as we keep thinking the same and doing the same mistakes of our predecessors:worried:
i still say religion is a powerful force

has anyone watched films like war of the worlds? (old version)

in that film everyone is praying to god to save them even though they were about to get pwned
I was going to give examples about hurricane Katrina and how nearly half of the people stayed in be honest, that wasn't their fault. Most of the people wound up packed together in the Superdome because not enough buses came to pick them up.
If there were an intelligent authority figure in charge, incidents like Katrina would not have taken so many lives, homes, or broken so many families apart.
gosh, hopefully when GWB dies *counts the seconds* Dick cheney won't be a war fanatic/fanboy
Actually, there was a hurricane a few years earlier that hit Florida... I don't remember the name though. I would love for someone to describe what that was like. I only know that Katrina was horrific.
When did that happen...2 years ago?
There are still blue tarps on people's roofs who's houses have yet to be fixed. Still...
One of my aunts who lived on the coast came back home and discovered a 30-foot watermark in her house. 30 feet of water. o.0
But she left town like the rest of the competent people and survived. :monster:
is that hurricane francis/charlie? VV may know, he has heard some stuff from people who lived nearby during the successive hurricanes also i could ask a friend of mine at school as he was in the dome at the time
No, natural disasters aren't preventable...what I mean is...some of the damage that they deal to society could be prevented. Not all of it, but there are means to avoid most natural disasters.

It just baffles me that some people are too incompetent to follow the rules. During every natural disaster that I've
been faced with; tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes, there's always a warning, and there's always a preventative
measure to be taken.
In every tornado alert, they sound the tornado sirens.
In Floods, they drive around town telling you to gtfo.
In hurricanes, you're told to evacuate...

But some people would rather sit at home and cuddle with their belongings.

Actually, people in the mid-west can't move because they are poor. Some of them can't afford to built a basement. They have no choice but to deal with the tornado and hid in closets or in hallways.

With floods, you can't really stop flash flood. Depending on how bad it is you probably can't even get out of your own neighborhood because roads get blocked.

Some people just choose to stay where they live for many reasons. People stay because the land they live on belongs to their ancestors. Some people stay because they can't afford it.


But you have to admit that before the money and power, he was an ambitious man. He was smart enough to fool an entire nation, to conquer his enemies through manipulation, and to have an upper hand over all of Germany. Good god, he was a pathetic genius.
Yes he was but Germany was in a desperate situation. German was already going downhill before Hitler came to power.

Hitler programed Germany to hate Jews, Christians, and opposers of the Aryan allegiance.
Actually, Germans were already racisit against Jews but not as strongly. Jews became an escape goat for Germans.


Also women have the strongest card which allows them to force a men to kneel before them, no matter how many times we insist on denying it. Women are like the power behind the throne, the one that pulls the strings of the king.
Women aren't that strong. Some men will tell women to just go away. In fact in some countries women are very low in society.

If there were an intelligent authority figure in charge, incidents like Katrina would not have taken so many lives, homes, or broken so many families apart.

Yeah but thats out lovely, shitty, careless, president Bush for you. I'm sure the government thought they had more important things to care about.

As for the most powerful force in the world....? Lol, Illuminati? If they actually exisit.

I think Goverment is a rather powerful I believe. I mean, the American government does have the CIA. If you know any information of the CIA your dead. They're not going to say who killed you. Especially the U.S government. The U.S controls many things. Not to mention communism which is another very powerful form of government.

I believe money is powerful too. If you have money, you can get away with almost anything. You can commit a murder and cover it up by paying with money. Though money is not as powerful sometimes....Enron and Martha Stweart playing the stock market game. Also the church of Scientology has billions of dollars. They're a powerful group.
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Ahem. I mentioned in one of my posts that children and teenagers (typically speaking) are naive and eager to follow higher popularity. Along with unintelligent people; I have to say that they're easy to push over.
Indeed, maybe it is easier to sway an adolescent or a child, but by no means easy. "Typically speaking," most of us are at the other extreme; being too stubborn to be swayed :P

No, natural disasters aren't preventable...what I mean is...some of the damage that they deal to society could be prevented. Not all of it, but there are means to avoid most natural disasters.
You can't actually avoid against the disasters, but you can help protect yourself from them; like extra dam barriers for floods, or large and protected evacuation centres for tornadoes and whatnot. I know what you mean, though. I'm just being picky.

It just baffles me that some people are too incompetent to follow the rules. During every natural disaster that I've been faced with; tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes, there's always a warning, and there's always a preventative measure to be taken.
In every tornado alert, they sound the tornado sirens.
In Floods, they drive around town telling you to gtfo.
In hurricanes, you're told to evacuate...

But some people would rather sit at home and cuddle with their belongings.

Admitted...disasters like volcanoes are just horrendous...
I mean you can't help it if you live on or near a volcano...
As much as I agree that far too many people are incompetant, sometimes it's a bit more complicated than that. I'm not sure if this applies everywhere, but I know that in certain places, pets cannot be taken to evacuation centres (health and hygiene reasons?) and so many owners find it difficult to leave their pets at home to be swept away by murderous winds or water. Or some people might have lived in their homes for X years and can't bring themselves to leave it - much like 'the captain always goes down with the ship' kind of act. Sentimental nonsense can mean more than we think, sometimes. Although I agree with you that people should be stronger than that, and should know when to leave.

i still say religion is a powerful force

has anyone watched films like war of the worlds? (old version)

in that film everyone is praying to god to save them even though they were about to get pwned
Didn't they all die? ;)
IMO THE most powerfull force in the world is ones love for there kids. Say what you want about natural disasters, nuclear bombs, and money. But I would give up my life and others for my kids. I wouldn't even give it a second thought. I only exist for them and would perish without them. Ones love can change citys, towns, fight wars, start wars, stay inside during a hurricane ect....

So my answer as corny as it sounds is human emotion. It is a powerfull force that can shake even the most powerfull people in the world. And there is no way to prepare or hide from it. And you can't BUY your way out of it.
IMO THE most powerfull force in the world is ones love for there kids. Say what you want about natural disasters, nuclear bombs, and money. But I would give up my life and others for my kids. I wouldn't even give it a second thought. I only exist for them and would perish without them. Ones love can change citys, towns, fight wars, start wars, stay inside during a hurricane ect....

But then of course, there are those who aren't as devoted to their kids as you Sever Off, which I find sad. :worried:
(Ya, I got converted a few pages back xD)
I agree though that it can be an earth-changing force, I mean it certainly makes people work in strange ways, but not as much as other stuff like money and nature, and natural disaster, that we have absolutely no control over. Whereas all the others are.

So...I guess the strongest force in the world lies somewhere in the realm outside human control? :cool:
Sorry, I'm slow to pick up the hint.

So my answer as corny as it sounds is human emotion. It is a powerfull force that can shake even the most powerfull people in the world. And there is no way to prepare or hide from it. And you can't BUY your way out of it.

Ya, emotion, it shapes the world today.
It's just buried underneath all the material things, methinks.
Emotion is impulsive, right. Just look at what it does to spark things like wars, just because you insulted a king or some other leader, look at revenge, look at love, you can use all these things as reasons to commit a horrendous act.
i'd probably have to say that $$$ is the driving force of every person's life, or at least mostly. people go to school, for what? so they can go to college, right? but what is college for, to get a good job? and WHY would anyone want a good job??? to make MONEY of course! money can ruin a person's life, or glorify it. look at all the poor people in america, and all of the poor third-world countries across the world, and then compare them to the lives of middle-class or rich people. the middle-class/rich are more healthy, and usually live longer. also, the lack of money can bring depression, which can lead to suicide. because in the world we live in today, what can you do without money? close to nothing. money truly is...what makes the world go round.
Maybe it would have been better if we'd decided to ask separate questions; which is the most powerful physical force, (e.g. mother nature, bombs) and which is the most powerful non-physical force (e.g. money, love).