The Most Powerful Force in the World

Maybe it would have been better if we'd decided to ask separate questions; which is the most powerful physical force, (e.g. mother nature, bombs) and which is the most powerful non-physical force (e.g. money, love).
Yes because the topic is too broad and the possibilities could be limitless.

Ok Strongest Physical Force: Nuclear Fission
The Sun has numerous nuclear reactions as time passes, and also if it weren't for the Sun life wouldn't exist here at all. Also look what a Nuclear Bomb (with a power millions of times weaker than the Sun) did to Nagasaki and Hiroshima...

Strongest Non-Physical Force:
Knowledge and Intelligence

With those we are left wielding a double edge sword. One of the edges has the word "create" carved on its surface while the other opposite edge has the word "destroy". Sadly, humanity has been using the wrong edge of the sword many times....
Darn, good point Riku. ^_^

Here's my opinion:

Most powerful physical force:
Mother Nature, what else? It's unpredictable and is incredibly deadly. Nuclear fission may be deadly, but it's controllable as opposed to nature, which is just too hard hitting and is uncontrollable.
There's no real point either with trying to tame nature, because the planet needs it...either way, it's lose lose for us, we just try to prevent it by building up our own defenses against it. ^_^

Non-physical force:
Desperation & emotional vengeance. It drives us to do things that we would not normally do rationally under the perfect conditions. It's led to numerous wars, and has prompted many other deadly things in history.
Here's my opinion:

Most powerful physical force:
Mother Nature, what else? It's unpredictable and is incredibly deadly. Nuclear fission may be deadly, but it's controllable as opposed to nature, which is just too hard hitting and is uncontrollable.
There's no real point either with trying to tame nature, because the planet needs it...either way, it's lose lose for us, we just try to prevent it by building up our own defenses against it. ^_^

Non-physical force:
Desperation & emotional vengeance. It drives us to do things that we would not normally do rationally under the perfect conditions. It's led to numerous wars, and has prompted many other deadly things in history.

Good point Warbourne. But Mother Nature, while unpredictable and deadly, can be somewhat dealt with. I choose not to say controlled, because you can't control something that is unpredictable. You can build walls to counter tidal waves or build a city in a valley to counter tornadoes. There are a numerous number of ways to counter-act Mother Nature.

Most wars, historically, have been waged because of religion, money, or territorial expansion. You might think that Bush declared war on Bin Laden, but it was actually Bin Laden that declared Jihad on Americans. I can't think of a single waged war that was due to desparation and emotional vengeance. However, people do stupid things when they feel it is the last option that they have. Rob a store and shoot the clerk. Kill your girlfriend and her sancho sleeping in the same bed. Numerous things. I would still have to say that money is still the most powerful force in the world, though.

I agree with War though, mother nature is the the most powerfull physical force because the Earth will be here long after we have gone. It can cope.

Non-Pyscical? Love, and I don't say that lightly. Love is what we die for, be that love of an ideal, religion, country, person or indeed money. We live to love and we die for love.

x :)
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This is very interesting and i think most of you got it bang on the head with money and emotion but i dont think mother nature is that powerful, although disasters cause suffering people are still able to counteract them with a bit of thought.

I did think intelligence might be the most powerful force but its easy to see how in nazi germany intelligent people had no power to stop the events around them as the massive amounts of sheep did what they were told without thinking it was wrong...

what i think you're all missing out on is the power of SPEECH.

Without this, we wouldnt be the social beings that we are that are able to comunicate easy and work as a team. By talking to eachother we are able to explain new ideas, inventions, how to solve problems and most importantly knowledge that we have already learnt to the next generation so we are effectively evolving faster than most things on the planet (apart from them cheeky shits bacteria).

A good speaker like hitler or churchill can strive their people to pull together and do what they will,

however a shy person that doesnt speak much can be outcasted and thus have no power to get noticed for that job promotion or the person of their dreams.
Oh yes, speech, though I think that Hitler and Churchill drove their people to act the way they did not just because of their speech or speaking skills, but also because of the charisma, but either way, good point.

What with that (speaking skills) and the fact that they held the positions that they did during the war, at the top of their respective governments, just added to the effect.

Oh, and good point about the intelligence part, by the way.
No, Churchill said in elloquent tones what the British people were thinking, that we had lost the war. But he lifted us too, fight them on the beaches, never surrender. I would have picked up a shovel and died twatting a tank! By the way, he was also a c..t during peacetime.

Still, I would have died for that man, and my country.
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VIRUSES are the dominent force. they are the only thing that will always have a sustained threat to us. They can change and adapt too there surroundings. An example is the BIRD FLU outbreak in the early 1900s which killed 2 out of 3 people IN THE WORLD. If anythings gonna get us Viruses will