Tech Stumped on Win10 Issue(?)

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Mar 24, 2009
I have a few questions regarding Windows 10. Yesterday it started bugging me that whenever I right click something (see image below, on the RIGHT) the tasks show up in pitch black. I asked Jeff (who's also running Win10) to see what it looked like for him, and for him it shows up like the image on the LEFT. I thought it might be taskbar colour related, but it's 99% not. I say 99% because I've literally tried everything possible that you can imagine, and I still can't get it to change by messing with the personalisation settings.


LEFT side is Jeff's PC ---------------------------------- RIGHT side is mine.

Again, changing the taskbar colour does NOT change the "tasks" colour when right clicking. Do any of you guys know what this might be? What does it look like for you guys? I searched some things online but I only came up with deleting a KB29172--- something, but that issue is completely different to mine, so I'm not gonna touch that. Any help would be great. It's not a huge issue, but it's something that bothers me quite a bit knowing it's different on other screens!

(Adding the nerds I'm aware of: @AuronX, @Ken McGee, @Belazor et Britannia)
Mine looks like the left! :hmm:

Oooh here's an idea. Probably a silly question but are you on a computer or a laptop? When I'm on my laptop and enable the battery saving settings, it removes all the additional personalisation effects and makes everything flat black. Kinda the same as yours there
It can be linked to your BG image for some reason windows 10 pulls it's theme colours from the colour within the bg image. Also could be difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10.1 (10.1 brings a bunch of UI updates that I can't remember off the top of my head as I've been running the beta and pre-release for so long I hardly notice changes now unless they are major).
Hmmm randomrosso I'm in PC. I'll see if that changes anything when I'm home later to change the energy settings.

GothicSyn pretty sure it's not that because I changed the Windows theme and it had a bright blue background and it was still black. :| I'll try again later but I'm pretty sure it's not that.

Thanks for the suggestions so far!
In all seriousness any help is welcome if you know something, or have an idea of what it could be. =]
Is your colour calibrated alright?

Have you changed Display settings to high contrast at all?

When you changed your background did you have

"Show colour on Start, taskbar and action centre" toggled?

This is to check whether it's a setting issue or not.
It's not an issue, you all are running different versions of Windows 10. Sometime back in autumn Microsoft published a big update to Windows 10 akin to Windows 8.1 last generation and all the service packs before that. It changed some visual elements around, the taskbar and context menus being some of them. For some reason some people got left out of the loop back when the update first hit, and now it seems Microsoft is catching them all up, because I've run across several people who suddenly have it.
So what you're saying is is that the black is the newer version of Windows 10 updates? And people with the grey are "behind"? AuronX
Is your colour calibrated alright?

Have you changed Display settings to high contrast at all?

When you changed your background did you have

"Show colour on Start, taskbar and action centre" toggled?

This is to check whether it's a setting issue or not.

1. Yes
2. No (Though, I have tried various settings under personalisation and Display just to see if it would change anything.
3. Yes and no (tried both with different coloured wallpapers, and the "tasks" section remains black, and the part under it remains grey even if the taskbar is pink)

However, considering what AuronX said, I'm starting to believe it's because of an update? I've YET to come across anyone who has it black too, though. :sad3: Just makes me worry something's wrong with my PC. :brooding:
Nothing is wrong with PC the "black" bars did come with the November Update. Annoying they didn't give us a way to directly change it. The November Update was also essentially as Auron said an OS major update, they are just no longer calling them "service packs" as Windows 10 is supposed to be an ever evolving OS moving forward for MS.
Okay, thank you very much, guys. Mitsuki also confirmed that the "tasks" look black for her. I've had so many issues with Windows 10 (I almost typed Final Fantasy 10 there >_>) that every little thing that I notice changed freaks me out... -.- A few days ago I had a big update which required more than a simple restart where it went to the "Hi!" screen. :lew: But I already had the black tasks before that.

You've all eased my mind, thank you.

This can be closed, Adam! =] Ken McGee
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