Revenant Wings is anyone else bored of this game


Mar 29, 2009
The Cave of Wonders
x-2 was the first ff I've ever played, so I've been playing this bitch for years.

just a few hours ago I realized that I only made it up to 99% on it. I'm playing it again to complete it maybe, and it's actually so boring. my guys are too strong and there's nothing to explore. I'm not even curious about the treasure chests anymore, so I just run passed them. I'm one of those gamers who has to complete games 100% or more, and doing it with ffx-2 is like a chore now.

how the fuck do I make this shit fun again? I used to actually have so much fun, even though it's a campy game. it was light and silly and a nice break from serious stories and crap, but now it's like... z Z z Z z holy fuck
I couldn't even bring my self to finish it, so yah. I'm bored. When I became to familiar with a game the point that it was stupid easy, like I did with FFVII, I'd do a restricted playthrough. Like a LLNMIENA. :D If you think that's to extreme, I guess a LLNM game would be a better example. Low Level, No Materia. It's hard. ;) But doable. :)
I never play it over and over- I've actually sold it three times because I got bored of it...then I think, hang on, I like that game and go out to buy another copy...
I say I got bored of it, but it's only for about a week...then I wish I hadn't sold it
Your a Psychopath:lew:

This game had a limited life span to begin with, with only 3 playable character there is not much variety, sure it has dress sphere doovey but the same characters dressed up is boring like peanut butter on rice crackers(?)

Id say Nipper that if you want to get the secret ending just watch it on You tube, if you havent all ready, unless you enjoy repeated battles against weak enemies this game has done its dash for you.
After playing the game all the way through the first time and getting 60% completion, I seriously could not be bothered to re-play it to fully complete it. This game does not have a good enough storyline, in my opinion, to be re-played, so if I were you, I would play a different Final Fantasy. But, if you really want to get 100%, go ahead and do it ;)
I got up to 98% after playing through it twice (second time with a walkthrough, so bigger phail that I only got to 98% xD). Seeing the "good ending" CGI was enough for me in terms of the story. I saw that extra scene on youtube, and it didn't seem worth the effort to finish the game 100%

I think replayability is easier the longer you leave a game alone after beating it. You already got the game. Just get to it again when you want, even if it won't be for years (I think it's been 3-4 years since I last played it myself xD)
This is the first Final Fantasy I played. I got all the dresspheres: gunner, warrior, thief, gun mage, samurai, trainer, lady luck, alchemist, mascot, and others. I totally nailed the game because I completed it 100%. I also got Paine's, Baralai's, Nooj's, and Gippal's sphere. Everyone says it is the worst final fantasy but I have to object. I think the worst final fantasy I played by now is FF12. You know why? Because the story of FFX-2 is still nice and brings the aspect of a "fantasy" story. Unlike FF12 it isn't much fantasy and more like politics. It should be called Final Politics 12. You know what I mean? Anyway, I don't find playing this game boring. Umm... maybe a little.

Hey, do you guys ever played Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission? I played and totally liked it. If you don't have any idea about this thing, it features English voice acting, and full Japanese menus. I am no Japanese neither American, so I can't read anything but I can easily remember the symbols. This version rocks than the previous ones. I can customize my whole party. And in customizing my party, I mean I can control other characters. You will be surprised that I have Yuna, Tidus, and Auron in my party. It also has 3 new dresspheres. If you're gonna ask me how much better this version is, I say it is 5x better than the older ones. You should play it too and enter the coliseum at Shinra's station at the airship(the first/top option when you talk to him).
Your a Psychopath:lew:

This game had a limited life span to begin with, with only 3 playable character there is not much variety, sure it has dress sphere doovey but the same characters dressed up is boring like peanut butter on rice crackers(?)

Id say Nipper that if you want to get the secret ending just watch it on You tube, if you havent all ready, unless you enjoy repeated battles against weak enemies this game has done its dash for you.
Don't appreciate being called a psychopath, thanks. Please don't do it again.
I'm in the process of looking for a copy of this again, because I've got a new PS2, and I like to play this game because I find it a lot less taxing than some of the others. I think that in this game three playable characters are enough- I wouldn't want to play as bloody Brother, and Shinra and Barkeep don't really appeal either. I think that with the storyline on hand, they'd be the other playable characters we'd have had.
And I think the dresspheres work because they have different abilities. When you're in battle, I personally don't think that the characters' personalities are all that important. I think it's more about what they can do than what they are actually like. The secret ending is annoying to try and get...but I ended up getting it by accident, and hadn't looked it up on youtube in case this happened, so I'd never seen it :)
My personal opinion is that this is one of those games you're not gonna spend weeks obsessing over completing. It just doesn't have that length or that serious quality that other JRPGs in the past and since have produced.

On the other hand, it's a very, very fun game that's more for spending a short time playing before moving onto something a little deeper. That's not to say Final Fantasy X-2 is shallow. It just isn't very deep either.

I personally play Final Fantasy X-2 for a weekend or a week total (or did, my copy's broken unfortunately) and really enjoy it. But if I overdo it, I start to get really bored really fast and it just doesn't keep that same quality. It doesn't have the deep story with constant new developments to pull you in. Everything about the plot is made clear in Chapter 3, partially in Chapter 4, so by the point you get to Chapter 5, you can see the end coming, and there won't really be any more surprises to pull you in.

As well as that, 100% is damn hard to get. The only surefire ways are with a guide or via trial and error. And some of the requirements are unpredictable. For an example from personal experience, I didn't speak to Maechan outside Youth League headquarters because I knew a long winded story was coming, which I wasn't in the mood for at the time. Bam. I'd just screwed myself out of 100%. Stuff like that can really make you get bored while wading through the less fun stuff to get an extra two minutes of cutscene value.

This post is a little unstructured, but eh. In short, FFX-2 is a fun game and isn't meant to be taken seriously, and as such, it has a limited lifespan for the hardcore gamer, who, whether they admit it or not, is probably at least partially expecting something in the vein of the original game, so you'll cast it aside when you want something serious, and pick it up again when you want something fun and casual. That's just the way of things. At least in my eyes.
It's a game that I like play maybe once every 1-2 years. It's not the best, and it does get boring after a while. I've played it several times, got bored, and stopped playing. It is fun, and it makes a nice break from the constant overwhelming darkness of most rpgs, but it's almost constant cheeriness can be just as depressing at times.

As for the 100%, I'd just have to take you all's word for it, because I have to really love a game to try to finish it to THAT level and this game never was that. Not a person who has to complete every mission and such. However, from what I've read, it's very very difficult, so I'm sort of glad I never felt the need.

That said it's hardly the worst RPG or even the worst Final Fantasy imo (I'm looking at you FFXII).
Yeah, this game isn't the best, but I didn't get too bored with it. I didn't bother getting to 100% after I already got to 98%, but I still enjoyed playing it. As for there being only three playable characters, I feel like that is sometimes a blessing and curse. On one hand you have only three characters that you have to worry about leveling up, so there will be no unbalance, but on the other hand there is lack of variety.
The title made me laugh...I am pretty sure majority of people were sick of X-2 the moment they put it into their PS2 and saw the girly pop music style it was done in!

I was sick of it after 4 hours of playing through it.
I will admit the battle system was really fun but overall its an embarrassing game to play :|
The title made me laugh...I am pretty sure majority of people were sick of X-2 the moment they put it into their PS2 and saw the girly pop music style it was done in!

I was sick of it after 4 hours of playing through it.
I will admit the battle system was really fun but overall its an embarrassing game to play :|

I wouldn't say majority, well over 3 million copies sold. Reviews ranged as low as a 7 out of 10 to even an A+ among the biggest publications. Their opinions count for something.

Yeah it undersold compared to the prequel, but in the video gaming industry, if you can sell copies in the millions, you're good to go.
I don't trust review companies, their version of 'good' seem to be skewed.

They will review a popular franchise as high as possible because they either get paid to or want to be looked upon favourably.
People would have bought X-2 based on these reviews, popped it into their PS2 and I am sure majority would have been unsatisfied with it.
It did have its good points like I said, the battle system was really fun, and it looked good. But weak story, bad characters and just major pointless-ness really ruined it for a lot of people and I hear more bad then good about this game.