Has anyone reached 100% Completion in Final Fantasy XIII

ShadowStar Mila

Doom Knight
Aug 30, 2011
I was just wondering this because I only have 3 more achievments left to go, one is to unlock all other ones. So really Its just 2 left, and one is getting all the weapons in the game. Im having a hard time with it cause I need lots of Trapezoins (cant spell it) to upgrade a few, of a course I can still do it cause its just time consuming, but I have other characters that I only stopped at the second level. But theirs different types of weapons (or versions) which it makes it hard when I get crap items to use for upgrading.

Another one Im missing is getting a 5 star rank on every mission, I completed every mission and a few I got 5 stars on. theirs at least 5 or 6 that I think is impossible to 5 star rank. And the last mission I nearly passed it and I doubt I can beat mission 64 again as well as 5 star it.

So Im just wondering if theirs anyone that achieved 1005 completion in the game or is stuck on the same ones Im on or others. And if you did pass the ones Im on, any tips on how to do it. I have the strategy guide and even I can say that its useless when it comes to mission 64, their strategy didnt work I had to use my own to pass it which barely worked.
Yep, I have 100% in Final Fantasy XIII. I see you have taken the same route as my strategy for 5 staring Vercingetorix. You will get it eventually. It took me like ten or so tries because his hits are really brutal. Do you have the limited edition guide? 5 staring was pretty long because of the backtracking. If you need trapezohedrons.. you will have to go through the boring ass fights with the turtles. Also no, every mission is possible to 5 star :) Use the death trick+ Malboro wand with Vanille. Just remember, try and make it die even if death is luck. You must do it really fast. You will need a huge amount of platinum ingots as well. I would recommend going to Eden, and if that adamantoise near the save point doesn't drop anything when you death it, reload the game. Rinse and repeat till you are happy. :)
Yep, I have 100% in Final Fantasy XIII. I see you have taken the same route as my strategy for 5 staring Vercingetorix. You will get it eventually. It took me like ten or so tries because his hits are really brutal. Do you have the limited edition guide? 5 staring was pretty long because of the backtracking. If you need trapezohedrons.. you will have to go through the boring ass fights with the turtles. Also no, every mission is possible to 5 star :) Use the death trick+ Malboro wand with Vanille. Just remember, try and make it die even if death is luck. You must do it really fast. You will need a huge amount of platinum ingots as well. I would recommend going to Eden, and if that adamantoise near the save point doesn't drop anything when you death it, reload the game. Rinse and repeat till you are happy. :)

Yeah the collecting weapons I can do just time consuming and since I beat every mission allready one of them changed the turtles on pulse to those shadow long gui things which I can't beat at all and theirs only like 2 turtles their. The one at Eden i the one I been using but once again takes alot of time x.x Limited Edition Strategy guide nope just the regular one :selphie: So the 1 hit death trick huh? I remember trying to do that on my run through of the missions and since it never worked (although i didnt have that weapon when i did it?) I decided to just max out and beat it normally but got a crappy rating. so should I use the death trick on most of the really difficult missions then? I forgot which one but theirs that mission that takes place agaisnt those two things that have a magic shield around on it, and it takes place on top of the mountains in pulse while its a thunderstorm in the sky. Thanks for the help Milla :smartass:
I got the Platinum in 55 hours :whistle:
I don't think that there's anything more to do in the game once you get the Platinum is there? If not, then yes. I got to 100% :D
I got the Platinum in 55 hours :whistle:
I don't think that there's anything more to do in the game once you get the Platinum is there? If not, then yes. I got to 100% :D

I am having a hard time believing that. That is by far not possible. The story alone takes 40 hours if you rush it, or 61 if you grind a bit Considering I did it in 165 hours, I say that is impossible. There is no way to do it that fast.
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I thought you might say that :whistle: I'm a member over at ps3trophies.org and there's a timed platinum leader board over there. I'm in third place. 1st place is 41 hours...


I'll try and hunt down my picture showing my time ;)
Found it:
I have to get the Treasure Hunter trophy, 5 Star trophy and the Plat too. My previous file had been about 160 hours but I was far from getting the Plat. So now I'm gonna use Sazh to Blitz enemies all to hell as it's useful for killing turtles with when staggered.
Seriously am i the only XBOX user on this forum :sad3:

and nope.. I not even finished the storyline yet.... but I wanna do that at some point :grin: i don't think i'm gonna do it in 41 hours :P well done for that time XD
Seriously am i the only XBOX user on this forum :sad3:

and nope.. I not even finished the storyline yet.... but I wanna do that at some point :grin: i don't think i'm gonna do it in 41 hours :P well done for that time XD
Maybe you should get a PS3 :whistle:

I was thinking of going back and playing XIII again, but I think it might be too close to other good games coming out soon to start again...
Sadly no, This is one of the few FF games I have not 100%, and it should be THAT hard (vs dissidia which just takes your life away..). I lost interest when I played it, but maybe I will go back when I have time/ can be stuffed.
Seriously am i the only XBOX user on this forum :sad3:

and nope.. I not even finished the storyline yet.... but I wanna do that at some point :grin: i don't think i'm gonna do it in 41 hours :P well done for that time XD

just wana make sure you can hear me so ill cap this YES IM AN XBOX USER AND A PS3 USER but 360 is my main system and i have XIII on it so I get ahcievements instead of trophys I like having an gamer score xD

anyway Im about to try millia's trick to ace all the missions, I might try again this weekend, but i really need to get the weapons ahcievement cause i need fangs gamer pic :I
Im really close to get Platinum trophy (100%)... Just joking :) I'm hunting Adamantoises for platinum ignots (sells for 150k gil) and when i have all weapons upgraded to stage 2 i'll equip coinnoseur catalog and hunt more turtles for trapezons (can't spell it either).
I am having a hard time believing that. That is by far not possible. The story alone takes 40 hours if you rush it, or 61 if you grind a bit Considering I did it in 165 hours, I say that is impossible. There is no way to do it that fast.

Realy late saying I know :)

Maybe thats possible but not without guides for anything and its not likely that some one playing the game for the first time gets it that quick maybe he got the platinum on another account earlier
yes.. it really doesnt take that long at all.. well at least compared to ffxii, where I got all the trophies in the skypirates den..