

Oct 24, 2007
-I wasn't sure of where this particular topic should go, so I kind of just threw it somewhere. Move it if necessary.-

So, being that I'm a huge fan of comedy and when I say huge, I mean I go out of my way to watch as many stand up comedians as humanly possible, whether they're amateurs or have sold out shows...I decided to start a topic regarding stand up comedians. We all have our favorites and we all have those that we loathe, or at least the styles that we dislike. So, I guess I'll start this one off with my lists:

My favorite comedian? Demetri Martin

His analytical style references somewhat to Mitch Hedburg, though his delivery is quite different while still maintaining a relaxed feel. Where he obviously differs from Mitch is in his ability to play musical instruments, so as to help his act flow much better. Is he an amazing musician? His chords and overall play style seems to be simplistic, but the fact that he has adjusted himself to utilizing several different instruments at once has really given him an interesting presence. This carried over to his show 'Important Things' which premiered on Comedy Central, even though it only ran for two seasons. I believe this was primarily due to the fact that Tosh.0 ran near the same time slot. Does this mean Tosh.0 was better? Not at all. It simply means it amassed a larger audience, a simpler audience; one that is easily impressed with someone simply peppering words over videos that were already funny.

At any rate, I could go on and on about why I find Demetri to be my favorite comedian but I figured I would give the general idea. Beyond him, I really enjoy Louis C.K., Bo Burnham, Kevin Hart, Eugene Mirman, Tim Minchin, Stephen Wright, Jim Jeffries, Mitch Hedburg, George Carlin, Bill Cosby...I mean the list goes on and on but let me tell you about the comedians/styles that I have an utter distaste for...

Whitney Cummings: Derp, I'm a slut.

Sara Silverman: Derp, I make pee jokes.

Lisa Lampanelli: Derp, I'm fat and I only like black men.

Now at this rate, you may be saying: "KELRANOX, YOU SEEM TO ONLY HATE FEMALE COMEDIANS!" And this isn't true, plenty of talented female comedians exist, for example: Maria Bamford, Kristen Schaal, Paula Poundstone, etc. I do dislike some male comedians as well.


Jo Koy: Girls, bars, I hate Alabama.

Dane Cook: This really doesn't need an explanation.


So, what comedians do you favor and which do you dislike?
Sarah Millican is pretty clever! :) My parents and I discovered her at the Edinburgh Festival before she became famous. She was in a small, boxy room, just starting out! She picked on me, actually... Embarrassing!

I love Dylan Moran, too, and Bill Bailey, which I pair together because of Black Books. Their comedy acts are quite varied, but are equally funny. I like how Bill Bailey gets music into his acts too! It provides variety. :)
I like Melissa Villasenor....

She's a very good impressionist. she writes her own material. she even got to the Semi finals of america's got talent. I like her a lot. She has her own youtube channel (Melissav98) where she uploads her impressions.

i find her amazing. And my favourite comedian ever. because i don't really like comedy. but she got me into it. (y)
There are really no comedians that I like :damon:

TBH, I don't get the big deal about Larry The Cable Guy... I don't find him funny and I think he is quite mental. He perpetuates a false sense of Americanhood that I believe other people see and think "Wow, American's are stupid as fuck..."

And Dane Cook... You are famous for ALL the wrong reasons and people are slowly realizing this... I know you are probably set for life now because of all the people you have duped money out of, but seriously, get a REAL job that you could actually be good at...
I love Comedians! I don't know how anyone can hate people who make people smile and laugh for a living?? Sure there are some pretty shit ones out there but there are also a lot of really great ones.

Some of my favourites include:

Tim Minchin. He is a singer and song writer and happens to be funny and clever as fuck. He's one of the smartest comedians I've ever heard of and the stuff he comes up with is hilarious. If you're ever bored and are surfing youtube you should definitely look up his songs 'Prejudice" and "Storm" They're very funny.

Flight of the Conchords. I am not really sure if these guys are counted as comedians, but they're funny and they also sing and write songs so I'm going to count them. They're a couple of best friends from New Zealand, they have their own show and it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. They've got a certain sense of humour that I can't really describe, it's very unique. Anyone who doesn't enjoy Flight of the Conchords has no soul :ahmed: Also I saw them in concert and they were fucking amazing.

Rhys Darby. He is also from the show, Flight of the Conchords but he's not part of the band. I saw his standup show "this way to space ship" with Lew in Edinburgh this year and he was really funny. I think he's got a very harmless sense of humour, it's kind of lame but in a good way :griin:

Stephen K Amos. He's someone I liked for a long time but wasn't really THAAAAAT interested in him, but I saw that he had a show on in Edinburgh for the fringe so I decided to go and have a look. Turns out he's way funnier than I previously thought. His show was called 'work in progress' and he literally just made up jokes on the spot and depending on the audiences reaction would decide if it would go into his finished product show. Well I think his final show is going to be a long one because people were laughing at every single thing he said. He's coming to the Adelaide fringe this year too and I am going to go back and see him! WHEYAH'S THA BANANAS MOIGHT @Big Casino

Arj Barker. He's an American Comedian, now usually I do not find American comedians funny at all but I like Arj's sarcastic humour. He's also in flight of the conchords which is probably why I like him so much haha. He did the opening act for their concert actaually. He's coming to the fringe in March too so I'll see him with friends.

Jerry Seinfeld. Lots of people say he's really lame and stuff but for me that's what makes him a great and loveable comedian :griin: anyone who has watched Seinfeld and enjoyed it will get what I mean.

Dave Hughes. An Australian comedian. I think his voice is the funniest thing about him haha, it's so bogan. His jokes are very funny too though. He's now on the Project which is a very popular news show over here which mixes news with comedy. It's very good.

Carl Baron. Not one of my mooooost favs but he does make me laugh quite a bit. Another Aussie. He does a lot of Australian themed jokes, talks about when he goes to America and no one can understand him. His joke about Aussie thongs and American thongs is funny!

Jimeoin. Irish Comedian but he's very popular over here. I was meant to go see him in Edinburgh as well but missed out :( Luckily will get to see him at the fringe this year instead :griin:

Comedians I do not like: Almost any American Comedian. They're just not funny...all they talk about is toilet humour and other stupid shit. Dane Cook is a very good example. I do not like almost all female comedians. A couple I don't mind are Kitty Flanagan and Michelle Laurie but ugh 90% are just no good. Ross Nobel. Terrible Comedian. He's way too random for me. I also don't like overly crude comedy unless it's clever.

Anyway, that's enough for now hahaha. If anyone bothers to read all that though and is in need of something funny to watch I really recommend youtubing a few of those!

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I've liked George Lopez since like, forever. He's mad funny. I believe I've seen two of his shows on TV. I always go back to watch them on YouTube (in full!)

My other favorite is Kevin Hart. Mom made me watch about a year ago amd ever since then I've been trying to see as much of him as possible. He's also funny (duh)

I think I like them so much because I can relate to the storys they tell.
Hahahaha people who know me well know that comedy i am very iffy on but there are some who do make me laugh. Im gunna include a few tv shows aswell involving some funny people. Else the list would be small. There is something very great and amazing to be at finding a comedian or tv show ive never seen and find really funny. Its not something that happens often but when it does i always get so excited. Im not easily impressed with comedians. I find my friends to be funnier than most standups or films and tv shows these days.

Bill Bailey - He was the first person to spring into me head. Uhm hes just a real weirdo :lew: I love how he incorporates music into his live work. Ive had the pleasure of seeing him live and it was one of the most enjoyable 2 hours of comedy of my life. Just utterly fantastic. Americans might not know who he is but hes an English comedian with this very eccentric look, all round a comedy genius imo.

Frankie Boyle - Admittedly I dont think hes as good as he used to be. Its a real shame hes practically banned from TV. For anyone who doesnt know of him his jokes are always intended very harsh and he makes fun of everything and everyone. Disabled people, celebrities, ethnicity religion. I dont find him to be offensive because he makes fun of everyone. Hes not a racist who picks on one kind of people or one religion. He trashes everything. Hes Scottish and he loves to talk shit about Scottish people and its cities aswell :lew: Its a shame TV is so pathetic that they deem him too dangerous for tv. I would love to see him host an award show or something live. You just know the channel producers would be shaking in their chairs everytime he talked.

Flight of the conchords
- Yeah its a tv show but i love it. The music is funny. Their songs are all very unique and very strange as are the characters they play on the tv show. But these guys are real performers aswell. They do tour and they do sing these songs to audiences. I also love Rhys Darby who is the band manager in flight of the conchords. I had the pleasure of seeing him live in Edinburgh thanks to my lovely lady @Squid Its down to her that i even know of the show. Its became an instant favourite of mine.

Ford Kieran, Greg Hampill and Paul Riley - They all starred in a show called Still game which focused around the lives of pensioners living in a council estate in Glasgow Scotland. Its my joint favourite comedy show ever along with the one il mention next. Sadly its stopped airing a few years ago. It ran for 7 seasons then they had a fallout and kinda stopped with the show. They are great comedians they would perform comedy sketches all over the UK and the still game was originally a sketch from their first tv show which was called chewing the fat, which admittedly not a fan of. Sketch shows dont really do it for me as i like a story in tv. They turned still game into a fill time tv show and words cant explain how brilliant it is. Its very Scottish some people will find the Glasgow accents maybe hard to understand for other people outside of Scotland though i know it was popular in England aswell back when it aired.

Only Fools and horses - What can i say it my joint favourite comedy show along will still game. It ran for too long. The newer episodes sadly were quite poor. David Jason is an old man now as is Nicholas Lyndhurst so for me it wasnt the same. If your from the UK youl know what show this is and youl know just how utterly brilliant it is. Everyone around the world should see this show. Its one of the most highly acclaimed comedies ever worldwide. Not just in the UK. I cannot recommend this show enough to people who havent seen it. Go look on wiki and get a brief plot synopsis and watch it. You wont regret it i promise.

Now im getting kinda bored posting but il name the other comedians who ive enjoyed. Jim Jefferies. Fantastic Australian comedian. Only ever watched one show of his on netflix but hes my kinda guy. Very like Frankie Boyle doesnt care what the fuck he says. Stephen fry and Hugh Laurie are both extremely good. Theyre sketch show is really the only sketch show ive actually enjoyed. 2 extremely talented men. Stephen K Amos whom i seen again with my buddy Squiddy really surprised me with his stand up. It was all non rehearsed and nothing was written down or anything like that. He was just there interacting with the audience and telling stories. Never liked him when i seen on tv but that day i saw him live changed my entire view on him cuz i havent laughed like that in a long time. Billy Connely has always made me laugh. Back when he was in his prime he was the king of comedy and i think worldwide hes respected as one of the greats. Kevin Bridges is another great comedian. Hes kinda new on the scene and i think about the same age as me 23/24. Very very funny comedian whos kinda suddenly took the UK by storm. Would love to see him live some day. Im sure im missing something great but thats all i can think of atm. Ill add in some other tv shows i found funny and humorous but wont say why because this post is getting a bit long. Scrubs, The inbetweeners, American pie 1-3. The young ones, House, Happy Gilmore and pretty much most Adam Sandler films. Bill and ted, Waynes world, The simpsons back in the old days, its a terrible show now. Futurama, Spongebob Squarepants.