Information Build-A-Member Workshop


Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
Staff member
Social Media Team
Jun 26, 2008
Shiva Snowflake
Carlos el Cactuar
Chocobo Egg
Accessory (Arms)
Accessory (Head)
Polyphemos Bromios
FFXIV Server
Free Company

Welcome to the Build-A-Member Workshop!

Have you ever considered what it would be like to live in two-dimensions? Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you were a sprite graphic? Many Final Fantasy characters have had this experience; you can now join them!

The handiest of the moogles have set up a new workshop: the Build-A-Member Workshop.

With this new forum feature you can commission a sprite of yourself to be made!

How to order your sprite.
Go to the MogShop and click on the Build-a-Member Workshop under Dio's Masco Market in the Shop List (or click this link). You may then purchase the Build-a-Member item for 20 Mako Points.

Write out a description of yourself. This can include hair type, hair colour, skin colour, facial hair, eye colour, and clothing style. Alternatively (or additionally) you may send a link to a photograph of yourself and the moogles may be better able to match your likeness.

The moogles will then work on assembling your sprite’s ‘base form’.

Bored of yourself already? Accessorise!
You might think that your ‘base form’ is seeming a little bit too, well, base… To remedy this you may like to make your sprite stand out by purchasing accessories. These can act as silly novelty items, or you can take them seriously.

Fed up of being human? Why not add goat legs and horns and turn yourself into a demon?

Maybe you dream of going to Mars and want to know what you’d look like with a space helmet and boots first? It will be FFF’s honour to grant you your wish.

Accessories can also be purchased in the Build-A-Member tab of the Workshop. Each accessory type (head, arms, and legs) can be purchased for 300 Gil each.

'Head accessories' can refer to hats, helmets, glasses, or anything you can creatively interpret as headwear.
'Arm accessories' refer to any held items (such as weapons, pets, or objects).
'Leg accessories' refer to unusual footwear or legs.

You may only purchase one accessory of each type per sprite.

The moogles will then add these final finishes to your sprite with care and precision. Be creative!

Collecting your order:
Once the sprites have left the assembly line, have successfully passed quality control, and are packaged up and ready for you to collect, this will then turn your spritely self into a smiley to use anywhere on FFF!

Warning Rules!
The moogles are master craftsmen and craftswomen and are experts in their field. While the moogles will do their best to grant your desires, they do have limits.

The moogles ask the following:
Only commission sprites of yourself. Do not request a sprite of any other member on FFF even if given consent.

For your ‘base sprites’ you can be original in your requests, but you must also stick to simple clothing. You may request comfortable clothing which you yourself might wear, or ‘fantasy’ clothing so long as it is not ‘heavy’.
Complicated clothing items might be classified as ‘accessories’ by the moogles and you must purchase the relevant accessory items from the MogShop.

No nudity or vulgar costume items! Moogles are mostly innocent, happy creatures. They blush if they see human genitalia or costumes inspired by such. They’re still recovering from FFVI’s Cid, and they will not allow this sort of thing in their Build-A-Member Workshop!


Now… The gears and machinery are well oiled, and the conveyor belts are rolling smoothly. Impatient moogles are whistling and singing as they bang their hammers, chisels, and paintbrushes on their work desks. They await their first customer! Don’t leave them waiting long!

If you have any questions about the Build-A-Member Workshop, please send a Private Message to Dionysos.

Current purchases:

:casualmits: :notemits:
:Ellia: :ElliaAstrologian:


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Technically I can afford this now...I just earned a bunch of CT by cashing in my awards via Milestone Awards system. However I'm going to wait a bit to give the members a chance to follow suit since there's only 2 stock available per month. But if no one has purchased this by the end of the month then I'll bite. I'm excited for this project to take off. :)
Just placed my order, along with a few accessories! There goes my CT!

Can't wait to see what you can whip up for me @Dionysos
The moogles of the Build-a-Member Workshop have completed Mitsuki's request!

Mitsuki's base sprite was her FFXIV persona:

Mitsuki also purchased two accessories (a lance and a Fat Chocobo) making her finished sprite thus:


The sprite shall soon be available to purchase as a smiley in the MogShop.

The moogles await their next customer!
Just in case you haven't already noticed (or need reminding)... The Christmas Sale is underway.

The Build-a-Member has now greatly reduced to only 15 CT for the month of December.

That means that if you want to have a personalised sprite of yourself (or your 'persona') then you have a chance to get it cheaper!
@Notorious won a Build-a-Member sprite in White Elephant.

Base sprite of Notorious (in the role of Negan):
Type : notorious: (without space)

Notorious with barbed baseball bat weapon and blood:
Type : notorious2: (without space)

I hope you enjoy these new smileys!

Fancy a sprite of yourself? The moogles await their next customer!
@Linnaete purchased a Build-a-Member sprite.

Base sprite of Linnaete Mellemme:


Type :linnaete : without any space.


Linnaete the Scholar (with fairy and glasses):


Type :linnaete2 : without any space.



(We can pretend that the stool is off screen)
I purchased a Build-a-Member sprite and decided to follow the current trend and base this one on my FFXIV character.

Base sprite of Polyphemos Bromios:


Type :polyphemos : without any space.

Polyphemos the Warrior (in warrior gear):


Type :polyphemos2 : without any space.


Yes. I went for Polyphemos in his underwear as his base sprite since almost all of my screenshots have him dressed like that...
I have a sprite FFXIV character but can I get another one, this time based on me? I'll let you customize my appearance and everything (PG-13 rating only please).
So Mitsindy and Brahnesuki are out... Such a shame. :brahneto:

I'll see what I can do for a real life Mits.
Here is Mitsuki's new Build-a-Member sprite.

Base sprite of Mitsuki (Casual Mitsuki):


Type :casualmits : without any space.


Notebook Warrior (with notebook and pen):


Type :notemits : without any space.


Notebook Warrior :wacky:

I love this, thank you for your efforts! You nailed the shirt and everything.