[16/07] "Crystarium" Spotted in Final Fantasy Type-0

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007

• The Crystarium growth system in Final Fantasy XIII.

Final Fantasy Type-0 shares a common mythology with Final Fantasy XIII. But it may have another connection.

A player who sampled Type-0 at a demo event in Odaiba today claims that there is a "Crystarium" of some form in the game. You use this strengthen your abilities.

Crystarium is, of course, the character growth system from Final Fantasy XIII. In FFXIII, each character has a set of roles, which are like jobs. You can use CP, earned in battle, to climb through a visual skill chart for each role, earning new skills and increasing your HP, MP and other parameters.

Assuming the account is accurate, this would be the first we've head of a Crystarium system in Type-0. Square Enix actually hasn't said much about the game's character growth component.

Some other points from the player's impressions included:

• The end of the demo showed the text "Battle Starts Soon." It's unclear what this means, as a release date has not yet been announced. Perhaps we'll either get a release date soon, or the demo will be released on PSN.

• Famitsu's impressions mentioned support characters named Tabata D and Kitase P, named after the game's director and producer. This player was helped by a character named "WADY." CEO Yochi Wada perhaps? Another player found a "Nomura CP" who wielded dual guns and said "Sorry to have kept you waiting."

• The game's Kill Sight system felt similar to The 3rd Birthday's Overdive system according to this player.

• Famitsu's editor complained that the camera has some problems in tight quarters. This player had the same complaint.

• In the config menu, you can switch the game's L-shift buttons from the d-pad to the face buttons. L brings up a menu for switching characters and calling out your reserve characters. See this story for a control chart.

• There appears to be a battle stadium style area, although you couldn't go there in the demo.

Separate from the above impressions, FF Reunion's Aibo posted some pics from the event space at his Twitter. Included are some nice shots of Rem and Machina, two primary characters from the game.




Source: Andriasang
I'm so getting this then.

Just another FF-XIII type game with a different name.
Anyway I looked at the vid ages back on a trailer or something like that and it looks awesome.
Which console would type-O be for?

I havn't heard much of it.

so far, it's only for the PSP.

I can imagine some FFXIII haters hating type-0 in an instant just by reading this piece of news. The hate for FFXIII is scary ;)

Seriously though, this game is looking good. but I don't really know why, I don't have much hype for it. I don't have a PSP anyway.
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If the Crystarium behaves in the exact same fashion (or in a similar way) to the one in FFXIII's, then it certainly won't be enough to entirely put me off this day of course, though I may have to dock some points off it. How it worked in FFXIII was a fantastic replication of the game itself - a set path of stats augmentation and skill-gaining that would be capped from time to time with some random tiny paths deviating off in one direction but ultimately no nowhere. Of course, the very presence of the Crystarium doesn't automatically mean it will like FFXIII's, but I will be a bit disappointed if they do decide to go down that route. If they did, it wouldn't be enough to put me off as I already said. It would perhaps just put me in a position where I would pray that Versus doesn't get this same treatment.

And errr yeah guys, how about that release date thing then? Are we going to get it, even if it's little unconveniently a downloadable version on PSN where depending on the size of the game itself, I could be waiting all night for it to download completely with my internet being a bit crappy? :mokken:
The Crystarium was a bit dull but meh I really do not mind. It just better have a different feel to it. Final Fantasy Type-0 is not just an Final Fantasy XIII on PSP. When you get too far in the Crystarium in FF XIII, it just caps you till you get to a certain chapter. That is honestly just to keep your characters from getting stronger, but in a way it was just stupid. In some FF games they do not keep you from power leveling. I truly do not see why they would repeat it in type-0. The Crystarium was not bad. It was just more like a "Hey you are too strong.. pass this certain chapter too get even stronger!" Now that is why power leveling/grinding is best till after the game when you get the final stage of the Crystarium. Still like I said, Other FF's just let you have free roam unlike the Crystarium. I have always loved Type-0 so far... and I do want the game so I just hope they announce a release date for NA/EU and not just a downloadable version of the game where I will have to go buy a psn card. :hmph: I agree with what Livi said about Versus having the Crystarium. Now that would be absolutely shit. I highly doubt they will give it the same thing as Final Fantasy XIII. I mean.. they did want to make it more advanced.. and greater than any FF game... so they say. Now for the Type-0 Crystarium, it better have unique features about it. :jtc:
The Crystarium was pretty rubbish, but this was only called "Crystarium like" so it could be anything really. Hopefully its a mix of Crystarium and Sphere grid, I really doubt SE would just copy and paste the leveling system from XIII and put it into type 0 anyway.
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