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  • Thanks. :D

    Also, I'm never mean to new people. :sad2:

    So PS3 and MMO's stole you from us? :ahmed: I have to admit that I've not been active on MSN, Facebook or anything much, and my activity on FFF isn't as it was, though I'm still semi-active.

    I've been ok though, in general. It's been quite crazy, but that's largely how things go. :woot:
    Aunt Rukalucia! :O

    Wow! It's been a hundred years since you were last here. I thought we'd lost you. :sad2:

    You been good?
    lol kk, though now I'm currently playing WoW. :mokken: I never liked the PS3, all the games I've played so far were boring apart from FFXIII (Though it didn't impress me much, I enjoyed playing it), I'm more like a PC gamer now :monster: (Dragon Age, MMOs).
    Yes, I was an RPG Director from June of 2010 (last year) until about a week ago.

    But leading up to when I was let go from staff, I had been very inactive here on FFF for the past while, and had left no word of my forthcoming absence...

    The cause was of something I didn't really have planned, so it was just hard to say anything, I figured I would have been more active...

    No regrets though, it was fun while it lasted, I was an RPG Director for nearly a year, and now I have my own Smiley here. :Eric:

    So yeah, I've been doing good. Sorry to hear you can't find the person here that you were looking for, but it has been cool to be in touch with you again. :3

    I got a new email address, and no longer use my old account, could you either tell me yours again, or add mine?
    I'm good thanks.
    Yea, I'm rapid, though I still have my Shot mage, I quit since I have trouble with getting equipments. @_@
    Though, I play S4 League now, try it out. It's quite fun, not an RPG more like FPS and really doesn't equips and that, more like it needs skills. I would play on my PS3 if I didn't think it was boring, I just play FF on it, or other titles I'm interested in.
    Wow, I haven't seen you in an age. ^^; How have you been? Unfortunately, RPG Inferno is no more at FFF, and it's replacement is a total failure, doesn't have much at all to offer, so it is really just the forums, or you could play some Triple Triad as well.
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