Your Favorite Final Fantasy Character?

Sabin from Final Fantasy VI. To be perfectly honest, I'm not even really sure why. He's just always been a sentimental favorite of mine since I first played the game. Maybe I just really enjoy those Blitz attacks. I think I had similar hair to him in high school, so he may get bonus points for that, but I don't know. I do like his storyline of giving up the throne of Figaro in order to follow his own dreams and to get out of the stifling environment that led to his father being poisoned by the Empire. I find it... liberating.

Sabin's my favorite, always has been, though I admit my reasoning behind that is weak at best.

Others that I like are Kain from IV, Terra from VI and Kefka from VI since he is on a god-tier level of awesomeness. Oh, how can I forget the Red Mage/Wizard from FFI? The dude dresses like a straight up pimp. Gotta respect threads like that.
- Balthier: It was all about his attitude/personality. Just a born leader, really. He's, without a doubt, helpful and knowledgeable, too. His wit and charm are added bonuses.

- Zack: Always kept his head high. Never gave in, even when death was, truly, staring him in the face. He was a character who made the ultimate sacrifice, all in an attempt to reach his main goal: becoming a hero.

- Sazh: Truly the most "human" of the main cast from FFXIII. I find him to be a character any person could truly relate to, in some fashion. He "felt".

- Ramza: Man, this guy had it rough. He basically sacrificed his whole existence for a righteous cause, defying the highest power in the lands. That's all while trying to discover himself, protecting those close to him, and dealing with uber-powerful demons throughout the world. And yet, he kept it together - barely.

His story is incredibly tragic. I know some may regard him as purely antagonistic without any hope for redemption whatsoever. However...

You have to understand that he wasn't -always- antagonistic. Hojo cultivated his mind and shaped him into the crazed warrior he became in the end. He was never allowed to live an ordinary life due to the fact that Hojo injected him with Jenova cells while he was still in the womb. His destiny was pre-determined (somewhat) from day one. Then it took one assumption from Cloud (that is, Cloud having asked him if he was a monster or something like that) to push him in the wrong direction.
For me?

I'd say that it's a tie between Cloud and Squall. At least for the male characters. As for the females, I'd say it's a tie between Tifa, Rikku, and Lightning. Overall, I will still say that may favorite of all time is either Cloud or Squall.
SQUALL O_________O

Squall Squall Squall!!!!!
I don't even need to think about this answer :D. It was love at first pixel sight... *.* Mmm....
I really love his character (what... can't you tell?) and how it developed in the storyline. He also reminds me of myself a few years back. A lone wolf, but then slowly begins to open his heart.
The entire storyline contributes to my love for Squall. I am a hopeless romantic... so the whole jumping out into space to save his girl did it for me ;). I could only wish to be so lucky and have a guy do that for me... xDDD
Well, I think I'll give my favorites from my Top 3 FFs now that I've played more, and because I have a hard time picking a #1 character of any series.

From IX: A tie between Freya Crescent and Vivi Orunitia. I liked their character designs and their own levels of emotional complexity. Both of their quotes give me chills too.

From X: Auron. I think he's my favorite from X because he seems so serious. Especially in the beginning when he first appeared, "bad-ass" popped up in my head. Again, I like the character design too.

From XIII: Sazh. Funny and serious. I felt the most emotion from him. Plus, he has a chocobo in his fro. Now that's freken cool :D
My top 3 favorite characters are:

1. Squall - Squall and I have a lot in common. We are both lonewolfs with winner attitude who tries to put up a hard surface but in reality are very soft on the inside. Easily picked on because of our somewhat grumpy outside, we still stand up for our believes to the bitter end. Funny thing was, FF8 was the first final fantasy game I played and I, being in my early teens and wondering who I was, instantly indentified myself with him.

2. Basch - Bad to the bone. Courageous, brave, hard hitting, straight forward, masculine, upstanding man who fights for his country and those who can not fight for themselves. Guys wanna be him and girls wanna have him. What is not to like?

3. Lightning - Finally a non-wimpy female Final Fantasy character. This young woman kicks butt and taking names.

"Lightning is determined, concentrated and independent. Initially, she is a cold and standoffish person to others, often distancing herself from her companions; which stems primarily from her irritation over her refusal to believe her sister Serah's plight, as well as becoming a l'Cie just as Serah did. Much of her motivation is fueled from what she perceives as failing to properly protect Serah and wanting to make things right, which leads her to lash out at those she believes are responsible for that and the subsequent Purge"

I could not come up with the specific reasons why I like Lightning under such a short notice so I "stole" a part from the presentation of FF-wiki ^^; hehe
Top Hero- Cloud (Zack too)
Top Villain- Sephiroth
Secondary hero- Squall
Secondary Villain- Jecht

There that's what I had to say about that. I can't choose just 1 of anything lol.
Squall, Zell and Sabin combo. Didn't care for Cloud too much. His past was covered up with too many lies.
I have to say Vivi, I really loved his story. His part of the quest brought huge philosophical questions that dove into existentialism to the game. His journey into self-discovery about his race was truly heartbreaking. It was brilliant when he would finally stand up for himself. I also liked the way the party supported him, he had a lovely friendship with Zidane, who always supported him.
Like I said I'm a huge Cloud and Squall fan but Vivi was a pretty cool little dude. He really did step up.
I like Cloud and Noctis.
Cloud is by far the coolest character I have ever seen who has beaten a master swordsman with an extremly long katana multiple times and his skills are just epic.
His mood I like because he is always cool in hot situations.

And I like Noctis because he is the main attraction in an even more bad ass Kindom Hearts game.
I like it that when he uses his crystal abillity because he is part of the royal familly, his eyes turn red.
He can wield nearly every weapon so far from what I have researched.
The only bad thing is that he is not good with ranged weapons like the gun or bow (If the bow is in the game. Gonna research some more)

But yeah these two are by far my favourite characters.
Final Fantasy X Yuna. Not X-2 Yuna. <_<

I love how reserved she was and her determination to finish her pilgrimage and sacrifice herself to save others. She was very selfless and soft spoken and that's what I loved most about her.

Such a lovely character. <3

Shame they had to ruin her in X-2. =/
I prefer Yuna aswell. Yuna is so strong and addicted to her journey. She always wishes the best to everyone. She's cute. :)
Zell Dincht. I usually don't like overly happy people, but for some reason I really liked his personality. I thought he was cute and probably one of the only video game characters that I have a genuine crush on lolol. contest. He's such a great charater, dark, mean and evil with a pinch of psycotic and he really surpasses all other villian characters in the FF series, when it comes to being a villian.
Even after playing some of the other FF games, he is still the first character I think of when i hear about Final Fantasy :inlove:
Such a hard question to answer... but I'll have to say Squall.

From his anti-social and loner-esque attitude toward others to gradually starting to open up to the people around him as you delve more into his story, going all the way back to his childhood.

Now that I think about it more, he reminds me alot of Cloud.