What are you going to do if you create a stage in Final Fantasy?


Active member
Feb 28, 2021
I thought about writing something cool on the name of my topic. Finally, it's just a simple question.
One moment ago I planned to post an article on a topic where people in the forum can talk about their feelings during the day. Some are on a good day, but not the other. It seems that our life is not easy and we must make efforts to obtain the best things. For me, every day is a challenge in creating something, no matter how good or bad I feel. Maybe some of us can do it by designing, composing, or doing something about art creation while others play video games. Well, I can't make music except to listen to them. My mastery of design is also insufficient but just sufficient so that I am sensitive to beauty. And the only thing I am possible to do is writing.
Therefore, I would like to create myself a sort of scene in a game, i.e., a new FF game, that each character communicates in a particular situation. These scenes have no connection with the new plan of Square Enix, but they are not really complete fanfiction because I write imaginative dialogues only. I may also include a soundtrack, music, and images, or names of actors or actresses in real life (if applicable) for each scene to give you visibility. There are many reasons to do so, but it is mostly because my words may be too long, whereas I am not a writer who uses English as a mother tongue. By the way, you guys can write creative dialog or other scenes in the FF game. I will love them. And it's even better to discuss all our posts here. With this topic, I hope you will have moments of relaxation and wonderful.
The actors and actresses I choose to apply to any character are from my imagination. That means their movies aren't about every scene in the stories posted here. The soundtrack and music are from other video games or movies (if you guys agree that the soundtrack of the film is equally good for a game). Actually, there is no rule if you want to choose some music or actors and actresses for your stage scenes.
About the story stage, they may in a FF game remake or a new one. I prefer new ones with remakes.
The first part of my story in a new FF game is in this post: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/v5-whats-your-mood.64416/page-5#post-1134362
1. The main character:

Keanu Reeves plays The man or R (That name is quite... ridiculous and one character below feels as well).
2. The second main character:

Ian McShane plays Doc (It is in fact a title, but also funny).
3. The wife plays Charlize Theron, the General plays Nicolas Cage and the secretary plays Lily Collins. There are other characters but I will update soon.

Okay, so let's begin.

Scene 1:
The protagonist and his family at the end of the battle.
“Who are they?” The wife talks to the man, “They resemble Androids but know how to use magic… Why did they try to kill us?”
The wife is starting to ask so many questions of the man that he cannot answer them. Since he feels exhausted after the battle, he starts having words with his wife.
“Dad.” Their little girl touches her hand to the man and talks to him.
“I saw someone before leaving home”. The little girl points at the house burning. “A woman… has wings on the back”
“Dad…” The girl continues, “Is she an angel?”
“Maybe.” The man tries to smile, “If they have wings.”
“But dad…” The girl starts to cry, “You told me once angels never feel angry unless they have lost their wings. Why’s she so angry?”
“Oh, my dear!” He holds the little girl, “You're just scared of it. Everything will be fine. Don't worry.”
“Daddy.” The girl hugs him and cries, “I could see that woman was burning our home with her eyes. I'm so scared…”
The man can understand how his little girl feels even if he has seen nothing but those enemies that burned the house during the fight. But he has no idea what's going on with him or his family.

Scene 2: The protagonist meets the second character for help.
The man comes out of the door to visit Doc after ensuring that his family is safe.
“Thank you for helping us. I don't know how I can handle this without your help.” He says as soon as seeing Doc in the corridor.
Doc makes a sign to the man to come in the elevator with him. After pressing the button to go down, Doc starts talking to the man, “Let me clarify something. I know it will be very difficult for you, but you must return.”
Just as the man is going to talk, Doc points to the camera above them and communicates by means of signs, “Do me a favor, do not tell our real names right here. Just call me Doc.”
The man gets it, then he says, “I can't go back, Doc. I feel like my life is full of lies and dirty secrets till I forget my identity…”
Doc suddenly interrupts him, “10 minutes ago, I just received a loud report that a 2-year retired man took down 5 armed aggressors in his house. They even used magic, although they are all normal people...”.
“It’s my luck. One of them had tried to control my spirit, but he's just a normal person controlled by someone so I could deal with him easily.”
“A piece of a tree trunk hidden in the ceiling of your house fell on his head… The report says so.” Doc says and looks right into the man’s eyes, “Then I guess you won't survive much longer, except to prepare something for a battle, right?’’
The man is reduced to silence. Doc continues, “Ok. You know what? I think it sounds like our big problem of many years ago.”
“Yeah. I still remember that night. A man knows how to use magic without using any tools or Android’s support… A lot of our soldiers were vanquished and brainwashed by him. Someone said this man came out of the sky…”
“… with the wrath of the Deity.” Doc smiles, “That's because this man has colorful eyes, but I only see him as very cute. Anyway, after a whole street was destroyed, we were so lucky to have somebody who made him an amateur in hand-to-hand combat.”
The man is trying to say something because he thinks that Doc is looking at him closely, but the elevator door opened. Coming out, he sees a young soldier lying on the first aid stretcher screaming with pain. He approaches and realizes that the soldier speaks another language.
“Sir…” The nurse says while she is trying to keep the soldier calm down.
“He says that there is something inside his kidney…” The man talks to the nurse, “… and he needs an urgent surgery.”
By listening to the soldier, the man continues to translate, “There are also some papers, including a health insurance card in his pocket. Find them and you’ll see.” The nurse does what the man says. Everything is correct. She, then, thanks to him so much for helping her. She also says, “Sir, you are bleeding. Let me help you.” The man says no need to care about him. When she prepares to move the first aid stretcher, the man talks with the soldier’s language, “Don’t worry. Because of your skin, I see you won't die here now. Trust me.” The soldier is weeping and wishes him luck. Doc sees what the man has done and smiles, “For a pensioner of 2 years, your two skills are still pretty good, huh!”
Going out of the camp, Doc tells the man, “Our country is doing military maneuvers with neighboring countries. Lots of people will be very busy so don't be surprised if someone gets sick but can't communicate here.” The man says, “At least they're no longer in control of flying buildings…” Doc looks at the man, “Tomorrow I will go to see the General. I think he's busy afterward.” The man tells Doc, “If you go there, please give me best regards to her.” Doc gets it and says, “Whether you decide or not, you have to come with us or your family is going to get off the street. So I'm afraid to stop helping you, R.” The man just stays quiet. Doc looks at him for a while, then goes away. He doesn't even hear the man say, “Hey! It isn’t even my real name…”

Scene 3: Doc at the meeting.
“You know the rule, Doc. Whatever you say just do not tell the real name of anyone here. Not even yourself.” The General (G) sitting in the swivel chair talks to Doc.
“Ok, so tell me why you chose this guy?” He begins to ask Doc, “I'm asking you because I read his profile and now I see nothing from him.”
“Well, so far we have many soldiers who are really good. But this guy… is the best…”
“You have 5 minutes, Doc, so just be quick”. G points at his watch.
“Eh..” Doc goes on.
“Ok, stop.” G raises his hand, then takes a phone in his pocket. Someone is calling to him.
“I will go there soon right after finishing my job here.” G shifts away, turning his back toward Doc while replying to the call. Suddenly he laughs so hard, “Perfect, just book a room for me. My partner wants to see some Androids… Yeah... You know what I mean… Right, I have to go on now. Bye.”
As Doc waits, he looks at the secretary (S) behind G. She looks at Doc and shrugs her shoulders.
“Ok, now go on.” G throws his phone on the table.
“Well…” Doc breathes a sigh, “Every timeline has some heroes and antagonists born in wars and conflicts..”
“No more listening to the history, Doc. We have no time.” G tells off.
“Ok… eh… This guy we're talking about here can be regarded as one of them but has a very terrible story before. At the age of 10, his family was killed by a gang, then they came to meet him in the apartment. After a short talk…” Doc stops a little when seeing G is yawning, then talks quickly, “He… eh, took down two gang members with his small gun which his father gave to him before then used a tiny but long spike to eliminate one green -beautiful eye of their leader talking to him…”
A pen swiveled in the fingers of S suddenly dropped to the ground. Her noise makes both Doc and G just look at her. She bends down to pick up the pen, adjusts the glasses on her face, and says, “Sorry, sirs.”
“The guy…” Doc keeps talking, “was then chased by the rest of the gang. They had cars, motorbikes, and guns. But our guy was small and fast enough to hide from home to home...”
Doc clears his throat with a cough, then goes on, “And he escaped. 5 years later, he went to the gang house to defeat them one by one…”
“He’s deaf, isn’t he?” G suddenly interrupts Doc.
“Deaf? No. What do you mean?” Doc asks G but G just shakes his head and motions Doc to keep talking. Doc then continues, “… Where was I? Ah! In the gang house, right. The gang leader could stop the bullets with his blade. But with our guy, this wasn’t a problem. After a fast but very noisy battle, he finally pointed his weapon at the leader's head lying on the ground. He just said ``dodge this``, then shot.”
G pulls an irritated face, looks at Doc while S lowers her head.
“A few years later, I met him one day to invite him to join the military of secret operations and then a team of spies. I cannot speak to everything that he has accomplished so far, But I remember every soldier chanting a song like this…”
Doc starts singing, “Who does the army trust the most? Real Man! Who do the ladies love the most? Real Man! Who do our enemy fear the most? Rea..aal man! Aaaaa….”, Doc raises up his hand and looks up at the ceiling so that he’s reconstructing the emotion of the soldiers at that time, “Then a captain, who is also a royal prince, once spoke to him like this before jumping off the Mothership in a battle.” Doc mimics the prince, loudly says, “See you in hell, R. Good luck!”
Doc has already finished his speech. Both G and S just look at him for a while. Then G turns his head at S and bursts of laughter. He stands up, says, “Looks like we have a second Sephiroth here, although the guy you're telling me likes to use guns more than a sword. But…”, he comes to Doc, slowly says, “I feel like you better become a radio guy who tells a... sensational story than a doctor. The guy... Sorry, what's his cover name?”. Doc plans to reply to G, but S has already replied, “R or Real Man, sir.” G says, “The Real Man, right! Doc, I don't care if his name is Ramza, Red or Rinoa…” Doc interrupts, “Excuse me for a moment, but Rinoa is a female, sir. And Red is…” G cuts him off, seems indifferent, “Who cares?! You know what, Doc? I think this guy would rather be a man taking out my dog than a… doorkeeper. I knew a super-soldier before who could cut a meteorite with a saber that's like a big butcher knife.” Both Doc and S try to help laughing while G keeps saying, “… but I only see this guy, R, could beat some sort of mediocre mob and some soldiers congratulated him with an absurd song. Oh,… by the way, You should have left the prince out of it when you're trying to make this story... bigger.”
G stops talking and goes back to his chair. Then he says, “Anyway, no need to be worried, Doc. I’ve heard about his situation out there. Because of your status in the military, I'll approve him for the exam early tomorrow morning. However…” G lowers his voice, “… You need to get him to prep something before he attends. Understood?” Doc nods his head in confirmation.
G returns to S, “Prepare a suit for me, now!” When he wears the uniform with the secretary's assistance, he continues to talk to Doc, “And be sure to remind him not to reveal his real name in case he comes by. I think that R is O.K. Are you clear, Doc?” Doc smiles, “Consider it done, sir! Today, people almost forget to speak their real name in any communication, which I see.” G doesn't care for the word of Doc. He just orders, “Dismiss! Doc. But you can stay here anytime.” S comes close to G to say something that Doc can’t hear clearly. “We will talk about it later.” G suddenly talks to S loudly while glowering at her.

Scene 4: Doc with the secretary after the meeting.
After G has left with an excessive whistle, Doc sees S, asked her, “Are you okay?” She's just raising her hand to show she's all right and says. “Your presentation is pretty good. Unfortunately, the prince died many years ago, so now we have no evidence to demonstrate your words.” Doc talks to her, “This is the best thing I could come up with when talking about him because G is a man of the achievement syndrome, you know.” Coming close to G’s desk, Doc takes his hand in the hip to relax. He lowers his head and says, “But our guy has been finally accepted, hasn’t he? With his contribution, our people in the project will be way safer. I'm certain about that.” S glanced at him, abruptly asks, “Are you sure about that?” Doc lifts his head to look at her, “Hey, I’ve told you..” She interrupts, “No, I mean... They say he has a great family. So is it worth putting him to this no-way-out problem?” Doc sighs, “Honestly, he’s a man who can be compared with a large number of previous heroes on the planet. Especially since he doesn't need to use any Makos during the fight.” S laughs off, “The Mako, that's already history, isn't it? Especially in those days, humanity was under the pandemic of the Third Wave. Oh, and I know more about it. The first was in a city known as New York City over a thousand years ago. The Second Wave arrives much later and destroyed the Cetra ethnicity…” Doc smiles, “Well, I don't know if you know our history, either.” S takes a joystick out of the drawer. When she pushes the lever, a holographic illusion is shown. “The matter didn't stop there, Doc. I'm also learning something from history never written in the book.”
The soundtrack now is like:
After closing her eyes for a while, S continues to say when the holographic delusion runs, “The Cetra were unique in being immunized against the initial pandemic. Nobody can explain why they could do this, but we all know they can use an energy called magic afterward. Unfortunately, it appears that their immunity dropped in the Second Wave. Instead of finding out the cure, they absolutely adored the Gods, blamed on a woman from another planet they called Jenova and created more weapons to fight against the Wave of Zombies. That’s the stupidest plan I've known…” Doc interrupts her, “You intend to tell all the history for me right now, don't you? Although I see you're better than R only about this, it's likely you're showing your arrogance. And I don't see anything pleasant in history except that after many, many years people knew how to fly the building to stop the Zombie Wave, and the monsters.” Doc stops a little bit to watch S turning off the holographic. Then, all of them break into laughter. S smiles, “Well, my thought is actually different from yours. Remembering history is the best way to survive after entering this machine, not merely a spy skill. That's why I hope R will always do his job as a security guard if he's in space. And so do I and his friends but you.” The doctor is a little frightened, but S makes a gesture with her hand, “Just kidding. Relax. No one‘s going to make you get in the machine. I promise.” Doc just looks at her eyes, then he smiles, “You know, I appreciate that your skill’s still good.” S understands what he means so she looks away and storms out of the room. At the door, she turns around, says, “Remember, Doc. It's just you and me and our general who knows why the machine was created. Maybe you and he think it must be the highest honor for a man... To go to the machine… but… change and keep timelines for the greater good, regardless of how other groups can be eliminated in our time. That word… makes me sick.”
“Everyone dies eventually.” Doc talks to her, but she has already left before he finishes his sentence.
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Scene 5: Father and daughter.
This scene happened last night.
R is unable to sleep. He wakes up. His family is sleeping well. Get out of the camp, he walks aimlessly, feels empty-minded. It’s raining. The previous battle still drives him crazy. Then he sees a target drawing on the wall.
R knocks several times on the target. The song sung by the soldiers about him appears in his mind. Then a voice comes out of the prince, “You let her sacrifice herself… Why did you do that?” The prince shouted, “She trusts you. I trust you, too. We all put our faith in you. But you…” The voice becomes loudly, “TELL ME WHO YOU REALLY ARE? WHAT IS YOUR NAME, R?”, R punches harder towards the target and almost yells.
“Daddy…”, the voice of the little girl makes R back to reality. He feels anxiety when seeing his daughter standing in the rain, carrying a Chocobo fur toy in her hand.
“How…? Why are you here? Where’s Mom?” He asks her but she says nothing. He shouts at her, “Come here with me. Now!” She runs into him, says, “Daddy. Don’t be sad. Mom is sleeping. She's okay. I woke up and didn’t see you. So I've been tryin' to find you… I'm sorry if I upset you.” It appears he is more motivated by his little daughter. The two try to find a place to avoid the rain and finally they did.

<Inspirable soundtrack>

He holds his daughter so that she warms up from the cold of the rain. Hugging the fur toy closely, she asks him, “Daddy, why are you so angry?”
He lies, “Oh, my dear. I'm training as usual. Don’t worry.”
“Dad. Why do you keep hurting yourself?” She looks at R’s fingers bleeding, “I've just learned magic to help you. But Dad…”, she says earnestly, “…Just promise not to hurt yourself again, okay?”
He hooks his pinkie on hers to prove that he will keep his word. She then picks up a Material from her pocket, holds it with two hands, says something quietly and puts it on R's wounds. He feels like he's got a stable spirit. His daughter looks happy at this, but she remembers the attack in her home and starts crying. By looking at all the holes he did in the target, R knows where to start helping her feel happy again.
“My precious, would you like to hear about an ancient story that inspired me to be a legend today?”, askes the girl. Her eyes just open widely. She laughs, “Daddy. I haven't heard all those tales yet. Tell me one of them that inspires you to be a hero, please!” Her joy leads him to think fast in order to tell a less violent story. So he starts, “Back then, in a magical world, there was a man who didn't enjoy using magic like anyone else in his country. Instead of using magic for work and fun for children, he spent most of his time learning the martial art. He believes that this skill will be essential for his people one day. But at that time people laughed at him because they all thought it was a dumb skill. He realised that he couldn't get the highest rank in their society, so he went away to a new land. All along the journey, he helped many people against monsters and even the evil witches. But he never once used his magic. The King in the new land thus welcomed him and expressed the wish that he could stay to practice for the troops. Although he accepted the invitation, many soldiers still looked down on him.”
“Why did they do that?” The girl askes.
“Because the people of this country have never employed magic, but machinery. And he was just a low-tech guy. They said that with the high tech they could vanquish all kinds of enemies, and martial art was useless. Until one day something peculiar happened.”
R stands up and begins to perform in front of his daughter, “The King celebrated a ceremony marking his daughter's accession to youth. He invited all people in the world, including the best witches and warriors, to the celebration. When the King wished for his daughter well, somebody brought Ifrit in to attack her and the people.” He plays Ifrit and pretends to suffocate the little girl, “I am gonna eat you, little princess, GRAAAA…” She just yells with laughter.
“Then, our hero appeared on time and took a kick at the monster. Moved back a little farther, Ifrit went mad and attacked him. He jumped on it as soon as approaching and struck all the its meridians.” R speaks as he reconstructs the combat scene while his daughter is applauding and cheering. Now she can clearly imagine that her dad looks like a true hero. “And Ifrit fell into a profound sleep before all the sorcerers and the king's soldier could react.” The daughter has her mouth and eyes wide open. She asks, “Is it dead, Daddy?” R talks to her, “Dead? No, Ifrit was just asleep, long enough for the soldiers to take it away. The King then generously rewarded him and conferred him on the leader of the imperial guards…” The daughter sounds, “No! You’re wrong. They were Kingsglaives, not imperial guards.” R surprises, “Kings…! Never heard about them. Where did you get that name?” She lowers her head. R understands his little girl and thinks, “I should have talked to my wife about how to teach our daughter properly one day.” Then he askes her, “Okay, from now on I will call him Kingsglaive. You happy?” The daughter smiles. He continues the story, “After that day, Kingsglaive has had a better chance of getting to know the princess and she had a crush on him. But some soldiers were so jealous that they approached the Ifrit summoner to conspire against him. Finally, they had made the King suspect of Kingsglaive loyalty so he was put in jail and waited for the execution. The princess rescued Kingsglaive and then decided to run away with him. But he could not let it happen and told her to think about the greater good. Other Kingsglaives forced him to flee and left her behind. Long time later, it appears the King is an evil man. Kingsglaive with the people had to defeat him once and for all. After the King had gone, the princess became the queen of her country. But she and Kingsglaive never got together because he decided to go on his trip to save people and teach them how to protect themselves from evil witches and monsters…”
He executes the martial art of Kingsglaive in front of his daughter while still speaking, “Over the years, his legacy builds on the many successes of the battle. His modestness and acumen turn into a sort of weapon that people still say as the shadow of the enemy… Only a few warriors on the planet can fully understand and learn this power due to the heavy philosophy within… No words to describe all its effects. And one thing that can be well understood so far is that many people, especially wizards, are all defeated by someone using his martial art…”
R stops talking as he sees his daughter holding the Chocobo toy and falling asleep. He says to himself, “Thank God! I can bring you back to Mommy now.” Although the rain has not come to a halt yet, he can feel at ease in his heart.

<The soundtrack ends here>

Suddenly, the blazing lights of the watchtowers shine on their location. Before R can react, several soldiers have arrived round him and his daughter and shouts, “Don’t move. Stay where you are. That’s an order!” R tells them, “Hey, we are taking a walk and just staying out of the rai…” Suddenly a soldier comes up and arrests him. On the knees, R looks round him and sees another guy who looks like an agent approaching his daughter. She wakes up and starts shouting. R growls, “Don’t touch her. She is just a kid.” That man is not listening and taking her hand. She frantically squirms. While still kneeling, R immediately turns to the soldier preparing the handcuffs and grasps this guy’s hand. He then snatches the handcuffs off the soldier, wrestles this guy to the ground, and cuffs him. Others just shouts at R, “Sir, don’t do anything stupid or we’ll shoot.” But he doesn't listen and runs to his daughter. Then, he pushes the agent into the ground. When he is trying to calm the girl, suddenly a female Android shows up and strikes him. This Android eventually defeats him and holds him down, uses a hand to press his head on the ground.
The rain still falls heavily.
A few soldiers help the agent to get back on his feet. “Are you okay, sir?” One of them askes, but the agent shoves him. “Get out of my way.” Then, he comes close to R who is being constrained by the Android, says, “Well! You don't sound like a hero as they say, huh?” He talks to the Android, “Can you keep him tight? Because I'm watching him wriggle too much.” The Android responds, “I will try.” The agent ablazes with anger, “Call me as sir. I see you are just some stupid robot that no one cares about. Do you know that? You freak!” The Android responds while her black band is soaked in rain, “Yes…sir!” He orders a soldier to take the daughter of R away. “Daddd…” Her picture as she yells seems in R's eyes. Then, the agent stands in front of him. Squatting in R's presence, he talks, “You know what? If your little girl didn’t walk around as if she is possessed by the enemy and then her image didn’t appear in each security camera, the situation might not be like this. But I saw that she used some kind of magic a few minutes ago so I decided to get her. By the way, my men and I have kept waiting for your... fun chat with her to be over…” R shouts at the agent, “It’s not magic. My daughter only used material to cure me…” The agent cuts off R, “…without any permissions. Yeah?” He stands up, keeps talking to R, “Don’t worry. We will take care of her. Not you…” R cuts off him, “Remember. If you dare to take one hand to my family. I swear I am gonna cut your head off…” The agent smiles, “Sweet! And you should remember one thing that next time, please talk and act less so we won’t be wasting our time.” Then, he knocks R senseless.
When the soldiers take R away, the Android is watching over all the holes in the target. Her hand strongly trembles while raindrops are falling on her cheek.
Main theme:

Scene 6: I will find my team.

That scene is the following day.

Agent 2: You have known the rule, right? When you are saying, do not lie or everything is getting worse.

The wife: Yes…I know.

Agents 2: And don’t do anything stupid or the conversation will be done right away. Do you understand? Okay, someone, please turn on that camera and we shall begin.

The wife looks at the camera: Darling, are you there?

R responds to her: Yes, honey. Don’t worry. I’m fine.

Silence for a long while.

The wife: Are you crazy? What have you done last night? You gave our daughter a hard time AGAIN.

R talks when applying an ice pack against the bump on his forehead: Honey, I’m so sorry. Our precious just went looking for me. She couldn’t sleep and I tried to help her.

The wife: By “walking in the rain”. You’re kidding, aren’t you? You know what? You should thank your old friend because he has talked to those agents right after going back from the meeting. Now she’s sleeping all right in my bed…

The agents are just looking at each other when the wife keeps scolding R: Why don’t you just… get a job to do instead of going around all the time? I've been in charge of this family for a very, very long time. But you messed up everything. They want me not to say your true name right here, right now. So, I'm not sure the man I'm lookin' at with that stupid camera is my husband…

An agent comes to the wife and talks: Madam, please low your voice here…

The wife raises her fist and talks: Hey@##!. Don't bother me when I’m speaking with my husband, or I will chop your head off. You hear me?

He just shows of hands and backs off.

Keep quiet for a while, the wife goes on talking to R: It's rumored that you will take security work out of a new camp. Is that right?

R: If they said so, then yes…

The wife: Congratulations, my dear. At least you can earn money to care for your daughter. I only hear that about you, nothing more. But I guess this will be a very long journey.

She’s crying, continues to say: Oh! Darling. You should've stayed a hero like old times, not just a normal person these days.

R: I've never been a hero, apart from those people.

The wife: But everyone's finally got a happy ending except you. Maybe, their history ceased when they finished their...story. And I know you still get them as inspiration. But you need to create a new heroic story about yourself.

Agent 2: Okay… Time is finished. Madam, please stand up…

The wife: I haven’t done yet. Lemme tell my husband just one more word. Okay?

Agent 2 shows of hands and back off. The others only help laughing.

Agent 2 talks to them: What’s so funny?

One of them: No, nothing, sir!

Agent 2: Okay then shut up, you know what is good for you.

The wife seems to not pay attention to them and keeps talking to R: I think you better make our girl happy again. She loves you more than anything on this planet. It's not worth it for her to get past all this stuff.

Agent 2: Okay now I see it’s more than one word. The conversation ends here.

Before the wife leaves, R talks to her: I will do it for all of us. I promise.

The screen that R uses to see his wife has turned off. There's only him in the backyard of the camp. He put his head down on his arm.

Doc: Been a long couple of days, huh? The General and I heard that someone struggled with an Android for more than two minutes last night. So, I guess you have been passed the test.

R: Sorry, pal. I spent all morning in jail, so I didn't get to go to that test.

Doc: And he wants me to give you a thank-you note. He's impressed with last night's fight and he supposes there's a mistake in Androids. They should have moved more quickly in the fight. Well, a few scientists will be on long, hard days.

R: Strange! I have felt that Android thinks like a human… So, what shall we do now?

Doc: We still need more people for the operation. The General agrees with me that you can... have some of your friends join us. In this case, I can give you a hand, and I suppose you should meet her first. You know what I mean, R.

R: Maybe I will talk to her late. I have to meet my daughter, then my wife before I get to work. There is a man I'm gonna go see first.

Doc: Okay. Before you begin work, please get in that car with me.

After getting in the car.

Doc: Now we can speak without being heard. Remember the top-secret document I gave you a few days ago. Even though you did not read it, this document is no longer valid now.

Doc takes the document that looks like a small holographic illusion in his pocket and deletes it. The document looks flaming in a short time.

Doc: However, I suppose you can understand some basic points by listening. Something like this: there's a machine in space that allows people to travel through the time flux…

Silence for a while.

R is glazing at Doc. His face looks like seeing someone having some problems. But he still says: Okay, go on then.

Doc: That time machine has been on for a while, was controlled by an A.I. “She” was also the highest leader of the Android. Somehow... there are a couple of people in the past who have experienced the presence of the machine. Some of them are precisely our new enemy. According to the report of your family’s trouble, now I'm 100% certain they're the intriguers of the attack…

Doc asks R: Are you okay?

R: Sorry. It’s just… I haven’t slept since that day. Having a child turns me into an old person. I have retired with no fight for 2 years. Within 2 days so far, I have just combated 5 citizens brainwashed, 2 local troopers, and 1 wedding dress robot which looks like a blindfolded prisoner … Well, I understand your story about this time machine because the world we live in has been full of sh*t up to now. And I'm not surprised that there's any other sh*t.

Doc: I'm surprised you still have a bad mouth. But the problem is, you're still too young to be in retirement. Your little family is living on your military record and they never feel like enough… Your wife is right that you need to create a new heroic story about yourself.

R: If I work as a security guard without killing anyone on the battlefield, then yes.

Doc: It's too bad that a person like you now works as an average worker. What’s about those people who have tried to kill your family? I don’t suppose you will give up on this.

R: One day I shall find them and defeat them all. I simply don’t want to be a soldier who serves for…the greater good.

Doc: Working out of the space behind this time machine is the best opportunity for you to find them soon. I assure you that if our enemy is completely defeated, we will let the world know what you have achieved so far. A true hero. You and your family will certainly have a happy ending.

R: Okay then, so what will you say next?

Doc: I destroyed the document because “she” was killed in action despite the success of her mission in managing the first crisis.

R: Sorry I don’t understand at all.

Doc: The first crisis is that some people in the past have fallen in the stream of time, as I said before. And they had to deal with other... guys to come back their timeline. She is the only one who can help them.

R: But how come she died?

Doc: No report fully explained the reasons for her death. All we can hear of her final word on the computer is that “I have helped her... steer clear of death.”

R: Looks like she just got off one of her missions. No offense, but she died... peaceably, didn't she?

Doc: Most of us said yes, whereas other people said no. I and a man were two of those people. That man… Well! He held the A. I in his arm and cried a lot while the noise of the power in the machine was very noisy.

R: I feel bad for this guy. What’s his name?

Doc: Cid. And he has attended her funeral…twice.

R: That’s not funny. I guess she got killed by our enemy.

Doc: Go into that room where a large number of weapons after being above the dead body of Androids, then deal with an A.I that those past people just call as The Goddess. If I were their leader, I would say it's a good plan that lacks detail. Heheh…

R: Okay… But no one has any reason to do so, except those “magic” people.

Doc: Another way to do that is to kill the A.I from within the machine. I think you could be right because there is a woman in the enemy. She knows how and when the machine was turned on, even she knows how the machine is made…

R: Why are you so sure about that?

Doc: One Android was secretly dispatched to the enemy as a spy because we knew they would take an abandoned Android for their actions in the world. Although everything was all set perfectly, we rapidly realize that nothing can escape magic.

Breathe a sigh, Doc goes on talking: “His” head was sent back to us with a message. A woman’s voice from the mouth of the head echoed around the General’s room: “I will take revenge [...] on what you did to my races.” Since then, the General has decided that an Android male is never better than a female, and they should be a couple upon mission.

R: Well! After all, he should have thanked that Android male because the head could be from a human.

Doc: Yep! And, oh… By the way, do you want to know how “the wrath of the Deity” guy have been now?

R nods. Doc picks out a tablet, turns it on, and gives it to R while talking: The General ordered this guy to be more taken care of until he looks like that returned Android. And our General also doesn't like receiving one more head from anyone. I really can say that your friend was very skilled at completing the order without using knives, or hammers…

R: Okay, that’s enough! I don't want to see this scene. I can't bear it when someone uses my skill to hurt someone else, especially like this. I should have quitted the army many, many years ago…

R turns the table off and gives it back to Doc. The car is slowly moving to the gate of the headquarter.

Doc: It goes without saying the guy died 2 days ago with his head still intact on his neck. And your friend doesn’t have to write any report about that. I agree with you today the army is changed too much, no gentlemen, no knights, only machines, robots, and humans with mechanical hearts.

The car has stopped in the yard.

Doc: Okay! I am going to meet the secretary again. Last time, we had an interesting discussion about all three Waves in past. But now we have more work ahead of us. I don’t know where, or how your friends have been, but I still think that you should meet her first. In that time, you can use my car to do your job, just... remember to put it into the «box» if you have done it. The «box» is stored in the glove compartment. Any questions?

R is trying to understand what «box» is meaningful in this case. But he asks: Fine! I will find my team. So…how many people in the past have known about the time machine?

Doc: Ten. Maybe more.

R: And… How many of 'em went to one of the Waves?

Doc: None.

R: Wow… So, I think we can leave this thing behind.

Doc: I don’t think so because one day they can be thrown on that. Now it’s not yet, my friend, just… not yet.
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A lot of children in the favela are standing in the line, waiting for a man to cure them. A little boy comes to him and says: The soldiers have come. They are confiscating our medicine.

The man follows the little boy to go back to his cabin. They pass through numerous streets and alleyways.

Soundtrack during this scene:

When the man arrives at the cabin, there is no one. He goes to the workbench and tries to find one of his belongings. A voice says: Need something?

The man turns around and sees R sitting in the chair, holding a Material in his hand.

The man puts all of his belongings in the cabinet while telling R: I thought we had agreed altogether that not meet each other again.

The man, hands down on the workbench, continues to talk: I’ve been busy since I left the army, helping these kids who have the same condition as me as a child.

While talking, the man knocks his fingers on the workbench to make a kind of code that means “Don’t say our actual names here. They are watching us.”

R understood the code. He put the Material aside, then says: You’re the only one who’s unknown to all of us. It’s been over 9 years since I have known you in the street. Your hand at the time held an energetic ball like this.

R waves his hands around while talking to make a code: Don’t worry. Those are the General’s men.

The man understood and says: And you told me that the ball I was holding is illegal. Then you saved me before the soldiers came and took me. I always remember what you have done for me, R.

The man goes on making the code while talking: You are not welcome here. Go now or I’ll beat you and everyone out there.

R: For me, you are always the best if another of us hasn’t gone too far. Two days ago, an unknown enemy attacked my family, and I had no choice but to take an invitation in order to solve it. You’re the first man that I meet if she doesn’t go out to play. So please help me.

R code: I said I had a problem. You must help me, otherwise, these soldiers will bring all the children.

The man smiles: Okay. So, the others have known about your problem or not? Don’t tell me you’re going back to being a spy because the last time I remember, we weren’t an excellent team. Code: I have to defeat them all. Perhaps you had let them know about my little secret of that ball, too.

R: Well, so far, she and Doc know what’s going on. I am not a super-soldier or a knight. “Be a shadow, be among ‘em” is the only thing all of us can get. But don’t worry, my friend. I promise I’m not coming back for espionage, neither are we. I’m even happy when she has come back as a secretary.

R stands up, then comes close to the man. He mumbles soundlessly a unique language, which is also a code, which means: We would have completed our last mission if you hadn’t left us to find… something in that sector when we were all returning to the safe zone. Most of the summoned creatures were bloody devastated by helicopter gunships. And she was the only one of us who watched everything with no blink. Do you remember it, unknown boy?

From the outside, a commander commands his men: Hey! That man is mumbling something. Analyze and translate it now.

A soldier reports: Sir! We got it. His word means “It’s been so long since we broke up with the crew. So now let’s go somewhere like a beach, to see some… great people (booties). You and I are going to spend a good time together singing and dancing under the moon with some girls. It is my intention to invite other people to join us. Do you like it, lovely boy?”

The commander giggles derisively: What’s daydream folks!

The man’s considering, whereas R goes back to the chair. He then says: I will come with you in case you’ll be able to help me with one thing. These children got infected. Their eyes turn dark and most of them lose the intellect…

While talking, the man suddenly feels a headache. R feels that something is wrong and so does the commander on the outside. R says: I will go to tell Doc and the General. They’re planning to grant us a benefit once we get our occupations…


R says nothing, just as cool as a cucumber. A soldier from outside asks the commander: Sir! I think they are preparing for the fight. Should we make a rush at them now?

The commander: No. Not yet. Doc told me to take ‘em home in one piece. He wants nothing to happen to his project.

The soldier: But, sir. Doc is only…

The commander: He’s entitled to control the army’s secret plan by the General. His order is the General’s too.

When talking with the soldier, the commander catches sight of a woman far from him doing something with the little boy. The woman uses the gesture to communicate with the little boy, as he is deaf. While the two are communicating one by the other with gestures, the commander orders a soldier to come to them. When the soldier has come, the woman stands up and pulls her hood down.

The soldier is taken aback: Madam…

He takes the woman with the boy to the commander. The commander says: What brings you out here? Ms. Secretary.

The secretary: The General has ordered me to come to see the situation. But now I take it from this clever boy.

She smiles and rubs the boy’s head. He smiles, too.

The commander: Forgive me. But since we’ve been here, there’s no proof that they’ve been legends in the past. We are wasting our time. The guy over there fighting with an Android yesterday cannot be compared with the hero Cloud Strife. That’s what I see. And…

When he’s talking, he turns away to see the secretary, but she has gone away and nobody knows when. The little boy just shrugs his shoulders.

The commander: What’s the…? Do you have any ideas where’s she going?

A soldier points to the monitor: Sir, she is coming inside.

The secretary faces the man and R in the cabin. She talks to R: Long time no see, boss.

R: Me too.

The secretary: The officer on the outside just said that your level differs from Cloud. Well, he never knew you were defeated by an Android female, which mimics your fighting skill with the strength of Sephiroth. That’s why she moved as if she was moving on the catwalk with her smile while you lost your head to the pain.

The man feels a headache too much: Aaaa… Do you guys stop talking nonsense for a while?

While the man is holding his head in the hand, the secretary makes her gesture which she used with the little boy to communicate with R: Don’t worry, boss. I can convince him straight away.

Meanwhile, the commander outside feels angry: She’s thinking who she is. Why is she saying I’m in here?

The secretary: My soldiers took all the children to the safe zone a few moments ago. I have given this information to a boy out there. He's clever enough to come back to them later.

When hearing of that thing, the commander turns around to find the little boy, but he has already left.

The secretary goes on talking to R and the man: I know it may never compare us to those people like Cloud, Sephiroth and other guys. But we can serve the country with all we got. With everything historical, just... let the past be the past. I decided not to look back at what happened to us, so now I feel at peace. And I will be delighted if we can work together again. Maybe you feel the same way, don’t you?

The man: Sorry, but I can’t return. I need to be in my own way. I have done everything with you guys.

The secretary: Do you hear about the time machine, unknown boy?

R: Hey!

The commander outside: Okay, that’s enough. She is saying that boy everything. We must break into the cabin now. Gear up, everyone! Wait for my mark.


The man: by passing the Lifestream. Yeah! I know.


R: What are you talking about?

The secretary: You don’t even know the source of the machine, do you, R?


A soldier from outside throws a Flashbang to the room. The man takes two types of equipment on the table and tosses one to R. The two release the equipment right before the flash has blown up. Two energetic circles appear to cover the man, and R with the secretary behind against the effect of the flash. But they are still deaf. All soldiers break into the house to attack them. The man stops some men and talks to R: Take her to the bathroom. Now!

When running to the door of the bathroom, a soldier appears to stop R and the secretary. R puts her into the bathroom, then fights against the soldier while talking to her: Find the way to go out, now!

The secretary looks around. A tiny hole in the wall makes her pay attention. She then takes the toilet lid and beats it on the hole. A secret door without a doorknob appears behind.

R says when fighting with the soldier: Hurry!

She looks inside the toilet for a while, then grabs the refill tube and pulls up. The secret door opens. She goes through the door and says: Come on, R.

Although the soldier is wearing a helmet and using a cattle prod, R takes the toothbrush in the bathroom and stabs it at the soldier’s meridians. After the bloody fight, the soldier feels hurt and low muscular tension at the same time. R puts the toothbrush in the soldier’s mouth, then pulls that guy over the pole of the bathroom door. The soldier falls over right after his head hits the pole in a jarring thud. R then passes to the secret window to escape with the secretary.

R takes her to the Doc’s car. They see the man is being pursued by the soldiers. The secretary talks to R: You drive the car. I will help him.

Then, she takes a handgun and points it at the soldiers chasing behind the man.

R: Watch out or you'll hurt everybody here.

She says nothing. R drives the car directly to the man. All shots fired by the secretary hit the bulletproof vests of the soldiers. But no one dies, the soldiers only fall down one by one. The man gets inside the car through the window. He says: Nice car! How do you get it?

R: Just fights like a man in a night.

R backs up the car to pick up the secretary. She recharges the weapon and moves towards the car that was stopped ahead, but her heart goes down because she just sees something near the car.

R and the man watch out. An Android opens their car’s door and gets ready to enter.

As soon as seeing the blaze from the Android’s sword, R immediately steps on the accelerator to move the car. The Android tries to hold the door handle, but it couldn’t. The secretary shoots to prevent it from coming near the car again. It stopped all the bullets using the sword. The secretary only stops when she has already walked into the car.

When the car has already away, all the soldiers keep on chasing it, while the Android just walks in the opposite directions quietly. “She” crosses the crowd of troops, which touch her constantly when they are passing hastily.


The man in the car talks to R: Don’t tell me you’ve had issues with that beautiful ass in your night?

R: Yep! She made me not sleep during the night.

The man scrunches his eyes up when he laughs: I see. Good for you, “old man”.

The secretary crosses her hand: Ok, guys. We have the company behind us…

Suddenly, the Android from the sky gets on the hood of the moving car. R tries to move the car on both sides to push her out of the hood. She stabs the sword into the hood, grasps it, and keeps her balance. Even R controls the car close to all the vehicles which are moving to the opposite side to do harm to her.

When seeing the action of the Android, the man just exclaims: Holy hell! This robot is a kind of pole dancer or something?

The Android takes a gun and prepares to shoot. R is thinking why the car still moves even a sword stuck in the hood. He notices the answer, then directs the car to a truck on the opposite side.

Both the man and the secretary yell: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DON’T DO THAT. AAAA…

When the car nearly crashes into the truck, the Android turns her head back then sees the truck coming. She immediately leaves the car, but R turns the steering wheel to avoid the truck timely.

The Android lands on the ground, watching the car moving far away through her black band, while all the soldiers’ trucks are overcoming her, making her hair stream out in the wind.

Meanwhile, R speaks to his friends who are astounded: Hey guys! Now I know what Doc was talking about.
R is walking on the beach to find out the woman Doc suggested to him

The woman: You should not come here.

R intends to say that not to tell his accurate name, but the woman has got it already.

R: I have no choice. I have to take this job for my family.

The woman: Yeah. I understand. I have a little kid to love, like you.

R eyes the woman up and down: Even you're a mom with a 5-year-old daughter. You still look… hot.

The woman: Thanks! An Android gave this dress to me a long time ago. “She” said that she has taken it from a hermaphrodite woman.

Many people are paying close attention to the woman with a wistful expression. So, the woman’s daughter is very proud of her mother.

R: A hermaphrodite woman? But you still are a normal woman, aren’t you?

The woman tells her daughter to play alone. She then goes on talking to R: We had the same ending, but my life differs from yours. Since my husband has left me and my daughter, I feel like I want to beat up any good-looking guy to give free rein to my disgust.

R only looks at the woman without saying, she goes on: Now all people are protected carefully by robots, so that’s always a fantasy for me. So, I chose this dress to emphasize I'm still a regular mom who is sympathizing with other moms like me. I mean… I am falling in love with them because of hating men so much.

When taking, the woman's watching guys tease women on the beach. Meanwhile, R only sees the woman is thinking too much, but he still says: Well, maybe you'll get your fantasy one day.

R and the woman go on walking together along the beach. Even if it is late afternoon, there are many people swimming in the sea and enjoying themselves on the sand.

The woman: Doc told me you have been getting the nod for the job. Therefore, we need to talk to each other like in the old days, something like… no-name?

R: Yeah. I know it’s crazy. And Doc has told everybody about my story when I was little.

The woman: And they still believe in that story?

R: Most of them except the General and the secretary. I know she has already known the true story, while he always thinks it’s a kind of raw-head-and-bloody-bone story.

The woman: Well, at least Doc didn’t tell them you spooked the first gang by using a fake weapon like this one…

Stop talking. The woman immediately turns around and stabs a long and tiny stick to an eye of a guy who intends to slap her bottom. The guy's yelling like crazy, but his eye's fine. He leaves in an angry mood, muttering and swearing under his breath.

The woman: … And you put this thing between two fingers of the gang. That guy thought he was already dead afterward so you had a chance to escape. I'm impressed with that part of the story until now.

After speaking, the woman crouches down and stabs the fake weapon on the sand. The weapon is in miniature right away.

She gets up, puts the fake weapon back into her pocket behind her short pants, and washes her hand off the sanding dust. R then says: Perhaps I was chosen by my natural ability as a spy. They told me there were many heroes and heroines in the past, but none of them is an agent, but a cat who wore a hat and rode a big white elephant.

The woman smiles: It’s because we could kill someone when we were advent children. Even nobody was telling us to do, or not to do at that time. You know what? I think the sad truth is that we cannot be part of history like everyone else, although we have tried so far.

R: I agree. So, do you mind joining us or not? Because you're a single mother and I know you need money. It’s difficult for you to bring up a child. But most importantly, your combat technique is better than anybody on our team. I really need it from you.

The woman: Boss, although I'm still less than thirty, I don't feel young the way I did before. It’s common that anything referring to combat is only for a man, not for a woman like me. The technique you taught me was for the female in the original time. As time goes on, it becomes more and more pragmatic and frightened. You know, boss? An ability to feel all meridians moving in a body, which is in a way faster than an ability to stop flying bullets in time, is the most precious gift I’ve ever had in my life. But now it becomes a nightmare for me every night, and I don’t know if I can put up with it anymore.

R: I'm not a man capable of forcing everyone to do what I say. But since my family is not out of the fight, it is my responsibility to help all my staunch friends. I know your past is problematic. But… Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Hope you understand that. And I don't need your help like I used to, not even right now. I wish we could get back together as a team.

The woman thinks for a while, then says: I've left to work in a factory since my job got dangerous. No one knows who I am during that time, although I had used my ability to protect some working women from ruthless bosses. I felt I was an unuseful woman, even I, you, and the others have saved many people before. After that, I planned to open a bar as some had in the past. But I soon realized most of them did not have a tranquil life. So now… yes, maybe I will follow you.

R feels happy because the conversation was ended with no hassle. Meanwhile, the man and the secretary are waiting at the side of the car. The man is standing pressed against the car, watches R and the woman who comes to, while the secretary stands beside him. She directs her face towards him and says so many things that make the man feel a headache a little.

The man talks to R: I think it’s going crazy, boss. That Android… I saw she had just opened the car door to get inside. Her action gave me the impression that she just wanted to join us until you drove the car. I could hear the noise from her high heels dragging on the ground when she was holding the door handle. And the best part is that she walked slowly when overcoming all the running soldiers. She sounds like a real boss to me. Now I can’t imagine how that long-legged robot moved the body when getting back her motorbike on the road.

The secretary: Ok, enough for chit-chat here. I think there is no need to worry because the robots will be reset after a mission, no matter if it succeeds or not. I’m gonna get back to the headquarter now to find out. Good luck, guys. See you soon.

A military vehicle appears to pick up the secretary. R takes the secretary’s hand before she could get in the vehicle, then talks to her in a different language he used in the cabin with the man: We haven’t done yet. You have to tell me why an Android keeps following us all the time, and the machine… There's something you and Doc are not telling me.

The secretary sweeps his hands aside, talks to R with that language: We are out of control since an Android commander has been killed beside the machine for no reason. She was chosen to be a Goddess, but... nobody but another God could touch her. Meanwhile, that another God was on the other side, based on our report, also be killed during the mission. So… You believe we know everything now, right?

R keeps silent. He lets the secretary get into the car and leave.

The woman enjoys the sword of the Android stabbing in the car hood. She gets interested, jumps on the hood, takes out the sword, and throws it into the sand. She jumps down and opens the hood. The hot smoke from inside mats her body. Look at inside the car, she says: Ok, guys. Now I understand why this car can keep running with a sword on it. The automobile engine… looks like a kind of nanomachine type…

As she speaks, R and the man are right behind her. R talks to the man: Sorry about your place. With the help of Doc, I can guarantee all the children you are caring about will be safe.

The man keeps looking at the woman bending over the car, says: Okay…

R: As for their illness and your problem, I remember that some children in the past were ill like that. They were all the same with the headache feeling and the eyes becoming dark-colored. If that's true, no need to worry because there's a cure already.

The man: Okay…

R: You can go to the camp where my family is staying. There is the last man I would go to meet right now. I don’t know where he is, but she can. But I really don’t want to see that man. He is considered to kill the wraith... guy during the interrogation. I am feeling he wants is to be a hero or the strongest evil man…

The man: Okay…

R: Are you alright, unknown boy?

The man: Sorry, boss. It’s just my headache. I… I am watching the fake weapon in her pocket, thinking about the way you used a toothbrush to take down your enemy. We've been through a lot of crazy things, like fighting demons, witches, giant weapons, and so forth with all the modern technology we have. But finally, I realize that with everything on the planet, we can always defeat the enemy. It’s really the craziest thing.

R: Well, in a battle, if you use a big gun, saber, even a Shuriken to fight an enemy, but it seems as though the enemies are still standing, all you need to do is to look into them and learn to dance with them.

The man: Eh… Okay.

The woman hasn’t searched the car yet. Her daughter comes and sees R and the man. Feel awkward because of watching the woman from behind for a long time, the man starts to talk to R in a different language: Haven't you known about the missing cases recently yet?

R: I watched it on T.V a few days. What’s up?

The man takes a tablet in his pocket and gives it to R, says: A friend of our old friend is on the lookout for the case. Of this scene, sure he's trained our technique. Forgive to be straight, I think the time machine is the biggest part they couldn’t control by themselves. That's also why we get the job and have to stay in touch with each other without revealing the real names.

R: If all people in the missing cases just disappear, like the dust melt into the wind, I think you are right. Maybe the job we will get is not simply a security job.

The man: Fine! Take a look at the monitor and you will get it, boss.

Scene 10:
R, the man, and the woman go to the fight club where the last man in their team is making a fight with a combatant.
The crowd boos loudly: Hey, man! Stop dancing like a moron, let’s fight! Come on, man! Come on. What the hell is this technique?
The last man, or guy, drops into the fight club’s owner after being hit. The owner seems angry and talks in his language: You're ruining our money and our time. You fool!
The guy speaks in the language of the owner: Don’t worry. Lemme play with him more. We all have time.
When seeing this scene, the woman talks to R: You see. Our technical trick is especially to the female.
The fight in club:

After finishing the fight, the guy comes to R, says: Stop! Be where your feet are, boss.
And he laughs wildly: After many years, now I get to see you again. How’s your wife?
R: We need to talk. Follow me.
He smiles: I know what you wanna say.
The woman previously demanded the fight club owner's secret room.
Before getting into the room, the guy asks R: So, what happened to you after retirement? Let me guess. Built a sweet home for your own with a hot girl…
When R is about to reply to the guy, a person crosses and touches him. R says “Hey!” but that person continues to walk without being aware of it.
Meanwhile, the guy keeps talking without noticing around: … I thought about marrying someone as sweet as your wife. And then we'll live together forever, like, you know, the pretty couple of the SeeD legend team. But since I came back to normal life, I feel like I've lived with my black wallet my entire life.
R couldn’t listen to him because of the noise everywhere. He only says: Okay…
Next, the four go into the secret room.
The guy places a bath towel around his upper body while dipping his foot in the basin of hot water. He glances around the people sitting in the room, says: I see the miss of somebody. Ah…Right. “The shadow behind the enemy lines.” I never forgot that word from an officer we grabbed years ago. But… Everything has changed since she was the General's woman, right?
R: No! Just secretary. And not only her, during the war, we were also considered as…
The guy:... ghosts, and she was a more frightful shadow than a ghost. “The shadow of a person through a mirror, and when the time is right, she'll finish her work...” Do you guys still remember that word from Doc? Yeah! Good for her now. At least she has given up to be an actress. But I hope the General won’t mistake her for his wife. Heheh…
No one is reacting to the guy's laugh. R says: Are you done? We are not in here to talk about her. I have something you need to look at first. Then, you must answer some questions?
R takes the man’s tablet and gives it to the guy. Having looked at the scene from the tablet, the guy laughs and says: I don't know this guy. Could that be a spy like us?
R: Keep watching. Do not ask.
The video on the tablet moves toward the next one.
The guy takes a look at the next video for a moment, then he says: Hey! That guy was my prisoner. He has been…
R: … murdered. Most of his meridian system is broken, which means that you tortured him just for fun, and let him die.
The guy: On what grounds do you think that?
R: Watching the clip, we saw that you hit that guy's ribs. And the fighter in the elevator used exactly such a technique. Sure that he will die in the next few minutes in case he’s a “wrath” guy.
The guy: I agree he's only a magician and he won't die if we strike him normally unless I or some of the soldiers used a cold weapon to... fall on him. However, with his situation in the prison then, if I really use our technique, he will die immediately, right?
R shakes his head: Having come this far, you still make everything a joke.
He makes a sign for the man. The man takes a flower from his bag, puts it on the table, and says: A little girl gave it to me. She said it was from a woman. I had thought that woman was the secretary, but she actually spent all her time helping the kids.
The guy opens his eyes widely, waves his hands: So?
R: I saw the flower on the sorcerer in battle years ago until he was put in prison. A couple of days ago, I found out he was killed by torture. But why did a woman from nowhere get it before he died?
The guy takes a look back at the tablet monitor, tries to think hard, then he says: Ah… I remember. Well… Actually, I dunno why. But I do remember I intended once to walk on it, he then... died. Ha…
Attempt not to laugh, he goes on: That magic guy could use his technique to cure himself after I hit him several times. To be honest, I didn't get any troubles with the General when he kept doing that. However, with all the special technologies used in prison these days, a tough man like that wouldn't last more days. So, I decided to change the plan for the interrogation. I asked him a few questions and he only had to say yes, or no.
The woman: Yep! But you still punched him like hell. Now I understand a sentence that people always say, “Don't answer anything when you're facing a mental guy.”
The guy tries to ignore the woman who is teasing him. He goes on: He believes his soul will return to the promised land after death. I told him “the promised land” is actually a kind of vaccine, or a cure which helped someone like him avoid turning to the walking dead, but almost… a God. Then, he told me I was desecrating Gaia and his ancient Gods and Goddesses. Well, even though he didn’t know how to insult me, all the words he uttered really drive me insane. So, I just kept punching him.
R: Right. So, you realize that you have killed him, don’t you?
The guy: Boss, I told you I had tried to not make him in danger, but then he watched this thing and... died. OK! Forgive me if I ask a better question. Why’s this stupid flower?
The man: It was part of a permanent exhibition at the museum to commemorate all the heroes and heroines of that time, which was made in the garden which still stands today. Someone had stolen it, then gave it to the magic guy in the prison.
When listening to this part, the guy seems to remember something, but he lets the man keep talking: I thought the flower was a kind of poison until hearing some new details from you. I guess he was just so happy when seeing the flower, but he was in a serious injury situation so he... died because of laughing.
When he finished, the guy can’t help laughing anymore. Afterward, he says S…Sorry, guys. But… this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Why the hell did he do that?
R: Because he’s a Cetra man. And he eventually figured out how to save his race.
Everyone in the room just looks at each other. Then, the woman says to break the heavy silence: No way! They were believed to have disappeared many years ago, the last having died at that time. Why are you so sure about that, R?
R looks at all people in the room one by one while they are paying close attention to him, he says: Yesterday Doc told me an interesting story of the time machine. Everything he said was quite enough for me to know how crazy is happening. From there, I could vaguely see an A.I, or, the Goddess handled everything with this machine to make a kind of... unstoppable wars through numerous chronologies. Perhaps that shows why so many people have disappeared now because if something was changed in the past, the future would be different. Right? And, he also told me of another woman who already knows how to create the time machine or something magic used to travel through time.
The man: So, you think that woman is relative to the magic guy in prison, don’t you? And both of them are Cetra?
R: Actually, I… I used to think maybe she was born obsessed with making a time machine. From there, she could see the end of her nation, then decided to go into the future to stop this nightmare. But the machine was not running well, or something did it - her timing was faulty. So ultimately, she only came here, then looked back at everything that had been happening in the past.

The room goes back to silence. The guy again raises his hands: Ok, guys, guys, listen up. I know this thing is really crazy. But it’s only a supposition, right? We just knew about the new enemy in the country some days ago. And they can use magic doesn't mean they're a race that's on display in museums today. Especially in this day and age, people can easily do some magic. But…
He knocks two hands at the table: But I truly do not understand what the flower means with the death of this magician?
The man: Haven't heard about Geostigma yet? The pure garden water I told you about is seen as a means to stop the epidemic. It and the flower originated from the last Cetra. I've tied all the details I can get from the magician to those who attacked R's family. And with everything from the Doc… I can't think of anyone else.

Take a deep breath, he goes on: The origin of Geostigma is the main reason why the Cetra was extinguished. They had been seen as the master race after the First Wave. Although they always stood for fairness and racial equality until Year One, it appears that other nations which also survived the First Wave, have never accepted them as the master one. So, an evil intention was put in place to destroy them. Then it succeeded and opened the darkest period or the Year One based on some secret documents. Many years later, the cure was finally found out from the last of them but too late…
The guy cuts off the man: How come you know all this, unknown boy?
The man stares at the guy for a while, then says: Because I read about it in books. Moreover, with the help of the secretary, I have searched for the magician’s body to find out the way he died. For me, it's not difficult since R has taught me all about surgery. So, 100% that he and someone with him are all Cetras.
The guy laughs at him and thinks it's a dumb deduction. When both of them are getting into a heated argument about the Cetra, the woman talks to R: It's good to be back on the team like in the old days. But we better get away from… this issue of race, especially as we have security guard jobs ahead of us. This thing, the story of an extinct race, really got past our comprehension. All we have to do now is make money for the last assignment, and then give up completely without looking back. Maybe you have a unique aim that hunts down those people who attacked your family, I don't think you can go head-to-head with them because they're not gangs. Forgive me, boss, but I think there's something worse behind this job. And I and other people here ain't risking our lives to follow you on another journey. Never… again.
When R gets ready to reply to the woman, the man says aloud: Ok, ENOUGH. You guys really don't know what happened out there a long time ago, do you?
Everyone says no so the man keeps talking: Actually, that florist is never the Cetra's last. At least she never did that job.
The room sinks once more into a terrible silence. R asks him: W… What did you say?
The man: Since we had trouble with the sorcerer, I have searched for everything relative to him, remembered all of his words while other people thought he was a mental guy. I spent two years finding out the truth… And you guys know what? We are all the “product” of a bloody war between the Cetra and other nations on this planet.
Everyone listening to the guy just looks at each other, the woman asks: What war?
Smile gently, the man says: People still believe the Crystal War is the only great war on the planet. In the first stage of the war, the Cetra refused to join the battle because of their small numbers and love of peace. One day, they decided to change their mind to protect the planet, or Gaia as they said, from the destruction of the conflict. Their best use of magic resulted in a faster-than-expected end to the war. Since then, all the other nations shook like a leaf upon seeing them, even though they were cute and naive. This attitude in a long time led to the next big war.
People in the room just look at the man, he keeps saying: Cetra wanted people to create the love, not war again… All they did was set off other nations to hate them, and they kept battling over and over again. One day, the Cetra decided to solve the problem on their own. They, on behalf of Gaia, purged and punished all nations which opposed them, and the love…
The woman gives a breath, quickly claps her hand on her mouth to not let people know she is bursting with laughter. He seems to not pay attention to it and keeps sayings: …Although the Cetra had a shortcoming in technology so that a few high-tech nations, counting our nation in the past, could beat them in fighting, they weren’t alone when their allies could help them maintain control of the game. The war kept going until there was a time machine created by a man called Cid. The head office had a duty of conducting a black operation that trained a person capable of moving at any time and doing something illegal to turn the tables on them. Among numerous potential candidates, Cid chose a woman without family or name, and placed her under the name of «Jenova»…
“Ok, that’s enough. I won't listen to you anymore.” The guy gets up and walks up to the door.
“Sorry... Can you guys open this door for me?” The guy asks.
“No. We are in the secret room. Due to the highest security, the door won’t be opened by hand at the moment. We'll just wait until the door opens itself.” The woman explains.
“Right! So now we can talk with each other by our real name, can’t we?
“No! We've just met in two or three years, and caution is the parent of security.
“Fine! Just fine!” The guy raps out a reply, then goes at a quick pace towards his seat.
R asks the man: Why can you know all about this?
“I couldn't do it myself. The secretary has been so helpful to me based on her great relationship with the military. She and Doc and the General have the right to approach the top-secret information zone… Someone said history is written by Victor. Yeah! That's really a sort of absolute power. After Jenova was successfully entered into the time machine to do her mission, the people of Cetra vanished one by one. Even people from the other side could hear the screaming, the crying, and the shouting everywhere. That’s the way to end the war.
A lump filled the man’s throat for a while, then he continues: But it doesn’t mean the end game. The victors of the war held a party for the victory. They even stole a song from Cetra to complete their army music. When people still sunk in a drunken rampage during the party, suddenly a screaming echoed among them. It was from a girl who was kissing and loving a man… The man disappeared in front of her... but he still held her with his arms, wept many times “Help me… my love. Please help me!” And he gone, left his blood in her arms. After that, the people at the party vanished one by one. The screaming of the painful loss, the crying of the “Goodbye” saying, and the shouting of the anger was again. The following day, more than half of the planet's population had disappeared. Last but not least, everywhere started to appear many kinds of manuscripts, pictures and images of a very, very different history people have never known before. The rest of the planet has learned to accept it and started from scratch, even if what they accepted is nothing more than artificial. And now, we are here, only knowing about a world adjusted by some people in the past. On the flip side, we're just... puppets.
“STOP!” The guy shouts, “I need to take a break. This weird story makes me feel vomit. Mind if I open that Tivi? Don't tell me watching TV here is forbidden because of something like stupid security.
The woman: Ok. Actually, the door will open in fifteen minutes. But you can watch TV without a problem, though.
Yes! I would rather watch a comedy show than listen to that guy talk without ceasing.
There's a great magic show on TV. Watching the performance of talented artists on television, the guy laughs: I thought the government is now preventing people from approaching magic. This show is really against the law. But it’s good. Yeah… gotta meet that girl… a truly virginal innocence. I like it…
The woman talks to R while the guy is watching television with rapt attention: Boss, maybe our boy hasn't finished speaking. I also heard a rumor about a secret military area on the moon. Guess what? That area was built for a very, very long time. It served to evacuate people from the First Wave. Many years later, people returned to the planet and the area was abandoned until our government requisitioned it to do some kind of... experimentation. Oh! And a few were born there… They didn't seem like normal people... but extraterrestrial beings.
R: I've known him since he nearly blew us off on that mission. So, I just talked about my thinking, and it's not surprising that he told the whole story. I also knew about the Cetra, but only a little because they were got several mentions during the Dark Age. With a group of brave people at that time, the world has finally found peace and form. Then everything changed so much that they are all parts of a distant past, told for children when they are asleep. It's odd that sometimes I vaguely remember these stories that I may have heard at a young age, although I really don't know who my parent is.
The woman: Same for me. But I just don't understand why he would know all these things that we've never heard about. He’s the most mysterious person on our team so far. That’s why I reminded all of us to stay in touch without revealing our real names. And you have to pay attention to him, boss.
R says when looking at the man who is folding his arms and thinking hard, while the guy near him is making a loud rude laugh: I am thinking otherwise. He’s still naïve and seems harmless. He has never finished his job as a spy but helped us with the means of transportation. And one thing I don't know yet since I met him is where he comes from. From his symptom in the cabin, I guess where he used to live in the past was once under the pandemic that may have looked like Geostigma one…
The woman: Boss, you think too much like you used to. That pandemic was cured many years ago, even the subsequent Wave, and completely gone during the next period. This can't happen again. If he's infected, he and the children in the cabin will turn into monsters, no doubt. Anyway, I'll put your concern on the record for my next assignment.
The artists on the Tivi are performing magic that appears many kinds of flowers. All the kids there are really happy.
The woman: I should have taken my daughter to that show. She will proud of me…
R suddenly stands up: Wait! Is that…
All looked at the Tivi. The man: The flower of the dead sorcerer. All those flowers are changing to it. What’s the hell…?
All the artists integrate into one. Then a tall woman with black wings on her back appears in front of the kids. No one can see that woman well because a black magic shadow is covering her.
Her voice echoes around everywhere: Listen, all pitiable humans on the planet. Our ancient was sinful and now we have to pay for this. Your father, mother, grandparent, and great-grandparent are the sinners who had done one thing to become more than victors of history. They all became the Great above nature. The master race. One thing they had to do is killing only another race… My blood… of my people …on their hands. Now everything shall be changed. Their children must be heard about this… to know and suffer from the sin of their fathers. I... one of the last of the Cetra, will not cease until you are all under our vengeance. Blood will have blood. Every generation of you will be exchanged for every generation that has disappeared… Good night all of you… and remember it until your last tomorrow comes. Farewell, my little brother. You will never be missed.
After that mysterious woman disappeared, all people on the show and the four in the room feel shocked. The woman says: R, look!
R: It’s my daughter…
It seems that R's daughter is taking a flower from a public that joined the artists in the show before. Seeing the little girl feel scared of the mysterious woman’s speaking, he smiles at her and says: “Don’t worry. It’s just a circus act. I read it in the scenario and…” Suddenly, his sound is silenced. An agony passes through his veins. Then, he screams sorely while still holding the hand of R’s daughter. He takes his hand on his face, then puts it down right after he stops screaming. His face now:

Others in the show except their kids are all the same with that poor guy. The screaming is everywhere.
“Holy…!”, the man says, “What’s the hell is a black hole in his face?”
Everyone in the room jumps up from their chairs, except R because he has already stood beside the door.
“OPEN THE DOOR, NOW” His voice is loud as his daughter in the show.
“Stay calm, boss! The door will be unlocked in a minute.” The woman answers him, points to her watch.
R’s daughter is still being held by the faceless guy. Her scream makes R take the chair then beats it to the doorknob repeatedly.
“That guy is disappearing… impossible unless something has been changed in the past… The time machine…”, The man gets into a state of panic.
“Calm down, duh!”, The guy says, “If it’s true then all of us will be like him now.” But he takes his hands on his face to check out.
While R is beating the doorknob by his chair, the voice of the woman who is counting down seems slow as hell with him.
“5 seconds left, 4, 3, 2, 1…”
R storms out of the room right after the door opens. He runs against a guy passing outside the door. This guy says: Hey, man! Watch your ste…” R sees a gun caring in his belt, he grabs it, “HEY, give it back to me, heyyy…”
While this is happening, some guys look inside the secret room and say: Hey guys, I find this room interesting, let go inside.
The guy inside the room winks a secret signal at the woman. She got it and immediately grabs the man by the collar and moves him to a position, says: Come here, unknown boy.
Those men are arriving at the room. They see the guy and say: Why are you here and not let us know about this of your little secret thing. Dare to enjoy alone without us, and oh…oh…oh…”
They stop talking when seeing both the woman and the man are exchanging passionate kisses.
The guy points at the couple and says to the people: I'm busy. Wanna join us or what? Duhs!
The people make a gesture with the hand to say "no" while staying back: Sorry, boss… We really don’t know you are doing something like… Okay, we will leave now.
When people are already gone, the woman slowly drops her hands off the man's shoulder and speaks to him when he is stiff: Yeah. Better try it later but not for me, or I will beat you. Remember this, handsome boy!

Running down the corridor where many people are standing, R sees a man carrying a sword on his back. Looking at the gun carrying in the hand. He quickly takes the sword from the man without making attention. He keeps running while pulling up the hilt and attach the sword to the gun. Switch to a special function in the gun, the sword blazes. R immediately brandishes the sword, the blaze is shot to the wall and blows up. R jumps out from the hole on the wall and stabs the sword to the block of the house to low down the speed of his falling. After landing on the ground, several police cars appear to surround him when he prepares to keep running.
“Stay where you are”, a policeman warns.
A military car also appears, the secretary gets off and says loud: Everyone, please low the weapons now. Your daughter is secure. We got her with us. Noo, R…
R shoots the gun to a helmet of a policeman. He falls down but still ok. The policemen shoot against him but can’t make harm to R because he moves very fast. He shoots to helmets of policemen one by one.
The battle only stops when R’s wife appears. She confirms everything the secretary said and promises no more yelling at him. R holds her in his arms.
The sky comes down again.
The soundtrack here:
“The Great nation” soudtrack:
Last edited:
Scene 11: This happens at a similar time
Cid is waiting for Doc on the top floor. It’s getting dark. A gentle melancholy takes possession of him. Holding a bullet in the hand, Cid remembers that day…

Chaos: Must… fight… do not stop… that order…
Cid’s wife: What should we do now? He can’t hold himself longer.
Cid: Be strong. It is nearly there.
A guy announces over the loudspeaker: Warning! The restricted area had trespassed. A prisoner and a doctor were missing. The two objects are very dangerous and have weapons in arms. They must not leave the army zone. All units go to positions and prepare to fight. All suspects who go in and out of the area will be shot or forced by summoned weapons immediately. That’s a command.
Cid gives an invisibility cloak to his wife. She puts it on and hugs Chaos. He also wears one and all of them move outside the camp.
“Hold…”, he puts up his arm to sign off on his wife. A group of soldiers is moving under their position. Wait until everything passes. Cid speaks low to his wife to keep moving. Chaos places his arm around the neck of Cid’s wife, and she holds his wrist. The three go to a vacant ground. The darkness is all around. Suddenly, Cid says: Stop where you are, now, don’t… move.
A crowded army is on its way to the three's location. With the use of the cloak of invisibility, all three can be totally invisible to them. They just need to keep away from any touches.
Inside the army, a group of summoned monsters is controlled by sorcerers and sorceresses walking beside armored vehicles. Some of them bellow fiercely. The entire army is passing through Cid and his family. When Cid is holding his breath, the wife does the same but slowly sits down with Chaos, makes her son feel calm, and shuts his mouth with her hand.
Chaos doesn’t stop struggling. She tries with all her best to ease him. All three are sweating profusely while the army keeps passing them one by one.
Suddenly, a monster stops directly next to the position of the wife of Cid. Its mouth approaches her face. Meanwhile, Chaos’s eyes are turning red.
Cid’s wife just closes her eyes. A Cetra man calls the monster by whistling. It opens the mouth, snaps around Chaos, then goes away.
Wait for the entire army to already leave, the three keep moving. Cid assists his wife in carrying their son when they are on the move. Several trucks are stationed along the road. Cid signs his family to jump in a truck covertly.
The trucks stop in a camp. The soldiers are about to inspect the entire trunks of trucks. The invisible coats on all three are lost energy. A soldier is getting close to the trunk where they hide and prepares to go inside.
Suddenly, he stops at the side of the trunk with a wry face. Another soldier asks him: Hey, what’s the problem there?
He answers: Nah, nothing. I have just done checking this and prepare to see another one. Anything there?
Nothing else. This one is all stale weapons… and food. I can't imagine if the Ancient survives on this stuff. Remember to regroup after you have done checking, okay?
Sure, sure. I will be back right away.
After the soldier is gone, a shadow jumps into the trunk and sits next to all three.
Cid: Cosmos…
Cosmos: Cid… what’s his status now?
Cid: He’s weak but will be fine soon. Thanks for help us timely.
Cosmos comes close to Chaos. Cid’s wife sets a finger on her lip. “Sh! He’s sleeping”, she says and smiles.
Cosmos talks to Cid quietly: I've been around for a while. There's another camp where these trucks will pass. But don’t worry. Everything will be in place by then.
Cid: You can’t use your magic, Cos. Lots of Cetras will be warned. They'd just overtaken us.
Cosmos: Guess I will follow the classic way. Infiltrate and control all of them one by one.
Then she leaves the truck.

The trucks are crossing the camp where Cosmos has infiltrated, one by one. She returns to the three, talks to Cid and his wife: We should get out of the truck right behind that hill. A bloody battle is unfolding nearby. From the camp tower, I could see multiple summoned flying monsters battling attack helicopters. I see nobody, even the Cetra, get near to the Rift near there. This’s our last chance.
Cid and the wife agree with her. Wait for the stream of trucks to slow down, the four quickly get out of the truck. Walking to the cave, Cosmos talks to Cid: It's said the Cetra always regards this mountain as a kind of underground world, and the cave is a port of hell. They shared a very strange story in their own words: a group of people in a village of their country, who led by a sorcerer and a sorceress, went through that cave and… gone. No one approaches it because many curious people for a long time have tried to discover the truth by entering it and... gone too. There is nothing left but their belongings. Cid, as a Goddess, I have to tell you these people, Cetra, can't hide their secret about the Rift anymore, especially their allies want something from them that was made by...you.

Cid's family hiding from the enemy (5:15)
Cosmos is standing majestically by the mountainside. She helped Cid and his family climb the mountain with no exhaustion. Cid is finding the way to cure Chaos, while his wife is coming close to Cosmos to talk. The Goddess talks to her: Since I got a full right from a God, you can feel safe here at the moment… It is unfortunate this war leads all the religions of the planet to the end, so no country for Gods and Goddesses. Today, people are so scared that they really don't know what scares them. Some simply use religion as a propaganda tool, while others consider it a threat…
Cid’s wife: “O Rose thou art sick.” People are coming back here to worship you and everybody else.
Cosmos smiles and says: Worship leads to something a normal person cannot get but wishes to have. It is impossible for me and anyone else to help humanity attain a utopian society while they fight and hate each other repeatedly. They always say Gods and Goddess never feel a nightmare. But I have a nightmare every night, not that I'm about to fall completely on my mission, that I'm going to lose all my entire relative.
Cid’s wife: That's the way I see it, too. We have all their fears. “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity”. Saying from a monk who follows faith in his heart. Keep in peace, just keep in peace in our mind. You will find that the human is the greatest factor of the universal. And you'll get along just fine.
Cosmos looks at Cid’s wife, says: Ah… We both know that man. “It is said that God has created man in his own image. But it may be that humankind has created God in the image of humankind.” That's what he said. It makes me always remember that I am a creation of humankind, an A.I of… yours and mine. There's only one thing I can feel peacefully during my duty. I love this planet. “To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now.” This is a glorious thing he said to me in the void. You and me will help “the great nation” free itself from human hatred for that name.
Suddenly, Cid appears behind his wife. He asks her: What are you praying, my love?
Cid’s wife seems to wake up from sleep. She looks at her husband then Cosmos. The Goddess is looking at them and smiling.
Cid’s wife: Talk is my priestly duty. How’s about him now?
Cid: Sleep like a log, but he will be fine and will return to his position shortly after he awakens. You know, sometimes I can hear he said: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Cid’s wife: Oh, darling. You should resolve all these things. Being a God has been never the right thing to do.
Cid: Tomorrow I will let all the Nations know about the truth. Cosmos, you better prepare yourself because I'm not sure people will hate you so much. The human being alone has the desire for an act of faith. Lost it, they will feel loosen in their life. That's what I'm talking about.
Cosmos: Don’t worry. There's something else besides human fear, like losing faith. It’s Time. If they know about my ability to control the time, they won’t get my throat as you think.
Cid: Yes, but Time is your body. “The tooth fairy teaches children they can sell body parts for money.” They were warned. And you are no longer a kid. We need to stop serving human beings and their... greater good.
Cosmos suddenly feels anger: No, Cid. We ALWAYS have a choice. And I will NOT content myself with seeing any holocaust in my fantasy world. I…I…
Cid’s wife feels scared: What’s she talking about? What’s wrong with her, Cid?
Cosmos is blinking her eyes endlessly: Need… stop them… heroes… no more sending… break… the order… protect the machine… have to sacrifice… yourself…
Look at the sky, Cid sees the cloud alter the color. He is terrifying, runs to Cosmos, and hugs her. “I am sorry”, he says loudly. “I really don't want this to happen. I swear. We will look to a different future, a journey to a new realm…”
Cosmos still speaks a lot of nonsense with her blinking eyes without end. Meanwhile, Cid's wife sees the shadows. She says loudly: STOP. Don’t come to us. You can’t hurt them. No, please…

This scene is not from Cid’s memory. It happens at the same time that the Cid family escapes and was included in the top-secret report.
Attention: To rewrite the history of the planet, certain top-secret files must be selected for erasure. Until then, please wait for potential results created by them in any timeline. Remember, their identification has been removed, and will be restored after missions were completed.
Record status: Wait for deletion.

Many people are moving on the road. They look very busy so they don't care about a man sitting on the curb. He waves an iron cup with his hand and watching the crowd cross him. Only a few of people put their money into his cup and left shortly before he says thanks. Beside him, there is another mendicant with an empty cup. He cannot speak a word because of his weakness. Away from them, a saleswoman is advertising something. “Please come here, anyone. We have plenty of new and excellent products here with special deals. Sir… Madam…, please!” Meanwhile, a man is sweeping around a shop door.
A group of vehicles travels along the path. They run slowly before stopping. A distant car door opening sounds and all people around mendicant guys stop right their way. They bow respectfully when a little girl is running to the mendicant who waved the cup. She wears a gas mask on her face. Standing near the mendicant, she puts a yellow coin and a flower in to his cup. He still lowers his head when she is looking at him with her amusement. Some people standing around watching the mendicant with jealousy, “Wow, with just that coin, he'll probably have a new life”, they mutter. Two burly men who stand behind the little girl are preparing to move. They also wear gas masks like her. “Time to go, princess. Please back to your car”, they say with their language right after coming to her. The little girl follows them. She turns her head back to see the mendicant for a moment, then goes straight. The vehicles continue to move away and people resume their activities. The mendicant holds his cup with two hands while sitting in his place and stops asking for money. Look like he is controlling his breath after meeting the little girl. The petals of the flower on the rim of his cup seem to spread aroma outside, while his eyes are opening and starting…

The Cetra little girl with a gas mask

When the vehicles have already left, the sweeping man stops his activity and closes the door of the shop. “Okay, those Cetra have gone. Time to ready, and move up”, he hisses through his lapel mics. The saleswoman places a sign on the counter to signal the closure, then takes a bag under the table and moves out. The sweeping man also left. An old man inside the shop, who looks like a boss, pops his head out and says loudly, “Hey! What are you going? Okay then… you are fired. Do you hear me?” The man keeps walking, saying nothing and even not turning around. He only points his finger at the sky to respond to the old man. After the man and the woman have moved to an alley together, the mendicant gets up and starts moving. He gives his cup to the other mendicant while walking fast and without saying a word. “Thank you, man. Thank you!” that mendicant just cries behind him.
All three move into the alley. Another man is pinning the notice back up on the wall. He turns around to see the people. “Nearly exposed, huh?”, he says. The woman puts the bag on the ground. “Okay, gear up, boys”, she says. After having equipped all the weapons and ghillie suits in the bag, the man who pasted the leaflet watches the mendicant. “You ready? Player 7”, he asks. The mendicant, or Player 7, looks at the man. “As always, Player 8”, he says. Player 8 only smiles. “I’m ready, too. And you, Player 9?” The woman asks the other while she is putting on the suit. “I will ask when we are moving on the way. Is that count to a ready or not, Player 10?”, he put the question back to the woman. She says nothing.
Their conversation during the movement:
Player 8: Okay, listen up. This is a private mission. We will not be recognized by our SeeD, nor by any Garden unit, even if our mission is eventually successful or not. During the implementation, we can use the magic of our weapons as usual, but not the Guardian Force because it will attract enemy fire. Remember, the Cetra is our temporary enemy now. Right after the mission is over, we will go back to them as an ally as before. Understood?
All say: Understood!
Player 8: Our target is… Cid of the Lufaine. A confidential but reliable source points out he refused to continue his plan, which is to use a half-human, half-robot type of thing, to control all people's religions in the world. Now he is about to reveal the whole project to the world tomorrow.
He stops speaking and puts up his hand to signify the others stay in their positions. A group of soldiers traverse nearby. After they have left, all four continue on moving.
Player 8: A few hours ago, Ornac's leaders attempted to convince Cid to reconsider, but as a result, they imprisoned him and his family for no reason. He escaped with his relative and on their way to the front, where the troops are blessed by Cosmos. We... cannot let him do it. If not, then tomorrow, there will be no more creed, no more meaning to life. Chaos shall be rampant.
Player 9: I hear those gods like Cosmos and Chaos are only a few Androids created by him. Is that true?
Player 8: They are only, not a few. Cid has cooperated on his project with the Cetra for a long time. It is said that he is now over a thousand years old. Do you believe that? With the Cetra’s capacity for natural magic and his knowledge of a very great sort like «time control», the project ultimately succeeded and really changed the war for the winner of The Centra.
Player 9: So The Centra has won. That’s good! And what are we concern about now?
Player 8: Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. Right after all the Centra nations had ratified the peace pact, the Cetra nation now became… ultra-nationalist. So does anybody here know anything more about the actual details of the Cid project?
Player 10: Me. Goddess Cosmos will choose several entities with intelligence or abilities exceeding normal human standards in all of history. And her “son”, Chaos will find out other entities considered as sources of the presence of war. The battle between two sides will be of significant benefit to the world today. But it is also a key to opening an Armageddon for the sole good end of Cetra.
Player 9: I understand. It'll be like purifying the Nation on the planet. So how many people are going to die because of this fight?
Player 8: Too many. Only the Cetra will be great again. Now we are all in over our head. After the fight has been finished, the entire planet will be reshaped… under their hand. They’re got Cid over a barrel from his two children. I am certain that he will do whatever he can to ensure their safety.
Silent all the time, Player 7 now asks: Tell me, boss. Why then must we continue to serve the great nation after all this? And why’s he?
Player 8 stops en route, everybody does the same. Glance down with a wry face for a while, he slowly raises his head then glares at Player 7 and says: Listen. I do not wish to take part in their… ideology, and the rest of the team as well. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Regrettably, “we” are just… them. These people are not even a nation, which has only emerged from special incubators during the doomsday and inherited a gene that predisposes them to be extraordinary humans. So they cannot sit in judgment to determine for the greater good of the entire planet. Now we have to turn our backs on them like the road to the Cold War 4,000 years ago? No. We're just giving them a message. Kill him is a message. Do you copy?
Player 7: I…
Player 8: Do you copy?
Player 7:… Yes. Let you know one thing, boss. After this done, I quit. And I will never return to the tomb of the prophet in the white SeeD. Mr. Leonhart is the only one got my service, not her.
Player 8 rigs up big branches of a tree with the help of Player 7. A secret stretch of road appears in front of them. When the team is entering the stretch, he goes on talking to Player 7: Fine. You say so you'll never be welcome on the team again. I and the others are going to continue, even if we've all been seen as traitors to the Cetra socialist cause.
At once the remaining words, Player 8 drops the branches, makes Player 7 hold them himself.
After Player 7 has regrouped to the team, they keep moving. Player 10 smiles when talking to him: I’m sorry. He was furious at not getting much sleep during last night. I guess it's because of Centra fireworks… We really do not want this to happen, all the more so since our object is the successor of the Garden. How’s your wife?
Player 7: She’s fine. We are looking forward to the birth of our first baby.
Player 10: I can see why you're stepping down. You have served the Gardens well during the war and always one of the best our master ever taught. I hope we can have a few beers when we see each other again, only if we all survive this mission.
Player 7: Thanks, mate. I remember the day the team was fun led by that pair. They eventually got the right end, but the world came to sh*t again until it was reset by another… legendary pair. Well, such is life, isn’t it?
Player 8: Ok, stop chit chat now. We're almost at a tower. Ready for your fight.
Player 9: Sorry, sir. We are all scare… we are preparing to defeat a man who created the Gods. It's too bad if it's written in the story.
Player 8: Stay cool, brother. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Stick together until everything’s done. Then, we shall return home. Player 7, you will get back to your family soon, I promise.
Player 7 nods his head to confirm. All four continue to advance rapidly towards their target. Sometimes Player 9 murmurs along the way: Funny… the world now no longer uses nukes… Something like meteorite takes its place… to attack the enemy more clearly and cleanly. The great nation has said so…, hm.

Having overcome a lot of difficult things on the way undetected, they finally arrive at the tower. On the top of the tower, Player 10 is mounting a sniper rifle. Player 9 organizes emergency evacuation cables for the team. Meanwhile, Player 8 talks to 7: You take a shot, I will guide you.
After seeing Player 9 raise his thumb, Player 8 orders to 10: Send it.
Player 10 takes a red pigeon in her bag and flies it. The pigeon disappears rapidly into the cloud. Then, an immense light blue circle flares up. Player 10 notices: Typhon is activated. Two minutes.
Player 9: What’s Typhon?
Player 7: A type of EMP. With that, Cosmos and Chaos will be out of their business within 2 minutes, resemble as another God was chopped off his nerves from hands and feet.
Player 9: Oh, wow. I hope they don't feel bad after a while.
Player 10: I also turned on the satellite recording functionality. As of this moment, everything they say will be recorded and listened to here.
Player 8: Good. Let’s get to work.
Player 9: Yes, sir, and last question. Who is Cid’s wife?
Player 10 replies, seems anger: Pythia. Her alias is Pythia. That all. What else? Hey, can you… can you stop asking stupid questions?
Player 9: Ok, sorry! Let's « go dance » now, everyone.

Cid’s wife: STOP. Don’t come to us. You can’t hurt them. No, please…
The shadows, or some people, step out from inside the tree trunks. They wear ancient attires and gas masks. A man, who looks like their captain, put off his gas mask and says: You should not escape there. We even sensed you as we passed that land. Cid, now listen to me. We have to talk… about one of your children, Jenova.

Soundtrack during SeeD team discussion on mission:
The Cetra captain nodded his head to show Cosmos his respect: The Goddess of harmony. On behalf of everyone here and the Centra nations, I thank you very much for protecting us through many years. We are all ashamed to let this battle take place and to hurt the Mother once more…

Cosmos could not respond because she was turned off. Her eyes had stopped blinking and now opened. She was now like a great statue.

He turned to Cid and said: Doctor, before telling you about her I have to let you know something. We are under a declining population. The peace pact was erroneous in one thing. Our casualties did not originate primarily from the battlefield. Many of us have disappeared, and now, it is still going on all the time after the war. No one can explain it so we celebrated a ceremony in the Temple to ask Gaia, our great Mother, for the solution. And she said…

He frowned to avoid tears: She said we were on our way to an end. We felt shocked, but not to get angry at her verdict. Our greatest wizards had to cut their blood and sacrificed their youth to meet her longer and ask her some questions. We tried to save our time, and the only thing we wasted was their pain. As a result, her ultimate answer giving us amazing, because… it is clear as day. “Someone in our nation learned how to control the Time from the Great Mother and used it without permission…”. Indeed, this act is worse than Prometheus, who stole fire back from Zeus in a fennel stalk and restored it to humanity. Why? Because Fire is for human survival, but Time is for the human ruler. And our Mother, Gaia, alone is allowed to control Time. That sinner broke the taboo and now we have to pay for it…

Cid: You mentioned it from your religion, but I looked at it from a scientific perspective. The more time is broken, the more worlds will be created, and therefore the more people will lose their memories before dying because they do not naturally exist in those worlds. So Cosmos has to protect the Time to save all people in the world and even helps us find out the sinner you spoke about. But there was just one that could get close.

Cetra: It’s Jenova. She is an Android created by you, side by side with Chaos but she had a pact with Cosmos. In total, there will be four Androids to maintain the equilibrium of the universe. And she was intended to become the goddess of doom and fate…

Cid cut off him: She is not allowed to do that. Her strength is too strong, but unstable in spirit that cannot interact with humans and god in the world. I need more time to improve it, but I wasn't able to. Your ally wants everything done fast… Look at my son. See what you turned him into.

Cetra: We know Chaos is about becoming an evil god. He always appears as a villain in this kind of game. We all feel sympathetic to him. Cid, we're running out of time, so you have to come with us. We assist him to get out of the Centra's control, and you will receive our Great Mother’s tolerance, so that your project will be continued for the dream of a united and fantasy world, or generally… a Greater Good, as you said. We won’t concern about innocent deaths arising out of the Cycle War so there is no need to worry. In exchange, you must help us stop Jenova. Deal?

Cid: No. Why do you expect me to do this? She was sent back to the past to help all of you. That's what we agreed to first.

Cetra: She was sent back to kill all of us. That's what you didn’t notice. It’s not your fault at all, but your responsibility to resolve it.

Cid: I know her. She was a slow child, but very obedient.

Cetra: Nothing like you know, Doctor? Now is two, not just one. It's a creature that talked to Jenova in a way that “…Wipe out all people in that nation until their sinner appears in a timeline. Come to this timeline and do what you have to do. Then I shall re-establish the nation you destroyed”.

Cid: You can listen to it clearly or not. I still don't come with you.

Cetra captain came close to Cid, slowly said: “To make a paradise you have to pay with blood. History proves it”. You said that when you first met my men on the Moonbase. Lack of technological knowledge might be our issue, but we surely know that a robot will complete any mission by learning the history, something like “All warfare is based on deception…”, and won’t stop until it is done. So if you don’t help us, Cid, we have to force…

He stopped talking when he saw a reflected light through the eyes of Cid. He turned back right after the wind howled.

Scene 12: Friendly fire will not be tolerated.

“To make the Paradise you have to pay with blood…” Cetra's voice came from every Player's microphone.

Player 7: So much information we’ve never known before. Looks like Cetra will be the victim of the Circle War, a way of purifying nations.

Player 10: they will all die, as the man said.

Player 8 said nothing, Player 9 asks him: What should we do, boss?

Player 10 said nothing. Player 9 repeated his question. Player 10: Sh*t, I forgot, guys. Cosmos and Chaos will be awake in 5 seconds.

Player 8: Take a shot now, 7

Player 7: No, I can’t.

Player 10: 4 seconds left…

Player 8: What are you waiting for?

Player 7: There’s something wrong here, boss.


Player 8: It’s not about a sign. It's a cutoff between life and death.


Player 8: Think about all sorcerers done to your family, lieutenant.


Take a deep breath quickly, 7 took a shot.

The Cetra man turned back right after the wind howled. He raised his hand and a magic circle appeared as the bullet arrived.

Player 8 shouted: What are you doing, 7?

Player 7 said nothing.

Player 10 watched through the binoculars, stammered: You… got the wife?!

The bullet hit the magic circle and veered off at Cid's wife. She fell down to her knees.

Both Cosmos and Chaos awoke. Seeing his mother dying, Chaos went mad.

The Cetra man ordered to his people who were about ready to fight: Everyone holding the positions. Cid, STOP! Tell me where she is…

He stopped talking immediately and looked down. Something which looks like a sword came out of his stomach. Chaos had taken him from the back.

Chaos: You… first!

“NO, BROTHER!”, one woman of the Cetra’s people screamed. Then, all of them rushed into Chaos. A stream of blood flowed out of the Cetra man’s mouth. He still raised his hand to the Cid holding the wife.

Cosmos tried to stop the chaos everywhere. Every time she prevented Chaos from the mad, she was assaulted by him and the people of Cetra.

Player 8: Good! They will fight until they die. We have to back out now… Hey! What the hell are you…?!

A summoned creature controlled by another Cetra guy was flying right in front of them. He looked Player 7 straight in the eye. Player 7 pressed the trigger, but Player 8 quickly kicked the sniper rifle. The bullet grazed the Cetra guy’s cheek. His creature roared and went away. Player 8 angrily talked to 7: Killing some wild monsters makes your brain melt, huh? We all agree not to attack any Cetra on our way…

Player 10: LOOK!

The blast propagated from the position of Chaos and reached the tower. Player 8 shouted to all: EVERYONE OUT!

All of them ran to emergency evacuation cables and quickly evacuated. Players 9 and 10 jumped without incident, but the tower exploded before Players 7 and 8 could make it. Laying on the ground, Player 7 saw 8 to lay motionless. Player 10 came close to him and said quietly: You shouldn’t have gone for the head, Lieutenant.

Watch out! The Cetra is coming in.

What should we do, boss?

Player 8 stood up slowly, grasped his weapon, and said to all: Weapons free. Let get out of here.

The soundtrack during the battle between SeeD and Cetra:

… The Cetra captain still raised his hand to the Cid holding the wife.

Cid: Hold still, my love! I will take the bullet out of you by the magic. Just stay with me.

Cid’s wife touched her red hand to his cheek, said: Cid, listen to me…

Cid talked to his wife while using the magic: Please, no more talk. Did anyone ever tell you always say too much?

Cid's wife tried to smile. She said: Sure you will make that story come true after this. Right?

Cid held his wife under the bloody battle between Cosmos, Chaos, and Cetra people. Everything around him seemed to be in slow motion. Cid’s wife talked to Cid: “…Cid, my darling, don’t waste your energy to save my life. I want to talk to you one last word…” She grabbed Cid’s head close to her. A voice inside Cid when he was looking at the war in front of his eyes: “…Even if we transport all the bombs to the moon, the roots of war still there… work for peace is to uproot war from ourselves and from the hearts of men and women…” She looked straight into Cid’s eyes: “Promise me, Cid. No… more… works. Those people will completely lose their mind if their story turns out to be a deception. We both know…”.

Cid’s wife stopped immediately talking, her eyes looked down on the ground while her mouth still opened.

“No…”, Cid started to cry.
“Nice bullet,” Doc suddenly appeared in front of Cid.

“Your man is late,” Cid said while putting the bullet back into his pocket.

“Don't worry, my men are always on time. One of them I told you before has just met some problem with the police. If she was late to stop him from taking down any of them, I guess our meeting will finish sooner than we expected… Well, speak of the devil! Hello, R. We were just talking about you,” Doc saw R was coming.

“ Nice meeting you, Doctor,” R said when looking at Cid.

“Just call me Cid. I no longer served in the army,” Cid said.

“Good for you... After that terrifying event, my wife didn’t want to hit me anymore because she felt that I have been enough for it from outside. She did nothing but hold me by her arms. If things aren’t going along nicely, there won’t be next time. Doc, I hope to hear anything good from you.”

“Luckily, we are still under control. Those terrorists have disappeared right after any soldiers came to stop them. How’s about your daughter?” Doc asked R.

“No good. My daughter isn't scared of everything that happened, but now she’s having a headache. Do you know what it means, Doc?”

Doc prepared to answer R. Cid said, “Okay. I am also worried about his girl. Why don’t we tell him about our last secret, Doc. ”?

“Yeah, that’s right. It's not worth it for my little girl to stand all this nightmare.”

Doc was silent for a while. He sighed and said, “… Your daughter’s headache comes from something changed in the past. In other words, if her brain is a computer, her memory is reprogrammed. We are all lucky because the people we love, such as R’s daughter here, haven’t been disappeared like those losing face guys whose brains have met a faulty program. That time machine really looks like software while those terrorists are truly hackers… My secretary lost her control at that time and I don’t know why. Now I have to leave to ask her about that. You can discuss more with him, Cid.”

When R was looking at Doc leaving, Cid stood behind him and suddenly asked, “I know a museum still opens in this curfew time. Would you like to join me now, Mr. R?”

Both of them went to the museum. Cid said, “This place was built after people have collected almost of information from the new historical line so far. It’s grateful that I am considered one of the architects of this thing, although I don’t actually understand all of them. Please, take a seat, Mr. R”, Cid pointed to a bench.

Both watched Jupiter in the background of the picture raising among planets.

“We will see the whole history in that picture. Before the war, my wife loved looking up in the sky and watching the stars. By seeing Jupiter’s movement, she said she could listen to orders of Creators in the universe. Drink something?” Cid showed a cup of tea which has a Moogle image on it while looking at the unhealed scar on R’s mouth. R raised his hand to refuse Cid’s invitation. Cid put the cup on the bench. Both went on watching the picture in front of them. Cid said, “Our dream is about a fantasy world, where people don't need to do something we may see popularly in the real world to be lived and survived. However, to be or not to be is always a human's reflection. Sometimes the brutality is the only choice to get the best life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everybody has something mistake. I also had one in the past. My wife died without closing her eyes while my children went to an endless battle since their ideology and belief have deviated. Now I have nothing but a pact signed afterward, to save the last Cetra from one of them, Jenova. When watching her finally taken down with them… again, I hadn't cried myself, though my pain of losing the wife remained.”

Trying to get everything from Cid’s words, R said, “Jenova…I know that woman. You said she was one of your children. People rarely talk about her because she is only a one-piece in the whole picture of our long history… You said you met her last time in the past… I really don’t understand at all.”

“I used to be a father of four unbiogical and mischievous children. To stop them from going outside to do harm to anyone, my wife drew a circle on the lab floor and put all of them and others inside it. Those children would take their hands, stood in the circle, and sang a song, while two of them were in the middle to play cat and mouse. When the song was finished, the two started to their roles. Day by day, we saw them play this game in that small circle. They found this antique game of humanity very particularly attractive. We later knew why they loved the game because they could not find out the real ending of it, so they tried all their best to gain the result”

It seemed that Cid was trying not to cry. He then said, “One day, Jenova stopped playing the game. She saw a child who played a blind mouse in the middle of the circle and did nothing. When it was her turn, she only stood without moving and let everyone, who played the cat, caught her. Her brother, Chaos, was so angry that touched a sword to her throat, constantly ordered her to get back to the game. The rest of the children were scared away, their circle was thereby broken. Cosmos and my wife had together persuaded him of sparing her. And we also spared him afterward. But since then, Jenova had never been played with any children or her brother and sister. Next year, she was taken away by the Cetra to the moonbase. Before leaving, she let me know that she had finally found out the ending of the game at the time the circle was broken.”

Feeling so tired, R still tried to listen to Cid, “The Cetra wanted her ability of programming to process a mission. Actually, they believed that the life of every person operated as the line of codes that are embedded in a timeline. If a timeline is adjusted, some coded are adjusted too, means that the life of these people will disappear. However, the others still remain and lives will be kept. What’s a theory! So let assume that the time machine is software, then it should have a programmer to run it. And Jenova was the only one to choose because she was a Goddess… the Goddess of Fate.”

“So who is the developer of this software?”

“Me, and also a product of it,” Cid said with an impish smile. He went on, “Once every three months, Jenova received a note which showed a list of some people with their information. She had to calculate exactly who will be survived and who won’t after any of the timelines have been adjusted. Her results were sent immediately to the Centra Council. A long time later, when I got permission to visit her, there I saw many of Cetra soldiers equipped weapons, clothes in every period and talked in a wide range of different languages. A Cetra officer said that they were the best fighters in the war chosen to arrive at the machine. All of them put this one over their shoulders.

Cid took out a picture and gave it to R.


“Yeah, but…why does this one look like crying?”, R said.

“When I met Jenova, she was likely a joyful child again, came to hug me so tight. I could feel her tear on my collar. She really wanted to go back to the planet to know how my fantasy world has been completed. When I was persuading her that she should keep serving the Cetra on the moon, she was very disappointed. She didn’t like people there call her a robot, or an alien, while her sibs down there were respected by humans… After all, I had only given her a record player with a few songs she likes, hoped that she would feel more comfortable… After leaving her room, I inquired after the Cetra officer following me something. He said he was one of those fighters who had survived after the end of the war. He had a fiancée waiting in their home so he didn’t come with them. So he was very happy about it. Before saying goodbye to go back to the lab, I didn't forget to tell him that not let Jenova know about how people respected her more than other Gods. Actually, her results had helped many good people on the planet to live and also wiped out all of the devils. But I forgot one thing that he was feeling too happy to not pay attention to me at that time.

“I think you are thinking too much, sir. A Cetra won’t neglect of duty.”

“Well, my young friend”, Cid said, “Actually, I had come back to my home… after experiencing the loudest situation that I have ever seen in my life. And I had felt a part of me died after this.”

Cid touched his finger to R’s head, “May I?” he said. R agreed.

“The situation began when a Cetra woman went to Jenova’s room after I had left. And Jenova just killed her by… hugging. She escaped the room and… disappeared. My journey to go home was canceled immediately to solve the situation. Even using the magic, Cetra couldn’t find out her. But I knew she had turned into one of them, and stood among those fighters.”
Fight 1 (0:27-0:50):
The elevator opened again. A group of Cetra fighters led by a woman was entering. They joined the group led by a man standing around Jenova. After the door just closed, silence was surrounding the place. Then Jenova said, “Don’t think about it or I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way.”
“Sorry, we've heard that many times from our enemy…”, the woman said.
“And we’ve defeated many of their Gods”, the man said.

“Stop, stop, PLEASE…” the woman cried.
Her voice made Jenova balk at the moment. “I am sorry… we are so sorry for showing our irreverence. I can't breathe. Wait…” Kneeling directly on the ground, she put the gas mask off to show scars on both sides of her forehead and cheekbone. Due to fighting against Jenova, those scars were broken and bled. “Please spare me and my fianceé here”, she pointed to the man laying down on the ground, begged Jenova.
“Fine! You shall die... in ultimate”, Jenova smirked, then knocked the woman. Laying down in the opposite direction with the man, blood on the woman’s face spread out on the ground.
Fight 2:
Fight 3:
“Ok, enough…” R shouted at him. Cid stopped and kept saying, “…No one there, even those best Cetra fighters, could escape from her madness. I also couldn't help the Cetra officer when he was facing her. Her eyes looked like burning him and those poor people while using that old sword. The image I gave you, which describes him that time, stuck in my head for a very, very long time.”
Jenova vs Cetra officer (young lady vs old man):
“Well, since you said you created your fantasy world, I guess that you have built his death image… less brutal.”
“Hmm, interesting…” Cid looked at R’s eyes.
“Ok, let me continue your story. Jenova had left one man to live. You. Although I don’t know why…”
“Yes, because she gave me a message before letting me go.”
Cid showed that message on the picture, “I will complete your world for you, father.”
“But no…” Cid kept looking at R’s eyes, “I mean… before I and the rest of my family had agreed on a pact with Shinryu… then came to this new world... I felt something going on in the previous one… R, you also have a father, but left you before, right?”
Of course, R doesn’t understand what Cid said. “Look at the picture.”
In the picture, there was a group of soldiers chased by an army…
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Scene 13: GF is down.
Player 7: How’s your leg?

Player 8: It should be all right… next time. Anyway, thank you for your plan of separating us out. I hope our friends haven’t skirmished with Cetra yet.

Player 7: Something wrong here. I saw those Cetra stopped chasing us for a while. I don’t know why…

Player 8: Now we haven’t got any problems with it. Just temporary, trust me. Their ally is still chasing us on the way…

Player 8 turned the radio on showing a voice of a different language. He translated: … We are under the tremendous battle of the pantheon in the Rift. But our HQ on the moon is also under attack. Our men and women were attacked by a demi-goddess and most of them were infected by an old virus… They are being turned into monsters... We need an emergency now. All units should go back here… and regroup to stop the enemy immediately. We will resolve the problem outside the planet later… Wait! This time there’s an astonishing number of monsters… Are you sure? Those have never been crowded such like that…

Stop talking, P8 coughed sporadically, dropped the gun. P7 bent down to pick it up for him.

P8: Don't worry. I still cover you at any time. Just… put me over there. We need to array forces carefully to kill all the enemies. Remember, use your cloak during this time, avail your magic when someone spots you…

Gulping back, P7 tried to talk to P8: After you have done, draw the magic from their bodies for your store, but do not call GFs or the Cetra army will be called. The enemy coming really do not know how to use magic, but they have more people, and creatures as well. So, if you can, use the hand-to-hand combat weapon to deal with them when you are out of ammo. But if you can’t, try to find a way to save your bullets until the rest of us have come in with a Rag.

P7: That’s a good plan but lacked details. How about you? What if any dogs inside their creatures can smell your position?

P8: No dogs. I swear.

P7: I hate them. Why are you so sure about that?

P8: Calm down, man. I didn’t hear anything that they will use dogs. Maybe they don't like the way the Cetra make this animal become… pets. Maybe they’re afraid someone will use magic to attract their quadruped again. You should leave now, lieutenant… Ok, here they come. Get ready!

P8 woke up in a hospital where many people were working under high pressure. A TV near him broadcast: “…The total number of casualties was humongous after the impact of the meteoric weapon. Many governments try to keep carrying out the rescue work, regardless of the difficulty. Right now, more of the survivors found near the impact has been moved urgently to the hospitals and… Wait… We have just received the changed information. Several lunar monsters from the impact are spearing out at an accelerating rate, while the protecting shield was collapsed by the sudden and unknown disappearance of the Cetra nation. We are afraid it will be a worldwide crisis. The Centra has fallen. Manifestations, terrorisms, and demolitions are now everywhere… We highly recommend all of you should stay in your houses…”

The TV screen showed people shouting among bloodthirsty monsters in front of P8’s eyes. Then, a man appeared, screened the monitor off with his face. He looked straight to P8: “I am surprised you are the only one who was brought here… in one piece. I didn't know at all until getting two things so far: one, you are a soldier trained in magic, enough for making it to the hospital just in time and survived miraculously, and two…” He smiled, showed the cloak to P8: “…You are more than a soldier, right? Because I know only someone in the Garden got permission of using this thing. Did I miss anything, Lieutenant? Oh, sorry! May I ask you the first question: do you speak English?”

When he was asking, P8 looked at his name tag. It showed “Ardyn Izunia”

“I will consider your answer is yes.” Ardyn laid the P8’s cloak to his gurney. “Normally my men will act on my authority in some cases but in this case, I have to deal with it directly. Our King Iedolas is receiving many calls from not only his international friends but also his traditional enemies. They all want to negotiate. A noble and venerable nation has been… vaporized so that all people in the world deal with something inside a very big hole out there. However, it’s now to be doubted whether a mysterious, famous, and uninvited army called SeeD has caused this nightmare or not?"

P8 tried to remember that moment... Carrying on P7 back to the Ragnarok with the rest of the team. When all SeeD were flying in the air, a meteor came to their location.

P8 went into convulsions. Ardyn threw the cloak away. Put his hat on and kept looking at P8, he said: “Yeah, I know this feeling, the time when I lost everything…”

“Excuse me!”, a nurse came, removed the hat from his head, “This is the hospital, not the theater. Don't you see this man's pain?” Not let Ardyn explain, she took the cloak, pressed it on him then whistled for a robot to help her moving the gurney to the room. Ardyn did nothing but follow it with his eyes, while electricity flew through the cloak, made it completely damage.

Aranea Highwind came and asked him: “The meeting has been on right now. Sir, are you okay?” Throwing the cloak to the trashcan, he said: “Never mind, Captain. Do you see that guy? Just send some guys to take a look at him for me. If there’re anything troubles, let me know immediately.”

“Understood! You know that foreigner man before, don’t you?”

“No. But how’s funny I’m thinking that he’s relative to my trouble before.

“Sir… The King wants me to send you his message before you come to your meeting. Let's go somewhere to talk, here is not convenient.”

“No need to do that, Aranea. The people here are very busy helping the survivors so they won’t care about us, even I will stop anyone eavesdropping on our conversation with my power. You know. I’m too lazy to travel from one place to another with my foot.”

“Ok… The Cetra has dissolved since the clean nuke attacked our country. The dead number of innocent people is more than any other so this meteoric attack makes everyone feel angry. Therefore, our king has decided to invade Lucis, the last country of the Centra Union, once and for all after receiving much enthusiasm from the people. And your bargaining position between Nilfheim and Lucis ends now.”

“Thanks, Aranea. It’s great news. My failure is a true success for our king because he finally finds out a legitimate reason to conquer Lucis.”

“Ah! It’s about your plan.”

“Something problem? Captain.”

“With all due respect, sir. I have protected this country and its allies for a long time since the Centra Union took control of the whole planet. I also destroyed one of their HQs in Ornac to stop Chaos and Cosmos. Now our King is gonna take over all the territories which our enemy left by forcing? If so, I think the war will never come to an end.”

That’s simply called The Empire Strikes Back. Now King Iedolas and we, Nilfheim can replace the position of the Cetra as a great nation, not to mention that our magitek is much better. King Regis will therefore no longer keep all his lands. He’s even under a poor state of health after using the magic many times to help the Cetra. Soon the Crystal will belong to our king Iedolas. I can’t wait to get started. I’m gonna test its power by traveling to the ancient Egyptian civilization. So Aranea, have you ever known about this powerful magical artifact?”

“It’s a gift of the Gods given to mankind that we might know lasting prosperity...”

“…in controlling the stream of our history. It’s exactly the true power of this artifact Lunafreya has never talked to anyone, even with Noctis. I have to say she is very careful in her communication but makes people easy to be killed.”

“Whatever! You know what? I will leave the king’s army right after I’ve done with you. I cannot put up with all the dirty conspiracies in this game started from you, sir. It turns out that King Regis is the only leader in the world who wants to bring true peace to the people. And he even followed you to sign the pact with Nilfheim while the Centra was considering us one of their best enemies in the line. Now all people want to punish him for a thing he has never done before. While Iedolas turns out to be a man of ultranationalism…”

“Watch your mouth here, Ms. Highwind. People will come to attention quickly if someone speaks against their king behind his back. Remember that you still have one more work to do for me. We all are in the same boat with so there’s no way out and…Be careful, man!”

Ardyn shouted to a man who had just crossed and touched his shoulder. The man looked back and said: “Haven’t you know yet? Those monsters from the moon are now everywhere. Gods have left us… Better take care of yourself…”

“Ok! That is. I will go to prepare one of my favorites: hunting down all monsters in the world. Gods may have left us but I won’t,”

“There is a battle between the last soldiers of the Garden with Lunar monsters at a Centra embassy in Insomnia. Our army is also preparing to move right now to solve the problem, but you have to come to that location first… You know what to do?”

Aranea took drew the sword. A stream of light emanated from her made the crowd avoid touching. Then, she left the hospital without saying goodbye to Ardyn.

Laying in the bed, P8 had followed all their conversation outside the room by looking at their mouths only.

“…Good news, gentlemen. All of the best soldiers in our world are trying to stop Lunar monsters under the cover of the Magitek army. The result is now encouraging. That infantry did it well so the dead number of people is going down. The situation is now under control and I have to say the Cetra nation deserves to be gone forever.”

“And our King wants to conquer Lucis at this time. You are telling us this now, Mr. Izunia? King Regis of Lucis has sent his men to stop those monsters for our country and the others before the Magitek army could be approached. In all my respect, the action of our King is not gentle.

“I agree. Moreover, all of us are busy helping patients from both the meteoric and Lunar Cry… Didn’t you see that, Mr. Izunia? I think you ought to speak to the King and the Council about a matter that we cannot send anyone to the battlefield right now.”

When listening to people complaining, Ardyn just looked down at his knife and rotated its point on his finger. He said: “Gentlemen! The order of the King is very clear: all hospitals in Nilfheim, especially near the border, must send doctors to the battlefield immediately. Anyone who doesn’t obey will be executed. The war has returned. Same enemies but… different day. So, if you are still wondering about our great Emperor, I am afraid that the next place all of you come is not behind the back of our army but the dungeons under Gralea…”

When talking, Ardyn took a look at P8 in the casualty ward through the window who is convulsed with pain. Some of the nurses are trying to help him.

“I’m thinking you are threatening me, Mr. Izunia. We have a responsibility for saving people as much as we can. It’s the rule and no one, even the King, could break it. So, I and all of my colleagues here will not follow you, even when you will come back here with some people in the army.”

“In the tooth of orders, you guys still remain not to obey. Fine! If someone feels better to die than to live on with a bad reputation, just leave the room right now. I am waiting.”

After some of the doctors have left the room, one of the others who stayed in the room talked to Ardyn: “Mr. Izunia, let me be absolutely candid with you. We have received many reports on the big hole out there which you mentioned. All of them indicate that the meteorite was 100% launched from a military base in space. And I remember a record of a Cetra person living there that: monsters' behavior becomes abnormal when there are irregularities in the moon and the planet's gravitational forces, making them cluster at one spot on the moon, ready to fall to the planet. So, I guess the irregularity here is something happened in the base and caught the lost control which leads to the Lunar cry right now."

“Oh! I thought Cetra have finished dealing with that… natural disaster?”

That man moved to Ardyn. Sitting on edge of a table, he said: “Shooting a big weapon to a country where their army is staying. Doing that is not a way of SeeD or the whole Cetra. You think we are fools, don’t you?

Ardyn smiled, “So you are thinking all this nightmare was caused by us, Mr. Hospital Manager?” Then, he stood up and went to the door. Before leaving the room, Ardyn said without turning around, “A unit is on the way to take over this hospital soon. When the time comes, I hope all of you will at least have a break time, because Niflheim has no place for cowards. Good day, gentlemen.”

“What’s about you, Mr. Izunia? We all know you are the Hand of the King, but you used to be one of The Lucis, right?”

Ardyn glanced out of the window, saw that P8 was being injected by a nurse. He then turned to the manager and said, “Lucis is my enemy and always will be. Therefore, I’ve spent my long time creating strong and faithful Android soldiers like the magitek, and I believe this infantry will not stop their duty when the King finally gets the Crystal from them.”

“We cannot listen to you anymore, sir. You can go back to the King and do whatever. We will not change our minds. Oh! By the way, the King still keeps that game, the battle royale or something, to pick out the best super-soldiers for his own. Is that right, Mr. Izunia?”

A screaming cut from outside off the conversation. All people in the meeting room looked out the window. Ardyn Izunia saw P8 has disappeared.

“Someone helps him, please. He is committing suicide.”

Ardyn flung out of the room and checked some windows himself. He stuck out a window and looked to the right, then to the left. P8 was standing on the ledge near the window, looking down at some people below, pointing to him.

Ardyn smiled, pulled his hat down to keep it not blowing off in the wind. P8 slowly turned his face to see Ardyn. Not to pay any attention to people below, Ardyn showed his hand out, sign to P8 to jump off the ledge.

“What kind of person are you?!” People below shouted, “He’s too young to die. Save him, not let him stew.”

While people were clamoring, Ardyn talked to P8: “Don't worry. You are a super-soldier, right? Jumping down from here won’t make you be filled in the list of casualties today.”

“Yeah!” P8 talked to Ardyn, “It could have done in 15 minutes ago if an old woman hadn’t seen me and made the truck leave immediately.

“I know. From the room, I could see you were a headache. Maybe it affected your decision to jump.

“And why are you smiling?”

“Because it’s the second time I can see people only watch a man going to die. In the first time, the dead man was… me.”

“So, you have ever faced death, right?”

“Once. And then no longer since I stabbed my lover and my brother.”

“Okay then, I assume your brother really felt regret because of cheating you.”

“Actually, it wasn’t like what you are thinking of… After the last country of the Centra has been taken over by The Empire of Niflheim, the Cetra nation will be completely deleted from our history forever. Time’s up for them but not for us. So…why don’t you just calm down and talk to me about something when you are standing there?”

“I don’t know. You don't intend to invite me to go inside or something? Wanna scare me?”

The wind became stronger and stronger. Still looking at P8, Ardyn averted his eyes to the ground below, “No. Just take a look at the people there and you will understand the situation.”

P8 looked down. People below were talked to each other, some of them left quickly. An explosion appeared far from them. When P8 was looking at it, Ardyn continued to say, “Now it’s coming to the… another war. My young friend, the period you have served is going to end now.”

P8 turned his head to see Ardyn, said, “Someday you will have to pay for what you did. That’s how life is.”

Smiled for a while, Ardyn opened his eyes and looked at P8, said, “Do you know what people usually do when they are making a man has to face his death? Some of them will act like children, while the others just run away… After that explosion, I think you won’t get far from here.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll jump no matter what.”

“I see. Nothing can make a SeeD soldier fear even death. But I do know something more terrifying than death. Wanna try it in next time?”

Immediately the words had left Ardyn’s mouth, he felt a part of his energy was drawn quickly. P8 jumped down in the shock of people. He penetrated a tarp, fell down to the ground right after landing it. Staggered to his feet, P8 crossed to the crowd who daren’t touch him.

A guard came to Ardyn, “Sir, do you want us to take him down?”

“He can’t go far away, let him live another day. At least he hasn't our threat yet.” Ardyn then whispered himself, “Such a pity! I don’t have a chance to meet that guy anymore. Maybe in a different timeline, it could be.”

“How strange! Why did he know to use magic to jump like that? Is he a Cetra?”

“No”, Ardyn talked to the guard, “He has just recovered his gear in my break room to draw the energy from me. Oh, dear! That thing from the Cetra never gets old.”

After P8 had worn new clothes and shoes on the way, he approached his wife in another hospital. She was very surprised when seeing him. P8 just asked, “Where’s our son? He’s okay?”

“In that room and sleep. What’s happening, Ja…?”

Hardly she had spoken his name out, P8 quickly took his wife going with him. Carrying the sleeping baby on hand, the wife followed P8 to go out of the hospital.

Suddenly, a monster appeared and attacked the people near the hospital. Seeing P8’s family, it crazily rushed into them. A GF that was a Phoenix appeared and stopped the monster, P8 looked at his wife, “You…call it?!”

“You have given it to me before. Did you forget?”

P8 felt a headache again. The Phoenix was being wounded so it couldn't fly in temporary. P8 talked to his wife, “We have to move now, honey.”

“I know. I know.” His wife talked when trying to make the baby sleep again.

A group of soldiers stopped them on the way. P8 talked to them, “Sir, that monster has just attacked us. Thank God we have our creature here to protect…”

A captain came to them and said, “Stay back, citizens!”

P8 and his wife did what he said. The captain raised his arm and ordered, “Steady!” All his men immediately pointed their guns at Phoenix. P8 shouted, “What are you doing?” The captain talked to him, “In the name of the King, due to the coming war, all the GF creatures must be killed or captured.” He looked at the baby on the hand of P8’s wife, continued to say, “I won’t make any harm to you and your family, but you have to hand over it. Understood? Now stay back.” P8 turned to look at his wife and son. She began to cry. P8 sighed and said, “As you wish.” He ordered Phoenix low its head. The captain smiled, ordered his men low their weapons, and came to P8’s GF. When he started to put his hand to Phoenix’s head, suddenly a series of loading guns sounded. All men of the captain were pointing weapons to his place. He slowly turned his head and saw P8’s wife pointing a gun at him. “No.” She said, “You are the only one who has to stay back.” P8 was stunned by the action of his wife. She has hidden a gun inside the swaddling blanket. “What are you doing?” He tried to not shout at her. Not to look at him while pointing the gun to the captain, she said quietly, “Has someone told you that our son likes to suck a gun barrel instead of a pacifier yet?” Not pay attention to P8’s emotion, the captain talked to the wife, “Madam, I see you are putting your baby at risk. Won’t you exchange his life for that creature?” P8’s wife said loudly, “I won’t, but unfortunately, one of your men over there is hanging lots of GF cards on his necklace, so I think it is hardly possible you let us go.” The captain looked at P8’s wife for a long moment. Then, he raised his arm up again. Suddenly, P8 pointed his finger at the captain. The Phoenix raised its head and roared. All soldiers pointed weapons to Phoenix though their captain was stalling. While the soldiers were yelling by Niflheim language, P8 said quietly to the captain, “Tell your man to stand down, or they're gonna exchange their lives for you.” The captain thought for a while. Then, he moved his hand down. All his soldiers lowed their weapons. When P8 and his wife were stepped back slowly with Phoenix, suddenly the soldier with the GF card necklace came to the captain. P8 shouted at him to stay back. The soldier hesitated for a while, his hand holding the weapon was shivering. The captain asked him, “What’s wrong?” Unexpectedly, the soldier screamed out, “I WANT THAT BIRD!” All people and even Phoenix was provoked by his scream. The creature roared savagely, made him push back to other soldiers. Not wait for the captain’s order, other soldiers shot P8’s family instantly. Phoenix spread its wings to not let bullets penetrate. Behind the creature, P8 and his family quickly got on it. He shouted, “BACK! BACK!”

The captain screamed in the crossfire, “CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE! THERE’S A BABY HERE.” After being hit by several bullets, the Phoenix started to fly.
- The car in this video sample is the Phoenix when it was chased:

Although all had been safe, word of Ardyn repeated in P8’s head, “Some of them will act like children…”

All P8’s family was riding Phoenix in the air, P8 told his wife, “Give me your gun. You didn't load any bullets inside it, did you? It would make harm to our baby.”

“Don’t worry, I am not so crazy like that. Here…”

While loading the handgun magazine, P8 kept talking to his wife, “Darling, please go back to your home in Ornac. Keep the Phoenix to your own. There’s not safe here.”

“What about you?”

“I have to go to Lucis… The last of SeeD are fighting against the enemy in the embassy there.”

The wife seemed angry, “Wait! No… The meteorite attack means nothing to you, doesn’t it? You will die if you just keep fighting like that.”

“Darling, please! I need to do this not only for our son but also for our friends. Last time I made the wrong choice. All my brothers in arms died because of that. All of them… they are too young, and never even have a rightful family.”

The wife looked straight at P8’s eyes. She started to cry and said, “No, honey. We… actually have no choice. So, there’s no need to be chosen…”

P8’s wife fell after being hit. The Phoenix cried painfully, started losing consciousness, and went down. The strong wind spun Phoenix around like a spinning top. P8 tried all his best to hold his family tight. Right before the Phoenix fell to the sea, he got energy from the shock of losing his lover, and use the gear to make another magic. A thing that made him and the family not be impacted by dropping in the water.

R went back the reality, and so did Cid. Both of them looked at each other for a moment. Then, Cid slowly said, “You… were that kid. No way.”
R felt shocked as if Cid had just played with his brain. He quickly stood up and left without talking. Cid only said, “Be careful with your friends, Mr.R. They are all in a Cetra’s debt. That flower… is the key.”
R stopped walking for a while, he talked to Cid without turning around, "My father had brought up me... until he completely lost all memory due to the headache. Then he gone, never...come back."
Scene : No more remakes
That strange individual... could utilize the magic to access all of my memories inside my brain.
I understand. And I can assure you that he isn't a Cetra. Sorry if he has disturbed you in any way, but his genuine tale is far worse than yours. Several individuals think that he could connect the terrorists last night. As a result, we must look after him.
Wait, what? Why could you know all these things?
The secretary and I continue to run the government's intelligence network despite leaving the team years ago. My plan for all of us should now be carried out. First, we must announce each piece of information about the team to the community, one by one. It would be you and Cid.
Are you sure that we should associate with that guy? He might use his magic to cheat you someday.
After certain prior heroes and their enemies learned of Crystal's existence, he assists us in adjusting the timelines. To put it another way, he knows exactly what happened in the past, present, and future before someone used the stone's energy to go to the timeline and do anything they wanted. He, in particular, feels responsible for the deaths of his kin and attempts to the right his wrong so other people won't be suffered anymore.
I hope you don't hold him in such high regard. However, it is incredible that he could conceal his identity from the Shinra timeline. You know, people can sometimes uncover the truth if it comes from the past…
…but not if it comes from the future,” Doc took over from R, “It appears to be the most terrible of human inventions. Does it sound right, my young friend? Ok, I've discussed it with the council and Cid, and we've all agreed that the word Player will be used for all team members' code names.
Are you kidding, Doc?
R, I'm serious! Your father's tale was well-known to us all. The General thought it was the best, so he gave me this fucking idea. Sorry, but I'm afraid I won't help you because our time is almost over. My buddy, I know you have a heavy heart. Your father was someone I knew. I attempted several times to alleviate his excruciating headache but to no avail. I, too, felt bad when he went, as you know. I could not assist my closest buddy, but I only adopted you for him. Your father was a hero in his own right. He prepared you with the hopes that you would fight for a worthy cause and, in the end, live happily. I feel he is now in a better place. Even so, I'm sure he's still doing everything he can to protect it. However, in this place, you cease to fight and lose everything. So, what do you suppose he'll think if he stands there, staring at you and thinking you're lost?
R could say anything. Before entering his room, Doc gave a note to R, "I hope this makes you and your friends feel relaxed a little bit under the adverse situation."
Walking alone in the corridor, R read the note:
According to the attitude of team reunion in the club last night:
The woman who kissed the young man: Player 1
The man who is kissed: Player 2
The man who just watched this scene and shouted at other people: Player 3
The man who opened the reunion and tried to break the door at the end: R
The new guy who couldn’t come due to fighting in the elevator two days ago: Player 4
The secretary who missed the whole reunion in the club: Player 5
The other: Player 6
That’s insane. He doesn’t even put our real name into it… Wait, who is Player 6?
R heard some loud voices in another room.
… If you and that old detective guy hadn't shown here at this moment, we might have been able to find a way out of this world. Now those extinct people appear at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Everything is screwed up.
Brother, calm down. According to King Noctis' will, the Crystal of The Lucis would be put up in that location. Thus we must stick to our plan. We'll all go home in peace once we've finished our mission.
Home? Since the beginning of this conflict, we have had no place to call home. Don't you recall? You haven't prepared for something like this.
That magical stone is our only hope of returning home. However, we are going to be exposed in a big way. I can't believe you have the flower with you at all times. I'm not sure what you were hoping to get out of the prisoner before he died, but he's not the guy we're searching for. So be cautious next time, or we'll all end ourselves somewhere we don't belong...
The room door unexpectedly opened, and the man within turned to face R. "Now I'm Player 2, huh!" he exclaimed, sneering at the note in R's hand. He then walked away. When R entered the room, he noticed the secretary inside. She swung her head around to face him.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you would come,” she said.
R noticed that she was fighting back the tears. "I was only passing by," he explained, "I hope this isn't a problem for you."
“No matter, boss.” She smiled, “We've just talked about our surroundings. So far, we haven't had the opportunity to return to the areas where we formerly lived.
“There is a thing Doc gave me. Do you want to take a look at it?”
“Maybe later. As a secretary, I think I have already known it.”
Both of them were speechless. The secretary was still looking at R, so he talked to her, “Strange, I still don't remember where your countryside is,"
“Since the Third Wave, my place... has been gone for a very long time. That used to be one of many areas where the Lifestream passed through, but today it's a no-man land.”
“Let me guess, that place is called Midgard, is it correct?”
"You are correct," the secretary said with a smile. "People had just relocated, so the land became deserted. However, I am highly pleased that plans are being made to construct a museum to honor all of the nation's heroes right in there. It's all thanks for Cid."
I'm intrigued. Why have you never mentioned your countryside? We assumed that none of you had any ties to those ancient territories.
My ancestor was one of many who fled Midgard far years ago. My family... even though the new location was superior and we were all pleased for many generations until my time, my family... we have never forgotten our ancestors' homeland. It's because so many events took place there. Most of them are bizarre tales, including an enormous weapon that looks like a clean nuke falling to the land… I spent almost three years understanding all those stories from my mother when I was a child. You know? I've always had the impression that the narrative will never finish.
"That's great to hear. Since we were picked to be agents, all of our profiles have been blacked out," R explained. "Even now, we seldom ever discuss one other's families. But you're the first to tell me about your old home."
The secretary smiled again, “Thank you, boss. You remind me a lot of the main character in my ancient countryside.” She approached R and placed her hand on his scar, “Without your assistance, we would not have existed for such a long period. Perhaps the rest of the team may forget about you, but I will never forget about you. Boss, you… might be better than him.” R asked her, “Sorry…Who?” The secretary turned her eyes towards the note in R’s hand, whispered, “That’s him, Player 6.”
R was surprised by the knock. "Sorry, Madame," A soldier replied as he entered the room, "The General has requested me to inform you that he will not return in time. Therefore, you will have to wait... Is that you, Mr... R? Thank God! I've looked for you for a short while. The General is also eager to see you right away. Sir, do you take your time?"
"You better follow him," the secretary said, winking at R, "See you later!" She then exited the room.

R arrived at the General’s room.
“Come, Mr.R. Take a seat,” the General pointed to the chair in front of his table.
R sat on the chair and just looked at the General.
We will not talk about the work today. So, let make some chit-chat so we can… understand each other.
Around the General’s sitting, R could see a giant portrait of someone hanging on the wall. There are cups, wine, and medals put on a cabinet. But he only focused on a picture of some people on the General’s table.
“That’s my wife and our son, Mr. R,” the General smiled, “We are of the royal line. Wanna drink?”
The General poured R a drink of wine. R showed his hand up to refuse it. The General drank himself and kept talking, “I met my wife in the military institute and married her not long after that. Since then, her career has been as good as gold… What’s wrong, Mr.R?”
“Sorry, sir, I just don’t want to think of one more dead wife of someone else” R shook his head, frowning.
The General stared at R for a while, then he quickly smiled. R felt worried because he didn’t know whether he understood that attitude of the General or not. “No, No. My wife is still living well”, the General said, “You are meaning that, right?”
I don’t mean that, sir.
Ok… since our son was a pup, we have been chosen to be Crystal’s protectors. It was such a stressful job until our son reached adulthood and asked to give us a hand one day. I used to think that this military career was never for him. Still, you know, he… has an extreme obsession with most of the previous heroes on the planet, which gave him the courage to accomplish many tasks without any helps. Sometimes people wonder why I have never supported him though I am his father. But also, as a father, I do know that… becoming a time traveler is his true goal. He wishes to meet all of the courageous people in real life one day. And he wouldn’t hesitate to do everything terrible to get this desire.
Down a glass of wine again, the General smiled gently and said, “And that day came, he was chosen to back to the past to stop… a group of Cetra trying to defeat Jenova….”
R realized that the General was a little drunk, “…But that mission has never come true. Do you understand? We decided not to mention it in any of our meetings. My wife had personally spoken to the board to not interfere with the work of a monster Goddess. Hah! Anyway, we agreed that this game was too risky for our boy. But he never gave up. The fact that he doesn’t care about Mako, GF, Magitek, or anything but only one thing. It’s the Crystal. We can remake any stories of them from it. That is what our son always talks about that brilliant stone. His desire was so strong that we had to accept it. And my wife gave out an idea to ensure that he could go back in the end… Well, speak of the devil! Hello, Player 6. We were talking about you.”
R felt startled when someone came to attention loudly behind him. “Morning, sir,” Player 6 bowed respectfully. “Son, let me introduce you to one of our heroes here, Mr. R.” While the General was saying, Player 6 lowered the head to look at R. R only raised his eyes, saw that Player 6 smiling.
“…A long time ago, a very famous warrior of Cosmos helped my son a lot. Now he has been considered as an M.I.A, sacrificed for our Greater Good, so I hope you will continue to serve him as well.”
Although the General wasn't intentional, R could feel the word next mentioning something worse for him than that famous warrior of Cosmos.
“We were friends and colleagues, but for me, he is always my mentor,” Player 6 said while he slowly moved to his father and put his hat on the table. “After the project Dissidia was ended, I had tried to look for him through the timelines but no luck.” Pulling up a chair, Player 6 sat on it and kept talking, “Now, due to the seriousness of the situation, the project is going to be rebooted. Gentlemen, there are still many holes in the entire timeline, leading to the reappearance of the Cetra right here. Mr.R, you and your previous team will get the responsibility of protecting my men while we are preparing to travel back to the past.”
Felt surprised when Player 6 got straight to the point so fast, R worried, “Sorry, but I thought that we would not talk about the work right here, just… understand each other?”
“I have read about you and your whole team in top-secret. So, there is no need to be known each other. The only thing we will have to do is the training. I very much appreciate when starting it with you now.”
“What’s training?” R asked.
Before Player 6 answered the question, a soldier ran into the room and whispered something in the General’s ear. The General ordered, “All right, bring all of them to me here now.”
“Now? Sir?”
“Yes, NOW!”
The soldier left the room, then quickly came back with a wounded man and a couple of Androids.
“Sir…”, the wounded man croaked, “those robots attacked us in the training room.”
“You know it’s impossible, right?” The General asked the wounded soldier, “They are all programmed not to attack us in the battle, only the loyalty.”
“Sir. One of them defeated all of my men, so I had to train to give that robot a lesson. But when I was keeping it down on the ground, suddenly the other came to attack me.
“So that’s the reason you have some of that scars?”
“Yes, sir. The other men and I then constrained that mutineer one. But it and its partner still kept fighting us until I had to advise them not to stop to show mercy even if the enemy was down. As a result, they stopped themselves instantly. It indicated that they were reloading to learn the lesson. Sir, I think these robots are brilliant. Maybe they are the best we have right now.”
After listening to the wounded soldier, the General praised, “That’s pretty damn smart. Well done! So… you want me to forgive them after everything they have done to you, right?”
The wounded soldier said yes. The General asked him, “Did you know about how is not showing mercy on the battlefield?” The soldier answered, “Do not do anything good to be able to protect yourself in any situation, sir.” The General stood up and came to the robots. Player 6 intended to stand up, but his father made a sign to order him to stay in the seat. The General looked at one of the Androids, saw that an electric gun holding on its hand. He asked it while rolling his eyes at the other Android, “You care about your partner more than your boss, right?”
The robot spoke with a halt, “Sir. It's entirely my fault. He didn't take any action. Punish me.”
The General turned his head to see R and Player 6, then took the gun from the robot and pointed it at the Android. R, Player 6, and the wounded soldier hold their breath. The General looked at all people in the room, saw that Player 6 shook his head. He pointed the gun at the other robot and looked at his son again. Suddenly that robot said, “No. It's entirely my fault, not hers. Please just punish me.”
At this time, Player 6 did nothing. The General sighed, immediately pointed the weapon at the wounded soldier, and took a trigger.
When the wounded soldier was screaming because of hurting again, the General talked to the Android, “I thought about forgiving you until your partner said the word please in his sentence, which means he still feels about mercy under the challenging situation. From there, I saw that you had learned something your boss told me, but not your partner. So, I had to punish your boss because he lied to me about your partner’s intelligence of learning his lesson as he told me. Do you understand?”
The robot just kept silent. The General sighed again, said, “You know what? I would have forgiven you only if you had been able to answer me anything. GUYS!”
Some of the soldiers appeared, the General ordered them, “Fix them all, make sure they have been reset.” Before the soldiers followed the order, Player 6 talked to his father, “Sir. Don’t forget about our ethics department.” The General smiled, “Fine! Let do it gently.”
At that moment, R saw two soldiers pressing Androids down and taking their syringes out of the bags, while the other was getting the wounded man out of the room. The General talked to R in the private place, “Typically, the Android will cry like hell when we open their head to reset. Since the ethics department was established, we have processed a local anesthetic so the reset work will be less noisy. I didn’t feel any problem until the department talked about the restriction of something dress….”
R was irritated when seeing that the General was imitating Doc's speech. Player 6 cut off his father, “Sir, we must get down to work right now. I need to discuss something with Mr. R here privately.”
“That’s fine. Before you guys could leave, do me a favor?” The General took a smartphone out of his pocket, said, “Two heroes are standing with me now, and they will continue to serve this country well. Let me take a selfie on us to keep this moment forever.”
The General blacked out the scene of Androids then pressed the button to take a selfie. After that, Player 6 took R out of the room. Before leaving, R could still listen to those Androids trying to speak words of love to each other.

“Sorry about that. We have to do it for some benefits. No other choices.” Player 6 talked to R when they were moving on the corridor.
R came to a complete halt, looked to Player 6, and stated, “From your father, I could imagine that you have already worked for Cid of the Lufaine before. And he has just talked to me about his fantasy world. So tell me, it’s what a kind of... fantasy world should be, right?”
Player 6 looked to R and said, “Don't worry, Mr. R. No one knows from the outside, so this planet is still a fantasy world for them. You know what I mean, right?”
R began to feel repulsion. He just kept moving. Player 6 followed him and said, “We appear to be some kind of designers crafting fascinating worlds with a cast of amazing people. We are very unattractive in comparison to all of them. But it doesn't matter when our work is completed to a high standard. Mr. R, I am only one of the designers attempting to construct such a universe. I hope this makes sense.”
"I hope your job as a designer does not go to hell till I have what I want, Mr. Player 6." R said, “This is only one thing that makes sense to me.”
“I am confident that you will receive what you are due. After many of the events, our planet is practically complete. One more step to go. Those Cetra people from the sky, on the other hand, had descended from the sky and threatened to destroy everything. For me, they're just another variable in a long list of variables, arranged in the wrong order. It's only a matter of repairing it.”
“Whatever. You forgot to talk to me about where we should go next.”
“To the training room. There, you'll run into your buddies. I'm afraid I won't attend the party since I need to meet some pals. You'll come across a few that are intriguing. Have faith in me.”
Player 6’s pocket phone rang as he and R waited in the elevator. When taking the phone, Player 6 dropped a photograph on the ground. R could see a woman with blond hair in that photo, despite Player 6 picking it up swiftly. R suddenly remembered something he'd put in his pocket and reached inside it to investigate. Player 6 talked to him, “You know? Doc and I have previously experimented with how the following generation can keep all memories and the previous generation's abilities and talents. For example, if my father has a goal or a responsibility that he can't fulfill in his life, he may delegate it to me, and I will carry on his work under his direction stuck in my head. Sometimes a son or daughter may forget everything their parents have taught them and start a new life. However, with some codes hidden inside words, kids will never forget their parent's responsibility, beliefs, and character.
R knew that Player 6 was trying to deflect, but he only said, “Yeah. Good for you.” Player 6 continued to say, “When I got time in Shinra timeline, people in first time seemed to hate me so much except one woman. The group decided to send me to go back here, in this timeline. When I returned home, I was greeted warmly. Many ladies, including the secretary, surrounded me, but my heart was solely for her, the lady who never hated me. Now I'll get another chance to meet her. It's the most beautiful thing in my life, even though she may become enraged after seeing me for many years.”
“I assume that she will hug you so tight if seeing you again,” R consoled.
“Yeah, maybe. Time travelers’ existence is brief, but it is too complicated. We were all transported to every time many centuries ago. In medieval times, some of us become knights, while others become warlords, but not everyone serves just on the battlefield. Scientists, leaders, business people, and residents are everywhere in all periods. They have all constructed a Wonderland throughout the decades filled with fairies, witches, giant creatures, and... robots. Mr. R, do you believe we're simply troops doing our jobs? At the same time, we are heroes and beasts.”
“Hey, it just occurred to me. When you mentioned the secretary, I just met her in her room a few minutes earlier. She informed me that she would meet with your father. However, I believe she should join us right now because she is an essential member of my team.”
Player 6 raised his hand to gonna have to interrupt R. He said, “Cid of the Lufaine is commemorating Midgard hero city anniversary. A museum has been erected to honor all of the country's heroes and heroines. She is a V.I.P., as is the General. But, more significantly, we anticipate those Cetra will attend the celebration, so we are prepared to greet them with a large contingent of seasoned Androids."
“So, I'm hoping you didn't send all of the Androids to that nation since it may be a trap. Perhaps they will not come there, but instead here, to assault all of your troops and steal all of Crystal's secrets.”
“As a result, I will not be invited. Only idiots would consider assaulting or taking something from here, but nothing is impossible with those folks. Therefore, I was appointed to command the defense. My father and the rest of the country would rip them apart limb by limb if I confronted them and died. Mr. R, strangely enough, I believe you will do the same.”
“I'll do it only if you're a sincere buddy, which I haven't seen yet and probably never will. Besides, if you die due to defending all of us, I may consider retaliating for you.”
"You make me recall those guys in Shinra timeline...," Player 6 stated, his voice melancholy, “Okay, I'll remember what you said. I have to leave now. Best of luck with your training. I'll see you and your buddies later."

When R arrived at the training room, Player 1 waved at him, said, “Morning, boss. We were allowed to participate in this course.” Player 2 and 3 were seated in the corner, which R noticed. "I don't think it's just a course because we'll have to use firearms and swords," he told everyone. “Yep. Two popular weapons in all periods. How come I'm not surprised?" Player 3 made a statement.
An officer entered the room. R recognized him as the man that night. The officer looked at R, “Oh! You again.” Player 1 said, her lips twisted, " Uh – Oh, someone will get the problem."
The officer talked to everyone to begin the training, “Now, pay attention. Maybe you've heard of the Active X Battle, designed for a battling team of three or more people. This warfare system has existed in the past in many forms. After many conflicts and sacrifices, we are finally able to employ the AXB in any combat.…”
"You ordered to take my daughter away that night, right?!" R questioned abruptly.
The officer became preoccupied and continued to speak without paying attention to R, “… However, I feel that each of you can battle on your own without the assistance of the squad. It's vital if your team is split in the conflict; it's even better if you have increased autonomy. As a result, we've created a 3D battleground here. When we engage in this conflict, every one of us will demonstrate our abilities. So, how about it?”
After the officer finished his presentation, all his soldiers clapped their hands to congratulate him. But he didn't feel happy because R was looking at him.
“That’s good,” Player 3 smiled, “Then I'll go ahead.”
“No,” Player 1 stepped in, “I’ll go first.”
“Good.” The officer said, trying not to look into R’s eyes, “We’ll begin now. Do you want any weapons, lady?”
“Just give a bow and some arrows.”
“Are you sure? You'll be up against a lot of enemies.”
Player 1 looked into the officer, said nothing. The officer talked to his men, “Ok… give this lady here anything she wants.”
Player 1 took the weapons. Wore a 3D glass for the battleground, she turned to everyone, winked her eye, and said, “Gentlemen, locke and load!”
A soundtrack for Player 1 fighting

“Hmmm, I’ve seen better. Now we have to test someone’s skill with using summons. Who’s next.”
The officer looked at Player 2 stepping in. He laughed and said, “Oh! That man is so cute. What kind of battleground do you want to choose? Do you like the stone age? There has never been a time traveler who has gone to that time and returned. Wanna try?”
The officer’s man worried, “That test is just for the time agent, sir. It is unsuitable for someone like him.”
Player 2 said, “That’s ok. Just give me something you like to show.”
After Player 2 had accomplished the test, the officer was fed up, “Ok, that’s enough. To cope with all opponents, you can't only use your stealth. I want to see how you combat.”
“We seldom do the combat in every battle,” Player 3 said, putting his legs on the chair opposite, “We like to stab adversaries from behind so the task can be done swiftly and without any injury. A unit was attacked many years ago, and only one soldier survived. The enemy encircled him, and we were his last hope. Even though they were outnumbered, we could beat them by employing that method solely. So, I have to say it never gets old. Hehe!” Player 3 smiled while munching a package of chips. The officer took a step back. “What?” Player 3 asked him.
“That is a Stamp brand.” The officer was taken aback, “How did you get it? Where?”
“I've just returned to my former house to see how Mr. Cid's work panned out. This is a thing I stole from the museum. Why’s so serious, officer?”
“Where is exactly your former…? Okay, I'll have to inform the General. You're all shifty, like some criminals” The officer said sternly.
“Go ahead.” Player 3 smiled, “The secretary ordered me to go back there. Your General has accepted her. So, you may inquire about your guys first.”
“Ok. I see you don't need the training of the magic. Next…”
The officer looked at R. He then whispered to a soldier, “Do we need to keep on checking it? I see nothing problem.”
“Sir, The General wanted to check ‘em all, but I forgot not to tell you the secretary has confirmed that guy. So their captain is the only one left.”
The officer sighed, thought for a while then said, “Ok, we will go to the final test with you, Mr. R. The purpose of this exam is to see how you would employ a mech in combat. Pick one for yourself.”
“But sir, we only test for security positions," the soldier explained, "Mech isn't required." "Do everything I said, immediately," the officer attempted not to yell.
“Arm yourselves!” R slowly said, “You won't be able to hide inside that mech. I don't need a massive weapon to annihilate you.”
“Are you sure?” The officer smiled, “Ok then bring me the Warrior of Light mech version."
"Are you sure, sir? That's too much for a test." The soldier worried.
"We will fight against the magic enemy outside, so this test is suitable with a security man like him." The officer explained.
"Yes sir."
"With this mech, I can use a lot of summons." The officer rubbed his hands, laughed at R, "Because you refused to use a mech, you are dead man, Mr. R, just like your father.”
The fight looks like this:

After completing the fighting test, R still hit constantly the officer's face behind the wrecked mech. The officer sobbed uncontrollably. R slowly rose, breathed deeply, glanced about at everyone staring open-eyed at him, and remarked once the mech was completely down, "No one knows from the outside, huh?".
"Woo-hoo!" Player 3 screamed, tossed the packet into the air, "It's the longest fighting I've ever seen."
"Pay attention!" a loudspeaker in the room sound, "Following the training period, all teams should immediately come to the conference room. Our commander is waiting for you inside. That’s an order." R and his team prepared to leave the room while the officer was helped by his soldiers. "Hey, boss, you put up a great fight." Player 1 beaming brightly and remarked this as she was going along with R. “Thank. All I did was teach him a lesson." R said. "I felt very at ease during this training," Player 1 talked to R while skipping joyfully, "I haven't felt like that in a long time. I have nightmares of a lovely man coming up to me and killing me with his sword in fair combat." R comforted her. "With your talent on display in the training, I'm confident that no guy will be able to overcome you." Player 1 said, "Yeah, but... you know?! I fantasized about dying under a lovely and heroic man in any event. Now I was out of the battle and had a child to look after so I should forget about everything and start over."

In the room, R could see Player 6 standing on the stage. A bunch of troops sat underneath him. "Good morning, gentlemen! Let me introduce you to some of the men here," Player 6 added. "Ramza and Ace, two members of the time-traveling team are seated here. Guys, this is Mr. R and his security crew people. Remember that R, like the rest of the crew, isn't his real name."
Player 6 talked to R, "I heard you just defeated the mech known as the Warrior of Light. Congratulations, mate. My memories of our heroic soldier inspired that mech. I'll have to double-check it next time."
Player 6 then invited R and the Player team to take their seats. The time-traveler team, especially Ramza and Ace, looked at them with an indifference.
“Ok, everyone. Listen up…” Player 6 was speaking when a guy rushed into the room. "I'm sorry, I'm late,” He apologized. “Oh, Player 4!” Player 6 asked him, “Haven’t you overcome the training yet?” Player 4 said as he searched for his seat, “No, I don’t need to do that because the officer was down. I mean, he is still alive, just like a dead man. Doc told me to come here first. He will talk to the General later.”
"Hey, dude, you're in the wrong seat," Ace yelled at Player 4" "Sorry, I'm searching for Mr. R and his friends... Ah! I've found him!" Player 4 apologized to Ace then pulled his chair closer to R.
Player 6 scanned the line of people in the room once again, then he continued to his presentation, “Ahem… Ok, uh, everyone listens up. Like all you know, the reappearance of the Cetra has upset our life. As one of a few people who took part in the Dissidia project, I can be sure that this is a problem of the gaps in the time. Although we don’t know how those people could go at this timeline, we need to fix all the holes as soon as possible. The project will reopen in the next few days, and I am very honored to come back as the leader of a time traveler’s team. However, the team’s work will not be successful if our enemy attacks again. Therefore, it is a pleasure to introduce the security team to this meeting. So far, we can track our enemy's course, which leads to a feasible hole. Mr. Cid has long researched some natural creatures to find unusual points in every timeline. Whisper, known as the keeper of fate, is one of them. Its changeable activities indicate a genuine problem at that time, which means that… someone could have learned how to use the energy of the Crystal to travel to different timelines during the age of Shinra. Find that person and shut down the portal at all costs. I don't care our target is being killed or not. The return of a whole origin timeline is a top priority. Any questions?
“Yes, I have.” Player 3 raised his hand. All people in the room turned to look at him. “Yes,” Player 6 asked Player 3 gently. “What is exactly our job here? I mean…the Player team”, Player 3 asked.
Player 6 said, “I told you. You and the other team members only do the security so we could travel back to the past safety.”
“Uh-huh!” Player 3 smirked, “So why don't you put another name for our team? Like the soccer securities or something?”
Ramza and Ace tried not to laugh. "I can see all of you have perfect names," Player 6 explained, “Because renaming is a pain, we only selected the Player because we couldn't think of anything else.”
I see your point. So, do you consider all of us to be characters in a video game?
Sorry, I don’t mean…
Our task appears to be unlike anything I've seen in a video game. All it takes is one blunder to make everything worse. Mr. Player 6, I believe you are underestimating us.
No. I believe you've done an outstanding job for our country. This journey will take your entire life, only require a sacrifice. You will say your goodbyes to all of your relatives and friends to travel to a place and period you have never been to before. However, I am confident that we will all return home after completing the quest. All you have to do is imagine this mission as a video game that has been rebuilt, and we must return it to the beginning.
You're mistaken. Some lovely characters must eventually fall to hell, even in video games. I don't think I like it.
Nothing to worry about the death if you dare to overcome it. Even go to paradise or fall to hell; there is no most horrifying end.
No end is more horrifying to me than witnessing my death, Mr. Player 6.
“Well! Someone will feel afraid if they watch their dying or death," Ramza remarked. “Is that your point of view?"
Hey! You'll never be half the guy I was. Therefore, you'll never be able to comprehend those words. Keep your mouth shut and go home, faggot.
Ramza became enraged and leaped to his feet, shouting at Player 3, "I am not a faggot." You also have no right to speak to me in that manner.
So scared! Why was it decided that a babyface like you would be the one to do something for the greater good? I'm pretty disappointed.
Hah! That's funny. Do you wanna fight? Let's walk outdoors when this is over and see who's the best.
When Ramza and Player 3 were readying themselves as though they would swallow one other's life, Player 1 whispered in R’s ear, "I believe this will be the fastest meeting we've ever attended. Instead of pondering how to save the world or whatever, as heroes did in the past, they are just concerned with dying."
“Yeah, it's because they sense something isn't quite right with the General's strategy.”
Player 1 smiled and nodded her head. "Please calm down, my fellas," Player 6 pleaded, raising his hands, “It's believed that we all have a reason for being here. There's nothing for any differentiation. We were divided into groups, and if we all worked together in harmony, I am confident that the planet will be rescued...”
Player 6 stopped talking when seeing a hand of someone rising from the group. “Yes,” he thrust his chin up to that man.
All the faces looked at Player 2, the man who had just raised his hand. He looked nervous.
“Sorry, I dunno if… we all have permission to approach the time machine, or only your team will do that?”
“I understand. Do you want to see it with your own eyes?”
“No, I mean we can protect each other when we are all in close. The enemy can attack us everywhere, even outside the planet. I'm gonna recommend cautious optimism.”
Player 5 slightly smiled, “I can see you are not good, young man. When was the last time you slept?”
When Player 2 noticed that Player 6 seemed to neglect him, he was displeased. He was going to say anything when Player 1 gave him a sidelong glance and shook her head, so he remained mute.
"Before King Noctis passed away, a few people, including Cid, Doc, Mr. and Mrs. General, were beside him to listen to his last words," Player 6 said, "I have the authorization to discuss those terms because of the complicated situation right now. Only the chosen ones can use the Crystal appropriately and wisely to take the time.”
Except for R, Ace, and Ramza, people in the room gazed open-eyed at each other.
“Sadly, some people that were chosen here are now our adversaries. The Sorceress War is the first event after Shinra's age. If we don't act quickly, some people of that period would surely face serious difficulties.”
"What exactly do you mean?" The War of the Sorceresses? Isn't that why he's been invited to join us?" A time traveler pointed to R. But when he saw R staring, he instantly turned his head back.
“Only people in this room knew about his father. I hope that his experience in the battle and SeeD blood inside him will help us complete the mission well.”
Player 4, who had been eerily quiet, abruptly asked R, "Permit me?" R curtly answered, tilted his head, and shoved his chin up to that man, “Yes?”
"I'm astonished by your father's narrative; does that imply you're the SeeD team's final warrior?"
"Nope. Honestly, my father despised magic and never taught me anything about it. So, I'm not the man you're picturing."
"Many years ago, I used to practice SeeD technical and was well-versed in the magic knowledge though I can't use it." We'd make a terrific team, so may I invite you to join the other time-travelers and me? If you agree, we'll make the transition right away. Don't worry about the General; I'll first speak with Doc."
Seeing Player 6 was beaming, R asked Player 4, “Sorry, I assumed you'd pair up with us?”
“I've changed my opinion. But if you agree to accompany me, I will return.”
“A yes-man with everyone!” R thought about Player 4 in his mind. He then answered, “Thanks. But I feel I am too old for this journey. I only want to take a job, get some money, and return to my family.” Player 4 smiled and nodded softly before turning his head, but R detected a hint of sadness on his face.
An atmosphere of tension fills the room. Player 6 realized that no one had asked him questions, he concluded his presentation by saying, "OK. I believe we will proceed to the next stage. Listen up, the time-traveling crew. We'll have a conclave, and the rest... stay here till we're finished."
Ace, Ramza, and the others followed Player 6 to another room.
After an hour, R and the rest of the individuals in the conference room were irritated. Because the chamber had shut all the waves, they couldn't utilize equipment to communicate with the outside world. R noticed Player 2 sitting on the ground, exhausted and silent, so he inquired that young man about the secretary. Player 2 shook his head, indicating that he had no idea where she was.
“Hey! Have you heard of King Noctis and his companion's adventure? I just heard that even though he was about to pass death, he still refused to utilize the Crystal to travel back in time to save his fiancée," Player 3 said to the others in the room.
“Yeah, I know.” Player 1 responded, “After defeating Izunia and restoring the Crystal, he only focused on rebuilding the country and not marrying anyone, never talking about that magic stone anymore. I think that he certainly knows about the consequence of using it.”
"Such a typical leader! Why does the Ornac here have one stone as well?"
"It's because some individuals in this nation found the Rift, even though the mountain was thought to have vanished long ago following a big explosion. Surprisingly, most of the Crystal stone was still intact; it may be used to provide security to any country, not only Lucis. However, there is a tale that Noctis had a flashback of going to a timeline as a youth with the power of Crystal, and that this recollection ties with a Goddess in here..."
When Player 1 talked, R looked at Player 4 reading a document on Ramza’s table. He came close to that man. Suddenly, Player 4 took a photo from the record and asked R, “Do you know some guys around him?” R saw Player 6 in the picture, replied, “Maybe yes…”
Player 3 suddenly appeared in front of them and stole the image from Player 4. Player 4 was amazed by this move. "Hey, I know them," Player 3 remarked, “They are Shinra's initial leaders. My goodness! How did that man get in there?"
"Player 6 informed me that he and a party traveled back to hunt down the Cetras who had just defeated Jenova. While the rest of the gang decided to stay there to create the Shinra, he only had a few opportunities before returning home.”
“Really? No one in that time could know about their secret. I can tell those spies are better than any of us in this room.”
"But maybe they have never touched to the Cetras since then," Player 2, who had been highly silent, stated as he approached, "To destroy those guys, the Shinra attempted to produce a slew of super troops and animals and conduct Cetra experiments. Nonetheless, the organization evolved into an industrial corporation, and then all tests were conducted solely to make money.”
Player 1 came close to Player 2 and interrupted urgently, "I think all people in this room, even the gentleman here, had known about some special secrets of that time. We also knew about the secret family of R, so yes, maybe you want to talk to us about yourself now?" She asked Player 4.
Player 4 leaned at the table's edge, his arms folded. Despite the table's modest size and instability, he could sit without shattering it. Then he said, "I used to be a detective before Doc came and invited me to the team. First time, I refused him because he wanted me to become a time traveler, like Player 6, but I hadn’t felt willing to be a big hero yet. However, when a few mobs attacked me in the elevator, something was wrong. One of them had been controlled by someone. He only saw me fighting back the others until he suddenly joined the fight. His move was utterly better than the rest of the mobs, but luckily for me, his physical strength wasn’t good, so I could still defeat him.”
R asked, “I have seen it before. You still killed that poor man after leaving the fight?”
"Well, I had no option except to make him unconscious so he might return to reality. Using the health meter system on my watch, I avoided murdering him. Mr. R, I thought you did it the same way before?"
“Yeah, some guys have been disabled due to my presence. But, because of my family, I didn't have other choices.”
"Well, we're up against the ancients, who are a renowned opponent. Perhaps this planet will be in a far greater crisis than it is now, as it was many years ago. All I can hope for now is that no one ruins anything up. You guys understand me?”
Player 2 was searching for something on Player 6’s table. asked Player 4, “Sorry, do you know about him?”
“Who?” Player 4 said.
"Come on, you know what I mean, "Player 2 answered while opening a laptop on Player 6’s table, "The man who came back to here from the past and became a hero, and now just… Player 6.”
"I am a new guy, like all of you. But hey! I thought he had said something about the Dissidia project, right?" Player 4 was perplexed.
"Obviously, there's something he hasn't told us about yet. I am finding them now… Ah, got it." Player 2 had just unlocked a file on the laptop and opened it. All came to the laptop to watch it.
“Hey, is that Rinoa?” Player 1 said, “Why is she holding a trumpet? Ah, I see. It’s him.” She pointed to Squall.
After watching the scene, Player 3 laughed, “She’s good, huh? I think she will get a terrific job in art instead of a warrior.”
“I can see why he was so devoted to her. A lady can melt a man's frigid heart.” Player 2 said,
“Ok, we don’t have much time. Hey, take a look at that file.” R said.
Player 2 opened it. In the video, a group approached a huge man in the rain. He was kneeling on the ground, his head down, and he appeared to be gravely injured. Behind him, there were dead bodies. The group stood in front of him. A young man came out of them. He is identified as Player 6.
“You… have defeated that A. I monster. But you also killed one man of us. A good man. So your time comes. You have to pay for it, sorceress.”
Slowly, the man raised his head. "I am a sorcerer, fool! And you will never be higher than me. Do you hear me, all of you, rabbles!" she remarked in a threatening tone as she gazed at Player 6. As she was too big, even she was kneeling. Player 6 just stood there, said nothing. "All the Weapons have been shut down. No one can save that man. Let your father be proud of you, son," another guy added as he approached Player 6, handing him a revolver. "Looks like your pals have completely abandoned you," Player 6 said as he took the weapon and glanced at the sorcerer. “Shut up and do your work, little boy,” the sorcerer talked to Player 6.
Player 6 dropped his head carefully as though respecting the woman, said quietly, “A sorceress will always be a sorceress,” Then, he quickly lifted his head, aimed the gun towards the sorcerer's forehead, and pulled the trigger. A stream of blood entirely covered the sorcerer’s hair when he fell. Other blood from the dead bodies appeared to find its way to him as well. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hit the ground between Player 6 and the dead body of the sorcerer. All the corpses fell to the underground.
“Oh, man.” Player 1 put her hand over my mouth, “He really did that? Hunting down a Cetra guy in cold blood.”
I guess that's how a hero is born in this country. He has never talked about that to you, right, Mr. R?” Player 4 said.
“Hey, I just saw something. Replay the video, 2,” R he talked to Player 2.
The camera zoomed in on Player 6, who was holding the gun. On the gun's surface, R noticed a drawing. He took an old piece of paper in his pocket showing the same picture on the weapon of Player 6. “My father drew it day by day when he got a headache. He told me it was from the bullet inside my mother,” R talked to everyone in the room. When people around him were gazing open-eyed at each other, suddenly the door in the private room opened. “Quick! Shut down the laptop. Everyone goes back… Too late. He’s already here,” Player 1 tried to say quietly.
Player 6, Ramza, Ace, and others saw that R and his team were standing behind his laptop. He cocked his head to see the computer, asked, “What are you guys doing?” Player 1 replied, “Nope, we are talking together, is that right, boss, boss?” She saw that R was grazing at Player 6, bailed his fists. “Boss, not now. No fighting in the War Room. Remember that? Just say something clever.” She whispered to R. Player 3 also whispered to him, “It’s so cool. I will gonna take him down and that yellow-hair boy as well. Want to join me, boss?” Ramza suddenly shouted, “Stop mumbling, answer the question.” Player 2 mumbled to the team, “No. Think about the whole army behind that man.” Player 4 said nothing but smile. Ramza said, “Fine! If you guys want this, we will accept it,” then he made a fighting form. Ace and the other, except Player 6, followed him. On the other side, the Player team but R also went to the defense. “Yeah… we just talk about you. Is it all right?” R asked Player 6. “Sorry.” Ace said, “It seems not a correct answer.” And Player 6’s team prepared to attack R’s team. But Player 6 raised his arm to order them to stop. He said to R, “It's great that you guys are still interested in my presentation despite having to wait so long. Dismiss!” Ramza, Ace, and other people just looked at each other, seemed not to understand the order of Player 6. He turned to them and said quietly, “Remember what I talked you—no more remakes. Get yourself prepared. See you later. Good night and… good luck.” After all of the time traveler’s team had left, R asked Player 6, “What about us?” Player 6 nodded his head and stepped aside. When everyone had left the room except R, Player 6 put his hand on R's shoulder and said, "There's something you still don't know. I hope you will reconsider, and I will explain everything to you." R said to Player 6 before exiting the room, "I just hope next time we will receive the final finish for all of this." After that, only Player 6 remained in the room, his gaze fixed on the laptop on his table.
A menu theme for the moonbase, where Jenova begins its mission. The melody of her OST can be remade to a rock style.
Scene: Happy birthday, old man.

Cid and G are in the spaceship building location.

G: Feel similar?

Cid hold the broken bullet on his necklace tight, said: Yes. This place is near the Rift. Why didn’t you talk to me about changing the location?

G: The council decided that you are the only one on the planet who can use magic, but now no more because the situation is getting worse. Since those Cetra came here now, everything can be magic. Cid, you are losing your privilege, even our trust.

Cid: I know I haven’t done well, but I couldn’t do many things at once. I hope you won’t feel any trouble about the failure of Whispers. I’ve tried to save the timeline that your son made with all my best. But it seems that we can’t control anything since the cycle of war has finished.

G didn’t still pay attention to Cid while he was contacting Sec through the tablet. He just said, “I thought it was because you have betrayed that freaky dragon?... Okay, Player 5, thank you for your work. I will look through it from now.”

Waiting for G closing the tablet, Cid immediately said, “If I didn’t do it then no one of us could go home. I have saved your son’s life, G. But now I receive that he has just messed up something, right?”

G didn’t answer Cid’s question. Instead, he gave his tablet to Cid, and ordered, “Read it.”

While Cid was reading the record on the tablet, G asked, “I have given it to the council and they replied to me with a lot of answers. But I only listen to you. So, doctor, this thing will be happened for sure, right?”

Cid: It’s possible…

G pointed his finger up to the air to interrupt Cid and asked again, “I don’t want to listen to your presentation. Just give me one clear answer. Yes or no?”

Cid started to feel nervous. He said, “Yes… But I’m pretty sure we can fix it. There's still time.”

G: About “there's still time”, our plan will be pushed back until the winter. Therefore, I hope you and your team will get enough preparation.

Cid: I see Aerith mention the future that can be changed. Are you afraid she could know everything from here?

G: See! I told you not to betray Shinryu when it hasn't been at the right time. That monster is right one thing about you: always believing in the protagonists is your weakness. You never think about the consequence if any of them could know about the true power of the Crysta? I suppose Player 6 will be honored to finish his duty once and for all.

Cid: I only believe in someone on me, not only “protagonists”. Aerith can't afford to change any of the fates. She must be with her destiny, and never be one of our concerns.

G: No, Cid. If one man always thinks about his race and feels to have one chance to make it great again, he will do without any consequences. I have witnessed this thing so many times during my service in the battle.

Cid: I still believe that girl isn’t a kind you have just mentioned, General. About Player 6, you still want to put him into the plan? I told you, although he could defeat many of Cetra, the emotion is always his trouble. He did all things for you, for the country, maintain your family’s patriotic tradition. He should be retired, General. Have you ever thought he’s your only son?

G shook his head and smiled, said, “Oh, my old friend. You still don’t know any. My son never wants to be retired.”

Cid: What do you mean, General?

G: A report said that there was a man trying to travel back to the Shinra timeline without any permission. Guess what? That’s my boy.”

Cid: I’ve knơn he will come back to the Shinra timeline alone one day to save that woman. So, he has failed and almost got killed by Sephiroth?

G: Don’t worry. After discovering the problem, my men had also traveled back there to save my son’s ass and not let Sephiroth meet him. To do so, all of them disguised as villagers in Nibelhelm then fought and died under that “war hero”. My son could go back here while everything was finally in its proper place, but certainly, I’ve lost many of my good men.

Cid: Yeah, General. They are all good men. I can see how the consequence is terrible if Sephiroth meets him and knows everything about us. I still remember we had already been concerned about Genesis, who could learn about The Greater Good someday. But one of the soldiers finally resolved that concern right in the timeline. It proves that people in Shinra are still faithful to us. If anyone in the timeline they created can touch the truth, then the entire timelines so far will be changed. I mean, someone lovely in another timeline will be dead… So, as I said, Player 6 always gets into trouble with his emotion. He is not suitable for the plan anymore. Make sure that you let him out.

G looked at Cid with dark amusement, said, “Don’t you ask me the reason why my son dared to back to that timeline?”

Cid: Hmm… let me guess. He wanted to save people in Nibelhelm from Sephiroth’s attack.

G: Not so right. He went back there to save only one villager.

Cid seemed to understand something. He opened his eyes, said, “Might he attempt to do that abandoned project about attaching the "loyalty" characteristic in the father's DNA to the sons? Although the project is beta and was stopped because of illegal morality, your son still used it with someone in the Shinra timeline to make sure that his descendants will continue to kill any Cetra like him.”

G turned his head to see Cid, said, “Glad to see you still remember that experiment, the origin of all Shinra projects. They could do something we can’t do not because they are better than us, it’s because they were in the right location at the right time. The Mako, the naïve and hard-working local people, and the reappearance of Jenova.”

Cid: Honestly, I don't know what you are thinking, especially when you had allowed those people to do every experiment with my daughter, never let me know…

G smiled and said while holding the hand to adjust the broken bullet hanging on Cid’s necklace, “Oh, doctor Cid, or I should say…Cid of the Lufaine, don’t you forget that I’ve tried to help you find out your beloved daughter’s head while ensuring that justice was done for all people, including Sephiroth, who made her suffer? Trust me. I always feel sorry for your loss, and thank you for contributing all of your seeds for our Greater Good, just like the way of my family… I know you want to save your daughter’s life by using the power of the time from the Crystal. But I have to remind you that you were one of our enemy before. So, do not do anything that only you feel smart, or even I couldn’t save your ass.”

Cid held the hand to stop G from touching the necklace, stayed back, and said, “I also remind you that I've helped you build the Android from the DNA of every heroes before, so you have to be on my side, not you or someone's something Greater Good, General.”

Immediately Cid’s words had left, and all Android soldiers standing behind them loaded their weapons.

G smiled as if pretending to be scared of Cid’s voice and said, “Nah, doctor. You are the one who has to be on our side.”

Immediately G’s words had left, all Android pointed their weapons at Cid. G ordered them to be relaxed, then gave Cid a clap on the shoulder and said, “Those robots are also smart. If they feel any change in timelines, they will do everything to keep it under the origin. Something like… one of them may save your daughter’s ass from the Cetra terriers. Don’t worry, it’s just an example. About you, I still want you to lead the work of building the spaceship due to your talent in this field. I guarantee that you will soon reunion with your family in somewhere… better than here if everything has done.”

A message was sent to G’s tablet. After seeing it, G laughed at Cid, “Ah, Player 5 just gave me about all knowledge you got to build the ship. Why don’t you choose such a good secretary like her? Anyway, your work will be completed sooner than I thought. So now you can return to your place to get some tea and feel at home.

The helicopter and a group of vehicles enter the location. Right before Cid left, G said, “These Androids will come with me, you are not. Remember, losing the privilege.”

Cid looked at the normal soldiers who would escort him. One of them smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Cid. We will protect you with all our best.” Cid smiled, and tried to accept that enthusiasm.

Before getting into the helicopter, G turned his head to see Cid and said with an impish smile, “No need to come back here, if you haven't felt comfortable yet, doctor.”

A soldier came to Cid after the helicopter had left. “Happy birthday, sir.” He talked to Cid while giving him a package.

“Thank you, young man. And what’s this?” Cid asked the soldier when opening the package.

“The General has just ordered his secretary to buy a simple but easy-to-remember gift for you on behalf of him. Now she’s busy, so I am authorized to bring it for you, sir.”

“I see,” Cid took the Moogle puppet out of the package, and saw his birthday card hanging on it written by Player 5 (Secretary). “She is a few who can understand someone like me and General. Perhaps I should choose a supporter like her.”

Scene: Advent Children
Quistis was holding Squall. She tried to cure him with her magic. The sky was hazy and black. Suddenly, a shadow approached her from behind. Taking a breath, she quickly took the gun blade and turned around, saying with an angry voice, “Stop where you are, witch!”

“Hmm… another nightmare.” Cid Krammer said mildly. Quistis had just awoken. She saw the headmaster standing with her in the elevator.

“Sir… Mr. Krammer.” She said when pushing her hand to fix the glass on her perspiring face.

Cid continued, “I am never surprised when see you can manage to snatch a few minutes of sleep everywhere before the teaching. An instructor of students is always a difficult mission. But, no one receives such honor at your age so far.”

“Yes, sir. I will continue to improve myself to serve our Garden.”

“Well, you are not the only one. There’s a man that would have taken this honor if he hadn't made a fight against another student. Both of them are under your instruction.”

Quistis got Cid’s word though she was still perspiring on her face. She said, “He should be tested for some time. There are still a lot of work for us to do, sir.”

“This is not the first time you sprinted to the dispensary to meet him. Apparently, you have a full right to order a student to do that or call him to come to see you after he has been well again. I don’t see you give someone a smile except him though he always brings many troubles to you. So Quis, you feel happy when staying with him, don’t you?”

Quistis blushed with shame. She answered, “I know well where I'm, sir. Caring about students is my duty. They respect me, too. However, we all agree that not exceed our limitations.”

The elevator suddenly shut down.

Quistis: Sir, they are maintaining the machine for a while. It won’t take time.

Cid: Okay. I hope this school will work well if it’s under attack.

Feeling bored, Cid started to spin a long yarn: “You know, Quis? I can understand your relationship with Squall Leonhart. Actually, exceeding some limitations while still under control is not a kind of guilty. Although I realize my wife has left me, it’s hard to forget our good memories. I often hope she will give up her crazy idea about the dreams of the future to return to us. I still remember one day I tried to make Edea calm down during our conversation by touching her, then many strange things appeared in front of my eyes; a forgotten race, a man with a sniper rifle, and a meteorite wiping out all of our students. She said that those scenes had appeared in her dream every night. Well… I have to say I really hate the guy who told her about our fates and a mysterious sorceress of time. Since she had used her magic to know more, she met several nightmares day by day. I swear all of this made her go mad until became our enemy…

The elevator opened. Cid said, “Ah! Time to go. You can come to your boy. Just remember to bring him back to the rule. I don’t want to see more reports showing the same detail as our student, Mr. Leonhart, said insolently that he would deal his friend a memorable blow, though a scar on his face is actually a memorable blow… Okay, dismiss.

Quistis understood Cid’s word about not trusting friends when training or even fighting them. She hoped for advice on how to deal with her happiness at a time staying with Squall. She was afraid that one day Squall would die in her hands.

Squall met Quistis at the gate, said, “Hope you don’t have to wait for me a long time. I just picked up a magical thing on the way.

“No. I’ve just come here for a while.”

“Are you sure we need to use that for our journey?”

“Of course, or you can walk to that creature's place. It's up to you.”

When Squall was looking at the steel car behind Quistis, she talked to him, “Never mind if I take you there by this one.“

“I will take you there. Anyway, students shouldn’t let instructors do their honor.”

Quistis smiled a contented smile when seeing Squall driving the car on their way.

The scene suddenly stopped playing. A woman wearing a white dress from nowhere walked to the car, looked at a place, and said, “Oh, darling. With our daughter, not all of them can be saved.

Cid: I am trying, honey. If I have to sacrifice any of them in order to save Jenova, I will do it.

Cid’s wife: Don’t lie to yourself. You were conscious of the heinous thing she had performed. Because of her, Cosmos, Chaos, and the others can no longer escape their destiny. What would you think if individuals in this world were aware that they were behaving in an extreme right-wing manner, as Jenova put it?

Cid: She accomplished that sin on her own, allowing people to act and think like fantasian ever since.

Cid’s wife: Whatever people do, they are still human. And you are a narrator telling their tales about the conflict between the evil and righteous of fantastical characters. The question is, do you know who is evil and righteous?

Cid: I always get the right answer because there is a line between good and evil.

Cid’s wife smiled: Then, dear, unless you recognize that you are mistaken, you don't need to save our daughter…

R jumped out of his skin when seeing Moogle's eyes open.

Cid: Do you have time? We should talk.”

R: Cid. Is that you? Why are you inside that thing?”

“I was ambushed, can't explain right now cause I am trying to spend enough time talking to you before going to the stage of the revival. G and I have nearly completed the plan of moving the Crystal into the space and already built a group of time agents right after that stone was put to the location. R, listen to me. Do not let your friends go there as a security team. None of them.

“Wait, did G come with you? He was attacked too?”

“No, he left the Rift before me. I went back alone with a military convoy. Then, a group of magical soldiers attacked us on the way. The reconnaissance drone in the sky was blinded. None of my soldiers could survive against that kind of enemy. They have never been trained to fight against magic until that thing returned on this planet... from the enemy. I saw a man trying to call the reinforcement, but his mouth was gone… I was stuck in the overturning car while one of the enemies approached that poor man. Well, seeing his death while being upside down is often easier to remember than under a normal situation…”

“Stay focused, old man. How could you manage yourself to escape from them?”

“Actually, I couldn’t. I had to use magic to get out of the car after cutting the seatbelts. Dark magic from a magical guy stormed to the car, but I was only pushed to the mound behind. At that time, I knew I was betrayed. The only one I could trust was Sec, so I called her…

“Wait a minute. Who did betray you?”

“I thought the enemy was Cetra. I have lived on this planet for 1000 years with all understanding of magic, so it’s impossible to take me down unless I have to face a level-up thing. The weapon they used to attack me… wasn't magic, but a thousand bullets spread out from a light sphere, and only one could be penetrated my body. My strength wasn't enough so I couldn't restore my life. Even though I could, I still had no chance because the bullet was the same as the one that killed our wives.”

“Okay, that’s it. I know who is the level-up killing you.”

“Ah, I know what you got… Player 6. Forgive me, he was set up, just like you. That young man made a mistake in the Shinra timeline. G never thought that he would have a paternal grandchild in that timeline, a bastard in the eyes of the villagers.

“I guess he won't let it go if he already knows the truth. But forgive me, what's it got to do with our trouble?”

“Your father trying to kill me near the Rift made a new timeline created by Jenova, but Player 6 is an important factor to keep it unbroken.”

“Player 6 only appeared for the first time in Shinra timeline.”

“And no influence on the Avalanche or any of the events that happened next. Yes, but he could leave an inheritance in that timeline for everything to happen until appeared a person got sick by Geostigma. That person was also one who tried to kill your family in this timeline.

“I don’t understand, Cid.”

“When I imagined I was my daughter, Jenova, to see how she could get all kinds of fates in every timeline, I understood that your father, after surviving the death of his wife, had become a man who wanted to kill Chaos, and then defeated Warrior of Light, the man who always want to protect Cosmos with his love. In this way, she put her brother and sister into an unstoppable circle, like the game they played as children.

“What is about the person who tried to kill my family before?”

“That person was saved by the cure of the last Cetra, but in our timeline, this never happens when Cetra was still at war with people on the planet. With the help of Jenova, the person could see how he or she was saved in a timeline created by my daughter… So, killing your family is a way to build the timeline where Player 6 was born.”

“Jenova always stays in the Shinra timeline and rules it with Sephiroth to ensure that a child will be born to defeat all of them. Then a person saved from their threat will do everything to keep the timeline forever. In this case, Player 6 was the chosen one.”

“I know a woman in a timeline used the same way to create a SeeD one… even our enemy Cetra now could do so.”

Seeing that the voice of Cid from the Moogle became weak, R quickly asked only one question, “Can you tell me where the assassin’s now?”

“Oh, that person… is in here, among us, acts as an imposter but living a life brought as a gift from the last Cetra. I can't imagine if one day that gift should be paid... Mr. R, right now you have to not trust anyone, especially your team. So I say again, do not let them approach the Crystal inside the spaceship. Got it?”

“Are you done? Your breath is low, so don’t talk to me too much, old man.”

“Did you listen to me all the time, R?”

R came to the Moogle when seeing Cid look done in. He put a pillow on the back of the Moogle, looked at its eyes, and said, “Hey, Cid. If I don’t get it wrong, the assassin is standing inside the military, may be under the order of the General’s family enough to lead a group that disguised them as Cetra to kill you. If you die, the truth of the circle created by Jenova will be kept secret, and even those Cetra will be more and more hated. Right now, I don’t understand why you don’t want my team gets in the space to protect the Crystal and the agents who intend to use it. Wait... since some of them have already been in Midgard, the assassin is among my team.

Cid: Right now, I only see that Sec’s family was in Midgard. Sorry, R, but I don’t think she was the assassin because she… had tried to save my life when I was chased by those fake Cetra.

Cid was in his final moments when the group of fake Cetra group approached the wrecked vehicle. He transformed his soul into the Moogle. Then, he used all his energy to push the enemy away and escape.

In the sky, the BlackBird was restored and sent everything happening under: …,this is…, actual. We have a serious situation in the land right now. The Vice Director was under attack. I say again, the Vice Director was under attack. All objects are moving fast and… Holy hell! … they are using magic, lots of magic. It’s them.

…,this is… We have received the situation you are mentioning. Can you send a detail?

…,this is… I…I can’t see where the Vice Director is. But it seems they are chasing a thing that… looks like a cuddly toy. It’s flying.

…,this is… Can you say again?

The toy has a red nose and an antenna on the head. And the Cetra, they are riding motorbikes behind it.

…,this is… We got you are saying that a group of our enemies was riding their vehicles to run after a cuddly toy flying… ARE YOU OKAY, MAN? HAVE YOU GOT SOME DRINK BEFORE WORK OR NOT?

Okay, that’s enough…, this is Secretary. Can you keep following the situation out there?

Yes, Ma’am. The enemy is continuing to chase the toy. I can see it very clearly and real from above.

…, affirmative. We are preparing to launch a portable meteorite at your location. Send us coordinates.

…, this is… I can see they are moving to the residential area. Are you sure to follow the plan?

…, this is Secretary. We have one chance to defeat the enemy right here, right now. We have to realize that the Vice Director has gone, but he will come back soon. So, The General has approved the plan. Send me your precise coordinates.

…, roger that. The coordinates are…

R: She was willing to sacrifice any citizens to defeat them. That’s exactly a Sec I know.

Cid: She doesn't participate in any of my projects like Doc and General. No motive for her to kill me. She is also of very few who know that I can revive after death, so she never thinks about harming me.

R: You mean Doc is the assassin. Forgive me, but I can’t think of one possibility like that. Doc had brought up me after my father left me. He is an old codger and doesn’t get any fighting ability just like Sec.

Cid: So what about the others in your team? Who is the person, according to your feeling, gets enough strength to do this?

R: All of them can do this… Player 3 is crazier than the others… Oh, wait. I forgot about Player 4. Never met him until the meeting with Player 6 and his time agent team. He is a detective and a mysterious guy who knew many things about time traveling and invited me to join him. This’s the man I can feel to be possible at most.

Cid: Except for Sec, Player 6 never tells me where he got this guy. You should keep an eye on him, Mr.R.

R saw the Moogle was getting weaker.

Cid: I don't have much time left. There are still many that need to discuss, but you have to find out on your own. I…

R came close to the Moogle and put his ear next to its mouth.

Cid whispered: …I’ve read the record G gave to me before the ambush. If everything inside is true, those Cetra had already followed Ms. Gainsborough's guideline to come here. But then… they have to leave one thing valuable in the Garden timeline. This… will change the whole timeline.

R: What’s this thing?

Cid: Doc knows the answer, but not today.

R was angry: Stop talking sense! I know you have already seen all of the endings. Many innocent people have died due to the portable meteorite. You should give me the answer right now, or I will chop this thing’s head off, so you will have to remember me after reviving.

When R grabbed the Moogle and started to shake it. Cid shouted: What are you doing, man? Don’t do that… I swear I know nothing then…

Suddenly, R felt to drop into a scene. He saw he was in a place looking like a bar. In front of him is a girl who wore a blue lace dress. She showed a paper writing “Our hero is missing”, and said angrily: Where’s Cloud?

R: Hey, Miss. I don't know who you are, even the guy in that paper. You should be modest…

A voice behind R showed up: Ah, Tifa. Long time no see. You are still looking good.

Tifa: I don’t have time to talk to you. Give me what I want.

A mob went through R and came close to Tifa, and said: You are in a situation that can’t be asked. But why we won’t play some nice game. Sweety…

After that, R only saw both Tifa and the mobs fighting under the music of the club.

Cid came close to R and said quietly: Sorry, my young friend. This wouldn’t happen in the record I read. It’s another timeline and I am still searching about what it comes from…

Not letting Cid finish his words, R quickly turned around and catch Cid’s neck: Found you!

Cid stuck out his tongue because he was choked by R. Both of them were pulled into another scene while sticking together.

R felt surprised when everything around him was cartoon color. He saw a boy who was holding a giant key walking with a mouse having round ears and a duck wearing a sailor shirt and cap with a bow tie. Still holding Cid tight, R was gone to another scene. There, he was passing by a woman sitting on the beach, whispering something while holding a desktop telephone in her hand, “Sorry, I have seen many deaths… good people’s deaths… so I will not go back there… I am with my Tidus now…”

R and Cid kept going to another scene. They were in a battle of several Magitek Armors. “For the Empire!” A voice rang out and an Armor attacked Cid and R. You can be hurt. Let me go!” Cid screamed out so that R pushed him away. R just saw a rose shadow before he was hit by an Armor. A wound appeared on his arm. “I… my health is very low. You have to let me go or both of us will be stuck in this nightmare and die,” Cid was lying on the ground and talked to R. R realized that the Armor didn’t attack him anymore and run to the other warriors. “This is a dream. They can’t see us,” Cid kept talking to R. R immediately run to Cid, grabbed him and both of them went to another scene. There, feeling sick and headache, R let Cid go. Both of them fell to the ground. While rising groggily to the feet, R saw many horses coming to him fast. He had to dodge to avoid them. A group was riding those horses: a knight, a woman with rabbit ears, an old man, and a female dwarf flying. All of them were attacking a very big dragon, who seemed very crazy. The female dwarf was hit by the dragon tail and fell to R’s location. She looked at him, smiled, and said, “Oh, hello there. Where are you from?” R looked around and saw no one except him. The dwarf asked him again, but the old man talked to her, “Shantotto, who are you talking to? Come here now!” Cid from somewhere appeared, and whispered, “No, no, no. Not like this…” He quickly stormed to R. A fire coming from the dragon’s mouth blew up everything around it, including Cid and R.

R screamed like hell before coming back to reality. After checking around the body to make sure that not be burned, he quickly crawled to the Moogle which was lying motionless. R understood that Cid had really gone. Through the window, he saw someone watching him with binoculars.

Suddenly, the door was shoved off and a shadow entered the room. R pointed his weapon, and whispered, “Player 4…”

Player 4 also pointed his weapon at R and pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed R's cheek and went through the window. R turned around and saw that the person watching him had already dropped the binoculars and held a sniper rifle. But the bullet penetrated the gun's scope, so the mysterious person had to run away. “Move!” R stormed to Player 4 to catch up that person, but a light shot into the air…

“Good work, soldier. You can go. I will take over from now on.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Be careful.”

R heard those sounds before waking up. He realized that Player 4 had been tied up with him. The female Android, who defeated him some days ago, just left the room. Player 4 gazed open-eyed at the Android’s back. “Keep yourself low, man”, R talked to him. “No. I am not that kind of person. The sword hung on her hip made me feel curious. Do you know the weapon of Sephiroth? They seem to look the same.”

R saw that the Secretary was sitting opposite. She looked around the room and said, “Hey, boss. You really know how to bring any trouble to every place you just came.”

“And you really know how to appear right on time aftermath, Sec. Would you untie me?” R said.

“Hey, what’s about me?” Player 4 said.

“I would, but not now, boss,” Sec smiled, “The General wants me to interrogate you and if I don’t see any trouble, then I will let you and our new friend here go.”

Seeing the motionless Moogle, Sec kept saying, “That old man, Cid, can see what will happens if the Cetra or we have dominated the planet. He told me Shinryu had fought with a Cetra’s creature before it was killed. That Cetra’s creature is a flower. But that time, the dragon had a different name. It's exactly another of itself in a timeline when Cetra had won us. So, boss. I know you have been told about a person who could see itself in another timeline so that agreed to help Jenova build our timeline, right?”

After talking, Sec lifted the hem to show up a wireless bug. R sighted, said, “Cid had said so. But forgive me. After everything just happened, I really don’t know what is fact and what is fiction?”

“I see. Since we only listened you and the old man screamed like hell before Player 4 here showed up. I have to thank him for finding out about this place. A good detective never makes us disappointed.”

“Sorry, man. She told me to have to wait. But through the camera, I saw you were wounded without being attacked. I guessed you were impacted by magic from Cid,” Player 4 said.

“Cid knows how to travel to any timelines from the past to the future without using the Crystal,” Sec said, “He does it through the dreams, but only in a very short moment because his mind would be stuck in any timeline if his dream time is extended. By the way, this ability makes him become a prophet who controls the fates of all people. And he transformed it to Jenova, while Cosmos and Chaos just brought heroes to a circle keep this timeline never be broken.”

“I suppose that the Cetra will do the same if they completely control Jenova. Sadly, their innocent citizens have never known about the truth, only aware of a mystery that appeared from in the sky.”

“Sec, have you ever felt sick when working with all people who are war criminals, even tolerating a genocide man like Cid.”

“Boss, I’m pretty sure that you are wrong,” Sec hold her hand to stop R, “If we are talking about the genocide, then it’s Jenova only. Cid was declared guilty because of making it. But actually, we never wanted to eliminate all of the Cetra. Cid had tried to help them restore after the disease brought by his child.

“Why could Cid help them if he was usually watched by their enemy here?”

“We agreed to allow Cid and Player 6 to go there. While Player 6 assisted Shinra covertly, Cid helped Cetra people restore their homes and renovate good places, such as Icicle Inn, following the Jenova pandemic. His famous with the locals was better than Player 6, even a young man from Rocket Town admired his talent for making airships, so he learned to be an engineer and got Cid as a nickname. One day, Cid and Player 6 had a difficult discussion about their duties. Cid blamed Player 6 for doing several black ops to eliminate the Cetra. And guess what? Player 6 explained he only focused on a few of Cetra who wanted to restore their military activity, which might threaten our victory…

“It’s impossible.” R said, “Because those Cetra people were never aware of everything they had done in this timeline.”

“Sorry for interrupting,” Player 4 said, “But I and Mr. R here are under… interrogation, right? I feel that you are only answering his question, Miss.”

“I will ask my Android for using its sword to knock your head as it did with Mr. R here, but not make you going to faint immediately, in order to do an actual interrogation. Okay?” Sec said.

“Ah, no, I am listening only,” Player 4 understood what Sec meant. He said, “Just… go on.”

“Cid thought exactly like you are thinking. He then told Player 6 with bad language, “Your father had tossed them to the dog like you to eat…”

“Wow, why did he so angry?” Player 4 suddenly asked Sec. He made R feel bored.

“Because Cid realized that Player 6 had killed Dr. Faremis, the man who supported Cid for helping the Cetra. However, Player 6 wasn’t punished by Cid because at least he hadn't touched the professor's family. But he had to leave the game and went back here due to not completing the mission.

“I can understand why Player 6 did it though his mission would fail. He can’t touch the wife and child of someone. Sure that he isn’t a coward.”

“Yeah… and he still became a hero in our timeline, rich and famous, while the child of Dr. Faremis had lost both the father and mother and lived as an adopt in the slum,” Sec said, “Now I want to ask you, boss. Have you ever believed in karma?”

“I have, Sec. But why did you say that?”

“Everything we have done will bring back the consequence,” Sec said, “Player 6 never accepts the truth that his mission had failed. Because Cid ensured he wouldn't forgive if Player 6 dared return to the Shinra timeline, the son of Player 6 would be a man who finished the mission.”

“Ok, stop.” Player 4 said, wanted to cross arms as an X but couldn't due to being tied, “Why don’t you guys realize that the child of Player 6 we are mentioning now is Cloud Strife? With this, our interrogation-discussion would be easier.”

Player 4’s words made R remind that he had seen a symbol of Fenrir hanging on G’s family.

“No one knows about this secret until now.” Sec said, “I got it from overcoming some special night with him. I saw that he is very good at drawing pictures. Every night, we stayed together after drinking some wine and looking at the fireworks from the festival. Every night, we felt we belong to each other… until he began to meet some nightmares. He told me a woman trying to approach him and killed him from behind. Perhaps he was bearing the scars of the war. And one night, I chanced on his diary, which has many images and notes. Those are creatures, weapons, and descriptions of every mission he had done for Shinra. It would be nothing if I saw a list of Cetra people… One of them, which was drawn by him, is a woman preparing born a child. She was hurt, but not because of having birth pangs. Both she and her unborn child were burning. This image made me sick, then Player 6 suddenly appeared behind me. His eyes…Well, I was very scared of him at that time. He told me that he and the team took a mission of Shinra that bombed a group of Cetra and their creatures… He swore that he had seen many Cetra objects moving in the place, like preparing a counter-attack. So, a napalm bomb was dropped from a drone… Then a Cetra, before dying, tried to connect him with magic to say that they were only helping their woman born a child… They were happy, dancing and singing because they could see a Cetra baby after a long, long year. Jenova pandemic made them lose the ability to have children until that time… When Player 6’s team checked the place, they only saw women, children, and a few men… All of them were Cetra.”

Both R and Player 4 felt sick too. Sec kept talking, “But you know, boss? His explanation isn’t a thing that made me feel so sad. After telling me about the mission, he said I was not the only woman who read his secret. He had a lover in Nibelheim town. Her name is Claudia. She also chanced his diary… So perhaps she was the reason Player 6 had to return here, not Cid.”

R recognized that Sec was a little crying while Player 4 was sighing. He said, “Sorry for not thinking of something to talk to you about right now. But… you shouldn’t have loved a kind of person like him.”

Sec brushed away her tears. She smiled, “Funny that he only saw a woman who looked like… a red thing in his nightmare. I assumed that is a coat. Anyway, the napalm bomb was the last thing the Shinra used for their operation. They changed to apply the clean weapons that were made from the Mako energy and succeeded in defeating Wutai afterward… Then they returned to search for any remnants of Cetra to discover the promised land.”

While Sec was talking, R thought about Player 6 himself: Never forget his image when I first met him. Felt stately in an army uniform, a confident smile on his face, who would have thought that young man had overcome such many things in his life. If the woman and her son in Nibelheim met him again after years, how do they feel? Did they accept him or consider him a monster? I… really can’t imagine.

Sec stopped talking for a while to take a tape from her pocket. “My Android took it from a call of G. Since he has been able to control the whole Android, “she” starts to feel dangerous, so now I am the only one “she” can trust.

Sec opened the tape:

G’s wife:… our plan will be moved to next winter. It has been too long, but happy to see it finally start, my dear. However, our son has run before horse to market…

G: I know.

G’s wife: So you have known. Good. At least you are still his father. I am so happy when see that he could come back in one piece.

G: You always indulge our son too much, Materia. Every time he has done something, I have to clean it after his back. And you just f*cking watch.

G’s wife/Materia: I realize that this time he comes too far. But please, have you ever known the reason why he did it?

G: Sleeping with a local in another timeline should be prohibited. Your son has demeaned me and our family several times. Now I am thinking about how to deal with the child in that woman’s womb.

Materia: Too late. That child is Cloud.

G: Ohh… So I guess I am now in double trouble. To fix it, I will make some adjustments. Brainwashing that child made him unable to remember who his father was but his miserable mother. Then Jenova’s cell would have a lot of work to do.

Materia: You can’t do that. Cloud should be welcomed as a member of our family.

G: Don’t be naïve like Player 6, Materia. He is a part of our history that makes our timeline entirely well. Now you asked me for the reason Player 6 came there again. Well, my son had killed Gast Faremis to show his faithful to Shinra and our country but forgave his family. He was unaware that the professor's wife might recall the treatment for Jenova disease. During five years of holding in captivity under Shinra lab, she tried to hand down the treatment to Aerith. Her daughter drew a picture to hide the cure as a kind of code, and called it “the promised land”. After her mother died, Aerith experimented with the cure in a church when she was grown up. Her flowers there were “the promised land,” a vaccine against the disease. And here, my son had seen the picture and understood everything, but he also got one more thing from it. So, he decided to go to the Shinra timeline to stop Aerith's experiment. And you, Materia. Do you know about the next part of this story?

Materia said nothing. G so kept saying, “He wants to break the relationship between his son and Faremis’s daughter. Let Sephiroth kill the girl before she met Cloud, and Zack will become the hero against Sephiroth instead of Player 6’s son. Oh, my son really wants to bring Cloud back here, to be welcomed under our family’s hand as you told me.

And his plan would be succeeded if there wasn't an assassin appearing and killing Claudia right in front of him,” Materia suddenly interrupted G, “Cloud had seen everything, and he thought the assassin was Sephiroth. So he had run to hunt down that monster before our son could stop him. Then, the real assassin was finally caught by our son, but only talked one word before getting defeated: Take orders from somebody.”

R heard that G was laughing on the tape, “So you think I am the man who gave that order? Darling, although I hated the woman Player 6 loved, not touching the locals is always my rule. The Shinra created Sephiroth and the others to replace our son after he was retired.”

Materia: I know. I mean, you should watch your back. Don't let someone play you from it. About your son, let me care about him.

G: Just do your duty as a mother.

Materia: There’s a question. I know Cloud beat up Aerith sometimes. The record says he was controlled by Sephiroth. But since Player 6 was his father, your son… he… did he do anything to make the boy like that?

G: If you ask me a question like that, then I don't have any idea to let you know.

Materia: Thank, my husband…

G: What?

Material:… I hope you call his real name again after everything is resolved. “Player” is a kind of very unlucky code name. You know?

G: You are thinking too much. Go back to sleep. I am busy and don’t want to be bothered. See you soon.

The tape stopped. Sec said: “Talke orders from somebody…” Boss, from the bug, I could hear that Cid mentioned the assassin who killed your family before. And now that person is one of us?

Player 4: Hey, I never did. You guys just met him a not long time ago.

R wondered why that man could not be good at talking as fighting. He looked at Sec and said, Whatever you think or say, that assassin has a connection with both Jenova and the last Cetra… But what is the one more thing Player 6 discovered in the picture?

Sec: The Cetra people always want to get an ability: sending their soul to the Mako after death. In this way, they can connect to everything, every people in every timeline, even though they have lost their body. If the past legend is true, Aerith is the first and the last Cetra person to succeed in doing it.

R: I see. That’s why Cid told me that woman might bring the Cetra terrorists here through the Mako.

Sec: To travel through any timeline, they still require the Rift Crystal. Boss, those extinct people aren't dangerous like the assassin we are talking about unless Aerith is that person.

Player 4: No way. That lovely girl couldn't fight or be a spy.

Sec: We shall see. Boss, last question. Did Cid mention that one of those Cetra left one thing in a timeline?

R: Yes but I suppose you have known the answer from that bug.

Sec: Did he mention that thing as a human?

R: No, he didn’t. He took me into his dreams and crossed many timelines. But I didn’t see the Garden one.

Sec put her hands together and said: So I guess the answer will belong to Doc… in the future. Before letting you guys go, there’s one thing I want to clear. Cid told me if someone couldn’t die in a timeline like it has to be, another person in a different timeline would be replaced. That means… a Cetra doesn’t die in the Shinra timeline, then another Cetra, maybe in the Garden timeline, will have to die. Therefore, I just asked you, “Did he mention that thing as a human?”, boss.

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A drone was circling overhead where Player 4 shot the assassin. It found some broken pieces of the scope and began to scan. Then it talked to Player 6 through the radio: Sir, there is some blood. The assassin could be wounded on the face.

Player 6: Any footprints?

Drone: No, sir. The rain has wiped out all. But I can map out the escape way of the assassin. Wait… Done. The assassin went to the location not far from your place.

Player 6: Where?

The drone projected a beam of light to guide Player 6. After seeing that way, Player 6 asked the drone: Are you sure?

Drone: Yes, sir.

In front of Player 6 is a group of officers and soldiers. He talked to himself, “Player 5…” and then ordered the drone to come back to him. The drone returned to Player 6 and transformed into a steel ball in his hand. After entering R’s safe house fast, Player 6 saw two soldiers outside the room. Seeing him coming, one of them rose quickly and said, “Sir, she is inside, told us not to let anyone in…”

Player 6: Bullshit! She thinks who she is to give that order. Get out of my sight.

Player 6 had already gripped the door handle and opened it before the soldier hastily opened the door for him. In the room, an Android was helping Sec take a coat off.

“Stop!!!” Player 6 screamed and came to them. He pushed the Android, making its back hit the gas stove strongly. Under the blindfold, the Android’s face didn’t change its expression. The coat had dropped to the floor while Player 6 kept gazing at Sec’s scared eyes. Beside them, R and Player 4 were unconscious, tied in a corner.

“Hey baby,” Player 6 asked Sec while brushing the length of her cheekbone, “Why are you crying?”

Sec felt Player 6 was giving her a nip with his strong fingertips. “It’s about Mr. Cid,” She said, “He died inside the gift I gave him.”

Player 6 stepped to the Moogle. He saw a trace on the toy's neck, turned his eyes at R and Player 4, then said, “What’s smell?”

Sec quickly talked to Player 6: We are tracking down an assassin who appeared to finish both R and Cid. According to the report, that guy could help the Cetra infiltrate the spaceship activity location, indeed a high commander but working as a spy. We have to deal with this situation. But now, I am afraid you will be the next target.”

Player 6 seemed to not listen to Sec. She kept saying, “There are some problems I need to talk to you, sir. We will return to the Shinra timeline next winter to fix it back to the origin, but you are making our plan more impracticable. No one would know you are the father of Cloud Strife except us. Anyway, no need to worry about that because all of us consider your relationship with him is only fiction. So please, forget it!

“You are requiring me to forget my son, Player 5” Player 6 asked Sec

"I’ve recently heard about the council's conversation about what happened in the Shinra timeline. I am not sure, but Cloud's family won't certainly be mentioned,” Sec said, " That person is and always will be a hero who doesn't have a family and a meaningful tie. So… yes. You must abandon him if you want to keep everything in origin.”

Player 6: Really? No one in that timeline talks about his father even once?

Sec tried to convince Player 6: No, but someone not in that timeline said President Shinra might be his father. It’s anticipation.

Player 6 laughed off, “That old fat guy couldn’t be Claudia’s lover.”

Sec: This isn’t a problem we care about right now. 6, can I call me like that? I know you will never forget that day when a thousand Cetra civils were bombed... But in fact, all of us could survive so far as the result of Jenova. And your family is one of many factors in maintaining this timeline created by her. I think everyone wants a calm life here and on every other timeline. Isn’t that what R talked to you about? Not care about everything but family, only earning some money for his little daughter? So… 6, as long as you want to become a hero, you must stick to the plan.

Player 6 thought for a while. He said, “About the family, when I traveled back to the Shinra timeline recently, I tried to ask Claudia to come with me. I thought that together, we would be a family again. But she told me Nibelheim is always her countryside. She will never leave it.”

Sec felt uncomfortable when Player 6 talked about Claudia. She said, “Yeah… At least she had done the right thing. Maybe you’re right about the point that Zack can replace Cloud to defeat Sephiroth and become the hero of Midgard, which only makes a few changes in this timeline. But what if you have been wrong? If there will be more changes than you thought? Most people here will ultimately be reprogrammed or lose all of their memories, even they will be erased… or worse still, the whole timeline we’ve ever known will be completely gone.”

Player 6: No need to remind me, Player5. I know all of the consequences. Now, can we get back to the primary topic?

He turned to see Sec, came close to her, and said, “I see you are playing for time. Nice try, but not enough. Just tell me where the assassin is?”

Sec felt that Player 6 was loading a weapon. He said, “You know what, 5? Although the Cetra could be gone after the portable meteorite launch we sent them yesterday, my father still keeps the permission for me to kill everyone I felt a threat still holds. I won't ask again, and I detest lying because I've been used to killing many innocent people. Oh, when you are talking about the family and something that keeps the origin, bla, bla... I just looked around here and didn’t see a holes. Do you know what I mean? You told me that you could fight every well with a handgun, but not a rifle because it's quite heavy for you. So, honey, you are the assassin that couldn’t take a shot before Player 4 opened fire. Is that right? Answer me.”

A ring bell came out from Sec’s pocket. She raised a hand in front of Player 6 while reaching into her bag to get the telephone. She held it in front of it, which was still ringing, and said quietly, “Your father’s calling.”

Player 6 took the telephone and opened up without talking. He soon recognized G's deep voice on the other end of the phone, “Who’s there?”

He replied, “It’s me, father.”

“6,” G sighed and did something Player 6 felt that was typing on the keyboard, “I thought you were in the hospital, under the management of your mother… What are you doing there? Trying to concoct some more? Do you really want to make me furious again?”

“Nothing like you’re thinking, I wish to assist Mr. Cid in identifying the assailant, to explain to Mr. R” He looked at R then said, “They are two of my friends, so I just want to help.”

“Friends?” G laughed, “Son, you don’t have friends because you just mess up everything. Now put that weapon down. You are pointing it at my sweet girl. I won't be surprised if she doesn't consider us a friend after this.”

"Hey, I'm not his sweetheart," Sec frowned at Player 6 and said quietly. Player 6 turned his eyes to see the Android and recognized that G was looking at him through its eyes. He put his weapon away and talked to G through the phone, "Father, I just did an investigation. We have an officer who might assist those Cetra in ambushing Mr. Cid last day. My tracking system guided me to the soldiers led by Player 5. I saw none of them able to move roofs by roofs. Even those soldiers didn't see where their leader was. I don't know what she's doing, but I'm sure she's a liar."

G: So you think Sec can move roofs by roofs, don’t you?

Player 6: I haven’t seen her moving yet. But she was a team member led by R. Maybe she is trying to hide something from us.

G: You just moved to a timeline without guidance, so your brain is getting something problem, son. I tell you, she stayed with me when our soldiers were surrounding R’s place. Understood? Next time, you should ask some guys under her command about me before doing anything.

Player 6: She stayed with you outside the house, along with her Android?

G: Do you see any other Androids? If not, so… yes.

Player 6 went to check every corner of the room. Then, he opened the window and peeked out. It was starting to rain. “I forget the anti-rain glass,” he talked to himself. A weak voice came out from R, making Player 6 turn back to the room. Recognized that R started to wake up, G talked to Player 6, “You should leave there now, son. Let Sec do it for you if you want to explain to Mr. R.”

Though not pleased, Player 6 still obeyed his father's order. When he moved to the door, G talked to him, "One more thing, you will no longer be a part of the Dissidia project. You've broken the contract. So this is a punishment you have to receive."

Player 6 turned around and came close to the Android, growling, “You can’t kick me out, father. The team requires my participation. And I still need to accomplish my unfinished task.”

G replied through the Android's eyes hidden behind the blindfold, "I have four good men die because of you, 6. And you aren't still grown up, wallowing in evil. Do you remember those team members who died under Cetra's hand to protect you from returning to the Shinra after the napalm bombing? How many people have to sacrifice for what you've done?"

After hearing that, Player 6 only said, “I understand, General.”

“Good,” G said, “Now go back to your car. Just… don’t ever think about that woman, REMEMBER?”

Player 6 quickly went to the car. Closed his eyes, he remembered a day in that village

“You have slept with that old man. Why did you do that, Claudia? ANSWER ME!”

“No, I've never done that. I swear.

“You lied! You went to the mansion during the time I left.”

“Mr. President Shinra only wanted me to work for him as a servant. Nothing more.”

“Nothing more? Those servants told me they saw you storm out of his room while crying. You met him every night.

“By the holy of Gaia! I met him but not every night. Since you left me, no people have been going to our shop. He only wants to help. You have to trust me, please.”

“Sir!” The driver's voice made Player 6 back to reality, “Forgive me, but I just want to ask. Do you want to go back to the hospital?”

“No, that won't be necessary,” Player 6 said while looking at the rain outside the window, “Drive me to the Mako historical area.”

“But, sir. The museums closed during the night. Are you sure to go that?”

“I’m fine. Just do what I said,” Player 6 ordered his driver.

When the car was moving on the road, Player 6 continued to his memory.

“Don’t be shy,” Player 6 smiled and talked to Claudia, “This is your first time, right?”

Claudia turned away to hide her blushes, “Yes, this is. Can we… can we change to another thing?”

She looked at two cups of beer on the barrel. A crowd of pretty women was standing around her and Player 6. “Maybe,” Player 6 looked around and said, “But I am afraid that all your friends here won’t agree with you.”

One of the women said, “Yeah, Claudia, let's show him how the strongest woman in Nibelheim can do,”

Claudia tried to take the beer cup under shouts of encouragement. Feeling impatient, Player 6 talked to her: I always want to show “the lady first.” But I can’t put up with seeing your beautiful eyes closing many times like that. So, I’ll go ahead.”

Right before Player 6 set the cup to his lips, Claudia took his hand, “Wait a minute,” she lowed her head while saying, “I’ll go first, but you have to make me clear one thing. How could you defeat all men there with this?”

“Sorry?” Player 6 worried.

“Ya, you know what I mean?” Claudia said, lifting her head a little bit to see Player 6. Her eyes darted to some drunk men lying on the ground. Player 6 got her meaning. His eyes came close to Claudia. He explained, “I always feel someone put a bar with a cursor and a white space inside my head. To avoid getting drunk, I must stop the cursor in the white space in the middle. The more I feel drunk, the more speed the cursor is. But no problem as long as I still stop it right the place.”

“Oh!” Claudia whispered, “It works, doesn’t it?”

“You can try,” Player 6 said, “And I believe that the bar is also inside your head.”

Claudia quickly grabbed a beer and drank, feeling a very hot stream flowing inside her throat. “You’re right,” she grimaced, “I feel as if I was programmed to do this. It’s terrifying.”

Player 6 grabbed his cup and then drank a draught. After that, he peacocked with pride to Claudia. “No, I can’t,” she said while putting her face in her hands. Around them, people were cheering frantically. Took a deep breath, Claudia drank her cup up. Then, she swayed to the music the women were singing and licked the froth in the lip while giving the glad eye to Player 6 to challenge him. Looking at Claudia dancing, he began to drink for his turn. Suddenly, he fell when he had not finished yet. People stopped singing, but the music was still around. The barrel was fallen over by his fall. Beer splashed all over the ground.

Claudia knelt down on the ground beside him. She held his head and asked, “Hey, man. Are you okay?”

“Ah…Thank you very much, lady,” Player 6 said while looking into Claudia’s eyes,” I am so happy.”

“Nah! Come on! You are drunk,” she said.

“No,” he said, “I am not drunk. I just… drunk you,” he said.

“Stop it!” she said

“Yayyy! We did it,” a woman joyed, then she took her hand to Claudia’s shoulder, “Let’s go! We have to perform the show.”

Player 6 only lay down on the ground, looking at Claudia joining the festival with the women. A woman wearing a red dress stepped toward him.

“You shouldn't possibly be that arrogant, major. Women in this country won’t leave you alone if their men are all defeated,” the woman said.

“Ah, Scarlet,” Player 6 looked at her from below, “You look… red!”

“I will consider it a compliment. Today the villagers will be sunk into the music of their traditional festival. I hope you can keep yourself from… becoming a wolf among lambs for a while, major.”

“Don't overthink, Lieutenant. And don't call me major. It’s just a title. I realize that I am still under your command like before.

"We all owe your father, so we won't concern when you have done something terrible to someone. But it doesn't mean we have to flatter you. If you make trouble affecting General and don't have the ability or responsibility to resolve it, the boss and I will do it for you, no matter how you feel."

“Don’t worry about the General. He is very far from here. And you are right about those local women. They have a strong personality, looking like… <when the invaders come, the women fight too!> Hehe!

“And I simply like… <men make house, women make homes> more than that. You are still young to understand what love is. Then one day, you will fall down when a woman you love has lost…

“Sound like another lesson to learn, huh, Lieutenant?”

“Anyway, I just had the Shinra mansion redone for you. Tomorrow you can come to stay there. However, I only require you not to lead a… naïve lamb into the mansion. Got it?”

“Don’t worry, Lieutenant. Tomorrow I will sleep like a log all day. So none of the women could meet me.”

“I believe it because only a stupid or fearless woman goes to meet you alone. Just… do something you like to do without seeing consequences. But…”

Scarlet bent over, looked at Player 6’s eyes, and whispered,“…if that day comes, I hope you do not implore me because I would feel awkward, really really awkward, major?”

Next morning.

“Who’s there?” Player 6 yawned while asking someone that had just rung a bell door.

“It’s me, the girl who challenged the beer game with you last night. Sorry for waking you up early. If you don’t mind, I want to talk to you, please.”

Player 6 recognized Claudia’s voice. He shuffled on his clothes while asking her through the door, “Wait a minute. H…How could you get access to the main door? Where are my security guards?”

“I always feel someone put magic and some of the best ingredients inside my bread. So when your security guards ate them, they allowed me to go to the house immediately. That’s all.”

“It wor…!? Ah, forget it. Wait there.”

After tidying up, Player 6 opened the door. He saw Claudia, who was taking a basket.

“Hi!” She smiled when seeing him.

“Hey!” He responded her

Player 6 invited her to go inside. “Wow. Your house’s big,” she praised.

Player 6 just looked at her from behind and said: Okay, Little Red Riding Hood, tell me your reason for going here. Don’t tell me that you must feed any monsters with your bread when moving on the way.

Claudia: Who’s Little Red Riding Hood?

Player 6 realized that he had just slipped out. He quickly said: Never mind. You… uh… come here alone, don’t you?

Claudia felt ridiculous about his stupid question. She replied: Yes, and I was just kidding you about bread and magic. I can't stay here for a long time, so I will make it quick. There's an important thing I need to give back to you.

“Me? Sorry but I remember that I have not forgotten anything… What’s this?” Player 6 thrust his chin and asked Claudia. He took a small packet from her in one hand while another was on his hip.

“It’s money I received as a winner of the beer game. Since I got money too from our performance at the festival while you could beat most of the men in the village… I think you deserve to get this.”

“No, you take this. You could defeat me in a game I used to be the king until now. They’re right about you. You are the strongest woman in their village and beautiful too.”

Claudia blushed when hearing that. She put on a solemn face and said, “Thank you. But I really don’t want to get this money. You know, there’s a lot of money, and I'm not sure what to do with it.”

Player 6 pointed at her old basket. He said, “Why not? You can use it for buying that new one, even a new and big shop for selling more bread too.”


“I have an idea. Give it to me, lady, please!” Player 6 took the old basket, pressed the packet to Claudia’s hand, and pushed her outside the door. He said, “Now that’s your money. Just consider that I've bought your basket with all bread inside it and paid with it. Okay, no need to thank me then,”

Player 6 closed the door. Right after he had turned around, the ring door rang again. He opened the door and saw that Claudia was still there. He said with his anger, “Now what do you want?”

Claudia: Sorry, but that basket is from my grandmother and is not for sale.

Player 6: Oh, my mistake. I will take the bread only. Just give me a few seconds so I can go back to my kitchen. I will return here as soon as I’ve taken them out of your basket...

Claudia: No, I mean… I can sell the bread to you, but I only take the money from it. Not this one.

Then she gave the packet back to Player 6 with two hands, lowered her head, and closed her eyes to prepare to take any of Player 6's angry voices. But he only laughed off and said, “Ok, get inside. We will talk about this.”

Claudia smiled radiantly and went inside. Taking back the basket, she pulled one of the bread out, which was covered carefully in a cloth, “Here, it’s for you due to your hospitality,” she gave it to Player 6. Felt that the bread was still warm, he turned it around in his hand to examine, then said, “Seem good, but for me, it’s quite big. Can I try it?”

Claudia nodded. Player 6 gnawed at it. He was just silent. She kept her eyes open to him. He looked at her while gnawing.

“So?” she asked him.

After swallowing, Player 6 asked her, “Lady, do you want to go to the kitchen so we can come to terms on the price?”

Claudia felt happy. She said, “Sure, why not?! You are the first customer who bought all of my bread. Let’s go then.”

Sitting in the kitchen, Player 6 and Claudia talked to each other.

He:…My mother is good at cooking too, but she usually orders some of the best chefs on the planet to cook meals for me.

She: Really?

He: Yeah! Anyway, I prefer cooking myself. In the military, I take the duty of making dinner for commanders.”

“And what’s up?”

“I dunno how they feel. But I am pretty sure that no one feels tickled.”

Claudia laughed. She said, “My grandmother guided my mom on how to make cakes and bread. The receipt was then handed down to me. But I always want to spread it.

“Why? You can keep it for yourself to earn money.”

“Honestly, it’s hard to keep a secret forever. I see that the more secrets spread, the better the world can become. Keeping something for your own will lead to unhappy things.”

“I agree and disagree with you. Sometimes keeping the secrets will make the world in a good shape…”

“…I have a stove in my house. So I can create the bread.”

“Do you have any workers?”

“I am thinking about renting someone in the village. But all the men come to Shinra factories, while women choose better work in the city. Besides, the payment won't be easy.”

“I see…”

Both of them were silent. Claudia held the tea cup tight in her hands. Then she said, “I’m sorry. I have to go. Some bread needs to be removed from the stove soon.”

When leading Claudia to the door, Player 6 asked her, “Sorry but… do you want to recruit me? I just returned from the camp and have nothing to do.”

Claudia: Are you sure? As I said, the payment won’t be easy.

Player 6: Yes, but I want to learn to make cake and bread too.

Claudia: All right! However, I have some rules you must obey, or we're gonna say goodbye. Agree?

Player 6: Yes, ma’am.

Claudia: Now you call me ma’am. It makes me remember to ask you. What’s your name, sir?

Player 6 tried to think of a name. Seeing that Claudia was raising her eyebrows to wait for him, he replied, “Dante. My name’s Dante.”

“Dante? Like…uh… Dante’s Inferno.”

Player 6 was surprised when Claudia learned about this book in the previous world. He only said, “Yep, I think so.”

“Okay, Dante. I hope you won’t get any troubles with angels,” she said with an impish smile, “By the way, I’m Claudia. Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you, too,” Player 6 responded while shaking her hand.


The driver made Player 6 back to reality. After getting out of his car, he saw a very old, broken well tower. Under the tower was a banner writing “a ruin of Nibelheim”. He continued to his memory

“Dante, can you fix it?” Claudia asked him while climbing to the well tower. She looked inside it to see what he was doing. He raised a hand above the water to sign that everything was ok.

Looking at Player 6’s hand, Claudia laughed and said, “Do you want me to help?”

Still diving under the water, Player 6 pointed at some tools holding in the well. Through the water's surface, he was interested in looking at the image of Claudia taking a wrench. She raised it and said loudly, “You want this?”

Player 6’s hand above the water made a thumb up. “Okay, catch it!” Claudia said, then threw the wrench into Player 6’s hand. It slowly dove into the water.

Claudia sat outside the well to wait for Player 6. The weather became hotter. “Why’s he taking so long?” She asked herself while wiping the sweat off. She decided to climb back to the well. “Are you still there?” She asked him, seeing that nothing had happened. Claudia asked again, then threw a tool into the water. She didn’t see Player 6 coming up. She started to feel anxious and climbed inside the well. Suddenly, Player 6 came up from the water, grabbed her feet, and pulled her down. Because of the sunlight's direction, the well became warmer. She and Player 6 could feel comfortable. Looking at her, he laughed and said, “Sorry, ma'am. I didn't see you coming.”

“No, you lied,” she shouted to Player 6 while wiping her face, “and I don’t like this, too. Are you crazy?”

“Ok, ok,” Player 6 raised his hands to the air, “Since you have waited a long time under the sunlight, I just want you to feel the clean and fresh rainwater here with me before I open the overflow pipe. You know? It’s bad if we can’t immerse ourselves in a thing we use to make food and drink daily.”

Claudia looked at him and said angrily, “Why don’t you just tell me so that I pour the rainwater into the bath so you can immerse it in whatever you like? HUH? Sir?”

“Ok, sorry. Don’t do it anymore,” he said and only looked at Claudia. They were looking at each other for a while. Suddenly Claudia felt red in the face. She turned around to climb outside but realized that the well was too slippery, so she couldn’t do it. “Sorry, Dante. Can you do me a favor?” Claudia asked, “Help me. I can’t climb up from here.”

Player 6 swam to Claudia. She suddenly turned her head to look at his eyes when he was holding her from the back. Their mouths drew closer.

“Claudia, where are you?” A voice came up from the ground, making both Player 6 and Claudia startle. She pushed him out. Trying to regain composure, Player 6 lowered his body so Claudia could put her foot on his shoulder. She then emerged from the well. “Oh! Hi, Brian,” She smiled at a man standing on the ground.

Brian Lockhart saw that Claudia’s head emerged from the well. He asked her, “Are you okay, Claudia? What are you doing on that?”

“No, I’m fine. Just… fix something here. No problem,” Claudia floundered to answer Brain.

“Are you sure there’s no problem? You are alone, aren’t you?” Brain asked her.

“Don’t tell me I’m here,” Player 6 whispered to Claudia.

Claudia talked to Brain, “Y…Yep! No one here, only me.” While talking, she treaded on Player 6’s face unstoppably. “Hey, stop it!” He frowned.

“Ok, I will go to Midgard city tomorrow because my girlfriend wants to apply for her dream job as a journalist. So if you want to get something new for your shop, just let me know so we will buy them in the city market.”

Claudia: Yes, thank you, Brain. I will let you know soon. Please tell her "good luck" with that.

Brain: Right! I will send your wishes to her. Go down there right after you have done that. Now it is midday, and the sun is very hot. Be careful.

After Brain had already left. Player 6 continued to help Claudia climb out of the well. “Wait…” he talked to her before she left. “I…I just want to thank you for not telling that man I’m here, Claudia.”

“You know what, Dante?” Claudia said, still turning her face away, “I think you are breaking the rule we agreed on before. So I have no choice but intend to fire you. However, we have some loaves of bread needed to be completed tonight. Since your hands created them in the first stage, I can’t finish them all alone. Dante, will you help me before you leave?”

Player 6: Of course I am, Claudia.

Claudia: Great! One more thing, the stove also needs to be repaired too. Since we have made a lot of cakes and bread together, I am considering upgrading something. You are the only man in Nibeiheim who can help me with it. So, I have no choice.

Player 6: Don't worry. I will help you. If we have done, you can ask me whether leave or not.

Claudia: That’s what I want to hear. But... the answer is always one and cannot be changed. See you soon, Dante.

Then she left. Player 6 lay back in the rainwater and saw the sun above. He felt alone

“Yaahh! We did it,” Claudia pressed her hands together and smiled when seeing her bread were completely done.

“Phew! Since I have fixed the stove, those things can become hot quicker than before. Now I don’t need to worry about your product’s quality anymore.”

“Thank you, Dante.” Claudia talked to Player 6. She went to her room and then came back with a pocket. “Sorry, now I don't have much. But with these loaves of bread, I am sure it will be more than this. So, if you don’t mind, I will pay the rest of the money next time. How does that sound to you?”

“That’s ok,” he said, “So… will I leave now or not?”

Claudia stopped smiling and lost in reflection for a while. Then she said, “I told you the answer will always be one, though I feel regret. Sorry, Dante. We’re really a good team.”

“I feel regret, too,” he said, “Anyway, tomorrow I'm gonna join in Shinra military. They are recruiting some men like me. So maybe we'll never be able to meet again. You know, Claudia. They are getting into trouble with a neighborhood country named Wutai or something. Perhaps I will come to the battlefield tomorrow. I am not scared of death, but I wonder if there’s another man who can help you fix the stove.”

“Yeah! Maybe you’re right,” she said, “Most of the men in the village are going to Midgard city. I can feel a war is coming. I… I am afraid I will not find another man for my shop.”

“Then I wish you good luck,” he said.

After Player had gone for a while, Claudia lay alone on her bed. Suddenly, someone knocked on the window, making her startled. She looked out and saw that Player 6 was outside. She quickly opened the window. “Dante, I thought you’ve left…”

Player 6 entered her room through the window and quickly hugged her tight. “I’m sorry, Claudia,” he said, “I can’t forget you.”

Claudia closed her eyes, then said, “Me too”

“Hey, boy. Wake up.” Player 6 was startled because someone called him when he was sleeping. “You can’t lay down in here. This is a part of the historical relic,” an old security guard told him.

Player 6 got up and went back to his car. He saw that the driver was sleeping. “Sorry, sir,” the driver woke up and opened the car door. Player 6 told him, “You have driven me all night long, so I think it advisable to apologize to you. We can return to the hospital late because this car has a flying feature, so I will look for something intriguing here.”

The driver: You remind me, sir. This location is celebrating a play about the history of the Mako in a historical relic tonight. Children and their families will travel here from all around the world. I have also purchased tickets for my family since my child loves heroes and heroines in that part. Very few additional tickets will be sold out quickly this time. So, would you like to join us tonight, sir? I will buy it for you if you don’t mind. Even everyone who is childless wants to go to the play. It would be terrific.

Player 6 laughed scornfully and said: Sound great. What historical relic will the play take place in?

The driver smiled and said: The Sector 5 slums church, sir.

Player 6: Sorry, I can’t go with you. Since all the flowers of the last Cetra had been gone by the exhaustion of the Mako here, I’m sure they will use a 3D holographic to replace them for the play. Anyway, you are right. The play is well worth waiting for. I hope you enjoy it with your family.

The driver: I understand, sir. What about you? Where will you go?

Player 6 gave the driver a pocket, and said: No need to care about me. Take it. You have to buy something good for your children. Even this money will help you and your family have an excellent dinner and relax for the weekend.

The driver: No, sir. I can’t take this.

Player 6 pressed the pocket to the driver’s hand and said: I haven’t done talking yet. This money also helps your family buy a V.I.P ticket on the plane to go home because I want to take this car right now.

The driver: If it’s for your work, then… yes. You can take this, sir. I've refilled my car. Sir… before you leave, I just want to talk to you. People worldwide still know Ms. Gainsborough as a heroine because her holy soul helped the planet from any disasters, not that she’s a Cetra. In my opinion, the Cetra terrorists here, known as forgotten ghosts, are divine messengers sent to punish us for forgetting the wonderful things of the past and seeking to create even more evil for the world until it is revealed that they are all phony. Now that girl has been completely vindicated. Sorry for taking so long, sir. I am just happy when everyone has supported this play for her.

While the driver was talking, Player 6 looked around and said: I agree with you. I just don’t like that the army had to use a portable meteorite to defeat those fake Cetra. It’s really stupid. Anything more to say?

The driver: No, sir. I will get out of the car now…

“Wait,” Player 6 suddenly said, “I want to ask you. How do you feel in the day the Cetra was gone entirely in the war?”

“Ah, I still remember the Headache day, sir,” the driver talked to Player 6, “When the Cetra army prepared to conquer the city, my family prematurely evacuated with a help of only one Human soldier. Suddenly, I had a raging pain inside my head, and I saw that everything around me was shifting. It…it’s hard to say, sir. All the furniture in my house became… different. The earth shook severely, as did the people in the street though that place had never happened an earthquake before. After everything was over, I felt like I had just awoken from my life's longest and darkest nightmare. But my daughter… She sobbed and admitted that she was experiencing something new in her head and that all her memories of the battle were gone. This also happened to me, my wife, and people in the street. But what's curious, is the soldier and some people disappeared without a trace. The next day, we watched T.V and knew there was a war with a forgotten nation that really happened before we got the Headache. Even so, many people could still recall the details. Then the government revealed that the army had used strong magic to defeat the enemy in the past so they couldn't harm the human in the present. Though still ambiguous, we accepted all that was happening to us.

Player 6: I feel you. It’s good when your family is still okay.

The driver: Actually, not okay at all, sir. My child has become silly since then. We try to find doctors to treat him but no way. When hearing about the play tonight, he suddenly became quite lively and told us that he knew every people in that history. We are so surprised, but so happy that my boy’s sickness can be treated.

Player 6: Did you feel anything change in the human history in your heart?

The driver: I don’t know much about history, even I'm lazy to read books. But I can feel myself, and all my relationships were reprogrammed in the brain by someone, like computers or robots. Sometimes I know there are new legends or myths found on this planet. So my headache is never gone. No matter how inconvenient, I will remember my wife and child forever. Thank God I still do it after many crazy things occurred. That’s what I can feel for sure, sir.

Player 6: That’s okay. Human always lives in a society programmed by designers or simply Gods. Just feel the headache you have to bear looks like a result of changing your ideology. Then you and the people around you will be better.

The driver: Thank you, sir. I can feel better when hearing many good words from you.

Felt nothing to say anymore, the driver got off the car. When driving the car on the road, Player 6 kept remembering the past…

“…And the child will get everything from his father to continue the incomplete duty, even the ideology of their nation.” Player 6 was talking to Claudia by gesture while she was lying on her side on the bed and looking at him happily.

“That’s horrible,” she said, “Why don't they just teach their lesson to the children instead of doing that odd experiment?”

“Because when people do experiments, they will rapidly obtain something with a better outcome.” He said while getting into bed and then stroked her skin. Claudia turned back to him while feigning fear. She said, “Only a devil will make something like that. I’m glad you have decided not to come with Shinra to their war.”

Player 6 lay beside Claudia and said, “Honey, you are scary, aren’t you?”

Claudia stopped smiling. She curled her lips, then turned her head to see him, and slowly said, “Dante, there’s something I need to tell you. I know you will leave this village since you are not one of us. Maybe people here don’t know who you are. Maybe you won’t be mentioned on this planet anymore. Maybe the story won’t write down your name. And maybe, just maybe, you disappear, but I will never, ever forget you, my love.”

Player 6 smiled. He hugged Claudia and said, “Don’t worry, honey. I will remember you, too.”

“Oh, no. Not again,” Claudia grinned, sheepish.

“Yeah, honey. I can do this all day,” he said.

While they were exchanging passionate kisses, suddenly a loud voice came out from outside, “I know you there. Come out here and meet me, now.”

“Hey, who is screaming in the morning?” Claudia talked to Player 6. He said, “I dunno. Maybe a stupid old man trying to bother a loving couple.” Then he tossed a pillow to close the window and continued to hug her.

“Stop playing to any women. You have to meet me right now, 6.” The voice kept coming out.

“Oh my god,” Claudia pushed Player 6 away. “I know that voice. It’s from Mr. President Shinra.”

Player 6 felt angry. He talked to Claudia, “So what? He looks like a bogle who always gets into places he shouldn't.”

“But why do he call him 6,” Claudia asked Player 6, “Your name is Dante, right?”

Player 6 seemed to back to reality. He quickly wore his clothes while talking to Claudia, “It’s just my nickname… Wait here, honey. I will go back soon.”

Claudia: I don’t understand. Why does the most powerful man on the planet go to a rural village himself only to meet you? He called you by a nickname, like a friend or a deep relationship.

Player 6: I can’t explain it to you right now. Just wait until I am back.

Claudia: You are hiding something. Who are you exactly? Please… don’t make me sad.

Player 6 got into the bed again. He looked at her eyes to eyes, and said, “I’m sorry, honey. But I am just a soldier trying to find a job when the planet is in peace. That’s true. I promise you that I will explain everything to you. If you still love me, please wait here.”

Then he grabbed her cheeks, quickly gave her a kiss, and left the room.

Player 6 stepped out and saw a few people outside Claudia’s house in the morning. Mr. President and his Turks were standing in front of him. “Sir,” President said, “You weren't in the mansion yesterday. My men and I have waited for you all night long. You think who you are?”

Before Player 6 said something, President had looked up the house's balcony and saw Claudia standing there. She gathered a shawl around her body and just looked at them talking on the ground.

“Ahh… I see,” Mr. President sneered, “Perhaps Corneo hasn’t supplied good women for you yet,” Then he stepped to Player 6 closer and whispered, “My friend, you’ve made her become an official woman. How do you feel about that? She’s… good, hah?”

Player 6 looked at President seriously and said quietly, “Man, although you look older than when we defeated the Cetra in North Crater, I can see you are still a bastard. Always shrink, only hide under some men.”

“And what are you?” President kept whispering to 6, “If your mother didn't ask us to take you to go with us, we would never let a lazy and indulgent man like you on our team.”

“Because you are mentioning to my mother, buddy,” Player 6 whispered to President, “Don’t forget that my father found all of you in the garbage dumps. If he doesn’t bring you guys to his army, then now you are still scavenging for dirty food.”

On the balcony, Claudia started to feel anxious seeing the strained relationship between the two men on the ground. Suddenly, Player 6 bursted out laughing, and said loudly, “But now we are in good time. No need to feel bothered, right, old friend?”

President smiled to Player 6, then turned his head to gesture to his Turks behind to let him alone. Putting his arm around President's shoulders, Player 6 led him to a stack of apples, “This is my second time traveling back to see you again. Don't worry, because this is also the last time I am allowed to be here. I see you have done very well, making a very powerful company to ensure our Greater Good in the future, and oh, these delicious fruits. Wanna eat?”

Player 6 took an apple and handed it to President. Pulling a wry face, President refused Player 6’s invitation by raising his hand. Player 6 then ate the apple, pointed at President and said, “I think you should eat something fresh for your stomach because you have been sitting in your chair for a long time. After defeating those Cetra more than 2000 years ago, we all traveled to this timeline's future to begin making a new era. You were younger but always worked hard in that time, making a prototype of the sun lamps that would be used to light Midgar slums. I've seen the picture, but sorry, there's no need to make a scene, old friend. Anyway, I apologize for keeping you and your companion here for so long since I returned to my house in the future. But guess what? I've tried to persuade my mother to come back here and see all of you. Hehe!

Mr. President Shinra: Obviously, I will not be successful if General does not provide us with enough tools. Our initiatives will be finished shortly with all of the technology and Mako resources that Cetra left for us. Soon, all lands to the planet's edge are unquestionably beneath our boot heels and knife edges. And you, the son of him, my young friend, you will get the honor of putting Shinra’s flag at the end corner of the world to show all people about our absolute domination. But… before coming to that time, you must follow all of my orders.

Player 6 smiled when hearing that. He pulled President towards the well tower and said, “Look at that. Do you feel anything?”

Mr. President: No. And why do I have to look at an old and vulgar well tower?

Player 6: Because that tower helped me earn the purest and most beautiful thing on the planet. It’s a good tool. But can you see the sun behind it? You will be blinded by all the good things you can earn someday. Fear not. All you need to do is destroy the tower or just move it to another place. You want to destroy? Then the people will call you a monster because of your devastation. So let's move it, but first, you have to find someone who knows very clearly about it or simply created it. And what next if everything is done? There’s a sentence: if all rabbits were captured, the greyhounds would be roasted. I believe you will have all your best soldiers to conquer all the Lifestream on this planet. But I am not sure if you let them survive after they have got some of their… individual troubles. Therefore, my friend, if you want me to do something to build your empire here, please forget about it and leave me alone, okay?

Mr. President claps his hand: Bravo! Bravo! I guess you have taken a long time to prepare that presentation. Well done! But… it’s not enough. Do you know why? To prove to the Council that you are genuinely dedicated to the Human and not the Cetra, your father wants you to do one thing for us.

Player 6 looked at Mr. President’s eyes and asked, “Just one thing?”

Mr. President: Yes, then you may return home, let all these problems be here for us, and realize your lifelong ambition of being a hero.

Player 6 looked at Claudia standing on the balcony far from him and President. He then talked to President, “Fine. I will do it for you, then you and your team are on your way. Let me know about the location and the time.”

President gave a tablet to Player 6 and said: Our Turks have been after Cetra for a long time. Two days ago, they sent me the newest and suspect activity from that nation appearing in Corel Valley. There are a lot of machines, weapons, and gas masks which you might know more clearly than I do.

Player 6: They will wear gas masks when interacting with a certain kind of bioweapon. I don’t surprise. Those people love trees and grasses, so bioweapon is their nemesis. But what’s kind of weapon they are using? Don’t tell me they use swords and shells because I have a full list of their hand weapons, so much that I feel like fighting against a group of ancient people.

President: What do you mean? Of course, we are fighting against a whole of the Ancients, not a group.

Player 6: No, I mean, I am dealing with a lot of old-fashioned people. Ahh… Forget it. Just give me your answer.

President: Guns. They use lots of guns.

Player 6 lifted his head to see President for a while, then he said, “Are you sure?

President: Yes. What?

Player 6: They detest guns and believe that cowards should only use them. So I ask you if those people are the Ancients.

President: I remember General told me that he has a cousin serving in the Human military with all other members of your family during the Cetra war. A man who performed a crucial role as a translator between Cetra and human language. But in the last stage of the war, a Cetra soldier killed him with a gun, not magic.

Player 6 kept looking at President’s eyes and said, “And then all members of my family were captured and executed by the Ancients’ army. A good story for propaganda, but my father never tells anyone the detail of the gun that killed my paternal uncle. Did he solely share it with you?”

President: Well… I suppose that they have clearly changed their ideology in the last time of war. Now, my Turks believe the Cetra are making a bio-weapon with their machines. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go further to their area. While the Soldier project hasn’t been performed yet, you are temporary our best choice. Don’t worry. I'll deploy all my satellites and drones to track you wherever you go. Just build a team and give me the information.

Player 6: Wait a minute. Let me reorder everything you've said… So Turks only saw everything with their drones while they were camping in the Sleeping Forest. And the next day, they came back here and concluded that a nation with a condition of Indian wildlife in their last time is creating a bio-weapon to fight against a high and blonde-haired white guy like you. And the question is… can I believe in your band?

President: First, I am not an American guy. Second, the Turks are not from a band. Third, I will feel completely a headache when you mention a kind of knowledge in the time before the Apocalypse when all people were full of viruses and continents had not become like nowadays. So please, stop talking to me with a rogue voice, okay?

Player 6: I just asked you. Why’s so serious? I can see the modern world is becoming less violent than before the apocalypse, but it doesn't imply that everyone is innocent and lovely. I don't believe in the Cetra, but I wouldn't murder them all even if I had to. You should know that before giving me any directives.

President looked at Player 6’s eyes with dark amusement for a while, then whispered: You said the people are now less violent than those in the world before, right? What’s about “taking fingernails off”?

Player 6 gazed open eyes at President for a while, then he smiled, then broke into peals of laughter. President laughed too. The Turks behind them also laugh as if they were in response to their boss. Far from them, Claudia standing on the balcony, felt happy when two men were giving their laughs at each other.

Player 6 wiped his eyes and said, “Feel headache, my ass! I swear the Cetra’s gonna break your soul slowly when they hear that horrible words from you. Trust me, my buddy; that penalty is a thousand times more painful than the torment you have just mentioned.

President: Now they are nearly gone, right? No need to worry about that. But I am curious about how their torture works, this breaking the soul?

Player 6: A child's soul is like a blank sheet of paper. That’s a reason why children will never feel anything if they use their torture on them. But for adults, it’s the opposite. Life brings them horrible experiences or many excellent things they don't want to lose. Breaking the soul works that way. You don’t want to lose your fingernails, or your company, do you? Because you dare to mention them, you will have them in your soul, and the Cetra will show all the closings for you. Even you will beg them for death if you see both things losing in your eyes many times.

President said when he turned his head to the Turks to laugh with them, “Ohh! That’s so creepy.”

Felt getting sarcasm, Player 6 continued to say with his anger: You told me how you took Shinra to where it was and became a king over Midgar with your control over Mako, right? Then the breaking soul system starts absorbing more essence of that to create a contrasting visual to increase your pain. And when your soul is broken, you will be sucked in, screaming as you are absorbed by the torture.

President raised his hand to stop Player 6 and said: Ok, I got it. Very convincing! You know what, 6? If you hadn’t returned to the future and left my team and me here alone, we would have talked more. We assumed your father forgot about us all since he hasn't been in touch with us. Now, get back to the point, we still need them to find the promised land. Your father gave us that directive before we defeated their warrior in the mountain. So in this mission, I must try to avoid all unnecessary casualties on their land. Understood?

Player 6: You do believe in my father, don’t you?

President tried to understand Player 6’s meaning, but he only said, “You father’s order is our life. So yes, I believe him. Let me see that too in you.”

Player 6 smiled and said, “Oh, I see that people often referred to my father as having two faces. But since you have told me, I have no choice but obey you.”

President: Right. And one more thing, if you have any troubles with those Cetra that become a monster or something worse, remember to use this walkie-talkie to call the air. But please, try to do everything in easy and silently. We don’t want it to become big, or spread widely. Do you understand?

Player 6: Got it!

President: Good. You have 3 days to prepare and make a team. Keep using my mansion here. We will meet each other again in Kalm. So… 6, do you have any questions for me?

Player 6 pointed at Turks behind President and said, “Is there a member of your band I could have on my team?”

President said seriously: No.

Player 6: Very well! That’s what I want to hear from you.

Before leaving with the Turks, President looked at Claudia standing on the balcony. He smiled and said, “By the holy of Gaia! That woman looks like a Goddess, shining and majestic under the gleaming light of the morning sun. Hey, 6. I have an idea,” He turned to Player 6 and said, “I will take over the mansion in Nibelheim during the time you go for the mission. As you know, I am a man who enjoys cakes and is interested in helping others make money. Can I ask her to meet me so she can teach my cook how to make some delectable dishes?”

Player 6 looked at Claudia, he said, “Sure, why not? I see no problem.”

President switched on a smile, “Thank you, 6. You’re really… a good man.”

Not paying attention to President, Player 6 kept looking at Claudia. She was still looking at them while sipping her tea.

In the night, Claudia woke up to a noise outside. She stepped down to the first floor, took an oil lamp, and opened the door slowly. She saw Player 6 standing out there, holding his hands together while standing. He looked like an agent. A group of Nibel wolves was lying down painful under his leg.

“Dante,” she asked him, “Are you all right?”

He talked to her: I’m fine. They came here after smelling the food and a beautiful woman's perfume in the village.

Claudia: I suppose they are just hungry since the Mako reactors have been everywhere. There's no place for the wild animals to live…

Claudia quickly ran to Player 6 after seeing him fall to his knees. She tore a piece of cloth to bandage and to check the flow of blood from his wound. Around them, it had begun to snow:
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The General (G) was dining. Next to him, an orchestra was playing music. “Sir…” a soldier called him through the phone, “The Prime Minister (M) needs to speak with you right now.”

G: Put me through to him.

M appeared in front of G under a 3D holographic image. G continued to eat while still seated, oblivious to the Minister, and said, “Mr. M, my comrade, you know the rule here. Please use the code names when you speak, not proper names.”

M: What the hell are you thinking, comrade General? Bombing those extinct terrorists by a portable meteorite? There have been multiple reports of casualties on my table this evening. Do you honestly think of the civilians as trash?

“Sir, do you want us to leave?” the orchestra conductor asked G. “No, just keep playing, but keep the sound low,” G ordered. The conductor nodded in understanding before switching to new music.

M: What? Why is that band still here? Can I believe them?

G: Don’t worry. These people also worked for me during Dissidia 012.

M: Whatever. Now I see you still have time to eat and enjoy your entertainment. Instead of inviting me to your castle by this one, you should have gone to my workplace for the explanation. I would fire you if it weren't for your family's reputation.

G scratched his head while replying to M: Please, my comrade. At least our problem about The Ancients, or... The Great Nation has been resolved once and for all. It turns out that those terrorists have faked the Ancients with the same skills and behavior. So I got to go harder to stop everyone who dares to simulate our former adversary next time, sir.

M: This doesn't adequately explain what you've done to the civilian, G. Don't forget that thanks to my vote in the council, you can control the whole Android army, which helps you enough to succeed in conquering every country on this planet. But it doesn’t mean we have all been under your control. You still have to serve this country with all of your best. So... I'll see how you can eat and listen to music while you and your little family are tossed out onto the street with just one error from you, no matter how it's tiny.

G: You are giving me advice or trying to frighten me, Mr. M? This country and the Humans owe my family, the House Fenrir, all their life. Don’t forget that you can sit in that chair because of our reputation.

M: Not only your family. What’s about Cid of the Lufaine?

G: He’s dead. But he will be revived soon. However, you know that one swallow does not make a summer, right, Mr. M?

M: But the council still needs his knowledge to turn any Manikins into the Androids. So, do you think someone in our army tried to kill him?

G: I guess that’s a man or woman who has all memories of the old timeline like us.

M: Ah… the old timeline. It’s a time when we got two wars between us, the Humans, with the Centran led by The Great Nation, right?

G: Come on! I thought you still remember that well. The old timeline ended with the event of Jenova going back to the past to alter history. As a result, those two wars never took place in our nation in this new timeline because the Ancients had been wiped out with the death of the last Cetra many years ago. And the wars in the old timeline are only myths.

M: Yes, they are only myths. But the council and I spent much time and energy explaining to all people who didn't understand what was going on with their memories. Well, I think only we can know how the wars have been so far. If it weren't for that man who had taken prompt action of transferring all the people's memories to this new timeline before Jenova erased the old timeline, we would forget all about those stories of our fathers sacrificed to protect us from the Ancients. We… all really owe that man.

G: Okay. It’s good when you still keep that memory. Now, about Cid, you guys were unaware when he betrayed us by joining the Ancients during the final stage of the second war. That time I had talked to his wife myself, and she was a kind of cryptic. But from her words, I understand that Android would always be loyal to the Humans, even though those robots almost killed all Lifestream to stop the Ancient without considering the planet…

M: Wait a minute. How could you talk to Cid’s wife when both you and she were alone?

G: Well… I guess she loved my style.

M smiled: Okay. Keep talking.

G gave a cough and continued to say: …Anyway, since then, I had convinced the council not to attack the Ancients’ moonbase where Jenova was living. So we can end this war while the Lifestream still lives well under our hands.

M: But with the cost of all people on the planet never remember about the wars, along with many kinds of headache, losing mind and... feeling to be reprogrammed in the brain, huh?

G smiled: At least no one had been killed by guns and swords, just... postwar suicide.

M: I know. And since the new timeline was created, you had sent a group of faithful men, who also got all the memories in the old timeline, back to the past to create Shinra in a country where the Lifestream was more than the other countries on the planet. Now the heritage of that company is the council in this country. I think it’s really a good move for our Greater Good...

G: Sorry, but now I don't have time to look back on our results so far. After Dissidia 012, Shinryu was very angry when Cid broke the contract, but there’s no matter anymore when that guy was dying for a while, and we can find a way to make him disappear entirely for that creature. Now I have to care about any changes in every timeline made by some warriors during the Circle of war. This’s a true threat for all of us, not the Cetra.

M: The Circle of war... Ah, I know a man of them, Cloud Strife. It is questioned if he would be able to travel through the Lifestream on his own and avoid returning to his timeline after the 012 Phrase has been closed. And if it's true, do you think he’s a threat?

G: Because he had done the Shinra timeline for us, we don't need him anymore. So if you want to sleep well, I can take him down.

M: Very well, comrade. And besides, I also learned about the Cetra sorceress, who can control Time. Thank God she is still a myth after everything happened, but I don’t want anything like her to happen again.

G: Don't worry. With the failure of Cetra terrorists by our meteorite, I believe all of them is the myth, not only her.

M: Yep! You know what, G? The council feels you are the only hope of the country. Therefore, we decided that you can use the Android whatever you want. But remember. Keep everything that's in stone. I don't want us to transfer all our memories to the following timeline again.

G: Consider it done, Mr. M.

Seeing that the orchestra hadn’t stopped the music yet, M continued to say: Because we have just mentioned Cloud Strife. In the old timeline, if my memory is correct, so there was a knight in House Ferris also named Cloud during the first war between the Humans and the Centran far, far years ago. And he had sacrificed under the hand of the Queen of Cetra after defeating her knight named Zack.

G felt inconvenienced when M just kept reminding him about the past, but he only said: Yep! He was my grandfather, a great hero of my family and this country. In the next few years, my grandmother passed away after giving birth.

M: Yea... I remember how she looks. A woman with pink eyes. Her passing occurred before the Humans and Ancients reached a peace agreement. But the long-standing feud between them was never solved, leading to the second war 50 years later... Oh God, why do only people in our country remember those two wars with such clarity so well but cannot do so in other nations?

G: Because ONLY people here could take back all their memories from the old timeline… Okay, with all respect, Mr. M. I suppose we can’t live according to past successes forever. With all respect, I think the myth will always be the myth, nothing more. Even people in this country won't think we're heroes if they don't see or hear about it. They detest themselves as a kind of robot; therefore, just copying their stories in a different timeline to their memory here is insufficient. So, all we need to do is to keep people feeling that the Cetra is a threat to this planet. At least, though it won't have a second nation like the Ancients, we have to warn them to avoid a potential war that may occur.

M: I understand your concern, my comrade. The people in WRO laughed at the detail that the Queen of the Cetra in our war looked like Aerith. They have a real story about this Aerith in their country. A flower girl, as they said, can’t be a most powerful sorceress who brought deaths to many brave warriors of the Humans. Oh, and other details like Cloud, like Zack… Well, I am always in an awkward situation when people want me to introduce the "myths" sticking inside their heads because we don't have anything to show besides our memories.

G: I don't need people worldwide to trust our stories. Our country still has the most powerful army in the world, enough for our council to rule the planet.

M: But what if we have passed away, and our stories in the old timeline become obsolete until no people remember about them anymore?

G: Then my son should be responsible for maintaining them.

M. You remind me. Player 6 (P6), our son, recently traveled to the Shinra timeline without permission. Can you explain to me about your recent operation to rescue him from people in that timeline?

G put the knives and fork down on the plate. He said, “I am so sorry for using the Android for this operation without permission. I spoke with Mr. President Shinra after the operation was finished, and he promised to keep everything a secret from those in that timeline.”

M: You don't need to apologize because Materia informed me immediately away when your operation was over. Though I sympathize with your trouble, you have come too far this time. If she didn't find out some skilled agents who are also Midgard locals and send them to that timeline for your operation, I think the whole timeline we've built from the beginning of Jenvova would fall. Now can you guarantee that people in that timeline will never imagine the appearance of our Android?

G: Don’t worry, comrade. My wife and I can guarantee that it will never happen. By the way, you don’t mind if I will invite you to my castle to enjoy some good tea with my wife. We have to discuss this more tomorrow.

M: Hmm...sounds good. It’s coming to midnight. It's too late now, anyhow. I hope I can smell an excellent report from you like Materia’s tea. Ah, General, I forgot to tell you one more thing.

G: Yes?

M: Because we are talking about your son, P6, the council has received an email asking permission for his demobilization after completing the Dissidia project. The majority of us finally gave the email the thumbs-up after a discussion.

G stared at M and said with his anger: Unacceptable! I am a member of the council. Why haven’t you noticed me about that email? Who sent it?

M: It’s comrade Materia. She said this is a personal issue, so there is no need to let you know.

G: Okay, I am not surprised when she could do that. I will talk to her about this later. Then I will meet the council and require them to revoke the approval.

M: I suppose you don't need to do that because I also voted for this approval. G, I realize that from everything you and your family have contributed to the Humans so far, there is no need to require one more blood in House Fenrir for our Greater Good. You know what? I can see that your son is a good boy. When Martyrs Day comes, your son and his mother visit your family's tombstones. Because some of my family members were also buried in the National Cemetery in Memorial Park, my family and I always came there, and we saw that your son cleaned all the gravestones and cared for the plants around them. Then, he listened to Materia talking about House Fenrir's heroic deeds during the wars between The Humans with The Centran all day without feeling bored. He's really a good boy. I also witnessed that young man growing up and becoming a soldier, one of the human army's right-hand men. For the council and me, that's enough. You should be proud of your son like your wife always does.

G: Thank you for your advice, but it isn’t enough for my son to be able to leave. I see that P6’s still young and can contribute more to The Humans, especially since there is a potential threat in the past. You should know how he felt elated when getting a chance to return to the project. Though he must grow up more than now, we need more men like him for the Humans.

M: Oh! I thought you have already let him out of the project.

G: Yes, but I am preparing the following plan for him.

M: Okay, I know you will never change your mind. But I’m sure you should convince Materia about your plan first.

G: Perhaps I will take time to talk to her. But anyway, she has to obey me.

M laughed scornfully and said: Whatever. Now I have to go since we have talked too much. Hope to see you again tomorrow so we can continue to look back on the history of the old timeline where we were still warriors fighting against the invasion of the Ancients and their Centran. I'm not too fond of this but am responsible for reminding you one thing. Please do NOT give any orders too harm to civilians. They're coming to hate the council because of everything we have done to them, from transferring their memories of the two wars in the old timeline to the portable meteorite case that occurred yesterday. One more harmfulness to them, we will lose control of this country. Have a good night, General.

After M stopped talking, his 3D holographic image wasn't turned off. It made G feel annoyed. He asked a man in the orchestra: Hey! How can I turn off this thing?

The man: Sir, I thought Ma’am had told you about that before. You need to press the button there.

G repeatedly pressed the button. “Holy hell!” He started, ejaculated when seeing Materia appear right after the 3D holographic of M had disappeared entirely. With one hand holding his chest, he asked her: How long have you been here? Why didn't you go to this room by the main door?

Materia gave a mocking smile to G: For quite a while. Since you left me alone in the strategic control room in the basement, I had to find the exit by myself. It’s good when this secret stair can help me coming up right here while you were talking.

G: At… At least you shouldn’t stand there without paying attention to everyone leaving.

Materia: Okay, so why were you surprised to see me when others are still here?

G turned to see the orchestra. He ordered them to leave and said, “Do not close the door. That duty is for my soldier.”

Materia suddenly made an order: Just close the door before you left.

All orchestra members had walked through the door until the last man from them turned around and closed the door. Seeing that, G turned to see Materia. He smiled and said, “Well, that was unexpected. You also have your men in the project.”

Materia: Since we have worked together to bring our son back here, I also feel responsible for the Greater Good. Especially when I saw you just burned Midgard a half in that timeline.

G: But now the city is still good, and no people are harmed due to anything changed. I think we have been so well coordinated, Materia.

Then he raised his hands to high-five Materia, but she refused. He continued to say: I contacted Mr. President Shinra after that to tell him to keep everything secret. You know what? He asked me to beg him before he agreed to help. I also lost many agents operating on both Nibeiheim and Midgard because of your son. Gonna finish the undone mission, my ass! Everything he has done is trying to go to that rural village to meet his girlfriend. Although he was captured by two of them right in Midgard, he still tried to escape himself, and this action directed to their death. How’s disappointed!

Materia: You don’t need to tell me all because I received the information before assisting you in rescuing our son…

G suddenly stood up and said with his anger: Rescuing our son? He'd shoot himself before he apologized to me after I’ve done everything for him. I better die with honor than to live with that uneducated son.

Materia still looked at G firmly. She said: Calm down! You are losing your mind. He has apologized to me since I met him in the camp. It would help if you met him more instead of showing your… style to some women.

G felt a little self–conscious when hearing that. He slowly sat down and said: I and Cid’s wife… It isn’t what you think, Materia.

Materia smiled: I think I can believe you only about that, my husband. Now please, do not send those Android to any timelines anymore. It’s too risky. During the operation rescuing our son in Midgard city, you and I saw them not stop right after defeating Avalanche and Shinra soldiers since they could smell the Mako energy.

G: Sad. If everything had still been in order, we wouldn’t have to use the Android.

Materia: Yeah.. you should say, "If I didn't send my agents to take him down, he wouldn't blow up the safe house to kill himself along with others." G, I really don’t understand why he did it after meeting our son in that house. Who’s him?

G: He’s Geddie, an agent of HIA (Humans Intelligence Agency).

Materia: God! How many people from the Agency have you used for only that timeline?

G: Not so many, enough to keep everything still in stone. Oh! And I don’t understand why our men’s signals were lost when they were surprised to attack that man right before he killed himself with a homemade bomb.

Materia: Maybe he just jammed the signal.

G looked at Materia for a while and said: How suspiciously! I thought that only Avalanche could make some homemade bombs…

Materia sidestepped her husband’s doubt by asking him: Now, my husband. I need you to stay focused on the situation of our grandson, Cloud Strife. Have you ever thought about him as an heir to House Fenrir?

G took a cup of water and drank it up, then leaned back against the chair and put his feet up on the table. He said: Actually, I have once found a way to bring Cloud here to reunite with our son. But I can’t risk a whole timeline if I also bring the mother with him. Therefore, I had to get in touch with Mr. President Shinra through the Lifestream signal to do one thing: buying the child. That old man laughed at me because he had never bribed a rural woman before. But then, the mother refused to sell her kid for any Materia orbs or money, which could bring her a prosperous life forever. She even said that the child’s name is Cloud because that is a thing she could see when our son was kissing every rainwater on her neck from behind…

G put his hand behind his head, bending forward to hide an ironic smile. He then kepy saying: I told Mr. President Shinra just focus on the main point. He said he could break her will until she must sell her child to him. Making her shop bankrupt forced her to a facility to do heavy jobs with a small salary, but as a result, he couldn't stop some neighborhoods in the village from helping her bring up the child. However, he told me to relax because her child would come to join the Shinra soldier one day.

Materia: No need to tell me what was next. After everything he has done for this timeline and the whole future of the planet, why don't you still go there yourself and tell him about the truth?

G took his legs off the table and said: I had discussed with Cid about this. He claimed that nobody could defeat any of Jenova's successors but Cloud Strife, who had to be true to his timeline to keep Jenova's catastrophes from affecting the whole chronology. However, Cid also demonstrated two reasonably viable options. One is that our son, P6, must forget Cloud so he can marry or get any kids with another woman here, and everyone will live happily. It's the easiest way…

Materia: And option two?

G: I can meet Cloud directly after the day Deepground was defeated so that I can tell him about the truth. And then, if I’m lucky, he will officially join House Fenrir as my grandson. But to do that, I need to forget him as a leader of Avalanche, which used to be our enemy.

Materia: Sound good. But why haven’t you done that?

G: There was something I didn't understand about why Deepground was willing to sacrifice themselves to fight against Cloud and other members of the Avalanche. It turns out that they were trying to protect a valuable thing, a piece of Crystal.

Materia: Okay, I got it. Mr. President Shinra was afraid that he would be stabbed in the back. Therefore, when his team members destroyed their piece of Crystal following our order, he had done the trick of not destroying his one. Then he could use it one day to travel the time and send his information to him in other timelines.

G: Very smart, huh? But I have the advantage of knowing everything sooner than everyone living in the past. I already knew that he would use it before Sephiroth stabbed him. So one thing I need to do for him is to take his soul to the promised land so he can sink into the mint of Mako as he wishes. He couldn't get out once he went there because of his mind. Look like Sephiroth had resolved the most trouble for me before Cloud Strife killed him. But guess what? Someone had taken the piece of Crystal after the Deepground was disbanded.

Materia: You can’t use your grandson as a puppet.

G: Materia: Wait a minute. You used Sephiroth to kill every people of Shinra, and then you continued to use Cloud to kill him after he had been mad and tried to destroy the planet. G, you can’t use your grandson as a puppet.

G: Oh, and what about you, honey? You let our only son go there, standing on his own legs with a group of greedy, obscene, and unreliable people like the Shinra. But after all, he’s still a man of trouble. He is NOT allowed to leave anything that harms the timeline. The council gave that order to us, and it’s very clear. Tell me. How can I tell them if they discover new information about Cloud, which is changed from “his father died when he was young” become “his father returned here in the hand of House Fenrir when he was young”?

Materia stepped to G. Looked straight into his eyes, she said: I believe someday I will have a chance to leave the council. So don't involve me in their Greater Good. You can talk as much as you want, G, but you MUST help Cloud Strife. That’s a priority.

G: No.

Materia started to cry. She said: Why, G? Why do you always feel hate for the Cetra? Is it because they had executed almost all of your family? Now they have been wiped out. No need to live in the past, then.

G smiled: I saw our “grandson” had left the team and chose to live alone in Aerith's church, with a poor makeshift bed and a lantern as the only light source, beside her flower bed. Materia, I remind you that I am an heir of House Ferris and the son of a family who sacrificed every last drop of blood to reclaim our precious state from the hands of our ravishers, the Ancients. So I will never accept that my only grandson slept in the bed of our adversary to remember them. Oh, and not enough yet. Cid told me people in every timeline always sing a song describing the love between your grandson and the last of Cetra. That… makes me sick.

When G talked, Materia whispered to herself: God, please do not let him know about the Parlorista bakla case. Please, please…

G suddenly asked her: Hey, what are you mumbling? Are you listening to me?

Materia took a deep breath quickly, then ran to G. She knelt beside his chair, took his arm, and said, “It’s not like you see, or think, husband. I have also watched his life and discovered that he only considered the last of Cetra as his best friend, not a lover. And he’s a man of honor, just like every man of House Fenrir, so he just showed his regret of not being able to protect an amiable girl. You… you cannot let our only grandson end like that. I recognize that P6 really cares about him, and he still hates you because you have hidden the truth about his son.

G ordered Materia: Sit.

Materia looked at him for a while, then returned to her chair. After that, G talked to her: Honey. In this new timeline, you are one of very few who make me surprised when you can live well with all memories of the Humans - Cetra wars which were copied from the old timeline. You always feel excited when facing it and never say, “I feel a headache. Where did that f*cking come from?” or “I feel I was reprogrammed my mind, help me.” I loved you because of that. But… I just required you one thing you have to change your life if you want to come with me.

G looked up in the ceiling and kept saying: Now we live in a beautiful world, built from the contributions and sacrifice of all heroes, heroines, and all the agents of Humans are called the Greater Good. Maintaining it is always hard work. Every secret never goes out of this room, so I can't lift a massive weight from my shoulders because I never allow myself to feel regret. Only one mistake, then the whole timeline will be gone entirely. But… since our son couldn't complete his mission of assassinating all of Dr. Gast's family, my relationship with Mr. President Shinra worsened. Although that old man told me he could control Ifalna and her daughter because of their nature as lambs as their people, I told him not to believe any of them because I had experienced their wars and, therefore, I knew who they are precise. But he didn't listen to me and only cared about their promised land. At that time, I know he has lost his trust in our ideal and refused to sacrifice for the Greater Good…

Materia still looked at G when he kept talking: So that old man, Mr. President Shinra, had let both of them survive in his lab for experiments and investigation until one day, Shinra soldiers outside the Midgard captured a creature from nowhere. From the report, I could see the Shinra soldiers were taking the creature to the lab because of the Mako radioactive dust around it, and they found out that the creature was a man who seemed not to be weakened by the radiation. The problem occurred when that man tried to attack all scientists who dared to approach him. Since they saw him talking in a language like the Ancients, they decided to send Ifalna to meet him. At first, she refused to join the mission. A Humans agent stepped backward from her. Then he wrapped his arms around her neck while holding a monitor, so she could see her daughter's image of playing in the cell. And she accepted the mission after he talked to her about something relevant to that image. During her conversation with the Ancients guy, everything seemed fine until he gave her a tape, and suddenly she told him something like an order with her language that the scientists and soldiers couldn't understand. I don't know what the Humans agent guy had told her when he was showing the video surveillance, but after she gave the creature the order, he was ripped in two immediately. Next were the scientists and their security guards, but they died easier than that poor agent, while the Cetra woman ran to another room without being attacked.

Stopping a little bit to sigh, G continued talking: It took 2 minutes for all the outside soldiers to storm into the room. Through the camera, they saw the Cetra woman was trying to destroy the tape with all her best. But right after they could arrive and shot down the creature, the creature suddenly stormed toward her while she was still beating the tape. When all came, the sound in the room quickly changed from her scream to bullet explosions. After everything went on, the woman suffered severe injuries. Her blood mixed with the Mako radiation from the creature.

Trying not to see that Materia was looking with eyes glare, G kept talking: While trying to keep that event a secret from most people in the company, President Shinra ordered all scientists to discover what was exactly going on. They found a damaged Crystal inside him. Then President Shinra reported to me by himself about that. He told me that the Cetra guy wasn’t in the time Jenova set foot on but before. As a result, he doubted that I was hiding something. When I asked him about the tape, he said the scientists had tried to recover it, and they found an image that looked like the picture drawn by Aerith. However, there are some other people the picture never shows. All of them are unseen due to the damage to the tape and no way to recover it.

After listening to G, Materia said: That’s why you never trust anyone from that nation and therefore keep hating them. Now I see. And from the mysterious people in the tape, Mr. President Shinra had all the more reasons for seeking the promised land. But instead of maintaining any investigation on Ifalna, he let her escape with Aerith to hope that they could meet those people.

G: Yep, because she’s gonna die anyway. The hope was then moved to her daughter. His agent had kept his eyes on her until she grew up.

Materia: And then Cid also sent Whispers to follow her.

G: Like P6, Cid hated me when he had known that I hid him about Cloud Strife. But he wants to protect this world more than all of us, so the death of Aerith, the unknown origin of Cloud, and the secret of the promised land are all-important to him for keeping the world safe from the changing of the timeline. He’s afraid that one day those mysterious people from the tape will appear and make the Shinra timeline different than its origin, so yes… he has sent Whisper there without my command.

Materia: Therefore, do you still want to keep this a secret, as well as the birth father of Cloud Strife?

G: Yes, even if something happens next winter, I hope it won’t ever be these secrets. Oh, and last but not least, I also have a little secret for you, honey.

G led Materia to another room. When they arrived, the light opened up. Materia felt scared when an Android that was the same as her was displayed on the robot workbench.

G hugged Materia from behind and said: This is my big plan, honey. Since I have got all powers of this thing, I can make some Gods for ourselves. Together we will become the sacred and immortal people of a world, like sons and daughters of Cid of the Lufaine.

Materia: You can’t do that. I don’t want to see another Jenova coming.

G: Don’t worry. At least defeating that monster is the right thing Cloud Strife did for our House. If you still want to have him as a Wolves member, you can do it after becoming a Goddess.

Materia rendered from G's arms said: No, that isn't what I want. I only desire to see all of us become family-like before.

G looked at Materia’s eyes and said: Yes, you're right. But not here, not in this life. The people in this country have got everything they want from our blood. Now we have to earn one good thing from that…

Materia had run away before G finished talking. Back to the main room, she felt sad so much and just remembered their good moment from the past:

On Martyrs Day, P6 cleaned his sweat after a hard working day of cleaning and decorating the graves of House Fenrir in the Memorial Park. He told Materia: Mom, I want to listen to the story of Knight Cloud, who fought against Knight Zack of The Cetra Queen.

Materia: Righ here? Now?

P6: Yep, mom. Please!

Materia: Okay, but we need our guards as the players, then I will play as The Cetra Queen.

P6: Sweet! Then I will play as Knight Cloud.

Materia agreed with him. She ordered the guards to follow her and his son to their resort villa inside the park. Lying on her side as a Queen, Materia raised her voice: Well, well, well! What brings you out here tonight, Cloud? You dared to touch my Knight, my love here?

P6 pointed his broom to Materia and raised his voice: I come here for the people and the world's freedom. You'd better surrender now, the Queen, because I don't want a beautiful woman like you to die under my hand, a son of House of Wolves.

Materia put her hand to her lips when she was laughing. She said: Oh, look at you, Knight Cloud. You are faced with imminent death, but you still talk. Right! Let's see what you can do when dealing with the white Knight of the Cetra.

Then a guard stepped in to play as Knight Zack. He hummed because he of not remember the dialogue, so another guard had to tell quietly to remind him. It took a while for him to begin his performance:…Stay back, Knight of Wolves. I don’t want to fight and kill you then. You seem nice and… oh, wait a minute, you also get that blade same as mine. How’s interesting!

P6: No time to show good manners, Knight Zack. I promised people in my country that kill the Queen. So I won’t tell again. Now stay back.

The guard smiled, stood with his hands on his hips, and said, “Boy, oh boy. The price of freedom is steep,” Then he took a broom out of his back, “Now show me how you fight like a man.”

The guard stormed to P6, but he set up for being hit before P6 hadn't counter-attacked yet. Then he said: Wow, you know what, Cloud? If we are at a different time, we might become best friends because I feel I have begun to like you.

Other guards tried to help laughing when one of them tells to the guard quitely: Hey, wrong dialogue, man. You have to fight him until the day's gone.

The guard replied quietly: What? No way. I don’t have all day for this.

P6 suddenly fell, said: Ahh, you got me. But I will never knee to you, Knight Zack.

Materia exchanged glances with the guard. He got it and quickly fell too, said: Ahh, my Queen. I can’t protect you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving you, my love. But don’t worry, my angel. We will meet each other again in the promised land.

The guard who reminded him just put a hand to her face to show depression. Materia left her place to run to the guard lying on the ground and screamed: Oh, my love. You're sacrificed for our people and our children. But how can I live without you? No, why can't I revive you from death? Dear Humans, you cheated. How dare you!

The female guard put off her hairpin. Her long shimmering hair fluttered in the wind when she ran to P6. She held him and said: My love! You’ve fought for our baby and me. I beg all the God and Goddess, please bring him back to me. He’s all my life. He’s gone, and I can’t live more.

Materia: Okay, that’s enough. My son doesn’t need to see this ending.

P6 stood up and ran to his mother. He indulged himself while talking to her: Mom, at least we need to finish the best part of this scene. I love how Knight Cloud sent some good words for his lover before passing away.

Materia swept her hand over his hair and said: Remember. You are the Timber Wolf of House Fenrir, the heir of the House of Wolves. It would be best if you became the world's next hero as you want. But to do that, you need to get a good story first. Every hero and heroine can build their good stories from an endless source of inspiration, beginning with joyfulness and happiness, not the sadness or the cost of something.

P6: But mom, the Timber Wolf is from Knight Cloud and was handed down on Knight Denzel, but why haven’t dad gotten it yet?

Materia smiled: Because this title is only for a Knight. Your father refused to become a Knight because he wanted to be a man who cared about the people after the war, not only a soldier.

P6: I understand. I'm gonna become the next hero of our House and even of the world. People have to admire the talent of a minor Timber Wolf.

Materia: Right! Now we have to go swimming first. Do you like it?

She emerged out of the water along with her son. He smiled radiantly when talking to her: Yes, mom. I did it. I won.

She was proud of him, and said, “Well done, my son. Now you can hold your breath longer than me.”

After they returned to the shore, she brushed her hair while her son was building House Fenrir’s castle on the sand. Looking at her in the sunlight, he suddenly asked, “Mom, I want to play the fencing game with you.”

She: Why do you want to play it now?

He: I feel it’s a nice day. So we can continue learning about our House’s history here, mom.

She: Okay, but where do we find some good weapons for the game?

He: Don’t worry. I have some good tools.

Then he picked up a few branches on the sand and made them become a sword and a stick. After giving the stick to his mother, he brandished the sword and talked to her: Now I will play as my grandpa, Knight Denzel, along with his brothers and sisters to fight against the Queen of the Cetra playing by you, mom.

Feeling slightly surprised, she smiled and said, “I will do it. You ready!” Then she pointed the stick at her son and raised her voice, “Come here! The Timber Wolf of House Fenrir, The Knight of The Humans. I will defeat you as I did with Knight Cloud the White Wolf. But don’t worry. You still have time to think about withdrawing.”

He smiled, pointed the sword to her, and raised his voice, “You are so self-satisfied, the Queen. I and my brothers and sisters come here just to do one of our glorious purposes. Killing you for the strong win of the Humans.”

Materia brought the stick down and said: Just one? Haha! Don't underestimate a lady you never see by yourself. I am alone, but I don't need any of my knights to defeat all of you. Focus, Knight Denzel, because I shall fight you without mercy, and there's no way to beg me for death when the battle ends.

P6 quickly squared off and said: You are talking too much. Stay back, Emanation, my Android, just let her for me. I don’t need any robots to begin the fight with all my honor. And you, the evil queen. I hope our fight will soon be completed.

Materia held the stick in front of her eyes. She smiled and said, “Nah! You have to only say You first tho,” then she stormed to P6 and slashed the stick to his sword. Feeling surprised due to the speed of his mother, P6 wobbled and stayed back while his sword was shaking. But he smiled, quickly restored his energy, and stormed to Materia. Both of them fell into their sham fight on the hot sand. The sound of sea waves mixed with the sound of their weapons made from branches. Suddenly, Materia chopped down her son and quickly used her body to hold him down. Being blocked on the sand by his mother, P6 could only raise his sword in front of his eyes to resist. The stick in front of her chest pressed on his sword. While blocking her son, Materia ordered: Do you give up, Knight of House Fenris?

“No, never!” P6 shouted, then used his leg to kick Materia, doing her somersault out of him. Then, she turned around to see him and smiled. He smiled too. When they were happy with each other. P6 looked at someone behind Materia and shouted with joy, “Father! You’re back.”

General slung a bag over his shoulder. “Hi,” he said absentmindedly while passing by Materia and P6, heading for the table under the tent. "Ah, you’re there now. Come on, darling! Let's play with us. I can’t show him all memories of our House during the Cetra war." Materia told him when she saw her husband taking some papers out of the bag and beginning to read.

General responded without raising his head: I'm busy. Why don't you two keep swimming?

“We did it,” she talked to General and felt a bit annoyed.

General still focused on his papers without looking at his wife and son, only replied: We are in Besaid Island, your hometown. Just do what you want!

When hearing that, Materia tossed the stick on the sand right in front of General. She ordered General, "I want you to join us as a party member. Now gear up. We will find some crab enemies to defeat."

"And if I don't."

"Then you have an unfatherly conduct."

G put papers on the table. He moved fast like a wind to the stick standing on the sand, grabbed it, and threw it strongly to the middle of P6 and Materia's positions. The stick embedded itself in the eye of a giant crab who was coming.

When both P6 and Materia were surprising, General had already come to P6. He snatched the sword from P6's hand. "What's this?" He asked

P6 replied: This is the sword of Knight Denzel, dad.

"The sword of Knight Denzel," G sneered, "Don't you see this thing is shorter than the real one, huh? Who taught you to make it?

"Come on," she told him, "He's just a kid. You shouldn't be like that."

G gave it back to P6. When P6 extended his hand, G suddenly dropped the sword, grabbed his son's hand, and then wrestled him down. P6 lay down on the sand. He held his shoulder and felt extreme pain. G just looked at him and said, "It's nothing to cry about. Don't show your suffering like that. Now get up, soldier."

P6 scrambled to his feet while his mother cried, "No, husband!"

"Now pick it up, hurry!" G ordered P6

P6 picked the sword. "Hit me," G's order made P6 falter for a moment. Then, he stormed G, but he quickly failed after his father dropped the sword from his hand. Seeing his son falling flat on the sand again, G kept ordering, "Get up. I said GET UP, and fight like a man."

P6 quickly stood up and stormed toward his father without picking up the sword. He held on tightly to the father's waist and tried wrestling. G burst into laughter. He grabbed P6's arms and then pulled the son's muscle. While he was pressing P6 down, suddenly, a tiny hedgehog stuck to his hand, making him started and drop P6's hand. He discovered that Materia had just thrown the hedgehog into his hand. She told him, “Find someone tall like you to fight, husband.”

While rubbing the hand, G smiled and said: Right. But I don't want to fight a woman who doesn't have any support. You. Go help her.

P6 ran to his mother. They made the team and together stormed G, but G still won. He told Materia while grabbing her neck, “Surrender now. I will be gentle with you tonight, sweetheart.”

Materia just smiled at him. She then grasped his arm by her leg and wrestled him down. She tried to hold him, but G raised her and pushed her to a tree with all his strength. Feeling dizzy, Materia still knew that G was preparing to kiss her, so she threw up both arms. “Ahh…” G screamed when someone stabbed him from the back. He turned around and saw that P6 was holding the sword which had been broken. “No, dad. I am sorry. I thought you were killing mom…” P6 tried to explain. Feeling wounded in the back, G grew angry. He stormed his son and slapped him, said, “Do you ever know only a coward stabs someone from the back? You’re stupid, huh? I’m gonna beat the heck out of you.”

P6 laid down on the sand after being slapped. The blood flew from his lip. Looking at G coming with extreme anger, he only crawled back. G took his hand and tipped him upside down. Materia tried to talk to her husband, “No, stop it. He just wants to save me. Don’t punish him.” Not listening to the wife, G pulled P6’s swim trunks down, then struck his son’s buttock repeatedly with the broken sword. P6 ground his teeth to try not to cry in pain. Although the sword had been wholly broken, G still struck his son. Materia ran to hold his arm to stop his madness, but he shook her hand off and unintentionally slapped her. She turned away, laid a hand on her mouth, and felt blood flowing from it. Her anger blazed up furiously, she immediately kicked his leg. While G was dazed, Materia used all her best to punch to a vital point on his shoulder blade. After that, P6 saw that his father was down on his knees with a limp arm. Materia stepped ahead, stood at 45-degree angles in front of her husband, and raised her hand to prepare to punch his face. “No!” P6 screamed out, making her lower the hand down. P6 saw his mother look like a true warrior when his father kneeled in front of her. Suddenly G pushed her, falling on the sand. P6 quickly got up, ran to his father, and pushed him down too. As a result, all three laid on the hot sand. After taking a breath, G started to laugh, then his son. Seeing that everything was fine, Materia laughed too. “I am sorry, both of you,” G said, “I am really a bad father. I should not be such a furious wind.” Materia turned her body to G to check out his arm. “You’re broken,” she said with deep regret. “Honey, I’m so sorry. I should not make you become like this.” Before G solaced her, P6 said, “No, dad, mom. Everything was my fault. I should not play this game. It’s suck.”

That evening, an Olympiad for all Houses of the Humans was celebrated on the island.

“Are you okay?” Materia slapped her hand over her mouth when seeing her husband coming with his bandaged arm. She hugged him, “I am so sorry, my husband. I promise I will not do that again.”

G slowly pushed her out, showing that he felt pain in his arm when she was hugging him. Looking at her dress, he said, “I am okay. And… wow, you look great.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

G turned to look around to see P6. From the crowd, P6 appeared along with a little girl. “Where did you go just now?” G asked P6.

P6: I have just played one-two-three with this new friend, dad. It’s fun. The winner will be played as anyone and has the full right to control the loser. She had played a sorceress while I was just… a kid. Then she used the water from the fountain to miraculously baptize me.

Materia scolded P6: No, it’s not fun. The baptize is a sacred thing that only a saint can do. Why did you two dare to play such a game?

P6 talked back: But, mom. I think that can be done by a magician too.

Seeing that people in the hall were looking, Materia intended to hit P6. G stopped her and said, “Today that’s enough. Son, please don’t run around without letting us know. Okay? Now, let me see your face.

G put his hand to P6’s chin. After checking out the scare on the son’s lips, G turned to the little girl and said, “Now I understand why this little bird comes to my son. Can you introduce yourself?”

Although G looked at her with a serious face, the little girl didn't still change her countenance. "Sir," she said loud and dignified, "Why are you looking at me like that?" G felt impressed. M whispered in his ear, "She is Mr. Caraway’s daughter."

Materia: Really? After many years of infertility struggle, now they have got such an angel like this one. How’s surprise!

G looked around and saw a woman was selling some souvenirs. “Come here,” he called that woman to buy a small puppet, paid money, and then gave that puppet to the little girl. “Don't be shy. Just consider it a gift so I can take back my son from you,” the little girl received the puppet happily. She thanked him and then went away. When P6 prepared to follow her, G pulled him back and said, “Son, don’t forget we have a communication to take.”

“Hello there, General,” someone talked to G from behind. He turned around to see that person, smiled, and said, “Ah, long time no see, my comrade.” Materia smiled at that man to show her respect. P6 also said, “Good evening, General Caraway,”

Fury Caraway smiled at them to show his welcome. He leaned on a stick. G asked him, “How has your stomach been?”

Fury: Unchanged. I've finished showcasing my abilities as a national army leader. Now people in my country believe I used to be a man who fought against a great nation in a fictional timeline. But I just don't understand why I had never been wounded during that timeline until I got this one in this timeline," he then pointed at his stomach.

G: Don’t worry. At least you may not need to go to the battlefield in this situation.

Fury: Do you know what? I had a dream that I appeared to be in one piece at a time when you guys don't exist. Do you still control that project, G?

G: The project… now it is not the time we discuss that?

Seeing that Fury was a little disappointed, Materia quickly pointed at the stage, “Look! Your wife is showing up.”

When people in the hall were focusing on the stage, G said to Fury: I’m so glad you got such a beautiful and talented woman like her. Now you have a little angel while I still have to struggle with my naughty son. So my friend, my comrade, I think I am jealous.

Fury kept silent for a while, then he talked to G quietly, “G, I think you should know about our truth.”

Still watching Mrs. Caraway performing on piano, G talked to Fury while clapping his hand with some people to enjoy her performance, “I see you are a little nervous. What do you want to let me know?”

Fury: That little girl… is not my daughter in nature. Julia adopted her as a baby in the Krammer’s orphanage.

The smile in both G and Materia was gone when hearing that. Materia recognized that P6 had left her. She quickly looked around to find him and saw that Fury’s daughter was holding his hand while taking him out to the garden to come to a group of begged children…

“Ah, found you!” G made Materia back to reality. She told him, “I’m tired. I need to go to sleep now.”

G looked at her for a while, then said, “Right! I will go back to our bed. It’s such a long time we don’t sleep together.”

Materia went to bed when G had already laid on it. She turned her back upon him. G touched her shoulder. She moved it to avoid him and said, “Not now. I’m really tired.”

G kept touching her. Materia growled, "I can't after all this… especially when thinking about any women you met. I have helped you many times, but you never change. Now my son looks like you so much. I'm… I'm so disappointed."

Her words made G feel also disappointed. Feeling tired after the most challenging day, G tried to sleep. Suddenly, the telephone rang up. G set up on the bed slackly, took the phone, and said, “Yes?”

G opened his eyes, “Really? Was something happening in the Church? Right, I will come to the military control room there right now. Keep me posted when I’m moving on the road.”

Then he called a military car and took his uniform from the wardrobe. Materia left the bed and also changed her clothes. They looked at each other for a while and then quickly went outside the room to leave the castle.
"...even if you become the world's enemy, I'll be your Knight." A Knight to his sorceress, his love.
General's flashback:
“Where’s he?” G asked a nurse when he was moving quickly in the corridor. Player 5 (Sec), Player 2 (P2), Player 3 (P3), and some soldiers went with him. “Sir…” the nurse breathed hard, trying to catch up with him. She replied, “He is in that room, under specialist care.”

She opened the door for G. P6 was lying on the bed, talking and laughing with a group of people. One of them, a woman with rabbit ears, was sitting on his lap. “Hi, dad,” he said when seeing G coming, “My friends always understand me. Here is all the delicious bread I like and….”

G kicked the tray out of bed. Milk and food were scattered on P6. All his friends stood up immediately. G snarled, “Get up!” P6 sighed, then told all his friends, “Leave this mess to me. You don’t need to clean it. Just out of the room, please,” They got his words, slowly bowed before G, and left the room. While P6 was putting the napkin aside and began to stand up, suddenly, the woman with rabbit ears came back into the room. “Sorry, sir. I forgot the gift he gave me,” she said awkwardly, reaching silk on P6’s lap. Not paying attention to G, she told P6, “Honey, don’t forget to come to my forest tonight to scratch my ears. I know you’re the only man who can do it perfectly and help me really, really feel better…”

While she was talking and talking, P6 only saw that his father was looking at him with fiery eyes. “Excuse me, lady. We clearly understand that you like him, so there is no need to explain here. We’re busy,” Sec suddenly interrupted the bunny girl.

Like… No, not like you’re thinking,” the bunny girl looked at Sec and began to explain, “We are just best friends. That’s it. We agreed not to overcome our relationship. Until one day, I couldn’t control myself.” She turned to P6 and said, “I’m sorry, honey. You met the standard of a Wood-warder, but I shouldn’t have… attacked you on a night when the moon was so bright. Since then, we have returned to being friends. Never let that night happen again…” Feeling ashamed, the bunny girl put her red face in her hands.

“We think we got it, thank you. Now, lady. Please leave the room,” Sec replied painfully while P3 tried to stop laughing. The bunny girl just realized that G was standing beside her all the time. Feeling the heavy atmosphere in the room, she said, “You guys still don't believe me? Okay. I’m gonna make an oath right here right now.”

“No…” P6 said, then turned to bite his nails after putting a hand over his mouth. His face became terrifying when the bunny girl raised her hand, closed her eyes, and voiced, “I, Rava of the Viera, solemnly declare that I and the son of House of the Wolves, the handsome prince of The Fenrir here, Mr… Sorry, I've forgotten again. What’s your name?”

P6 looked at G for a while. He then replied to her, “You can call me Dante.”

“Right! Mr. Dante,” she closed her eyes again and continued to raise her voice, “We are just best friends, though he met me every night in the forest to help me overcome the most challenging time I and all females in my race have to live through, which’s called time for mating…”

G still looked straight into his son’s eyes while Vara’s long ears were swaying in front of him during her voice,“…At that time, my ears had an extreme itch. But all Viera males went to the borderland for their duty, so no one in my forest could take care of me. I was so lonely and itching until he came. He’s my hero, relieving my sultriness with his magical hands. That’s why I fell in love with him. Though all he has given to me, we never, ever think about having children. It is impossible. So we are always best friends who enjoy our sweet time together till the end.

After she had done her oath, the room was still under heavy silence. P6 talked to her quietly with his sad smile, “That’s a stirring speech. Thank you very much, Vara. Now please… get… out!“ Vara bent over to P6 to hug him to her chest. She then bowed to G and left the room.

After that, P6 only looked at his father and waited, but G didn’t still say anything. Feeling tired from his father’s stare, P6 began to say, “Dad…”

“That rabbit has used ears to flirt with me, right?” G raised his voice.

“Not exactly,” P6 explained, “She only tried to lower down the heavy atmosphere from you…”

G still plowed his brows when his son was explaining. Then he cut in, “I thought you traveled back to that timeline to save your countryside woman who also called you Dante?”

“I couldn’t,” P6 said, “Before mom sent P2 and P3 to stop me from going to Nibeiheim, I had been stuck in Midgar during a bloody war…”

“Okay, get up!” G snarled.

When P6 had already gotten up, G grabbed him and pressed him to the wall strongly, saying, “Do you know what you've done, moron?”

“Dad…” P6 said weakly.

“Don’t call me dad. I’ve struggled to build a kind of a story in the Shinra timeline for making our good in the present, and you have f*cked it up.”

When P6 tried to say something, G kept saying, "Do you ever imagine that your little action will put all of us in this timeline at risk? Words fail me! How could you have been so stupid?”

While G was talking to his son, Materia appeared outside the room. “No…” she said quietly and ran to the room, but some soldiers held her, “Ma’am…” they said, “You can’t come in now.”

“How dare you stop me from going to my son?” Materia raised her voice.

“But ma’am. General told us not to let you go inside. That’s order…” The soldiers were scared when replying to her.

“Get off me!” Materia said, then treaded on a soldier’s toes and threw the other out of her. Seeing that, Player 2, who was standing outside the room, quickly stormed to stop her. Materia tried to fight against him. After a little fight, she was finally held by him.

“How… could… you!?” she said weakly, being choked by P2, “I helped you join the rescue team, and now this’s how you pay back.”

“Please calm down, Ma’am,” he told her, “I swear he gotta be okay.”

G was still grabbing his son’s neck. Hearing noises outside the room, he turned his head to see P2 and asked him, “Can you constrain her when I’m educating my son?”

Materia tried to hit P2, who was choking her from the back, but he still grabbed her. He replied G weakly, “Sir…”

“Can you constrain her?” G asked again

“Yes, I… can… sir,” P2 replied.

Feeling that P2 was hurting Materia, Sec ran to the door to go to them, but G ordered her, “You! Go back here.”

Sec hasn't touched her hand to the doorknob yet. Standing beside the door for a while, she returned beside P3 and stood at attention again. G looked at both of them, then asked P3, “You and that shaggy hair out there were from Midgar too, right?”

“Yes, sir.” P3 replied, “We’re descendants of some people there.”

“Good,” G said, “Thank you again for saving my son’s ass. If I don’t have some good locals like you, everything will be messed up.”

“You're welcome, sir” P3 smiled, “If your Ma’am didn't ask us, we wouldn't have the honor of taking the mission of rescuing P6. And we should thank you, too…”

“Don’t thank me yet,” G told P3, “Because of the mission, all of you will become unknown soldiers until the end. Got it?”

P3’s eyes flashed to Sec and saw that she didn’t change her emotion. Not waiting for P2 because he was busy holding Materia, P3 nodded, “Yes, sir. We all got it.”

“General,” P6 suddenly told his father, “Everything would have been okay if one of your agents hadn’t played me in Midgar.”

“Shut up,” G pressed P6 harder on the wall, “You made me burn a whole central park of a big city. Oh! That is genuinely a half city, so Midgar’s history will move on to a new chapter while my agents are now moving to the promised land, huh?! How can I report to the council about this?”

P6: I can’t believe you let her die without one piece. And the whole village… It’s all because of you.”

Had not yet finished, P6 was kneed in the stomach by his father. In the room, there was only the sound of G beating P6. P3 and Sec just watched it. Outside the room, P2 turned away while still holding M, who was crying.

After P6 had dropped on the floor, G said, “You value a humble woman more than any others of noble birth, even the whole life of all the people. That’s what I taught you?”

P6 coughed, then said, “You taught me about protecting our people and lovers, sir.”

“Protecting our people…” G laughed scornfully, “Let’s see how many of them haven’t been protected in this timeline because of you.” Then he ordered Sec to check about the timeline P6 had come. After searching quickly on the tablet, Sec hesitated, “Sir…” G shouted at her, “What? Spit it out!” Sec told him, “There are several significant changings… Zack Fair, he’s alive.”

After hearing that, G closed his eyes to try to calm him down. P3 glanced at Sec and saw that she was slightly smiling. A few moments later, G let off P6. “P2,” he ordered, “Release her,”

After letting Materia go, P2 held his arm due to pain. He mumbled, “How’s a thin woman like her very strong?”

Materia ran to P6 and checked his wounds. Meanwhile, G clapped his hands and raised his voice, “Honey, our son finally grows up. He made a dead hero returning from paradise. Bravo, soldier, just… bravo! And who’s next? Aerith? Oh, I think we are all dead.”

Materia didn’t still care about all G’s words except for her son. G lowered his head, took a note out of his pocket, and gave it to P6, “Read it. Then you will understand why I’ve just punched you.”

P6 read the note. He saw that it was a list of names and identities. G told him, “Those are all HIA agents selected to operate in the Shinra timeline. Like all of us, their names were temporarily erased in the brain during their black operation. Although Aerith was killed and the Cetra was entirely wiped out, they have still stayed over not just another day, but another decade to make sure that the Deepground has been eliminated, then no one on the planet will remember the Ancients anymore…”

While G was saying, he recovered the note from P6’s hand and took a lighter out of his pocket, “…After WRO was stable, all of the agents were champing at the bit with impatience because they would finally go home and could return to their real names. For them, their real names are the most important, not medals, not money, not… honor.”

When emphasizing those three words, G lighted the lighter three times until the flame was made. While burning the note, G kept saying, “But now they have all been defeated by Mr. President Shinra’s army while protecting you, their lives will disappear for a while until we start the plan of recovering the Shinra timeline next winter. If it succeeds and thus everything‘s back to the origin, they will come back along with this timeline. If not, well… I’m sure you know the consequence that we will never be a part of the whole storyline anymore.

When G talked about that, P6 saw the name “Geddie” burning at the end. G had used his hand to hold all the burning pieces of the note, then he threw them into the air and said, “Rest in peace for a while, brothers and sisters. You will live in our memory forever. As a General, I promise I will find a way to bring you guys back to your own life.”

“I don’t understand,” P6 told G, “You value your men in army more than your family. What kind of grandpa who abandons his grandson due to the good of a country? His fate has contributed well to our future, but you never welcome him and tell him the truth? His relationship with one Cetra woman is only why you hate him so much, huh?”

G looked at him for a while and said, “I’ve seen a different future. A future with love between a couple on both sides, Ancients and Humans live together once again. But at a price: the erasure from history of all wartime heroes and heroines, both alive and dead.”

“F*ck that war,” P6 raised his voice, “They live and die because they want to guarantee a better future for all our children. People will remember people who try to save others on the battlefield as much as they can, not those who kill the enemies as much as possible. You’re afraid of accepting a bloodline as Cloud because he will make people love the Ancients again to avoid all the wars, and therefore your glorious victory will be forgotten… Oh, dad. You’re so selfish and dastard.

M’s heart sank when hearing those words from her son. But G smiled and said, “I am a dastard? So we can avoid another war if the Humans and the Ancients love each other. You believe in that? Oh, son. You weren’t born in war. You can’t understand what people in that period looked like. We have tried many times to make both sides love each other. But the peace created from the… well, this love is too short and easy to break. They can give their hearts to each other in a day, but the next day they will fight against each other to the death. Whatever happens, people don’t change. You think love is always romantic. Haha, no. There’s no kind of love bigger than patriotism. Do you understand that?”

P6 kept silent, G closed his eyes, then opened them again. “I’m sorry…” he said, “…for everything. Since the age of King Noctis, we have become a part of a whole planet where people can live in peace and happiness, where all men and women can think, act and dream for themselves. We, who are among them, have a promise that protects all the results and all the timeline with all we have. But I understand that this planet’s life is a kind of story, and it’ll live in the people's hearts if it has a good story. Since the story of King Noctis ended, we didn’t have any good story for the people until our enemy decided to remake one of the timelines. For the existence of the timeline we’re living, we shall not let this happen. Everything must be set in stone. The future must be unchanged. The Cetra MUST be destroyed.

Around all the people in the room, G said, “Standing in front of all the soldiers' souls, I, General, bow myself with an apology for not completing the duty of the highest leader in our army. I haven’t educated my son well, leading to a consequence on our shoulders. Now, I promise that I will fix it. First, Cloud Strife needs to be back as a hero in his timeline, a man with Jenova cells in the blood, not of the Fenrir… I don’t care if it’s said that his father is Mr. President Shinra or someone else who might be revealed next winter, but there’s one thing and only one thing I know… is my son, P6, will never, ever be Cloud’s father. Among those stories about the hero of Midgar or the uprising Avalanche, a story about P6, an heir of House Fenrir, who has a son named Cloud Strife…”

Looking at P6, who was lowering his head, G said coldly, “… is just a fanfic.”

Taking a deep breath, G said, “Remember. There’s only one Cloud in the legend of House Fenrir, Knight of the Humans, recognized in this country’s culture. Any other who is illegitimate… won’t be unacceptable. Is that clear?”

P2, P3, and Sec replied with the chorus, “Sir, yes, sir!”

“Hooah..” G cried, then he looked at Materia. “Honey,” he asked, “Is… that… clear?”

Materia looked straight at his eyes and only said, “Copy that… General.”

G stepped to the door. Before leaving the room, he told Sec, “Find Cpt. R. We need to assemble other members of your old boss’s team. The plan for fixing the timeline next winter will not change, so you guys can come back as security guards. But if anything out of circumstance happens again, I will order all of you.”

“Yes, sir,” Sec nodded, “Would you like to keep everything in secret so no one outside can’t know? Just like old way?”

“Yes,” G said, “Just like old way. Make sure no one knows about all this when seeing what’s happening next winter. It’s good if there’ll be another reason for Zack’s survival.”

As soon as G held the doorknob, Sec suddenly said, “What about Cid, sir? Although he's kind of immortal, tomorrow is his birthday.”

“Right now, I don’t want to hear about him,” G replied, “He has lied to me once before, making me a fool.”

“How, sir? Sec said quietly enough for G only, “I’m sorry, but… did he make you kill someone before?”

Still holding the doorknob, G turned his head back to see both P6 and M. He looked straight at Sec’s eyes and said, “My little bird, I have just talked about EVERYTHING, and I am so thirsty. Wanna me to beat you, huh?” Then he shooked his face at Sec, making her quick turn her face away and raise her hand to apologize. She followed him out of the room. Then, P2 told Materia, “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I really don’t want this to happen. If I have a chance to do it again, I will protect him better than this.”

Materia didn’t say anything. P2 closed his eyes and then turned around. P3 was the last. He looked at P6 and only smiled before leaving. After everyone had left, P6 spat a blood clot out of his wounded mouth to the floor roughly, mumbling, “Just a fanfic, huh?!”

Mr. President Shinra sent his Soldiers to get P6 captured in Midgar. Meanwhile, G and Materia followed the task in the HQ and operated HIA agents during the rescue mission in the Shinra timeline. This scene of the movie above describes what the mission happens. The character handcuffed is P6, and instead of killing this man, like in the movie, the agents impersonated Avalanche and attacked all of Shinra's soldiers. They tried to protect P6 as well as get him back safely but failed. So P2 and P3 did their mission alone to deal with it. During the battle, P6 showed his disappointment, like the character in the movie, because everything became so complicated. Materia felt horrified when seeing that the Mdigar was under absolute terror, which is unlike anything made by the actual Avalanche. And G just shouted, "Come on! Why rescue an only man so hard?"
The scene in the movie is an illustrative example only.
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Scene: House of the Angels
“Keep cool, buddy,” R talked to P1 when seeing that her legs were shaking like jelly. Looking outside the airplane's window, P1 said, “Sorry, boss. I just feel anxious. I can’t really remember how my original hometown looks. I’ve considered the country I serve for most of my life like my home, not the city we’re coming to.”

R: Although your family wasn’t in Midgar anymore, I suppose that city is always your original home. Maybe you will feel about it after seeing any Mako reactor there.

P1: There are no reactors or any Mako factories anymore. The last thing I’ve heard is that people now live as tour guides today. There’s no exploitation of man by man, no bloody fights of some guys for others on behalf of duties and loves… Sorry, I am talking too long again.

R: Never mind. I am so glad to see that you’re just you after a long no see…

Not to hear R saying, P1 only listened to the song playing on the airplane. Through the window, she saw something like Red XIII with two cubs running to the city.

“Hey, guys. Wanna eat?” P4 appeared behind them, showing some Stamp snacks. Looking at the clouds outside, he said, “It’s my first time coming here. Really can’t wait. How’s your head, boss?”

R made a sign of letting P4 know that he was all right. P1 looked at Morrid coffee cup in P4's hand. She asked him, “You haven’t eaten anything during the flight. Are you okay?”

P4: Not my head since that time, I got in trouble with the mess in the workplace. If there weren't some guys to help me deal with it, I wouldn’t have gotten on the airplane on time to come here.

R: What’s your trouble?

P4: Some guys in the army killed a group of extinct magers chasing a flying puppet with a portable meteorite. The Minister immediately visited my workplace to check out all data collected in the field while people and I were still working on it. He thought we had been too slow. As a result, I had to write a report that looked like a full-length novel to send to him. If my colleagues didn’t help me to rearrange all evidence in my store, I wouldn’t sleep for not a few days but a week.

P1: I see. At least you get some friendships in your workplace. I have no one.

P4: Friendships? No. Not really. They helped me because from now on, I would take the primary responsibility in a whole department while they wouldn’t. It means my new job will come into chaos. Keeping eyes every day on a million pieces of evidence in the storage of the police station alone, making them clean. I will return my badge to the office immediately with one more dirty on them. The guy who worked with me is now being moved to another position. And another guy from “friendship,” who has less work than me, still considers himself my supervisor. You know what? He sits behind me daily to look at my ass while enjoying his coffee, telling me my name is so cute. I…I came to Midgar to see MIS. That’s my dream. To know how a detective. But now, I have to postpone my primary occupation as a detective to work at a police station, do a f*cking job with a fake and cute name like Ramza’s one…Really disappointing!

P1: Calm down, man! At least I can see you love MIS, so perhaps you’ve known about how they worked before. With it, we can now search a huge library. And, my buddy, do you have any other troubles with your cute… sorry, your new name?

P4: P4: Nope! That’s all. A few days ago, when I slept in the office, I saw someone trying to fake Aerith and replace her to get death. I tried to remember that strange dream, but I only imagined a woman who looked like you, P1.

R looked around and saw that some people were concentrating on their conversation. He talked to her with the code: Hey, listening to the complaint is not a good way to thank him. We don’t have time

P4 seemed to understand the code. He waved his hand and said, “Nah! Trying to comfort me is unnecessary since I can see that she is not an imposter. But it wasn’t the only dream I felt strange. When I took a quick nap before getting on this plane, I saw a girl who got shot in the back, the ring on her necklace was broken and splashed all over her blood. So terrifying. I forgot the dream immediately, even I had never known that poor girl before.

Seeing that R and P1 said nothing, P4 cleared his throat and kept saying: Okay, Now I’m feeling puzzled. With one simple magic, all our birth names were erased from people’s memory on this planet. How so?

P1: I don’t know, and I don’t want to care about it since only our government can use magic.

R interrupted her: Did you mean we are used by someone who wants to play a game?

P1: No, boss. Actually, I feel that we are being directed to a kind of story in which we have no choices for ourselves. Okay, stop talking nonsense. Like you, P4, I had trouble with my new name, just like you. My profile needs to be adjusted if I want to return to the tedious job on the beach. It took me lots of money, and I haven’t seen my money yet. How can I bring up my baby during this difficult time?

P4: Well, at least our secret mission is still intact. I just hope this future won’t be fallen by something sh*t happening again.

P1: Yeah. I think so. With the recent noise made by the Cetra return, people can look back on a forgotten history of the Lifestream. They will start to feel the hurt of this planet again and come to change their consciousness. And then, this future will be great again for everyone.

P4: You’ve just reminded me. Mako balls were brought into my workplace in many crates a few days ago. They’re typically the most valuable evidence, but then some officers came and ordered me to pass all of them to the military. My workplace turned into the garbage when Mako's balls were moved. Despite their assurances that they would prevent me from running into problems with the sheriff, I was still held accountable.

R: Wait a minute. I know those Mako balls. P2 had left them in the slum after we were surprised by a group of soldiers with an Android.

P1: I still remember that day. The car you brought to me. That’s a stunning supercar.

R: Yes, we really did it by using a good tool from Doc. Now I wonder why they could take contraband like the Mako without being asked by all the police officers.

P4: You don’t know yet? I think you should care more about your men. Two of our friends, P2 and P3, were recently arrested by a group of HIA agents for a rescue mission.

P1 looked at R. She asked him, “Really, boss? Sec never told us about that. I don’t like the stab in the back business. Why did they use our team without letting us know?

R put the snack angrily on the table. He clasped his hands in front of his mouth and tried to think.

P4: I feel this HIA operates like the Turks but more dangerous since they can become… everyone during their operation, not just like some guys with a vest uniform. Do you remember the guy Mr. R here punched as hell in the training room? He is an HIA agent going with 2 Androids and other guys to get P2 and P3 simultaneously in two different locations. They could walk down the street unnoticed though their robots were dressing like servants and carrying some hot weapons. While an Android could constrain P2 without trouble, the other wasn’t lucky with P3.

Then P4 told the story about how P2 and P3 were got down by the Androids:

P2 was constrained by a brown hair female Android sitting on his stomach. He tried to get out but only made the robot go up and down on him. “Please, stop fighting,” the HIA agent stared at them with two hands clasped behind his back. He sighed, “You’re putting all of us down in public.” Then he turned his eyes to the people to let P2 know they were pointing at him and the Android. Some people even took the photo and laughed.

“What do you want from me?” P2 asked the HIA guy with a weak grimace.

“Wait for a second,” the HIA guy took a camera out of his pocket and photographed P2’s face. Watching P2’s face in the picture, he grinned, hopping up, “Hehe! This must be a nomination for the fool guy of the year. Now tell me, why do you never get your haircut? Huh?”

P2 didn’t say, so the HIA agent kept talking, “We’re taking care of all your street children and even your Mako. You're dealing contraband, weapons, and children. So, buddy, you can enjoy this moment because you won't have it again until you get old after being out of prison.

P2: What? Wait! I only earn food and drink for those children. And I am not my buddy. Let me go.

HIA agent: You know. Your boss hit me so hard in the training room. I think I will keep seeing this for a while. Would you mind answering some of my questions? First, where did you get the Mako?

P2: That question is too easy. My ancestors were in Midgar, so when I got them as a heritage.

HIA agent: Mm-hmm! And how did you move them here?

P2: From the underground. You know. I have some good contacts.

HIA agent: Show me, not show off! I know your buddy, P3, had done everything. And last question. Why did you guys decide to choose this country for selling Mako?

P2 thought for a while, then said: What… Oops, sorry. Don’t know your language now.

HIA agent smiled: You said my first question was too easy and then answered it correctly. Now you just said you don’t know my language. Will I order this thing to become… hotter to make your attention?

P2 felt the Android weighed a ton when it sat on his stomach. He was highly pained while people around him just criticized him: How come they're acting like children in broad daylight?

P2 breathed heavily: Stop! Since the Convention prohibits the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of Lifestream things, I can’t sell them in my country until found a black market here. I swear, after selling them all, I will use the earnings to buy a ticket for me to go home… That’s what I can tell you. Now please, let this thing off me. I can’t breathe.

HIA agent: How much?

P2: What?

The Android pressed on P2’s stomach harder, making him more pain. He had to open his mouth to breathe. “Oops, sorry,” the HIA faked an innocent expression and said, “I mean, how much do those Material balls cost?”

P2: Invaluable… You can't even ask to buy them… because… because they're in the police.

The HIA agent felt happy with the answer. When his men were taking P2 away, he said, “Wait a minute! Why does that freaking Android just look at me with a smile?”

The HIA agent: Because she knows that you’re a handsome man.

P2: No. What’s wrong with you, officer? She looks at me as if we have known each other before… I don’t like it.

After P2 had been taken by the car, someone ran to the agent and whispered: We got P3… but our Android had been killed by him… stabbed on the neck rapidly by a folk.

The airplane had already landed after P4 finished telling. P1: Wow! I feel I am not anxious anymore during the landing. Thank you for that interesting information about my teammates, man.

Seeing P1 whispering and skipping along the airport, smiling and saying hello to everybody, P4 talked to R: I don’t know what she is. She got a child but still looks like a kid.”

R said: An optimistic soldier I’ve had. It took her a year to find true happiness from her duty, not from seeking her own desire.

Looking at a green light on her hand, P4 said: Yeah! But I hope that she won’t meet an unhappy ending arranged by someone.
A bunch of books was put on a dusty table, “Here. It’s all yours,” P1 told R. In the Seventh Heaven bar, she sat next to him and glanced around for a bartender, but she couldn't find one. R told her while beginning to look over the books, “Why did Doc not want us to do this at the library? Even more, he had you travel far to get here.”

P1: Too many eyes on us in a public area, particularly given that you are from another nation and are not well-versed in our language.

R talked to P1 in Midgar language: Don't make me an idiot, Sergeant. This nation's language is the first of several regional ones I may communicate. So I wasn't surprised when Doc told me to read all the myths here to find the answer to Sec's question.

P1 replied to him in Midgar language, “Okay. You’re our boss. But I must tell you those books are just history textbooks. People here have had actual stories to tell in the past, not fabulous ones as in your nation.” Then, she took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. After puffing on the cigarette, P1 turned her head towards R and saw that he was gazing at her. “How long have you smoked?” he asked her. She said, “My life is hard… but don't worry about me, boss. It was claimed that none of the users could be harmed because of the mystical components in the tobacco leaves manufactured from an Ancients' location. The youthful Cid here declared that when discovering new sources to replace the Lifestream. However, for me, tobacco is just… tobacco. Nothing can fix our mind while making us get high…”

R suddenly felt cold. “Sorry, ma’am. Not allowed to smoke here,” a young man came up from behind and took the cigarette from P1’s mouth. When he was carrying bottles of booze behind the bar, P1 asked him, “Sorry. You’re a bartender, right?" The guy said, “No, I’m a security guard… Hey, you can't read those books in this historic location either. Didn't you guys see the notice board outside?”

When R turned back, he spotted a sign that said, "Don't touch the thing!" hanging from the door. Then, he talked to the security guy, “Yeah, being security guards ourselves, we can know that for sure. But since when has a bar become a historical place?”

"You don't live here, do you? Then you can learn more from such books. Now, if you don't see anything intriguing in this region, please leave, and don't forget to take your books out off the table."

R told P1: Okay, let’s go, Sergeant. I think we won’t have any chances to try the famous Cosmo Canyon in this country anyway.

When R and P1 held the books and came to the door, the security guard told them from behind, “You guys can try it in the red light district of Wall Market. Our Tifa will make a special one for you.”

R: Really? Is that girl still alive after many years have passed?

The security guard: So she’ll be more than 500 years old, huh? What’s wrong with you, sir? Ms. Lockhart was missing far years ago. The WRO and their new Avalanche sought her and Mr. Strife for decades without success. The girl I told you about is an actress trying to reconstruct the real Tifa as one of our heroines in the past.

R: Okay. We'll give it a whirl. Thank you.

He started to turn but then spun back to ask the security guard: "Sorry, but just for curiosity's sake, do you know anything more about those people in history?”

The security guard: If you want to know, sir, I only tell you that she and Mr. Strife might have been captured by a dragon when they were fighting to protect a Knight and his Goddess. It's considered a myth in our country. An in-depth WRO police investigation, including MIS, found nothing substantiating that rumor.

R: Okay, I got it. Thank again.

R and P1 went to the library. They saw Doc sitting on the hood of his car, saying, “Greetings, gentlemen,” P1 came to hug him and said, “Long time no see, my old friend. How have you been?” She was surprised, “Hey! You look…fat,” Doc smiled and replied to her, “I'm dying of boredom. Eat and sleep every day. Sometimes go somewhere with a little state pension. My God! I remember the days of living in the army. But I'm never gonna get those years back.” Then Doc asked P1, “Now tell me, Sergeant. What do you feel when you finally have the opportunity to return to this nation, given that you are an ex-pat since your ancestors left it many years ago?

P1 looked at the ground and said: Though 500 years have passed, I still feel this is my true home. So I would be here to contribute my little effort to its development.

Doc: That’s the spirit, girl. Though all the Lifestream was gone, I could smell the fresh air. It’s good that this city has become one of the main tourism rendezvous, not a kind of factory or barrack.

R: Yeah. Everything will changed so much during those years. Now, we are busy searching for every record of P6’s son. Can you give us a hand, Doctor?

Doc: P6's son, huh?! We never thought he was the true blood of an extreme family in the future. Poor that girl whose fate stuck up to a man like him... Okay, why don't you guys just stay focused on something else?

R intended to say something, but P1 interrupted him, “Sorry. Can you tell me about a thing that calls time compression?”

Doc looked at her, then glanced at R. He said: It’s another myth but not from this nation. I thought a missing father of someone would know it for sure. But… because you’ve asked me, I can tell you. That will make something like multi-timelines or multi-universes useless because all people on the planet live with only one memory of them and will be controlled by only one ideology by only one single man. Any questions? No? Right, now keep moving to the library.

While searching for one thousand books in the library, R looked around: I don’t see 2 and 3 all the time. Where are they?

Hanging on the ladder, P1 jumped to the floor. After shaking all the dust, she said: P3, huh?! I guess since he took down one robot, the army will keep their eyes on him. Indeed, our mad guy finally defeated an A.I soldier that you have never done before, boss.

P4 shuddered when reminded of something: Honestly, it turned out that one of them shut off the Android too soon, while P3 hadn't beaten down yet. And you’re right. That guy P3 was a true monster when using his fork to stab the poor Android’s neck rapidly. Well, there was so much blood, even with a robot.

R: It is obvious that they were unaware of P3. Another lesson for them: do not show arrogance when fighting against a man like him.

P4 clapped his hand and said: Now that you’ve opened your mouth, sir. I see you can understand every member of your team. That’s cool!

P1 interrupted: Not so cool. We had been a good team until he couldn't protect King Noctis as a bodyguard replacing a Kingsglaive.

P4: Ah! I know that even. But King Noctis was still alive after the assassination. And all of the highest leaders in our country came to see him, including General.

R: After that, my team was dissolved immediately under the personal direction of G, though The King's bodyguards greeted me and called me by the term "Real man (R)," as well. To be honest, II didn’t want to get that name because it was just funny. But more funny that Doc used it to convince G to let me back to the army for their plan next winter.

P4: Yeah… but we know that you came back to find out the man who killed your mother.

R: My father repeated something like "Find your mom's killer" or "I want to kill chaos." He made me believe in those nonsense words. Doc affirmed that my father wasn't a psycho but only gave me a type of gun and said that it was from the killer. Then one day, my father disappeared, and he was still considered a psycho. So I didn’t believe in the detail of the killer's weapon from Doc and thought he was just trying to make me feel okay.

P1: And you changed your mind when you saw the same weapon from P6. We all watched it in the video after the training. Hey, boss. I suppose that P6 really likes you. Your relationship with him could be the next Cloud and Zack, haha!

R: P1, please! If Cid didn’t try to convince me, I would go to take him down for sure. Anyway, I think he’s the father of Cloud Strife, so at least he can’t be a bad guy.

Seeing that many Midgar staffs were outside the room, P4 closed the door and windows. Then he said, "Boss, be careful your mouth here. I am not sure if those government employees can understand our language. But all the people still consider Cloud their national hero, born from magic coming to his mother. It means he has no father, no children, only two lovers without marriage, and one is dead. I don't want anyone to come to this room and waste our time by talking about this country’s history again.

R: I have an idea. Why do we create a city tour ourselves? Working hard under toxic, and reading books that aren't interesting. Now this time for us to become true tourists, not detectives.

P1: Sound great! But unfortunately, I need to attend a parish gathering to talk about the festival this evening and the future of the Church of Midgar. Can’t join you guys. Enjoy your visit!

P1 talked to R and P4 with her joy: Guys, because the Church welcomes everyone, all the nearby historical sites are free to open to the public. Additionally, the ticket is a voluntary payment to church fundraising initiatives. Now you see. All tickets have been sold even though the performance will be displayed via visuals outside since it is not a biblical narrative. I'm thrilled to see how the local religious scene is growing… Hey!? Have you guys just consumed wine before?

R said, “Sorry, we just did an… investigation in a building modeled on the Seventh Heaven bar. Got some fights there too.”

P4 disguised with liquor, “Yep, we had troubles with uncooperative locals. It turns out that you aren't the only Midgar person who loves to get into combat.”

P1: Oh yeah!? And what are you looking for in that place? Tried to find out an objective point of an Avalanche bartender, huh?

R: Some people smoked Ancients’ tobacco there. Maybe the smoke made all feel… too hot after drinking Cosmos Canyon wine.

P4: And because you asked us about the object point. The Avalanche bartender never got a body like that. The model there is used to be a sample in every book and image…

P1 felt annoyed: That’s enough. When entering a sacred place like this, you guys ought to be serious. Okay?!

Siting on the seat, R talked to P4: She had smoked once before but still requires us to be serious. How a woman!

P4: Don’t worry, boss. Remember not to judge anyone here. God imparts that.

A tall woman was standing beside a big wooden board. She said, “Hello, ladies, young people, and gentlemen. I'm very excited to have the opportunity to share a tale with you all that illustrates how one may become a dedicated Baptist.”

Seeing that P1 was crossing her fingers with her eyes squeezed tightly shut as for praying, R turned to ask P4 quietly: Who’s that narrator? Do you know her?

P4 looked at R with his surprise: You really don’t know? She’s Aerith.

R nodded: “Yep, definitely a model actress too,” He saw beside the woman many figures of all characters displayed on a table.

Long, long ago, in a peaceful Ancients’ kingdom, the King and the Queen had a son, but he died of a mysterious illness that caused death to many Cetra newborn babies. A few years later, they continued to have a daughter named Aerith. She, however, was infected with the illness like her brother. The King saw that the only way to preserve Aerith, as well as all infected children in the kingdom, was by fusing the advanced technology of his enemy, the Humans, with the magic of the Cetra. Therefore, he decided to attend a conference on the day of Aerith’s birth to negotiate a peace deal with the Humans. Right after succeeding, he used his magic to create a treatment with the help of some Humans’ scientists and sent it back to the kingdom to cure Aerith and the other noble kids. The treatment brought life to all of them. The Queen was anxious to conceive another son with the King. However, he was assassinated on the way home. Since then, the Queen has been broken. She was chosen to be the next leader of the Ancients. But she didn't love Aerith. Thus, the princess was sent to a different palace. There, she became acquainted with the Kingsglaives' sons, who were also rescued due to the treatment and later rose to prominence as her Queensglaives.

After the narrator finished telling, a group of children appeared in the movie. They started to play sword fighting. Among them, a kid played the part of Aerith. She raised her little voice: “Hey, guys! In our history, all Kings and Queens always have a catchphrase during the coronation like... I’m a living legacy of royalty. My mom is a Queen. People say that she never had a boy, and I'm an heiress of the royal. But I don't want to be a Queen. I want to ride my Chocobo and go to all the most beautiful lands on the planet to see sights and fight. So I want to create another catchphrase for myself, as do all of you. Agree?” All the other children agreed. Each of them showed different catchphrases. When Aerith’s turn came, her eyes closed. She began to think. Then she opened her eyes and said, “I found it! Now listen to me. It is… I will keep fighting until stop breathing. Yeah?” A boy told her, “Your catchphrase is too long.” RA curled her lips and said, “Who cares? I’m a princess, an heiress of the Cetra Kingdom. I shall stand on all my people to protect this planet and gonna do whatever I want.” The sword game went on. Then, a little boy knocked Aerith to the ground. She began to cry, pointed at that boy, and told the other boys, “He dares to touch a princess. Punish him!” The kids surrounded the little boy and clapped their hands on his head. The little boy held his head in his hands while Aerith stood tall with her hands on her hips, laughing.

P1 curled her lips and talked to R: I think this Aerith is too shrewish.

The audience felt confused and disagreeable since the plot deviated too far from what they were familiar with. R, however, was solely interested in the influx of people entering the Church.

Next scene of the movie, a group of teenagers replaced the kids and continued to play sword fighting. Then, a tall man appeared in front of them. A girl who played as Aerith said, “Morning, Courtier, what good wind blew you here?”

The Courtier said, “Please follow me, my princess. The Queen wants to meet you for her last time.”

Aerith panicked, “What happened to my mom? I'll come with you. Please hurry up!” Then she whistled for her Chocobo.

The Queen, who now became an old woman, was lying on a large bed. She coughed hoarsely and repeatedly. A group of people was standing and bowing down before her. Aerith only looked at her mother from a distance. The Queen signaled for people to leave by waving her hand. “My daughter, come here!” she ordered to her daughter when people had left. Aerith knelt beside the bed and kissed the hand of her mother. “I’m dying,” the Queen said feebly, “You’re now grown up. You will unavoidably succeed me as the Queen of the Ancients.” Aerith opened her eyes widely. She shook her head and said, “A Queen? No, mom. I am not willing for this.” The Queen told her sternly, “You have no choice, my daughter. A day cannot go by in our kingdom without a King or a Queen… Guys!”

The people returned to the stage. The Queen ordered one of them to bring the scepter to her. “To defend our Kingdom and serve the people, our forefathers used this powerful weapon to defeat all demons and adversaries. I'll give it to you right now. Give me your hands.”

Then the Queen placed the scepter in RA’s hands. “Now, repeat after me,” she raised her voice again, “You’re gonna…”

Aerith repeated her mother’s voice, “I’m gonna…”

The Queen:…live…


The Queen:…to serve the planet…

“…to serve the planet…”

The Queen:…and the Kingdom.

“…and the Kingdom.”

The Queen: “You’ll be…”

“I’ll be…”

The Queen: “…my living legacy…”

“…your living legacy…”

The Queen: “…my honor, my dreams,”

“…your honor, your dreams,”

The Queen dropped her hands after holding the scepter in Aerith’s hands, “They’re yours now.” Aerith held the scepter tightly. She looked at it and said, “I’m gonna live to serve the planet and the Kingdom well. I’m your legacy. Your honor, your dreams. They’re mine now. I’m a living legacy of the royalty, and I will keep fighting… until stop breathing.”

The Queen smiled. She said quietly, “Long live the Cetra!”

When Aerith hadn't repeated yet, the Queen was utterly silent. Some doctors from people quickly followed the courtier to come to check on her while Aerith was backward. After seeing the doctor shake his head, the Courtier raised his voice, “Our Queen is dead, gone to the promised land.”

Aerith quickly ran to the Queen. She dropped her head to her mother and started to cry. Her friends appeared again. They pulled her out of the Queen, hugged her, and said, “Please don’t be sad, princess. We also swore to the Queen that we would take you somewhere safe if you meet danger someday.”

Aerith kept crying when people with the Courtier covered a shining shroud on her mother.

In the next scene, Aerith, with all her friends, or her Queensglaives, was checking a giant dragon. “My Queen… ah sorry, Captain Rosa, welcome to the Cetra army’s pilot project,” the Courtier said. Looking at some people wearing giant armor for the dragon, Aerith asked, “Morning, Mr. Vorman, how are your men's work going?” The Courtier scratched his head, “We are still working on it. Captain, with all my respect, this is the first time we wear armor for a creature, especially when it’s Valvados, one of the most powerful dragons. People in our army find it very hard to familiarize themselves with all hi-tech weapons.”

Aerith showed his anger: What? I did my best to bring all technologies from the Humans along with their scientists to upgrade our army. And you just told me it’s tough to understand them all?”

Vorman waved his hands: No, I mean… Please look over there, Captain. You see. Our men carry swords, shields, bows, and arrows with their magical solid protection. It still works on all the battlefields so far. But now you insist that they possess firearms knowledge as well. I agree, our army needs to be upgraded with all the technologies from our enemy, but we need more time.”

Aerith: I see. It has been too long since we pledged not to utilize or exploit any advanced technologies for the sake of our Lifestream. But c’mon, Mr. Vorman, people have been using the firearm for thousands of years in the Real World. So don’t tell me they need more time to familiarize themselves with it.

When the actress mentioned “the Real World,” the audience felt a headache. R could see an actor playing a Queensglaive softly kicking on her leg while she was blinking. Vorman kept saying, “But, the Captain, it is easier said than done.”

R told P1 quietly: Hey, Sergeant, I think that the actress playing Aerith is an Android.

P1’s eyes squinted when looking at R: What? Are you sure?

R: Yes, even the girl who plays Tifa in the Wall Market is too.

P1 looked at the actress among the cast. She said: Interesting! If that’s so, I think they’re trying to show something. Do you agree about that, P4? P4?!

She turned to P4 and saw that he was still sleeping and snoring in his seat. In the movie, Aerith raised her voice, “You think so? Right! I'll go first to show you how it was done.”

Then she jumped on the dragon’s back while people still wore its armor. “No, my Q…, Captain. You can’t do that. Only one man so far can ride the Evil Dragon King. You’ll be killed…” Vorman shouted alarmingly, but the dragon had already brought Aerith to fly to the ceiling. It turned many somersaults and tried to harm her with sharp claws on its wings and head. “Hurry up! Shoot down the dragon,” he screamed out. All Queensglaives spelled their arrows and shot them at the dragon, but they couldn't still break its armor. “You fool! That thing of Valvados is used for all jets of the Humans. You can’t use an arrow. Please use an anti-aircraft gun,” Vorman shouted at them. “But Captain Rosa will be harmed too,” one of them talked back to him. Suddenly, a young man suddenly appeared. Throwing his cloak away, he raised her voice, “I am Zack, a mercenary. Valvados was ridden by me once. But now, it still harms innocent people. Right, I will go to save that poor girl and give the Evil Dragon King another lesson.”

Then, he took out a rifle and shot at the dragon’s eye. Letting out a mighty snarl, Valvados fell to the ground. Zack quickly jumped on its back. He hugged Aerith and took her out of the dragon. The Queensglaives ran to their place. One of them separated Aerith from Zack and asked her, “Captain, are you hurt?” Aerith said in her angry voice, “Do I look okay!? Help a powerful girl stand up, would ya!?” After standing up, she looked at Zack. She smiled and whispered, “My hero!” Zack stood alone, looking at Aerith standing among her Queensglaives. He asked her, “Can you walk, Captain Rosa?” She said quietly to people around, “Guys, he’s so handsome,” Then she watched him with a solemn face and said, “If I couldn’t, believe me, you mercenary, you’d be the first to know.”

“My pleasure, Captain Rosa,” Zack smiled and replied to her.

“Hey, mediocre soldier, watch your attitude! You have forgotten to bow to her.” a Queensglaive came forward and said with an extreme voice.

“Stay back, Cetra soldier,” Zack said, “I never fear any of you. Do not make me do something we're both gonna regret.”

“Don't you dare!” The Queensglaive man curled his lip in a disdainful smile, storming to Zack. When their swords collided, Vorman came to separate them and said, “Please calm down, gentlemen. Mr. Fair here is helping us with all his knowledge of the Humans technology to train the army. We need him.”

The Queensglaive man backed off. Aerith whispered to his ear something. He nodded and then gave the order to bring a pocket to him. “Here! Take this,” he threw the pocket to Zack, “Getting new clothing and finding a nicer location to live. Captain Rosa wants to see you tidy and clean because you must now serve the Kingdom to the best of your ability. That’s order.”

Flipping the pocket over in hand, Zack said, “Uhmm… this is a lot of money…” he smiled, then threw it back to the Queensglaive man and said, “…but not today. I will take all my money when your men have familiarized themselves with all the Humans’ technical weapons. Our contract states that."

While the Queensglaive man was astonished, Zack gave Aerith a salute, then walked away.

R looked around. He saw that more and more Midgar people left their chairs and prepared to go to the Church. P1 told him, “I can’t believe they stole all people's dialogues at that time for their movie. Even one of them wasn’t from Aerith but Jessie.”

R stroked his chin and said: Not so strange. This is how a different timeline system works. Same people, same emotions but different situations, and using the dialogues of the others. Anyway, what happened to Valvados?”

P1: Read the myth, boss. The bullet looks like dust to the creature. Only a combination of magic can penetrate it.

“Sorry, I’m late,” Sec suddenly appeared beside R and P1. R looked at her when she was sitting on the chair. He asked, “I thought you were staying with P6?”

“I’m still working on it,” she said, “I know he’s here, and lose him again. But I wish he will get lost and not go back again.”

Not waiting for R to ask something else, she asked, “You have just drunk something?”

R cocked his head to the side to confirm that. P1 made a sign to Sec about P4, who was snoring. Sec looked at him and said, “Cosmos Canyon still has no rivals if you drink it too much. Anyway, did you get something else from her?”

R tried to recall that time, then he replied, “She said… her chest isn’t big like people think,”

Sec tried not to laugh. She told him, “Uhmm, boss. You're the only one who cares about that. It even isn’t a piece of information.”

“It is not a kind of information. And her chest…is a kind of propaganda,” R said

“Funny! What good would that do, boss?” Sec made a face at him.

R said quite loudly, “She’s an Android, living in the red-light district of the Wall Market to entertain the foreigners. She feels the urge to take care of herself and emerge as a heroine as the locals strive to defend her from any perverts…

Looking at a scar on R’s eyebrow and P4, Sec said quietly, “Yep, I hope you guys aren't those perverts.”

“No, what’s wrong with you?" R began to feel annoyed, “She just talked my head off. When I tried to keep my mind and asked her about the Cetra, she only told me that her lover would be erased by their opponent. That’s all.”

Sec looked around and whispered to R, “Don’t make me disappointed, boss. I only ask you about the thing the Cetra guys had left in the Garden timeline, but you and our detective just ran somewhere for entertainment. It's really a waste of time.”

“Don't contradict me. Although we all have been regrouped recently, I am still the leader of all of you. Remember that,” R kept saying quite loudly.

P1 leaned over P4 to tell R and Sec, “What’s wrong with you, guys? Remember that we are in a sacred location. Please follow the rule.”

R tried to whisper to all: Why are you all constantly whispering to me? We are not attending a wedding or a funeral here. And that movie sucks.

A Midgar guy turned around to whisper to R, “Sh! Can you keep quiet, man? Remember. Judge not, that you be not judged. Matthew 7:1-2”

R gazed open-eyed at him and whispered, “Of course, I know that. Thank you.”

The guy felt scared and turned away. Sec smiled: You know what, boss? At least you can speak this country’s language well. That… makes me feel happy.

Before R could say anything, the movie began to show the scenes:

Aerith was taking Zack sightseeing in the royal palace's forest. “Be ready?” she asked him. “As always,” he replied. Aerith smiled and then said: Right! Now let’s go.
Both of them fought against many giant worms and insects which were causing harm to every tree's trunk in the forest. Meanwhile, the Queensglaives sat on the fringes, one of them told a man who was grinding his sword: Captain, I think our Queen shouldn't get too friendly with that Humans mercenary. He has several opportunities to approach her in the shadows... while the Humans set a mountain of gold as a reward on her head. He will betray all of us. Who knows?

Another Queensglaive noticed: Watch your mouth, brother. The Queen will not be happy if she can hear about that.

So what? She’s too young not to pay attention around her. Haven’t you guys heard rumors in the Kingdom about her yet?

No, but I think it'll look like… Queen Aerith has a baby face, but since she can't sit down on the throne for a full day, she will play some kid's games.

When hearing that, the Queensglaive guy stood up. He told everyone, “Guys, I am aware that all people want to be alarmed since certain Human nations have violated the cease-fire to launch new attacks on us. But our Queen knows nothing and keeps entertaining herself by playing with tree trunks in the royal forest. I know it’s her way to protect the Lifestream. She is managing a whole upgrading army under her hand with a polished and untrusted Humans guy. She should be worried about our country's security by conquering something comparable to or even better than her instead of partaking in this typical pastime,” He pointed at those insects who were terrified of Zack and Aerith storming toward them. After listening to their moaning because of taking the couple's attack, he continued to say, “So, brothers, I’m afraid that we’re gonna die as the prophet said before.”

When he sat down again, another man told him, “Maybe you’re right, brother. But our country would perish sooner if everyone were just like you. I believe our Queen, no matter what Gaia’s prophet has said. Maybe we should give her more time.

Yeah, maybe, but I don’t think people will believe her like you.

“About the people,” another man suddenly interrupted them, “Last night, I saw some farmers driving the newest cars made by Humans very fast on the country lane. Looked like they were losing control because of drinking something… I dunno, but... since people have been allowed to approach all technologies from Humans, they are turning crazy. That makes me scared, not the Queen and her mercenary.”

Be not afraid, brother. We all had ancestors like them a long time ago. Therefore, everything happening right now is us returning to that day's nature.

“Yep, but I prefer our good wine,” He raised his bottle, “Let's drink for our next days with Aerith. Long live the Cetra.”

“All hail the Queen. Long live the Cetra,” all raised their bottles and drank.

Gazing at the shining moon in the sky, he continued to say, “Honestly, I feel happy when people in our Kingdom love to share and take back all aspects of developing humanity. Despite the many hazards, I always think that combining magic with technology is a wise option.”

I agree. But the safety of the planet is always our priority. So if that combination harms the Lifestream, we must eliminate it.

“Sorry,” a Queensglaive man said, “When we talk about that day’s nature, I know people in the world's end time fought many monsters and zombies to make a promised land where our ancestor was born. But I want to search more…

The Captain stopped grinding his sword and said: All right! That’s enough. We only take the duty of protecting our best friend, Queen Aerith. All other problems should give to Vorman and all of the mandarins in the royal. And…

He looked at Aerith, who was laughing with Zack when they had defeated a giant worm, then continued to say: … I only hope she will someday express herself standing in the House of the Angels.

In the forest, Aerith told Zack: Mercenary, you are the first man from outside the Cetra Kingdom to go here.

Zack: Wow, I really like to stay here. Thank you for inviting me, Captain Rosa… Oops, sorry, Aerith, my Queen.

Aerith laughed: Don’t call me my Queen if you don’t want to do it. I don’t like people making up to me, but I think I would love the way you called me before. Now, Zack the Mercenary, you don’t belong to my people, standing beside me, who is their hereditary ruler. However, we are all under attack. No one from the outside helps my world. They fear us. So I will consider you my savior.

Zack looked into her eyes and said: I understand why they fear you and your people but still want to obtain the most beautiful thing you have.

Aerith knew Zack was implying to the Lifestream. She hid her smile while saying: Good. Now tell me, Zack the Mercenary, why do you want to help this Kingdom?

Zack: Actually, I am one of the few who can empathize with your nation. Everyone in my hometown, including my family, said you guys have no soul whenever they look at your eyes. They told me every day that the Cetra race is an… unreal thing that only dreamers and lazier can imagine. Oh, and some stories about you guys who are mages always kidnapped children and mature to this forest and turned them into fantasians who cannot go back to their home anymore.

Aerith curled her lips and said: I am not surprised because I have heard about bad things like those. One thing that baffles me is why the so-called Humans wish to go to war with us just because we have rejected any of their cutting-edge technologies to live a different lifestyle for the planet's survival.

Zack: I suppose the cutting-edge technologies you are mentioning will make some people get more money and benefits. But your nation with such an exciting ideology now becomes a stubborn obstacle for them. Your Kingdom is… great, unlike a previous little nation that requested assistance with tons of rice so that its citizens could make beautiful smartphones.

Aerith: Sorry, I don’t understand.

Zack: Oh, C’mon! I know you haven’t experienced many of Humans’ cutting-edge technologies, but at least you should try that one.

Aerith: No, I know how to use a smartphone. But people here always use magic to contact each other. I mean, what kind of country where people eat rice only to create the phone, and so their government needed help from outside?

“Ah… never mind,” Zack scratched his head. He held Aerith’s hand to make her sit with him on a fountain basin, then said: With all my respect, my Queen. Your nation believes that magic can replace most common life activities and even make the planet safer. Obviously, with magic, you guys have succeeded in making a primitive society while still ensuring human development nowadays. An ideal society that many revolutionaries always dreamed of in the past. But… your magic is a kind of god's gift helping you create knowledge and asset, two things that ordinary people have to struggle with all their life to gain. They fear you because of this, yet they'll never stop trying to get the most beautiful and precious thing from your assets and knowledge. You will understand the origins of this conflict if you comprehend that, Captain Rosa.

Finished talking, Zack turned his eyes towards the Lifestream flowing around the tree trunks in the forest to suggest to Aerith, but she still looked at Zack’s eyes, making him feel confused: Do you get what I have recently said?

Her eyes opened wide with surprise, then she laughed and said: How’s weird! Zack the Mercenary, you are so weird.

While Zack couldn’t say anything, Aerith told him: Okay, time to go!

Then she stood up and stepped away. Zack looked at the tree trunks and talked with himself: Learn to talk to her.

When he caught up with Aerith, she asked him: Did the trees say anything?

Zack hesitated for a while, then said: Uh… “Good talking today, guys”?

Aerith winked her eyes. While they two were talking and laughing at each other on the way out. Vorman suddenly appeared, making them start. “My Queen,” he stopped saying for a while after seeing all the giant insects were terrifying and exhausting when they were lying on the grass. Aerith told him, “Courtier, I and my distinguished guest here have just defeated many of them. So our forest will be survived one more day.” Vorman told her, “Yeah, I can see.” Aerith laughed, “So we are a winning team, right?!” Vorman told her, “Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. Now, my Queen, The Centran leaders, and Humans diplomats will come to celebrate our party and discuss innovations in the relationship between the two sides next week. So, it’s time for you to give a speech. Please follow me back to the Den.”

“Oh, no. Not again,” Aerith felt bored, “How can I put up with all the tutors when doing that.”

“I’m sorry, my Queen,” Vorman said, “We must be strict with you if you can’t write it yourself. Your mother wants us to care for you and guide you to be a good leader. We don’t want to make you feel unhappy, but we have no choice.”

While Vorman was talking, Aerith used her magic to contact Zack without voice, “I really hate that old man. He always gives me work and work every time he meets me, even appearing behind me day to day."

Finished talking, Vorman told her sternly, “My Queen, I’ve told you many times that remember to make a shield around you when doing magic, so the opposite cannot penetrate to see everything you’re doing with your subject. You never want to learn anything to do your work, don’t you?”

“Of course I want,” Aerith felt ashamed but still talked back, “I just don’t remember 'cause I’ve fought a lot of insects and felt tired.”

Vorman told her, “At least you should concentrate to your main work and complete it done and fast. He turned to tell Zack, “And you, mercenary. You shouldn't have been here. Only priests and royal members are allowed in this holy woodland. Sorry, I have to arrest you and then erase your memory of today. Guys!

All the Queensglaive men came to them. “Stop!” Aerith shouted, then she opened her eyes and told Vorman, “He was invited to come here by me. If you want to arrest him, you must get me first.”

Vorman was terrified. He bowed his head, “Please forgive me, my Queen. I just do my work to protect our land from outsiders.”

“Sorry, I remember that I’ve told you many times about him. A man went here to help us. But you still consider him an outsider?! What do you think if I will punish you for offending my distinguished guest? That’s my work, huh?” Aerith told him sternly.

“Sorry, I think he’s right about doing his work. I should leave now,” Zack told her quietly.

“No, you won’t leave until I’ve done with him,” Aerith turned her head to see Zack. Her green eyes were brightened, which made him feel terrified too.

“Captain Manuel,” she ordered, “Mr. Vorman here has shown his sacrilege in front of me. Punish him!”

Captain took the scabbard in his hand, “I’m sorry, my Courtier,” he said. “I see. Just do your work, Captain Manuel," Vorman replied him.

The Captain raised the scabbard and then hit Vorman’s head. “Yeah. That’s a spirit. Now go,” Aerith smiled, then took Zack to go away. Moving along with her, Zack still turned his head back to see Vorman who was bleeding on his forehead. He felt sympathy for the Courtier.

Holding grass in his mouth, Zack laid down in green pastures, waiting for Aerith to do her job with some Cetra officials in the palace. Captain Manuel suddenly appeared beside him when he was looking at the stars in the sky.

Manuel: I thought you had left this forest?!

Zack: Yep. But your Queen hasn't ordered me to leave yet.

Manuel looked at the softly shining light from the palace window, saying: Honestly, you don’t need to follow her order if you really have a job to do…

Zack: I’m sorry. What do you mean? Then I’ll disobey her? I thought that since you guys have Kings and Queens, all of you must follow their orders?

Manuel: We don’t do that here. The Courtier and his cohorts are all men who have a full right to order the people, especially when she’s still too young.

A singing voice rose from the window, making Zack feel comfortable. Manuel told him: Feel good, huh?

Zack: My God. Her voice is true gold.

Suddenly, a sound of a yell rose, making the song silent. Zack asked Manuel: What’s wrong?

Manuel: Not to worry. She has the ire of one of them. She could have made a mistake.

Zack: It isn’t right. I must come to see her.

Manuel smiled: Then you have to step over all of us.

Zack: So what? I never feel anyone, including you so-called Queensglaives.

Manual: I see. But what about her? Do you think she’ll forgive you afterward?

Zack started to balk. He said: Maybe you’re right. I also want to protect her all my life.

Manuel: We spend our whole life guarding her, not you. You’re only a man who helps her, not protects her. This is a straightforward thing written in the contract, right?

Zack intended to say something, but abuses continued to rain down on Aerith from the open window. It made him anxious. Then, he saw Aerith leaving the palace with a packet on her shoulder. Manuel saw her too, but he did nothing. Zack asked him: You’ve just said your duty is protecting the Queen. Why don’t you follow her to say something?

Manuel: All my brothers and I will follow her to all places but one. And…

He quickly came close to Zack. His green eyes brightened like the way Aerith faced the Courtier, said: And I'll chop you in half if you dare go there and do anything horrible to her. Is that clear?

Zack raised his hands and said: Okay, buddy. Things couldn't be that serious.

Manuel’s eyes turned to normal so fast that Zack didn’t know if he could be wrong or not. The Captain told him: Right! We met The Courtier yesterday. He warned us about your disrespected relationship with our Queen… We better keep our eyes on you all day, Zack the Mercenary.

Zack surprised. When he was checking his pocket, Manuel showed him the camera. Throwing it back to Zack, the Captain left away. “What’s wrong with this guy?” Zack mumbled, “It’s just for saving good memories. Now all gone.”

Waiting for Captain Manuel altogether leaving, Zack secretly followed the way of Aerith. He saw her standing in the lake. The moon’s bright reflected her white skin. Cleaning her face with the pure water in the lake, Aerith began to do magic, then scenes from a clip were shown in front of her without a camera.

“My God,” Zack surprised and talked to himself, “Those are from my camera yesterday. I thought it had been deleted before I gave her a copy. How did she get them?”

The scene started with a note: Waiting for deletion. Done after the last viewing.

From far behind, Zack could see in the clip that all Queensglaives meeting Courtier Vorman in a room.

Vorman: Greetings, gentlemen! Because our time isn’t much, I will start right now.

Manuel: What’s the problem, old man? If there is information that Humans troopers were grouping at our border, I have already sent Guardian Forces in this night. No need to worry…

Vorman: They won't launch an assault until the meeting is over, Captain. Due to your lack of political experience, I can understand your faulty judgment. All right! Our serious problem is the mercenary.

A Queensglaive: Do you fear that guy will harm our Queen? She gets protected by all the Primals because of her purity. He’ll become dust right after he can touch her.

Vorman: Now that is a nearly right thing I can hear from you boys. The Primals will stop protecting her if she is unchaste…

Manuel: Wait a minute, old man. Do you mean that mercenary guy is flirting with her?

“How faggots!” Vorman mumbled, then he took out a camera. A Queensglaive told him, “Don’t tell me you stole it from that guy.”

Vorman didn’t say anything and just opened the camera.

“Right! Right! You are doing well, my Queen,” Zack’s voice came out from the clip. It looked like he was filming Aerith. Holding a bottle, she shook her hip and danced under the music.

All people inside and outside the movie except Vorman, R, and the sleeping P6 stared at that scene. No one commented on Aerith and Zack because the audiences were from the Church, while all the Queensglaive guys needed to show respect to their Queen. There was only the sound of music from the movie surrounding the place. R turned back and saw that both Sec and P1 were completely opened their mouths.

In the movie, Manuel saw one of his brothers appear in the clip and laughed so hard. He turned back and communicated with that brother by magic after making a shield to stop Vorman’s infiltration, “Really? You went that without letting us know?”

That guy communicated to Manuel, “Sorry for not inviting you guys. The Queen needed to be alone with the mercenary. I felt something wrong, so determined to stay put until she ordered me to join….” He inclined his head.

Manuel turned to see Vorman. He said: We truly understand this kind of problem. Now can you turn down the music?

Vorman didn’t reply and turned up the volume. Manuel felt confused, but he only said: Okay.

There was just loud music amid the wonderful nighttime scene of the grassland with the flashing fireflies. When the clip ended, Vorman told all: I have followed and visited several Humans land for a long time. Do you know how many dirty images of faking our Queen have been speared by them? I was very disappointed when your brother joined hands with Zack the Mercenary to do that.

Manuel: Calm down, Courtier Vorman. They seemed to be dancing and enjoying each other. And… although we are referred to as the Ancients, this does not indicate that we have an antiquated mindset.

Vorman: I agree with you, Captain, but in this case, the woman who wants to be a stripper is our Queen. Do you understand?

Manuel felt uncomfortable when Vorman kept shouting at him with harsh language: Sorry, my Courtier. Even though you are the second-most powerful man in the Kingdom, and our Queen dances very sensually, you still shouldn't treat her with such contempt.

Vorman: Why not? I’m her uncle. And I never accept a royal member, as my niece dares to take the scepter when being high like that. Okay. Tomorrow I will meet Aerith in the forest, requiring her back go to work under my men’s guidance. She has a conference with all Humans leaders next week. There's no time to neglect.

Manuel: But tomorrow is Sunday. Do you think she will go to work a full day with them?

Vorman took a bottle of tea and drank it. After smacking his lips, he pointed at a box behind the Queensglaive guys and said: The previous Queen ordered me to take care of Aerith, even told me just depose her if she’s irredeemable. But… once you have stepped to the throne, you'll never have a chance to get away with it. House of the Angels never allows any members to refuse the duty for the Kingdom. The punishment when a King or Queen abdicates to hide the responsibility is... death. That’s why I can’t think about deposing our Queen.

All Queensglaives were silent. Manuel told Vorman: Watch your mouth, my Courtier. Although you’re the Queen’s uncle, you must not tell treasonous words like that.

Vorman only smiled. He stood up, stepped to the cupboard, and took two eggs inside it. After slamming the cupboard door shut, he returned to the table, put all two eggs into the pot, and began boiling them. While doing all those things, he said: Sunday tomorrow, I will correct our Queen’s work style. She is selfish and never thinks about the people, the family, or duties. A Queen like her will make the Kingdom go down. As a right-hand man during three dynasties, I shall not let this happen.

Manuel: If you consider the Queen a child, then you can change the way your attention-seeking child behaves without becoming too extreme. Maybe she just wants to resolve privy matters and only expresses her aspirations. I remember she was perplexed when you gave her two legendary creature eggs to raise without first consulting her since most of our Kings and Queens had only received one. But then you were mad and… and required her to destroy both of those eggs and abdicated immediately.

Vorman was angry. He said: Stop talking to me as a kid, Captain. Take your hands off that stupid sword for me. Be grown up! I told you she couldn’t stay focused on everything. Everything. With my bare hands, I earned two eggs from the most dangerous creature and gave her on a silver platter, while she, with a mighty scepter, never got herself even one. I’ve done all things for her by myself with my money. MY MONEY. But she only uses the treasury for her stupid and useless flowers. So she has no right to ask me what I need to do and what I don’t need to do. Got it!?

Two eggs seemed to be damaged under the overheating water. Sec told R: They’re just chicken eggs.

R: What about the two eggs Courtier Vorman is mentioning?

Sec: Never mind. They’re just a minor detail.

P1: Hey, I feel sympathy for that Aerith person. Even though she was kind, not many relatives detested her.

R leaned back on the chair with two hands crossing behind his scauff of the neck. He said: Who knows? When you make someone unhappy with your action or because you’ve just slipped up something you really don't want to do, you will become evil in their eyes. C'est la vie.

P1 agreed, pursing her lips while Sec only inclined her head to the ground.

In the movie, Vorman looked around and then said: If anyone doesn’t have any questions, you can dismiss. I’m gonna give this clip of mercenary Zack to her the next morning.

The image shut down. The clip had been completely deleted. Aerith wiped his eyes and told herself: Maybe he’s right. I’m not a good Queen.

Then she prepared to take off her clothes, showing white and soft skin on her shoulder. There were some scars on it. Zack felt curious. He was torn between leaving and staying. In a flat spin, he made a scuffing noise.

“Who’s there?”Aerith shouted, then shot her magic to Zack’s place. He countered it but fell to the ground. “You!?” Aerith felt angry, “Why you dare?” then she stormed to him and raised her scepter. Zack held his blade to counter it. The lighting flashed when two weapons knocked together. Aerith felt surprised when his blade wasn’t damaged. She stayed back. Waiting for her to breathe slower, Zack explained, “Please forgive me, my Queen. I just want to know if you’re all right or not.”

Aerith: But you aren’t a Queensglaive, even not one of us.

Zack: I know. I am a mercenary, Zack the Mercenary, that’s what our people always call about me. But I don’t feel trouble at all. At least… I don’t cry.

Seeing Aerith’s tears were already on her cheek, Zack recognized that he had made her worry, but too late. She attacked him again. When her magic touched his head, an image showed inside his brain:

Vorman stood behind Aerith. He shouted to her:…can't believe that you have used magic thousands of times but can’t make a good one. Try again. NOW.

Vorman, who was standing behind Aerith, continued to yell as she was singing: More atonal… More… More… I say… more. What’s wrong with you? Who can be attracted by the song of magic from you? MORE…No… back… back…

Every time Vorman screamed at Aerith’s scruff of the neck, she tried to make a sad smile under her light and green eyes. A Queensglaive staying behind her always whispered: Keep trying, my Queen, or the Courtier will give you an earful a full day.

His word didn’t make Aerith feel better. The audience, especially kids, felt scared of Vorman when he was screaming. One of them said: Why did he repeat that word to Aerith? Her real name was Aerith More or something?

“Okay, stop!” Vorman put his face in his hands to hide his disappointment. He said: You say you have other work to do in the lake, right?

“No, I just want to take a bath. My skin is hurt. As a Queen, I need to be clean and strong.”

“Right. Do you mind if I allow you to take this wood to your palace? So you can complete our work at midnight right after bathing.

Looking at the big wood, Aerith was awkward, “What do you mean? At midnight? Working at home? But we have worked all day.”

“No time. The conference with all other countries will be held next week.”

“I know. But…”

Vorman came close to her. Eyes to eyes. He said slowly but in a solid voice: I suppose you didn’t listen to me well. Allow me to repeat. I… give… you… this… wood…Okay, do you mind if I allow you to take this wood to your palace? So you can complete our work at midnight right after bathing.

Aerith slowly nodded his head. Vorman suddenly laughed, making the audience jump out of their skins: That’s all. See. That’s all. So why are you thinking too much, my Queen? Guys! Let’s put this thing in the package.

Once the guards were finished, Aerith commanded: Let the package to me. I will bring it to my place alone.

Guards began looking at one another. The Queensglaive told her: But, my Queen. You can’t...

Then he looked at Vorman, hoping for him to say something. But Vorman only said: The wood is quite heavy. Use your magic to make it lighter. It’ll be rained outside so remember not to grab it with your two hands.

The Queensglaive breathed a sigh. He saw Aerith was closing her eye. He used magic to connect to her without talking: You’re tired. What’s wrong?

Aerith connected to him: My skin is in excruciating discomfort, as is my head.

He smiled and kept connecting to her: I guess you’re in the mating time, like people in Viera or Miqo'te. You’re no longer a kid, my Queen.

While Aerith was red in her face, Vorman slapped strongly her scruff of the neck: Mating time, my ass! You’re tired because you only ate two rice bowls without meat this day. We are noble people, not wild animals. Stop thinking of dirty things. Grow up!

Seeing that Aerith said nothing, he continued to slap her neck: What? Now you feel better, my Queen. I hope this little mediation will help you.

P1: Blasphemer! That guy will be cut the heads off.

“I don’t think so,” R said when he saw all the guards were still standing.

Zack tried to help Aerith, but he couldn’t do anything because it was an illusion. Vorman kept saying: All the leaders before, even your father and mother, could finish this work faster and more accurately than you. A week has passed, but you can’t still finish it. I don’t have time to sit with you one full day to another full day. Why don’t you just become a small part of our family? You think your flowers will make this planet better, huh? Have you ever known people outside the Kingdom who thought of what a flower girl is? A woman of the streets. Yes, that’s right. I saw what they had done from their thinking. But the most terrifying is that one day I’ll see my granddaughter lose the virgin and then become precisely what they think if she can’t protect herself as she does with this country. It’s all because she can’t become a true Queen of the Cetra.

All people inside and outside opened their mouths when listening to Vorman. His words looked like every dagger stabbing into Aerith’s ears. She shouted, “Shut up! SHUT THE F*CK UP!” Then she turned around and pointed the scepter at the Courtier. He was burned immediately.

The scene was immediately glitched. “Hey! What’s wrong?” Some audiences asked, “Don’t worry. It’s just a deleted scene. The movie will be continued after a few seconds,” Aerith from outside the movie explained. “No. We don’t trust you anymore,” an audience stood up and took his family to leave the seat, “You don’t look like her. A woman we always know for 500 years. You’re just a freakin robot trying to advertise a freaking movie. Luckily that we’re outside the Church, so I may tell all these bad words. But forgive me because I and my family no longer put up with it. Have a good night, people.”

There was more audience following him to leave. Only a few stayed but no kids. Aerith smiled: Thank you for staying with us. The movie will keep showing now.

Under the stage, R could see her mumbling: Truth is generally unpalatable

“What are you seeing from her?” Sec asked him

R told about her word. P1 said: I don’t think it’s a kind of truth. No evidence or story has been told about this before. I hope it’s a fictional movie made by a fan.

“I see. How do you think?” R asked Sec. She thought for a while, then said one word: Yeah.

R: Just “yeah”. That’s all. See. That’s all.

P1 nudged him: Oh! C’mon, boss. Don’t joke with her.

Sec continued to remain silent as R turned to gaze at her. He asked her: It's just for fun. Anyway, do you know what happened to Vorman and the others at that time?

Sec: Burn them all.

R: What?

Sec: She burned them all with her scepter. No one could survive. Shiva, Ifrit, and all other Eikons. Even those flowers and trees became dust.

R laughed off: Okay. Okay.

In the movie, Zack woke up. His eyes dimly saw Aerith looking at him with her worry.

“Ah! You're awake,” Zack lifted his head. He said under headache, “Aerith… My Queen… I remember we have just got a little fight with each other. What happens? You okay?”

“Don’t I look it?” Aerith smiled, then directed her eyes to make a sign to him to look at a side. He saw his blade and her scepter crossing together. “They stopped our fight after you fell into the dream. No more hate. Make a love. That’s what I could hear from them. Anyway, sorry for hitting your head. Using magic to do that is really dangerous.”

Zack: Don’t worry. I’m okay. Glad to see you’re back to normal.

Aerith: Sorry?

Zack: The dream… I saw you kill some people with your madness.

Aerith felt she had just remembered something. She said: No. I didn’t kill anyone. Actually, I had thought about that when Vorman was teaching me. But then I quickly calmed down.

Zack: I see. Glad to hear that.

Seeing Zack was still dizzy, Aerith felt ashamed. She helped him to stand up, but his legs didn’t move. Suddenly he slipped while still hugging her. Their eyes drew close. A halo appeared in the dark sky, Zack said: Wow! It’s so beautiful. And you… Is this a dream?

Aerith felt his dumb was so funny. She said: Maybe. You tell me.

Looking at the stars inside the halo with Zack, she said: I used to live in the Forest, back when I was really little. I and my friends usually played with magic and all kind of animals around us. Sometimes we talked to trees, flowers, and furniture to listen to them and felt not to be alone. We didn’t have any chance to see the world. Even I had never imagined what a leader looked like until my mother's passing.

Zack: Yeah. One of your friends told me.

Aerith: Right. So it kinda feels like I’ve gone back to my childhood home, you know? Honestly, it’s not that bad.

Zack: So what, you wanna stay or go outside for an adventure around the world?

Aerith said nothing. He told her: C’mon, Queen Aerith. Don’t be silly.

After a while, he kept saying: All your friends are really worried too.

Aerith: “Too”? So you’re worried about me?

Zack: Of course I am

Suddenly, Aerith embraced him in tears: Oh, Zack. I dread the thought of my Kingdom crumbling beneath my control. I’m scared. Hug me, please!

Then, she put her hands to his face and whispered: Everyone dies eventually. So we need to embrace this moment.

The scene then dimmed to black. R heard Sec whispering herself: Hate has a reason for everything, but love is unreasonable.

The movie continued to show the next scene. Many people were wearing splendid costumes in the palace. At the top of the stairs, a tall man raised his voice: Welcome to the capital of the Cetra, ladies, and gentlemen. As we know, the conference aims to promote international friendship. Our Queen is so grateful to all of you for coming here. And now, she will be in here to welcome us. All hail the Queen.

Aerith appeared. Her beauty completely overwhelmed all people. When she began to sing, white magic spread out the people while all the Eikons were flying over their heads. Zack appeared in the crowd. He put his hand to his heart while looking at her.

The show was completed. The applause which echoed around the room was a testament to the relationship between the Ancients with the Humans.

While people from the Humans came to see the Queen and praised her, an older man from them said: While people from the Humans came to see the Queen and praised her, an older man from them said: My Queen, we shall always be grateful for your hospitality shown to us all here. In my capacity as the diplomatic corps' dean, I have a good feeling that the peace agreement between us will be finished right soon.

Then he bent and kissed Aerith’s hand. Vorman appeared between them and said: I appreciate the affection you conveyed to our Queen. The conference room is ready. I believe the Queen would probably be delighted to sign the Agreement between the two sides.

The dean: Sure! Why not?

While two old men were talking, Aerith looked at Zack on the other side. Her smile attracted the dean. Vorman used magic to read that older man’s think: Oh my. That cute face, but better than my wife.

Vorman coughed: Uh… Excuse me. Would you like to come with me? Our Queen wants to make her way to the conference room immediately now to be ready to speak.

Aerith seemed to awake. She said: Oh, yeah. The speak. Courtier Vorman, I'm grateful you reminded me. I really, really hope neither of you will mind if I go. Simply pick up where you left off. I'll see you there shortly.

Zack decided to follow her. But a crowd entered between them. They all appeared to be dancing and were covered in masks. “A dance of warriors,” The Dean said. But Vorman told him, “No. A dance of mercenaries,” One of them came to Aerith. All her Queensglaives kept their defense. Suddenly Captain Manuel brandished his sword when that man took a thing out of his pocket. The sword slightly cut the mask, making a scar on it. The thing he gave to Aerith was a rose. “Gift for our Queen,” he raised her voice. Then the mask broke, showing his blue eyes. Aerith was distracted by those eyes. “Knight Cloud of Fenrir Clan, hero of the Humans,” a voice raised.

R asked Sec: So that guy is the man who people here always tell a story about?

P1 interrupted him: No. Definitely not. That guy may have the same eyes and hair but too much beard.

Cloud in the movie: Sorry, guys. Today before coming to this country, I’ve been promoted to Knight. From now on, The Fenrir will rise to affluence. And oh! There's a coincidence that the Queen here also got an achievement in her career. So it’s a good day for us to share our best moments.

Then he took a glass of champagne: In the literature of our countries, the swan has stood for purity and virtue. But in this country, where people live doing some magic and farming, we have a Queen whom every swan on the planet feels ashamed of her beauty.

Holding the glass in front of Aerith, Cloud said: I wish you would live forever in my mind and other heroes on this planet.

After that, he raised the glass and talked in Cetra language: All hail the Queen.

All the crowd repeated his voice but in their language. Holding the rose in hand, Aerith felt very happy.

Far behind them, the Dean talked to Vorman: You know? If there’s another timeline, I'm pretty sure that they will be a good couple.

Vorman: I don’t think so. Just another mercenary. So arrogant. Living like animals.

The Dean: I can’t tell more. The wolf is by nature a pack animal. For them, women and gold are the best things. Your Queen is smart when not recruiting one of them for her work, but she’s too risky when choosing an arrogant mercenary to stay beside her every night.

Vorman turned to look at the Dean with his green eyes, saying: What do you mean?

The Dean: No offensive, Courtier Vorman. But since I set foot in this country, I’ve seen several people from my country, mainly men, go and visit women here. They sang a song about… uh… about love between a Queen with a young soldier man who likes doing adventure more than loving her. I ignored that song until I saw that each of them held wine in their hands. With all my respect, I know people in your country got some trouble with birth until your previous King found a way to resolve it. Matching to people outside the Ancients’ land… Stop inbreeding… along with learning the technologies. All are progressive policies. But… only young males who aren't Cetra, in my opinion, will be attracted to ladies at this place, while most older men, like me, will not. Why? Because we’ve got full experiences in our lives, enough for taking precautions to all kinds of beauty, especially when it’s a kind of magic.

Vorman: We can look after ourselves and yet remain the world's strongest country. Thank you. But I think it wouldn't be appropriate to discuss our birthing policy here. Now, I believe we have a peace pact that needs to be signed.

The Dean: Okay. Sorry. I just want to share this worry with you. Let me tell you one thing. It seems that your Queen is the person who led the van in all these policies. Her love makes people here feel the emotion of everyone outside their world. That’s good. But given that I've never seen someone without Ancients blood be a leader here, I suppose she should concentrate more on herself.

Before Vorman could say something, the Dean had moved. But he turned around and said: Ah… One more thing, my Courtier. On the last day, I saw Zack the Mercenary leaving the Queen’s room very fast, but he immediately returned and came out with his blade. I was surprised, not because he could bring his weapon to that room, it’s because… what kind of a soldier forgets his weapon in a lady’s room?

After downing the egg-wine drink, Vorman still felt thirsty. He wanted to check out Aerith’s mind, but he couldn't because he had promised himself not to penetrate his niece's brain anymore.

In the conference, Aerith listened to people from both sides discussing every clause. Seeing Zack outdoors looking at her, she connected to his brain, “Give me a drink, my honey. I feel thirsty.”

When Zack took a glass from a waiter and walked to her, a young woman blocked in front of him. “Hi, Zack. Long time no see. How have you been?”

Zack: Oh! Hi, Cissnei. What are you doing here?

Cissnei: My dad is the Dean. Don’t you remember? I’ve never thought that you now become a right-hand man of a Queen. Why didn’t you contact me?

Seeing that Aerith was impatient. Zack said: Cissnei, go do something.

Cissnei: Going to Aerith?

Many people around them were looking at her. Zack was a little freaked: What’s wrong with you? Do not tell the Queen’s name loudly here. But how do you know that? Am I being watched?

Cissnei: No, she’s the one being watched. You don’t know? There’s a rumor that since meeting you, her health has not been well.

Zack saw Aerith was coughing. Looking at the glass in his hand, he told Cissnei: I need to go. After the conference is done, I’ll meet you outside. I promise.

Cissnei: Please talk to me more, Zack. It has been a long time since you decided to come here. People at home and I thought that you had been… cocked in a big jar by some ugly women holding their brooms. We had many good times when we were children. I’m glad to see you okay here.

Cissnei tried to talk about many things she could when she was with Zack. Her emotion made him unable to leave her. While signing the pact with leaders of Humans nations, Aerith kept coughing, but she couldn't stop looking at Zack.

After the pact had been signed, Aerith was introduced to all important people from outside the Cetra nation. The Dean also appeared. “Congratulation, my Queen,” he said. Aerith tried to smile, although she was coughing and felt like vomit. Putting her hand over her mouth in coughing, Aerith held out that hand to catch his hand. “Um… Thank you. But I… I think it isn’t necessary.”

Vorman's face got serious: Sir, please show your respect to the Queen.

The Dean had no choice. He caught her hand. When wiping his hand on his clothes, he said: With all my respect, my Queen. Although the pact has been signed, it doesn’t mean the chaos will end. We discovered some neighboring nations still developed their amies on your country’s border. They all want the Lifestream here, like a man who wants to get a beautiful woman for himself. So I think it’s time for you to protect yourself with the army you have upgraded. Of course, we will side by side with you for the common good…

Aerith couldn’t bear it anymore. She made a sign to all her maids to follow her, then pushed the Dean away. The crowd drew aside to let her go and whispered: Is there something the matter with the Queen of Cetra? She looks pale… Seriously? On this important day?

“I’m sorry. I will take care of this,” Vorman told the Dean and all Humans leaders. The Dean seemed to be angry, “That’s right. You should keep your eyes on her because we don’t feel everything’s okay,”

Vorman quickly followed Aerith from behind. She and her palace maids quickly moved inside a toilet room. Standing outside, he listened to them talking to her, “My Queen, please keep breathing slowly… Help her, quick…”

Vorman opened the door. He saw Aerith vomiting while a maid was rubbing her back. Seeing that Vorman appeared, Aerith coughed convulsively. She put her hand over her mouth while raising another hand to gesture to him to stop coming. Vorman used his magic to see through her stomach. He discovered an embryo inside it. She was pregnant… “Sir, SIR. Our Queen just ordered you to leave right now,” a maid raised her voice, making him back from reality. Closing the door, his face flushed. Tears coursed down his cheeks.

“We got a situation at the border,” In another scene, Captain Manuel told everyone in the council, “A group of a mysterious army was on the rampage. They all tell by Humans language. My Courtier, are you listening?”

“Yes,” Vorman replied in a sluggish voice, “Go on, Captain,”

Captain Manuel: Many of our people were under attack. We had sent many troopers there. However, it seems that our adversary's equipment and their attack plan against us are incredibly well-prepared. My Courtier, I think…”

Vorman: You think?

Manuel looked around the council, then he said: On behalf of Queensglaives, let me show you one of our solutions. Which do you want first?

Vorman: Tell me your best solution.

Manuel: This time, we will combat them with our most potent military forces and modern Human technology. Make sure they will be cleared once and for all. Of course, all my brothers and I will take over this mission.

Vorman was reading the record when listening to Manuel. Then he threw it to the table and dragged a half-smile out of his lips: Your solution looks like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, Captain. They are a group of an army, not a whole army. Just send a group of mages with Eikons, and everything will be soluted. The peace pact was signed not long ago, so there is no need for a storm in a teacup.

Manuel: Yes, but as I said, they were well-prepared, and that still doesn’t stop since we have countered them many times. It means they’re well-supported by powerful forces from behind. Because we don’t need a storm in a teacup, so…

Vorman: So?

Manuel looked around the council again, then he said: So all we need to do is demonstrate our might to them. Not engage them in direct combat.

After listening to that, Vorman tried to stop laughing, saying: I’m sorry, but this is the first time I have heard about that kind of strategy. Your strategy suppose they'll resemble what some ravens do when they see us dressing as scarecrows, huh? What about your second-best solution?

Manuel: We’ve agreed not to tell you since we hoped you could approve our first proposal. But now you asked me, so here it is. You’re the last man of a legendary team who succeeded in taking the adventure through most of the Humans’ territories over 100 years ago and know all their languages as well…

Vorman: I don’t need you to tell me about my biography. Go to the main point, Captain.

Manuel: Right. Sorry. We want you... to come with us to the border to convince them to go home. Of course, if you don't feel trouble with your old age.

Vorman looked at Manuel for a long moment. Their green eyes were on each other. Vorman: I’m a Courtier, not a General. Why do you want me to go to meet them?

Manuel: The first time, we assumed they were trying to steal as many Lifestreams as possible for financial gain. But then, based on the information we learned from one of them we managed to capture, we understood that they were sending all those Lifestreams towards the enigmatic entity, which is definitely not on the planet.

Vorman: Wow! Slow down, man. What did that Humans man tell you? A mysterious force that is not on this planet?

Manuel took a nod. Vorman asked him: And all of you guys believed in his story?

Manuel: Well, he said that he was from Lufaine. You know that it is customary for people in that nation not to tell lies to strangers. Right!? So, what do you think?

After briefly remaining still, Vorman stated: I think I’ll agree to come with you to the border.

Manuel was completely surprised when hearing that. He just said: Okay, sir…

“But tell me where he’s now? Don’t tell me you’ve killed him, Captain,” Vorman said

Manuel looked around the people again, then said: No. We just let him go.

Vorman: Sorry?

Manuel: We released him. When he was carrying his fellow to run over the border on his shoulder, we caught both of them. His fellow was bleeding, but he refused to let us stop it.

“Yeah, I could see his health bar running low too fast from my glass,” a Queensglaive said.

Manuel: But he also said there was something he wanted to give to people on the other side. And he never lived in this world, bla, bla…, then he tried to escape, so we held him down. My brother connected to his brain…

“…He was in the Real World, going to a European country to hand over a secret report stored in a USB to their leaders. But he was then betrayed, and his USB was swapped,” that Queensglaive said

“…And he was hunted down by them and his own enemy as well. Poor guy. After my brother had done connecting to his brain, he suddenly stormed to me while shouting: You. All because of you.”

“Can you tell me what his USB stores?” Vorman suddenly asked

The Queensglaive just scratched his head and said: We had searched both of them but found nothing. Before that, I penetrated his brain but couldn’t see it all. It was too dark. But I believe I’ve seen an image of Knight Cloud’s lady… What I saw, though, was from a very, very long ago, so my magic ability couldn't handle it. Sorry, old man.

Not waiting for Vorman to ask more, Manuel said: As soon as he stormed to us, I had to push him back by magic. Then he died… When we turned to the Lufaine man, he said he knew some of the information from that dead guy. A story about an Ancient man who got married to a powerful sorceress, but she turned to darkness since their kid passed away. Her choice broke his heart, and more people in some countries would be harmed…

Vorman: Okay, it would be better if you told me about that on another day, Captain. Now please tell me why did you guys free that Lufaine guy.

The Queensglaive: He didn't look normal when telling me some crazy things. He saw all of us would fight with a creature on the planet someday. That creature is far from the planet but very near to here, exactly in right here but not now. However, the choice of a mad sorceress is the most significant factor in our suffering, not that creature. Only God knows what he wants to say.

Manuel winced: Well, I understood the dead man was shocked due to losing blood, so he stormed to me. And about the Lufaine guy, I understood what he was saying but never trust it since I haven't married yet and definitely didn't have a dead baby with a mad woman in our Kingdom. Even she can decide all of our fate based on what he told me. So I thought he was trying to talk nonsense to spin out the time. When I was preparing to finish him, he just smiled and told me I would never have a chance to do that. Well… I supposed that abnormal guy didn't deserve to die by my sword, so I merely told my brother to blindfold him and let him free to go over to the other side of the border.

The Queensglaive: Yep, I did observe that he had spent a full day walking by himself while wearing a blindfold.

Vorman: Captain, regroup your men. We will lead our army to the border tomorrow.

Manuel: Tomorrow?

Vorman: Yes. And don’t forget to relay your message to the Queen.

Manuel: My Courtier, she doesn't feel so good these days.

Vorman: She has got her word. Going to the battlefield to lead the army herself. This can’t be withdrawn.

Manuel intended to turn around, but a Queensglaive had said: Yes, sir. We will do it.

When people had left the room, Vorman ordered Manuel to remain.

Vorman: What do you think, Captain?

Manuel: Strange. We are the planet's acknowledged wizards, yet some things still make us uncontrolled.

Vorman: I saw you turned around many times in the council today. Do you think your soul contains something that cannot be controlled?

Manuel: I think I know what that Lufaine guy talked about. My great-grandfather. He was missing near the Rift far years ago, along with a sorceress.

Vorman: They were the first people in our nation who thought about a combination of magic and technology. But their experiment killed them. Like many people here, I will keep their story as a myth. Here for you.

Vorman gave Manuel a portrait. “Thank you, sir,” Manuel said

Vorman: You look like him. Although your family was still low-rank noble, your great-grandfather will be remembered as the first Knight of a powerful sorceress.

Manuel: My mom said that too.

Vorman held a finger: Don't tell the Queen about your mother. She is currently under a lot of strain.

Manuel: I see… When my mom told me the truth before she passed away, I felt shocked. But I love Aerith more than anything. So… I will keep that truth as our secret forever. I promise.

Vorman put his hand on Manuel’s shoulder: I apologize for being so severe with you, Captain. You and the Queen will be the future of our nation. As a right-hand man of three dynasties, I feel I must be more responsible for guiding all of you. Don’t worry. When I come to the promised land someday, you guys will be free to control the Kingdom with all your talents and responsibility.

Manuel was touched. He rubbed his hands: My Courtier, I started to feel anxious about our Queen. Since our contract with Zack the Mercenary was done, there’s no one responsible for training the imperial army anymore. But his leaving might affect her more than anything. She always stared out the window at the flowers whenever I came. Since I noticed the seal holding her hand, she might write something down on the paper.

Vorman: What did she write, do you know?

Manuel: I didn't see the content because that paper still had a lot of vacant space.

Vorman: That’s okay. Zack had left her for a heap of jobs, which put her under strain.

Manuel: At least she has you beside her. My Courtier, you seem to hurry. Do you want to leave?

Vorman stood up: The Lufaine guy. I think I know him. Unfortunately, you didn’t lay captive to him. The fact that you blindfolded him and sent him back to the Humans' realm alone. I feel it is not acceptable.

Manuel: Why?

Vorman put on his coat while saying: Because he knows you, me, our Queen, and all things on this planet. He’s the one called the Narrator.

Manuel: Really!? I think he's a crazy man who looks more like a bookworm than a danger.

Vorman drank his glass and said: Every time he’s shocked, he can see the future. But you gave him an idea while he was doing that. So dangerous. Therefore, I decided to come with you to the border to find him. About the rampage Humans soldiers there, just resolve them for me. Ah… I think you've forgotten to tell me another word from him, right?

Manuel tried to remember, then he said: Yes. He only told me one thing, but I didn’t care. He said…

Vorman: “I thought Emperor in this world was a man.” Right?

Manuel: Why could you know that?

Vorman laughed scornfully: Easy. Just think as a Narrator.

Then the Courtier left the room while Manuel didn't understand still what had happened.

Suddenly, R’s phone rang up. He saw his family was contacting him by video call. He turned it on.

R’s wife: Hi, honey. Hi, honey. We're still in the Church. Despite the increasing number of visitors, everything here is fantastic. How about the movie?

R looked around and saw that many people were sleeping like P4. He said: Not so excellent. It turns out that the movie is for adults.

R’s wife: I can see why there are so many kids here. Some guys told me the movie would be screened in its entirety since more and more individuals are bringing their kids to Church.

R: According to the situation here. I think they’re right.

R’s wife laughed: Well, I don't think so. That's a lousy film. People will use this time if they don't want to take their children elsewhere or even take a brief nap. But hey, I see you and your friends like the movie, huh?

R said while P4 snored louder: I think it’s because the movie is entirely different from what they’ve known. So they’re just curious.

R’s wife: I see. Who made that movie? Definitely not a guy here.

R: Yeah, you’re right. Hey, honey, is Father still preaching the Word?

R’s wife: Vicar preached to the congregation for half an hour. Now, this’s time for a dance show.

R: What’s the dance show?

R’s wife: You don’t know, honey? Here, the actress who portrays Aerith will dance to demonstrate her lovely flowers' appearance. The kids will love it so much.

R: Right. If our baby feels happy, I hope so.

R’s wife: Right. Do you want to see her, honey?

R: Sure. Why not?

R’s child: Hi. Daddy. I’ve found a new friend here… This is my dad. He’s handsome, right?

Through the monitor, R saw that his daughter’s friend was a black girl. Both of them were waving hands in front of him. Their happiness and safety made him feel overjoyed.

R’s wife: All right. Give it to me. Honey, don't forget to phone me once the movie is over so our kid may get some toy models of national heroes… Hey! Why is your face burning like mad?

R: Uh, I just went sightseeing in Red… sorry, the Wall Market. Drank something with friends.

R’s wife looked at his face for a while: Everything is okay? Did you get any troubles?

R: Nope.

R’s wife: I hope you don't have any more fights. Leave it to someone responsible. Can you do that?

R: Yes, Ma’am

R’s wife: And stop drinking hard liquor. You should try Banora Whites near there. A man in this country dreamed of making it. You may feel something happy you never know, like him.

R: C’mon. You know I hate any juices. Okay… I will try it.

R’s wife: I know you’ve got many hard times before. And now you still forget it. But you never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from. So please, try to feel all the good times you have, baby.

R: Copy, Ma’am. Wait a minute. Is that the girl who plays Aexis there?

He pointed to a woman who was prepared to make a dance around flowers in the Church. “Ah. Yep,” R’s wife confirmed, “And her name is Aerith. Remember that”

R: I thought she was here, beside the screen.

He raised his head as the movie made a loud noise, saw that the Android that portrayed Aerith had left the place.

R’s wife: What’s wrong, honey? From here, I can hear the sound of the movie. Will it be over soon?

R: No. I just check out what you told me.

Seeing that his daughter was laughing at her new friend. He told his wife: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. So, honey, I can see our baby is so happy.

R’s wife smiled: Hey, don't do that, honey. You looked... sad. Ah! I heard those toy models of all national heroes would be on sale for fathers who watched the movie until the end. So keep watching it for our baby. Okay?

R: Okay, baby. I will call you after the movie is over. Love you.

R’s wife replied to him when the Android started to dance in the Church: I love you too. Bye!

“Do I miss something?” R turned off the phone and asked P1 and Sec, “How long did that scene run for?”

Sec: You have missed a scene showing Queen Aerith and Zack the Mercenary got a good time on the beach. She wore a white dress, and her barefoot glided on the foam while he just hugged her.

To feel that moment, she turned up a song (The 1975 - I'm In Love With You) and listened to it through her earphones.

P1 told R: I don’t care because there are many stories about their love.

Sec: It’s because you’re jealous of her.

P1: Showing your love to everyone is a way of arrogance. Yeah, maybe. Anyway, I only care about the whole battle between the Cetra imperial army with the Humans. Queen Aerith was leading a group of Cetra army storming to the border. But all of them suddenly left her alone in the mist. All the bloody monsters from the Humans stormed toward her. If her Chocobo wasn’t quick, she wouldn’t survive. Uh…she had to build a magic shield to stop all around the enemies from lusting for her. On the last day, her Chocobo saw her getting hungry and asked her to eat it, but she refused. Her starvation made the shield no longer exist. And… Zack and all her Queensglaives appeared on time, defeated the enemies, and all returned to a Cetra camp nearby…

Stopped a little to take back her breath, P1 kept saying: ... But they were soon surrounded by a crowded military led by Knight Cloud. He rejoined the war right after returning from his honeymoon. Aerith and her men could resist Cloud until the enigmatic entity appeared and controlled him. Well, his strength looked like being buffed so many that he could defeat all of them.

P1 started to cry: In the battle’s climax, she tried to convince him that her race is kind and won't harm anyone, but he just grabbed her hair, pulling it back to show her white neck, and told her while raising his sword: Sorry, my Queen. I only want your head, not your race. Although Zack was wounded like all Queensglaives, he tried fighting against Cloud to save her on time. Then… Cloud could get out of the entity somehow. Then the two Knights, Queensglaives, and other Cetra soldiers counterattacked it. They could win if the Humans leaders ordered to support the entity only. The Humans army was buffed and even used Androids for their suicide attacks. Finally, all who protected Aerith had sacrificed to let her escape alone.

Looking at the screen, R saw that Aerith was carried by the Chocobo running very fast to a Cetra fortress. She was injured and half awake on her pet’s back. On the fortress, Vorman couldn’t believe in his eyes that Aerith was still alive. He told all Cetra soldiers: No. That isn’t our Queen. That’s a suicide A. I weapon faking her. Stop her now.

Cetra soldier: But, sir. We haven’t confirmed it yet. I see the target moving from a far distance, so there's still time.

Vorman: You dare not obey me, traitor. Give me that table

Cetra soldier: No, I only obey the follow of my Captain, not you. We can't control any weapons of the Humans here without his command…

Vorman didn’t listen anymore. He pushed that Cetra man away then took the table. Then he ran to the high ground and started to control it.

Cetra soldier: What are you doing, sir? No. STOP HIM!

He shouted to warn all people when Vorman tried to launch the cruise missile. They immediately grabbed him but too late. The missile had already launched from the sky.

The Chocobo tried to use its feather to stop the missile, but the explosion made Aerith fall to the ground. She saw her Chocobo was burning. Their eyes were on each other. She heard Chocobo say: Sorry, Aerith. We can’t explore the world together…”

Aerith cried when Chococo turned to dust. Its soul made the fire around unable to touch her. But Aerith felt hurt in the stomach. She looked down. Her blood was flowing out from the middle of her two legs.

When Sec and P1 put their hands on their mouths, R said: See. This movie is for adults.
Last edited:
Scene: No fighting in the Church.

“Thank you for coming here.” A Midgard guy came and talked to everyone, “If you want to see the next episode, please join other people in the church. The show from there is suitable for all ages. But if none of you have the time, you may rent the film here under a category for videos. Ah, one more thing, please rate us…”
No one from the tourists replied. Breathing a sigh, the Midgard guy was about to pack up his things.
R: Finally, the movie had been done. I will come to see my family in the church.
P4 woke up: Okay, guys. Do I miss something?
R: A lot, but not necessary to worry about. Hey, do you want to go home or continue to join us tonight?
P4: I’ll get back to my home for work. Hey, can I rate the movie and rent it to watch at my house?
Sec: Yep, but how can you rate it after sleeping like a log? And you don’t intend to rent it for your investigation, right?
P4: Perhaps I can’t. But certainly, I’ll get some EXP when doing all that and thus increase my indicator.
P1: Okay, good. We’ll wait for you. My EXP also increased since I contributed to the Church. But I did that not for any individual rights but for my country.
P1 and Sec were talking to people when R talked to his family on the phone.
R: Hi, guys. How have you been there?
R’s wife: So far so good. The Aerith is doing her job well. All the children here are joyful about her show. What about you? How’s the movie?
R: The movie is quite good but should not show near the Church.
R’s wife: Really? Is there nudity?
R: Uh… no. There are only some loves, not nudity. I mean the movie isn’t suitable for children.
R’s wife winked: Ah, okay. Hey, our daughter has just received a lot of EXPs for her indicator since you could watch the movie till the end. Thank you so much for completing that “side mission”, soldier.
R looked around and said: Yep, no matter. But I can see that the “side mission” is not so difficult to complete.
R’s wife: Yeah, you know. The more good things you can do for your own and your family, the more EXP you can earn for upgrading your characteristic.
R: Yeah, yeah. I've heard that all the time. Feel that it is stuck in my head. Hold on, honey. I will come to you guys after my buddy has completed his side mission… What’s that noise?
R’s wife: Nothing, it’s just a scene Aerith meets her boyfriend when he falls into her place.
R: His name is Zack, right?
R’s wife: How did you know?
R: Never mind. I thought she fell into him again since she had ridden anything like an angry flower…
R’s wife: Haha! Your imagination is too rich. Do you want to take a look a little?
R saw that the couple was dancing with their flower carts. Then Zack left and let Aerith stay alone.
R’s wife: Well… That’s a sad scene. I heard she had written many letters to him before he passed away for the country. He’s really a good man.
R saw Aerith crying, making the children feel sad. He said: Actually, I hope they should not show the full story there. It is not suitable for children either.
R’s wife: I don’t think so cause children should be learned about faithfulness and courage. Ah… here is another scene that another guy falls into her.
Seeing that guy leaving, R said: Well, I guess her magic roof has no effect this time for making someone lose their mind due to her.
From there, Aerith opened her mouth. She stood with her hands on her hips when saying: Remember, guys. Don’t step on the flowers!
The children laughed at her. R said: Good. That’s spirit. Hey, can I talk to our little daughter for a while?
R’s wife: Guess she’s busy right now. But okay.
R’s wife gave the phone to their daughter. She talked to her dad while still keeping her eyes on Aerith: Dad, not now. Don’t you see calling someone in the Church will consider as impolite?
R: I know. I want to see you, baby.
R’s daughter: God teaches us to need to love each other. Thank you for helping mom and me earn some EXP. I love you, daddy!
R made a finger gun and did a military salute to her: “It’s my honor, ma'am. I love you and mom too.”
There was another guy falling to Aerith, making R’s daughter joy so much. R’s wife took the table back and said: Now this’s her favorite scene ever. By the way, she’s right. You shouldn’t call us at this time. See you again here, darling.
R: See you soon, honey.
Suddenly, another guy fell to Aerith from the roof again. Haven’t shut down the phone yet, R asked his wife: Did they just change the story again? I’ve listened to the original one from the tour guide. Only three men falling and… What’s wrong, honey?
R saw all performers looking at that guy lying on the flowers and stopped dancing.
“Everything’s okay there?” R asked again,
R’s wife: Darling, that guy… looks very real.
R: Okay, honey. Can you move the screen to the stage? I want to see him…
The phone shut down. Sec stepped to R and said: Boss, what happened?
R intended to reply, but the video renter appeared and told him: A man came up and told R: Congratulations, sir! You are the 100th tourist visiting our show. Therefore, all the levels and skills of the show's main characters will belong to you and your friend. Well done, soldier! Please distribute them to your team appropriately.
R looked at his team and laughed: Oh, thanks! That’s a big gift for me on this day. Although watching this… average show may not be necessary, I can save time to earn EXE for existence, huh?!
And… importantly, you will be honored to meet Ms. Gainsborough tonight.
R looked at the Church where more and more were arriving. He said: Great! My family will pray in the Church tonight. I guess I’ll meet her there.
No, sir. You will meet her in the red light Wall Market, not in the Church.
R: You are kidding me?!
P4 also stepped to them and said: Finally, I got the video while only paying a few Gil. It can be rented for three weeks so that we can have enough time for the investigation. Indeed, this kind of story has a lot of new details. Even its genre should not have been shown in a place like here… Hey, are you listening to me, boss?
P4 saw that every people behind R, including P1, stood up from their chairs slowly to focus on something from behind him. Meanwhile, Sec told to R quietly: Boss, whatever happens, you should not fear. Isaiah 41:10. Remember that
P4: Guys. I forgot. The Church is right behind me, huh?
He slowly turned around. Many people were leaving the Church in an orderly fashion. After keeping a distance, most of them fell to the ground and started to cry.
R: Something wrong… I don't see my family. Why haven't they left yet?

G was standing beside a big tree. Looking at the sun, he was thinking about drinking a warm Morrid coffee or smoking a Cetra cigarette, “Nah! That’s okay. I can try this one,” he thought to himself when taking the cigarette. While smoking, he closed his eyes and felt every magic stream inside his head.
“There you are!”
G started at the sound of that voice. He quickly threw the cigarette to the ground. Carefully adjusting his clothes, he talked to the voice: Good morning, fathe… Sir Denzel.
Denzel went to G with a lot of his soldiers. After ordering them to stop, he stepped to G. Every footstep made a noise sound.
Denzel looked straight into G’s eyes and said: Where’s your uniform?
G: Sorry. I thought I had asked Kadaj to notify you about my leave today due to illness.
G looked at Kadaj standing behind Denzel with all soldiers.
Denzel: Today is Monday. You always have the weekends for your private. Why do you still get ill?
G: I don’t know. Maybe we are in their forest, which has a lot of poisonous magic…
Denzel: Is that all, huh?
Then he made a sign to Kadaj. That guy understood and ordered another soldier: Yazoo, come here.
Yazoo stepped on and took a thermal tool from Kadaj, quickly moving to G’s camp to scan it.
G: Dad, no need to do that…
Denzel: Today people from Spira let me know about a missing case. Since their summoner helps all our soldiers feel good on the battlefield, they’re afraid that the Cetra did it.
G: Yeah, I know. She can bring their souls to paradise so they won't be on the rove...
Denzel: Shut up. While we were in an emergency meeting to deal with it, you asked for leave. That’s unacceptable. Then do you know why I took many men to come here? Because the inspectors will check out all situations about “the extramarital relation” here. And you’re their first target. So I have to check with you before they come to not to lose face.
G: Don’t worry, dad. I told you I got an illness. Even I had promised you that I only meet a girl to talk to once a week and won’t get you into trouble.
Yazoo: Sir, I’ve checked out all here. Nothing.
G smiled at Denzel, said: See.
Kadaj: Sir. I believe him. He can do that thing to women but not someone like a summoner. She’s noble, pure, and a skilled mage. She never wants to go with an average, strange soldier, especially a kind of man like your son.
G: Hey, Sergeant. No need to talk about me like that. I’m not that kind of man.
Denzel thought for a while, then said: Yeah. You’re right. Then I don’t need to worry about him, but…THREE O’CLOCK, WEAPON FREE.
All soldier immediately pointed their guns that way. An invisible cloak was dropped on the ground, showing a naked woman raising her hands. “Oh, sh*t!” She said, then quickly put her hand to her mouth, feeling shame from cursing.
The soldiers lower their weapons. They all gazed open-eyed at her except for three soldiers, Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. She quickly picked up the cloak and angrily shot the judging magic from her stick. The three soldiers avoided spells easily while the others fell on the ground, crying and screaming: I'm so shameful. I’ve become impolite. I will be subjected to judgment!”
The summoner directed her angry eyes on G and Denzel and prepared to shoot her magic. Denzel quickly raised his hand to her and talked in Spira's language: Wow! Wow! Wow! Please stop, lady. We are following your father’s order to look for you. Here you can see.
A necklace hung out the raising hand of Denzel. Seeing it, the summoner seemed to keep calm and lowed her stick. She said: Where’s my father now? Please don’t tell him I’m here with him!”
Denzel: Just stay where you are. Okay.
Then he turned to G and whispered: Now that’s your “illness”, huh? Where are her clothes? Tell me now, or we’re gonna be thrown to many of Malboro Menace in her countryside by his father.
G whispered: Your voice was so loud that she was surprised and dropped it to the ground with the cloak.
Denzel: Okay
G: Before that, you had just come here too fast and then checked my camp with a thermal weapon. Feeling no way, she decided to use my cloak to leave…
Denzel: You let a woman who has just known you for two days use our invisible cloak?!
G: No. You've forgotten again. She met me during the time we got a Blitzball match in her countryside. Because of a Spira fat guy in our team, their goalkeeper could join the center forward to give me more pressure.
Denzel: Of course, I remember that day. You were the goalkeeper in our team but continuously stopped the goalkeeper from the opposite. It said that was the strangest match in Blitzball history.
G: Yeah. It’s all because the fat guy was my captain since he is her brother… Their father also claimed everyone who defeated his fat son’s team in the Blitzball match would get the honor of marrying his daughter. But she really hated that goalkeeper guy because he had put an affront upon her brother’s body. After we had won the match, she came to me to say thank a lot.
The summoner: Hello?
Denzel: Right. But how can she use your cloak easily?
G: I… taught her last night.
Denzel: You taught her that she must take off clothes to use the cloak?!
G scratched his head: No, I didn’t. Actually, this is a long story. Last night, she couldn’t sleep because many mosquito monsters had bitten her in Spira’s barrack. Then she came to my camp. We were delighted to talk about the match. Then… She told me she had seen dead soldiers get sick from those monsters. Even when she used magic to bring them to Farplane, those images still harmed her. She felt lonely and claimed that every leader in this war looked like mosquitos that always sucked the blood of all innocent people for their benefit. Then she cried. But I only understood she couldn’t sleep, so I agreed to let her stay in my camp to heal her. She was happy and told me that I’d be her little mosquito.
Denzel: Okay. So how long did you heal her last night, little mosquito?
G was silent. Denzel intended to hit his son, but a magic light touched him. “Excuse me, sir. I’m still here. Completely nude. Can I leave now?” The summoner asked him.
Denzel whispered: What’s wrong with that girl?
G: She’s right. Dad. We should go away, or you’d better let her go.
Denzel breathed a sigh. Then he controlled a monitor on his arm. The cloak around the summoner turned to a color canvas, hiding her so she could wear her clothes. G looked at her wearing the clothes happily.
Denzel: Yazoo, go to check all soldiers. Make them back here. Kadaj, keep your eyes on everything from there. The enemy can be around. Loz, build a shield near the summoner to protect her.
Yes, sir!
After all soldiers had returned to their normal, Denzel ordered them: Regroup on me!
D went around while he said slowly and loudly: The most terrifying of all soldiers is that they agree to follow an unintellectual leader though they’re intellectual. Until intelligence is put under violence, the country will be fallen. I want you to use your weapons with your head, not your hands. Even when you are standing in front of someone lovely like hell, I want you to use your brainstorming to assess your situation, not your D*CK!
Denzel emphasized the last word right when he turned to face his son. Stopping for a while, he continued to go around and said, “Good news that we have found the summoner. Our ally will feel okay. Let's bring her to them now. And you, my son. You’ll get a punishment. Are you done, lady?
The summoner went over to him. She whispered: Sir. I am sorry for bringing all of you to this problem. It’s my fault. But I love him. It’s a truth.
Denzel: Well, lady. You typically didn’t know about my son. He… is impatient with something boring like love. I must report your situation to your father.
The summoner suddenly grabbed his hand and said: Please don’t tell him. My father would feel completely squashed and unable to return to the Aeon if he knew the truth.
Right after that, the summoner’s father appeared. He said: Thank you, Sir Denzel. You’ve found my daughter. There’s some problem with her?
The summoner looked straight at Denzel and whispered, “Please…”
Denzel thought for a while. He looked at G, then told the summoner’s father: Nothing, sir. She’s fine.
The father smiled happily and thanked Denzel. Then he called his daughter to leave with him. When she turned back to see G, he whispered: I’ll go to your country to find you. I promise.
Waiting for all of them had left, Denzel scolded his son: Stop doing that. You have already had many promises to many girls before.
G: But this time is true. I really like her… Ouch! What’re you doing?
G said when Denzel clapped his chest. “Are you okay?” Denzel asked.
G held his breath and said, “Yes.”
“Really?” Denzel asked again, then kept clapping to his son’s chest. “Are you sure?”
“Ok. Stop. I can’t breathe,” G said
Denzel (D) smiled superciliously: You thought all women would feel a little hurt in their first love, huh?
G was red in the face: She nearly killed me last night. I had never overcome that kind of love.
Denzel: Then that goalkeeper should feel lucky.
He ordered his soldier: Good work, boys. You can go back to prepare for our next mission. Dismiss.
G intended to follow Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. But Denzel ordered him: Not you!
G slowly went back to his father. He smiled at his father: Okay. But you well know that there aren’t any punishments that make me scared…
D: The white hair Android came a day ago. So you and I will go to meet Aerith the Tyrant Queen tomorrow. Remember. No fight. Just talk.
G: Now that’s the only thing I feel afraid. I'm surprised because she never wanted to talk. Hehe!
D: Why’s so funny?
G: Sorry, dad. I think that nickname is f*cking stupid.
D: Yeah. Some men before have told exactly the same. Now all of them were hung in the trees with their burning body…
G: Yep. I heard that story too. It’s said that people can’t see her beauty on the battlefield except for her summoning pet, Volvados. Everyone who dares to come close to her on the bed will be returned their memory about her face like a monster, not the beauty. I don’t still agree with you about the time you stepped on her flower when she gave it to you as a gift. Although I knew you did it to threaten her, I saw her smile when holding that broken flower as if she had just found something interesting… Hey, now she has drawn in her claw since the sorceress was no longer the Queen and followed the Christian…
D interrupted: Do you have any?
G looked at the cigarette. He was surprised: I thought you hated smoking but only drinking coffee?
D: Just don’t tell Mom.
G: But I only have this one.
D: That’s okay.
G gave his half-smoked cigarette to D. After smoking, D said: I know you want to become a politician, not keep doing our family’s job anymore, huh?!
G: What do you think?
D: I can’t explain everything to you about that job, but I also can’t help you because I don’t have any friends from there.
G: Don’t worry, dad. I can take care of myself. People in the government will praise me if I have brought the Queen’s head, or better, her dead body, to them, only in case it's still clean and tidy, like when she is still breathing.
D: Killing is just a skill. It’s only for some coolies in a government. You have to learn more to build your dream—no need to wait too long. You will know a little about it when talking to her in next day.
G laughed off: I don’t care about talking with the enemy. Only defeat them. Find a victory. Then I will tell everyone in the government about all our victories.
D: Like you, son. I feel this bloody war making me sick. Every time, I could hear every forest here cry in pain whenever we burned them. Every time, I saw my soldiers turn into deserters to help our enemy. They didn’t even feel regret because of doing that before we executed them. Therefore, some sh’t guys sent robots here to replace us. I know you understand that those freaks have no heart… and then this planet will go to hell. So, my dear, do you dare to promise me that you will stand down if I have found a way to convince the Tyrant Queen to stop this war without killing more people?
G: Dad…
D: Look! I am helping you. You want to go to that room, do a new job to make a new life for yourself and your own family. Your thinking makes me proud. But I only ask you to do exactly what I say when you’re still under my command. After that, I guarantee that you will make the people praise you and become a good politician. And you don’t need to follow me anymore. Do you agree?
G looked straight into his father’s eyes. He said: Yes, sir!
D: I know you aren't good at talking; maybe my grandchild is too. But... while meeting her, you must choose a good option that appears in your head before saying something clever. If not, keep silent and let the grown-ups talk. Okay?
G: Yes, sir!
D smiled. He threw the cigarette to the ground, kept off his boot into it, then said: You’re right. I hate smoking. Even this one from Cetra created by their magic. But someone in the government told me that I should try something I have never tried because my offspring will do it in the future. Then I told them perhaps that day would come true, but now I hope in the future I won’t stop kissing any girls I like.
After talking, both he and G busted into laughter. G said: Don’t worry, dad. Women and money are always things that make our family’s brand. I will not let my descendant lose it. I promise.
Denzel turned to see the sunset coming and said: I know, but we live in a world where someone like us may not be deserved it. And the fact that the world's still crazy as f*ck. All right! Perhaps people will thus never know about our story, but I don’t care. I only hope our family will live normal days, just like normal people, to enjoy this beautiful planet.
G: I hope so, dad. I hope so.

D, G, and the others met Aerith on the battlefield. Among them, both sides had already disposed of the troops in battle formation
Aerith looked at Emanation. She laughed off: Oh. Is that the best you can do?
Denzel: You’re still beautiful. Not bad for an old woman…
Aerith waved her hand and yawned. She said: Let’s get down to business. I don’t got no time to play around. What is this? Guys, must be a circus in town, so let’s shut the shit down on the clowns. Oh hey. Can I get a witness?
All Cetra soldiers behind her busted into laughter. Denzel still kept his calm and said: You still have time to joke. Many people on the planet have died under your hand. Even on dying one thousand times, you never wash away all your sins. Then why did you show an act of penance?
Aerith: Yeah. Maybe you’re right. But… let me bore my sins in my body, not my race. You have to leave the Cetra alone, Sir Denzel.
Denzel: Not until we resolve this once and for all. I understand people on both sides don’t want this war anymore, so I am giving you a personal declaration. We will come to your Church tomorrow to get a fight. No army. No supports. Only us. Of course, if you agree to be arrested that day, we all will be nice to you.
Aerith: I understand. You want to stop this war. So do I. My Church always opens the gate to welcome everyone.
G smiled ironically and said: Yeah. All of us will come there to arrest you.
Denzel turned back to see his son with angry eyes, making G lower his head and shut up.
Aerith smiled: Oh. I see. We never had a robot join the Church. Interesting!
Denzel tried to keep calm. He smiled and told Aerith: How funny. You have followed a religion but used its sacred place for a battle. Let me know that all of us will come there to fight your men and even your Volvados. My son and I never fear anyone. So tomorrow, I hope you will come to the Church…
Aerith: Alone
Denzel: What?
Aerith: I will come there alone, Sir Denzel. I’ve just judged you and your son. Rash judgment of others is a sin. But with an old and dying woman like me, one more sin doesn’t have any meaning so I can keep enjoying my life last time.
Denzel: You don’t want to go to the promised land, huh?
Aerith smiled: Why not? It’s just… not yet.
Denzel: I see. So you aren't afraid that a woman like you can meet the riskiest?
Aerith: I fear no death, so I like the risk. Sir Denzel.
Denzel: Good. Then I hope you will sleep well today because tomorrow we will not be gentlemen when meeting you, the Tyrant Queen.
Aerith’s eyes shone when she replied: You want some fun from me. Come to get it.

G woke up in the helicopter. Materia was taking his hand. Her eyes lost control though she was smiling.
G: Materia. No
Materia was still silent.
G: Materia… Stop… I… I can’t breathe!
Materia returned her mind. She quickly withdrawed her hand and said: Sorry, my darling. I thought you were in a nightmare.
G breathed hard. He said: That’s okay… That’s okay. It’s just some memories from my old timeline.
Suddenly, G’s phone rang up. He let out the shirt's collar when replying.
“Yes, Minister…. About 5 minutes… Are you contacting the embassy? Tell them no need to feel worried. We’ll support WRO and their country with all our best… Yes, yes. I’ve known about the situation since most of Midgar citizens are now Christian…”
While listening to the phone call, G gestured to Materia: Interesting! A case of terror is happening there after 500 years.
Materia gestured to him by shaking her lips: If they were from Avalanche attacking any Mako reactors, just tell them the energy was no longer and only for display. Perhaps they don't need to protect the citizens too…
G gestured: That isn't gonna happen. The terrorist is the only guy who doesn't care about the Mako. And his target was moved from the energy to the citizens who need to be protected by... God.
Materia: Who’s him?
General laughed off when gesturing: Same as before. An Ancients guy. But now he got a bomb.

The helicopter was moving quickly under the heavy rain. G asked Materia: You reminded me of the Avalanche. Why?
Materia: No. I’ve just thought about Zack Fair. Heard that he was coming back…
G lowed his head to see Materia’s eyes and whispered: Don’t worry, honey. I told you I would take care of it.
After a silent moment, Materia looked at her husband watching raindrops on the glass window. She was thinking about some of her opinions to keep contacting her husband or just be silent. Using her magic glass, she can choose an option carefully to calculate G’s emotional point. Finally, she decided to tell him: Darling, as your wife, I can accept all your mistakes and sins, but at least you should not hit P6 so hard. Our son has done many things for us. He can’t only control his emotion…
G glower at her: He should have changed his bad habit to avoid getting everyone into trouble. The Narrator told me that the Fenrir might not belong to this beautiful world because of our love habits. Sorry, honey. I just did it for our family's existence.
After that, G was back to the heavy silence. A choice to be silent appeared in Materia’s head, but she refused and asked G: How did you know about him?
G: Who?
Materia: Mr. President Shinra.
G: Come on! Don’t say that treacherous name to me.
Materia: Treacherous? You let him know about our son during our rescue mission, but finally, he never tells. At least I have a right to know about the situation.
G smiled then he said: All right! I met him when he was a child. At that time, he lived in the dumping ground, always stole fish from alley cats, and arranged them behind his damaged sofa. He told me those fish were his treasure, so he wouldn’t let anyone come to take them, even me. His attitude made me feel interested, and then I told him I would help him to be a King of something better than those scraps if he could give his life to me.
Both of them remained silent. Then Materia said: Thank you.
G: For what?
Materia: For finding me in this timeline.
(The Queen looked around all soldiers from the enemy and said smiling: “Like a circus)
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