This is not FAIR!!!


Aug 26, 2008
Ok I KNOW I'm not the only one who is mad at this. Tetsuya is being a selfish, racist, and unfair person. He is REFUSING to release all the extra versions of Final Fantasy AND Kingdom Hearts games in America.

Such as...

Final Fantasy X International

Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission

Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Job System

Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+

and others...

If I could get people to sign a petition to MAKE them release them here... I hope I can. Please support me on this. And stop Square-Enix's prejudice decisions... Square-Enix... I love you guys but you are being too unfair...
Surely you can import them?
The most likely reason why they haven't been released is due to lack of demand, they obviously aren't going to do it if they lose money.

He isn't being selfish, unfair or racist, he hasn't said hey seppos you cannot have this because I hate Americans, ergo not racist,
*sigh* Only in America, huh? Why not the rest of the world too? -_-

Also, the only reason why he created these games is because when they released the English and other language copies, he added extra bosses and missions that the Japanese copies did not have. So, he re-released the Japanese ones, with all of the English game bonuses, plus extra.

It's nothing really to cry about. Sure, I'd love to see them released here, especially KH2:FM+, but really, why go to the bother of having to re-dub them all into English, then spend the money to release the game. They'd probably loose more money then make just by doing this, IMO.
Such a fag. If you want them so much then import them. Its hardly racist when a company doesn't release a particular 'update' of a game outside their main market. I too would love to see them in England but its hardly worth getting in a pissy about it.

By that logic, they're also racist because certain European versions have extra goodies that North American versions don't have.

Srsly, nothing's stopping you from importing them.
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By that logic, he's also racist because certain European versions have extra goodies that North American versions don't have.

Srsly, nothing's stopping you from importing them.
yes that is true you could simply import them but what if you are like me and most likely most of the poeple in the world who do not have the software to change the region coding.
And for the another comment on here if the Japanese gamers found it unfare that other places had more to start with why did they not simply even it out by releasing another copy with the exact same stuff instead they are mearly switching the positions so it is unfare for others to not have the latest extras.
So i agree with Squall429
, it is unfare.
RedemptionSeeker said:
yes that is true you could simply import them but what if you are like me and most likely most of the poeple in the world who do not have the software to change the region coding.
And for the another comment on here if the Japanese gamers found it unfare that other places had more to start with why did they not simply even it out by releasing another copy with the exact same stuff instead they are mearly switching the positions so it is unfare for others to not have the latest extras.
So i agree with Squall429
, it is unfare.

Then you buy the software to change the region coding (Swap Magic is the best cost-wise). Its £20 online, and that's pretty cheap tbqh. It costs money to mass-produce games, then ship them all over the world. Square-Enix would most probably lose money doing this; I doubt it would sell even half as well as the games counterpart. At least the voice acting in the games mentioned are in English.
Re-releases. Serious business.

Anyway, to answer the original complaint and thus throw myself into the fray, the American gaming market and Japanese gaming market are different in a few key ways. That isn't to say that one is superior or inferior, just that they're...well, different markets. The average Japanese gamer is more likely to buy a re-release of the same game, whereas the average American gamer probably wouldn't see much of a point. That's one important thing to consider. Square-Enix is a company first and foremost, meaning they will make decisions that they think will financially benefit themselves. If they don't think they'll make enough money in a particular venture to make it worth the effort, they simply won't go through with it. They don't have anything against America personally, it's simply not worth it. It's actually a bit ridiculous to suggest that they do have it out for America, all things considered. I mean, when has any company gone out of its way to do something that they know probably isn't financially sound? It's not fair to jump to this conclusion about Square-Enix when any other reasonably intelligent company in their position probably would've done the same.

Of course there will always be some hardcore fans who would be willing to buy the re-releases, but in that case, there is, as several posters have mentioned, the option of simply importing the game. I know for a fact that at least two of the games you listed have English dialogue (KH1:FM and KH2:FM, specifically), and all the important stuff (which basically narrows down to Abilities) is, I believe, written in katakana, which is incredibly easy to learn. You can also play it simply by using a translation guide. It's not too expensive to import, anyway. If you're a big enough fan to want to buy a re-release in the first place, you probably won't mind shelling out a few extra dollars, anyway. Remember, what you're essentially saying is that you want to buy the same game twice. Why should it matter whether or not you pay the extra bit of money?

Oh, and don't blame Tetsuya Nomura. He doesn't make all the decisions.

So, the moral of the story is that Squall429 should probably learn to look at things logically before flinging the words "racist", "selfish", and "prejudice" around, and it's really not such a big deal to just import the game. Now who's up for tacos?
Re-releases. Serious business.

Anyway, to answer the original complaint and thus throw myself into the fray, the American gaming market and Japanese gaming market are different in a few key ways. That isn't to say that one is superior or inferior, just that they're...well, different markets. The average Japanese gamer is more likely to buy a re-release of the same game, whereas the average American gamer probably wouldn't see much of a point. That's one important thing to consider. Square-Enix is a company first and foremost, meaning they will make decisions that they think will financially benefit themselves. If they don't think they'll make enough money in a particular venture to make it worth the effort, they simply won't go through with it. They don't have anything against America personally, it's simply not worth it. It's actually a bit ridiculous to suggest that they do have it out for America, all things considered. I mean, when has any company gone out of its way to do something that they know probably isn't financially sound? It's not fair to jump to this conclusion about Square-Enix when any other reasonably intelligent company in their position probably would've done the same.

Of course there will always be some hardcore fans who would be willing to buy the re-releases, but in that case, there is, as several posters have mentioned, the option of simply importing the game. I know for a fact that at least two of the games you listed have English dialogue (KH1:FM and KH2:FM, specifically), and all the important stuff (which basically narrows down to Abilities) is, I believe, written in katakana, which is incredibly easy to learn. You can also play it simply by using a translation guide. It's not too expensive to import, anyway. If you're a big enough fan to want to buy a re-release in the first place, you probably won't mind shelling out a few extra dollars, anyway. Remember, what you're essentially saying is that you want to buy the same game twice. Why should it matter whether or not you pay the extra bit of money?

Oh, and don't blame Tetsuya Nomura. He doesn't make all the decisions.

So, the moral of the story is that Squall429 should probably learn to look at things logically before flinging the words "racist", "selfish", and "prejudice" around, and it's really not such a big deal to just import the game. Now who's up for tacos?

Uhm I am blaming Tetsuya because it was even stated, Americans wanted to bring Final Mix to America and Tetsuya REFUSED!!! So yeah, and I have nothing to help me learn japanese at the moment. Not to mention the Americans are probably the cause of it too... Too lazy to make new voice overs and stuff..
Uhm I am blaming Tetsuya because it was even stated, Americans wanted to bring Final Mix to America and Tetsuya REFUSED!!!

Before going around saying that, please have proof to back it up.

Also, as many other people have stated, the dialouge is all in English, and all of the text is basically the same as the English version, so all you really need is a good memory.
Uhm I am blaming Tetsuya because it was even stated, Americans wanted to bring Final Mix to America and Tetsuya REFUSED!!! So yeah, and I have nothing to help me learn japanese at the moment. Not to mention the Americans are probably the cause of it too... Too lazy to make new voice overs and stuff..
Yes, but the decision is not entirely in Nomura's hands. And, even if there were a number of Americans who wanted FM+ to come to America, it probably wasn't a very large percentage. At least it wasn't a large enough percentage of American Kingdom Hearts fans to warrant a release over here, otherwise they would've. Even if Nomura were racist (which is still a ridiculous claim), Square-Enix would still release FM+ over in America, because it would make them money. Nomura certainly can't stop the company from doing so. That aside, katakana is very easy to learn; there's only forty-five characters, one for each of the forty-five sounds of the English language. Look up katakana translations on Google, make flashcards for yourself, and go over them once a day. I guarantee you that you'll be able to learn katakana ridiculously easily. It's not like you have 1000+ characters to learn. And again, the voice overs are in English.
I myself have plenty of Japanese games (I don't understand a word of Katana/Kanji) and have had no problems with misunderstanding terms. As for new voice overs, it would cost a fortune for Square Enix to hire the voice actors needed to say...what? A few new lines here and there? Again, if you're seriously pissed about this, import the games. Search Google on how to play imported games on your's not that difficult.

There's been a plethora of petitions for re-releases of FM+ in America, but none of them have had the required amount of people to change Square Enix's minds.
Then you buy the software to change the region coding (Swap Magic is the best cost-wise). Its £20 online, and that's pretty cheap tbqh.
This is not an argumentative staement but mearly a question! Is it difficult at all to change the region coding because i am in the ICT class where more than 75% of the people got a U on their SATS project. (im not good at the technical work just photoshop)

All though i still stand about the fact that it is unfair that they simply swapped the posisitions because other places had more stuff.
SATS level ICT wouldn't help you, even if you changed the coding manually. You'd need a professional to do that. The software I mentioned is user-friendly; you insert the disc, change the video format to your region, open the disc tray (using a tool according to your type of PS2 - Slimline or Bulky) then insert the imported game.

I don't understand what you mean by 'swapping the positions because other places had more stuff'.
Thank you!

I don't understand what you mean by 'swapping the positions because other places had more stuff'.

And what i mean is how they brought out a final mix+ or others like it in Japan because they missed out on the extras when the game was originally released. But all that has done has swapped the posisitions, other places like where I am are missing out on extras yet we get no re-releases, I fully understand the money and effort that would have to go into it but all of it could of been prevented if they had released it with the same extras instead of giving one place a better version than the others.
Thing is, there's public outcries of extra content. Kingdom Hearts 2 sold more than the original, and since there was already a FM for the first, people expected one for the second installment. Nomura didn't intend to make a FM+, but since there were too many petitions on top of other shit, he decided to create the extra content for it.

It's not just effort needed; I repeat what The_Oathkeeper had said: Japanese gamers tend to show more interest in re-releases of games, so SE would make more money if they sold it in Japan. If you wanted it you could import it. If you don't understand the extra content (seeing as its in Kanji and Katakana) you'll find a translation on Gamefaqs or Youtube.
Ok I KNOW I'm not the only one who is mad at this. Tetsuya is being a selfish, racist, and unfair person. He is REFUSING to release all the extra versions of Final Fantasy AND Kingdom Hearts games in America.

Such as...

Final Fantasy X International

Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission

Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Job System

Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+

and others...

If I could get people to sign a petition to MAKE them release them here... I hope I can. Please support me on this. And stop Square-Enix's prejudice decisions... Square-Enix... I love you guys but you are being too unfair...
You're forgetting Europe. You racist. :wacky:

You're all saying that it's only fair because the American and European versions of the games have had extras added into them but, to be honest, that annoys me. I have no idea why this was allowed to happen in the first place but Japan should have been given the same bonuses that we had, which would solve the problem because Japan wouldn't have felt the inclination to require their own versions. So, in a way, it's our own faults.

I'd still like to have the chance to play them as easily as Japan does, however.
I wouldn't be surprised if the request was refused because didn't have the time and money to work on their current projects and translate and release these games like Final Mix and such to other countries.