The Magic Of Final Fantasy VII

the story line touched me in emotional ways like red x11 findin out hes the last of his species and then he is hoping its a lie
and then yeah cloud having to witness the murder of his loved one cause a bit of emotion(tear in cornor of eyes)
and hes prayin tht he can get her bk or see her again
and barret who is praying he will see his little girl again
so they is a lot of hope and also pain
Yea, this was one of the first rpg's I started to play and enjoy. My dad had started it before me and I was only about 6. Even at 6 I was a huge game lover so I tried it out. Then another day I watched my dad play and all of a sudden sephiroth stabbed aerith. I started to feel bad watching as she died as I did understand what was going on:)
I loved it, the characters felt so real, I actually named my characters after my friends and I... I'm Cloud! XD S it felt like living my own adventure. I also loved the way you can choose what you say, and all the joke options, and humour, like:

Tifa: Cloud, look over there!

Cloud: The girl in the bikini? Yeah, that's really something...

Tifa: Huh? I'm talking about Hojo, what were you looking at?

Cloud: Oh, nothing.

I was cracking up!
I agree that this is one of the games that touches you and stays with you. It sounds almost corny, but it is like a good book or a good movie...just a heck of a lot longer...that you participate in. At least, that is what I thought.
What I find so enchanting about this game is how you can re-play and re-play and re-play and you can have so many combinations of the characters which tells a different story everytime. they all have their own individual comments, which makes you engage with them all the more, and it would take so long to play the game enough times to see every story. Not only do they have individual story-related lines, they also say different things depending on each other...

"First we head into the ocean, then into the air, it's been quite a day"- Vincent

He has to be the most endearing character for me, I agree with so many of the comments so far, it was a complete injustice to make him an optional character, so much would have been missed if people never found him! Like entripy, I feel so very drawn to him, as many people feel drawn to their favourites. And when you feel drawn, instead of just liking a character, that's when you know you are enchanted...
I loved this game to deaths, (yes. I said deaths). The storyline caught my interest and the characters personalities and overall characteristics really got me. THe battle system combined lots of stuff from some of the previous titles, (well, the good parts anyways), and added new stuff to throw at you.

This game revolutionized the series and revitalized it basically.
aren't we just the luckiest bunch saps in the universer toe have played one of the greatest games ever, think about it in 500 years (if we are still around) nobody will ever had played this game again left in the memories of the ancestors ff7 will live for in our hearts
I'm gonna make sure my son gets to play it when he is older. He already watches me play, and he knows quite a lot of the music too. I must be one of the only mothers in the world whoc gets tears of pride when their little munchigan sings "Seiroth, Seiroth" (exact translation, he's only 2 and a half^_^)
I'm gonna make sure my son gets to play it when he is older. He already watches me play, and he knows quite a lot of the music too. I must be one of the only mothers in the world whoc gets tears of pride when their little munchigan sings "Seiroth, Seiroth" (exact translation, he's only 2 and a half^_^)

Awww.... that's so cute! Good job Miss Valentine! You have started the next generation. Kudos to you!
Awww thanks, I think that way too, which is why I try and practice what I preach. And I'm sure you would be the same. Everyone has their time dude!:)

It helps that my own mum is exactly the same. She's the fantastic person buying me my own Vincent figure at Christmas. She's played more games than I have! I could never get the hang of the Resi Evil or Silent Hill games, but she's done nearly all of them. Apart from Final Fantasy and some TR games, she beats me hands down!

I owe my finding FFVII to her because she got me watching Advent Children. I missed all the FFs as a kid, and I only played my first (FFX) in 2004. But last Christmas my mum convinced me to watch Advent Children, and it got me really interested. Graphics are nothing really, and I got hooked on the story on my first play this March. Now I'm making a point of catching up on my FF- I've just finished IX and I'm getting ready to start VIII. I did XII last month aswell. It may seem like overkill, but I feel like I missed so much and I'm captivated by the series:)
Awww thanks, I think that way too, which is why I try and practice what I preach. And I'm sure you would be the same. Everyone has their time dude!:)

It helps that my own mum is exactly the same. She's the fantastic person buying me my own Vincent figure at Christmas. She's played more games than I have! I could never get the hang of the Resi Evil or Silent Hill games, but she's done nearly all of them. Apart from Final Fantasy and some TR games, she beats me hands down!

I owe my finding FFVII to her because she got me watching Advent Children. I missed all the FFs as a kid, and I only played my first (FFX) in 2004. But last Christmas my mum convinced me to watch Advent Children, and it got me really interested. Graphics are nothing really, and I got hooked on the story on my first play this March. Now I'm making a point of catching up on my FF- I've just finished IX and I'm getting ready to start VIII. I did XII last month aswell. It may seem like overkill, but I feel like I missed so much and I'm captivated by the series:)

Cool. But I just realized, we're straying a bit off topic here. Lol. Message me later. I'd like to hear more about your story.

Anyways, FF7 will live on for as long as I stay alive that is. I plan on playing it even after I am old and wrinkly. THat's is how good FF7 really is.
I have to say I am over joyed at the amount of people still enjoying this classic game, I I I dont know what to this is great man I must be dreaming I no longer have to feel guilty about not playing the second FF game i ever got u guys are true legends (I of couse am already a legend so itts good to have some company)!!!
Hmm, enchanting...I'm not sure if "enchanting" is the right word that would describe how I felt about FF7. Granted, it's something that would stay with me forever and is surely a game I would love to play over and over (with several years gap). It leaves you with a kind of poignant feeling in the end because of HOW it ended. Truly a masterpiece!

Of course, it's not just about the ending...but how the story progressed overall, and how the characters grew on you. It was a long journey for them...and a fun adventure for us. The music added greatness to the already superb game.
hey penguin boy...sorry about that! alot of reviews said the music was kinda waek but i think those people were not really into it and just reviewed it for paycheck......blasted sellouts we should gather a posse and run those bastards down....or maybe not......
Hmmm, I have a problem with crappy reviewers. They rarely even bother to play the game! Off topic, I read a review for Advent Children where the guy said he fell asleep and slept through most of the film, only waking every now and again for a segment of a fight scene. That's poor show to me, he should get his ass sacked, a reviewer's job is to point out both the good and bad about a game, not just to admit they were asleep on the job.

Anyways back to topic, I really think this game had the best music, and it did add to that enchantment. Just look at the opening scene- you get this twinkly little theme, which suddenly becomes a grand overture as the camera pans up over Midgar, then straight back down into this frantic battle style music. They really payed attention to how the music fit the scene, which didn't happen so much with the other games.
the game is easily the most addictive of the series, I keep playing other ff games and always end up at least half way through the session starting FFVII and finishing it again
hey penguin boy...sorry about that! alot of reviews said the music was kinda waek but i think those people were not really into it and just reviewed it for paycheck......blasted sellouts we should gather a posse and run those bastards down....or maybe not......

o_O Were you referring to me? Uh, I'm not a boy...

Anyway, my thing is, it's all about opinion. I cannot stress this enough. If they thought the music was weak, that was based on their opinion. This is why I don't entirely rely on game reviews. Sure, I'll read them and consider what they have to say, but in the end, it's all about trying out the game and see for yourself...then formulate your own opinions and share it with others. They'll do the same (good or bad reviews), and so on and so on. That's how we all have mixed reviews, feelings, and opinions about a game.
hey penguin boy...sorry about that! alot of reviews said the music was kinda waek but i think those people were not really into it and just reviewed it for paycheck......blasted sellouts we should gather a posse and run those bastards down....or maybe not......

Penguin boy? o_O Her name is Mitsuki :P

Although, i'd like to know which reviews you've read, all the reviews i've seen have said the music was "superb" and "outstanding" and other praising things. And i'm inclined to agree with the praising reviews, the music in FFVII is amazing, and it's part of the magic and charm. The way the music was used was superb, Aeriths death and the Final Battle in particular wouldn't have had the same effect were it not for the music in my opinion.

And next time, please don't spam ;)
I loved this game. i wouldn't go as far as saying it enchanted me but I loved the characters and how in depth it got with them. I felt sad when Aeris died and when Barrett had to fight Dyne I felt for him. The music that it had when certain things were happening really made you get sucked in too.