the final fantasy 7 ps3 is out in japan

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It's just going to be like a normal PS3 xlolx, it looks nice enough but there's not a change I'd pay around £450 for it even if it does include ACC and XIII Demo. I'm also hoping SE aren't charging a lot for the design when it's essentially a normal black PS3 with a sticker on it >.>
If it costs anymore than a normal Ps3, then I wouldn't entertain even buying it. It looks nice and all that but so do designer clothes and I don't buy them either. Some peopel just have more money than sense...and also I sense lots of bragging rights coming from ownership of this and Id just be like ugh...and wot? You were charged like over and extra hundred quid for a STICKER?!

I could spend that extra money getting a regular Ps3 and have money left over for shoes and beer. Hell, by the time I even WANT a PS3 my contract will be up for renewal on me mobli, so Il just get a fucking free one >_>
I'm not a fan of the new fenrir wolf symbol as representing Cloud really. If it was the FF7 meteor or a character or something on it then I would enjoy looking at it. I wouldn't spend that money on it though, but if I had that money to spare casually then I would if it had a better design.

It still does look pretty cool though.
Yeah taht's another thing, Id prefer an imaghe fromt he original game, like the meteor than summat that's just come out of AC...Id probably wet myself if it was the case design for VII...although I still wouldn't entertain purchasing one unless it was reasonably priced
I love the design I'd be tempted to Buy If it came out Over here since i brought the crisis core PSP when that came out

Defiantly a collectors Item anyway
I love the design I'd be tempted to Buy If it came out Over here since i brought the crisis core PSP when that came out

Defiantly a collectors Item anyway

I bought the Japanese Limited PSP (limited to 77,777) because it came with the rare buster sword wriststrap and a limited foil edition Crisis Core game. The UK pack was OK, but it just doesn't have the rarity/product value of the Japanese one. I'm not getting at you, i'm getting at Square for release half-assed products in the UK. I suppose it's just always going to be the Japanese with their special treatment.

And that PS3 is nice.....but i mean, i agree with you guys, if this had the meteor, rather than that horrible symbol they're representing Cloud with these days, then i'd be tempted.

I own a PS3 anyway so it doesn't make sense for me to pay double the price just for a symbol on top of the PS3.

Some pics for you;







I'd have prefered the Meteor logo behind the Playstation 3 logo personally, instead of the Wolf Emblem.

Though it's still pretty sexy.
The colour looks different, it looks of a more solid black rather than the normal shiny black. Either way, I still wouldn't pay a bomb for any logo, nevermind just that one, though the meteor would have been a better choice. Cloud whoring >.>
The colour looks different, it looks of a more solid black rather than the normal shiny black. Either way, I still wouldn't pay a bomb for any logo, nevermind just that one, though the meteor would have been a better choice. Cloud whoring >.>

I wouldn't see it as paying more for just a logo, as the system is 180GB, you get ACC and the FFXIII demo aswell as the logo.

Probably cheaper now than it will be when it's Ebay'd in a few months time.
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