Squall's father? *spoilers*


Jun 11, 2010
Does anyone know at what point in the game you find out Laguna is Squall's father? I've played through twice and I can't believe I missed this! I just saw this in a thread about spoilers lol. I guess knowing this now, the game makes a lot more sense xD.
Does anyone know at what point in the game you find out Laguna is Squall's father? I've played through twice and I can't believe I missed this! I just saw this in a thread about spoilers lol. I guess knowing this now, the game makes a lot more sense xD.

It was the connection Elone had to Squall, and why they could stop the sorceress and find out that there was a bigger bad coming, at least thats what I got.
AMG love flyleaf btw! But um I think there was already another thread about this.

Spoilers! :monster:

I think it's pretty much implied since Laguna was Elones stepdad and Squall called her "sis". Also Kiros and Ward say something like Squall looks like his dad, and the little orange creature's who's names escape me mistake Squall for laguna in the desert prison, shouting "Laguna" all the time.

I'll find the other thread and try to paste it here later for you...or a mod could link this...
Yeah, definitely makes a lot more sense then xD. I actually remember all of that happening, I have no idea how I missed that. When you play Laguna for his card too, he even says Sorry if there was another thread on this earlier, I forgot to check >_< and I love Flyeaf too :D
That's okay! I cant find a blatant thread on this subject but I do remember talking about in in this section. Maybe it was in a thread that got off topis :hmmm: anyways happy to help! ^_^
I don't remember the exact moment, I just remember it being sort of implied. It's an easy thing to miss though. I missed it my first play through.

But they do sort of look and act alike as well.
Its not actually said, but it is hinted towards it through the game with comments from Kiros and also the moomba believing Squall to actually be Laguna.
Yeah, I think the most blatant evidence the game gives is
on the Ragnarok, in the conference room before ramming into Lunatic Pandora, when Ward says it's a good thing Squall doesn't look like his father, and Kiros says that Squall looks a lot like his mother.
It's one of those things they never state explicitly, but there are many hints throughout the game as to this fact. Refer to the clues that were mentioned above.

Personally, I preferred that the game actually made this facet of its story more subtle. All too often the stories in games are a bit simplistic or at least too obvious...the story of Eight was generally not an exception but for this fact.
I had to say it was just rediculous cause I read it in my walkthrough then when I saw the ending I was like.. "...huh? .... HUH!?"
I think you get a small hint when Laguna is shown talking to Squall at the orphanage in the rain back when Squall used to wear bright colours lol
The key clue is on the Ragnarok on Disc 3. Laguna says to Squall he has something he wants to talk to him about. Ward 'says' (deciphered by Kiros) that it's a good thing Squall doesn't look like his father, and Kiros states Squall looks a lot like his mother.
I actually had no idea until you posted this :S. I always thought he was some random character in Squall's dreams.
The thing about FF8 is that sometimes, for all it's good story-telling, it's way too subtle for its own good, especially concerning character relationships. The game expects you to put together the titbits of information and catch the hints concerning Squall's relationship to Laguna.

For me, the biggest hints were actually the Moombas (the game tells you they remember people by their blood) and when I took Squall to Winhill for some random exploring. I was suspicious and Ward and Kiros just confirmed it for me. I personally thought it was really fitting and then laughed my titties off when I recalled that Squall's first impression of Laguna was 'moron'.

Somehow that was insanely appropriate. We all think our parents are morons at that age. I know I did.