Music Studio Six


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Mar 24, 2009

V o c a l s
Kira / Six
I n s t r u m e n t
Acoustic Guitar
R e c o r d i n g s
Voice Memos (iPhone5)

I've been recording song Covers since 2006 when I got my first guitar. I use sites like Ultimate Guitarfor my chords.
If I can't find a specific chord listing I like I usually try to play the song by ear. It works... only sometimes.

Even though I've already been around on YouTube for a good few years, it's been a while since I had 'routine' and made covers frequently.
I figured it would be a good idea to start making a display / showcase where only all my new work would be displayed.
For quite a while now I've stopped recording video along with my song covers, there's one simple reason behind that: better audio quality.


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Your cover of Kill is absolutely fucking GORGEOUS. Much better than the first one. Really sounds like you had a blast singing it dutchy. Keep more of these coming please :D

You defo need to cover more JEW tunes. Polaris and Dizzy :ohoho:
Big Casino, :lew: Thanks! I'm really surprised with the iPhone's microphone, to be honest. I even have semi better microphone bought compared to the laptop, and it's still not up to the iPhone's standard of recording sound.

p1. Skinny Love - Bon Iver (Cover)
p2. The A Team - Ed Sheraan (Cover)

October 17th 2014

Only two partial recordings of both songs. Had them laying around still, so I figured why not combine them. It's no crazy medley, it's really just two lazy clips placed together because I'm not sure if I'll ever finish covering these two songs individually.
I know neither of us are big Ed Sheeran fans but A - Team is a fantastic song. Ive always found it really hard to cover though. Not sure if its the timing or what but i can never get it bang on. Youv did amazing :ryan:

A combination of C Am and F im gunna guess? You should definitely do the whole tune :D
I enjoyed these very much. :ryan: I've never heard the originals until after listening to your versions, but your acoustic renditions are really good in comparison! I especially liked "Kill" and the snippet of "The A Team." ^^

Growing a beard's quite hard and whisky never starts to taste nice! ♪​