Most annoying anime character ever?

Naruto without a shadow of a doubt. I can't stand his character and his fucking english voice actor makes me want to grab the little pansy by his throat and rip out his vocal chords everytime the little twat opens his mouth.
Miaka from Fushigi Yugi. I know she's the main character but after a while she got so annoying. Miaka wasn't too bad at first, she was your typical main, High School, lazy, silly, anime girl. After a while it was mostly her: 'IIIEEE! Tamahome! TAMAHOME! TAMAHOME I LOVE YOU!' She continues to get worse, and more whiny towards the end.

Ugh, I cannot stand Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion either. He is the worst main male character ever. "Ehhh I CAN'T DO THIS! *Screams* No, No, I CANT! THIS WRONG." Boohoo! Shinji's friends are endangered, and Misato keeps yelling at him to get inside the Eva, and Shinji keeps refusing. Shinji is beyond emo! >_< I wanted to punch this damn kid in the face. I'm so glad Asuka kept insulting him throughout the anime.

Also I can't stand Sasuke from Naruto. He's also another anime emo kid.
Hahahaha, Cerri I love you! Sasuke really is a freakin emo kid, but Sakura drives me insane. She's always constantly saying crap like "Did Sasuke say if he had feelings for me!? Oh Sasuke this and Sasuke that! And does Sasuke love me!? and blah blah blah!" Okay, we got the picture, we know you love Sasuke, so how about you just stfu already? Jeeze, we heard you the first time. :omg:
Oh god, if you only seen the beginning of Naruto, Sasuke gets a lot worse. In most animes the main hero or group of heroes parents are dead. Well Sasuke's parents die in front of him so he continues to bitch about that and his bother. Note this, the main character Naruto was rejected all of his life and had NO parents. Then Sasuke goes into emo Hot topic rant about how he has no friends and his life sucks. Naruto is like: "Well...I tried to be your friend." Then Sasuke runs off to have a little gay relationship with Orochimaru. Anyways, the creep Orochimaru gives Sasuke AIDS. (Not really, Orochimaru bites him and gives him Cursed seal of Heaven.) Oh, and Orochimaru is a pedophile. No really, he is. Orochimaru and Kimimaro had a strong 'bond' together....Orochimaru found Kimimaro when he was a little boy...Kimimaro was 15 when Sasuke was 13...Orochimaru helps Sasuke out by training him. *snorts*

I'm going off topic here but you get the point. XD Orochimaru was annoying as well but Sasuke is so friggin annoying!!!
LMFAO I haven't had the tolerance to watch Naruto. I've seen a few episodes and seriously about exploded. It drove me that insane literally, but yeah. I agree with you about Sasuke...he IS the freakin' emo boy from hell, no doubt. I seriously lol'd when you said he got Aids because Orochimaru bit him HAHAHA!!! Fucking pedophile...seriously what were people thinking when they wrote this crap? xD

Scrap the list.

EVERY character from Naruto is annoying.
BELIEVE IT BELIEVE IT BELIEVE IT...I know Lady Aerith already said him, but I agree lol.

The two kids from FFUnlimited....they're voices were so high pitch!!!!

Misa Misa from Deathnote. She was a complete waste, too bad she was actually important to the story...
YU GI OH!!!!!! I hate that little twerp! his hair makes up half his body weight and goes on about little pieces of cardboard having hearts! AS IF! and he has a stupid high pitched voice at that age! he is about 17 for crying out loud, he hasn't got dwarfism, so bloody hell, hurry up and go through puberty already
I just started watching FMA and for some reason Winry really annoys me. I don't know what it is about her. Maybe I just need to watch a few more episodes and she'll grow on me.
I would have to say the Naruto from uh Naruto lol. Believe it! Man, thats the worst catch phrase ever. Oh, and also Yugioh because of his god sounding voice..its just to cheesy.
for me the first annoying character was Sakura from Naruto, but by the time she was strong like Tsunade i started to like her, she is starting to have that confidence inside her. And she stopped crying and became very strong. Now the character i don't like is probably the main character from fate stay night Elia i think. I just don't like his way of thinking.
Goku from Dragon Ball... He's always so happy and jumpy. His name means rice in Japineese. The weird thing is, that he is the main and strongest character in DB.
Goku from Dragon Ball... He's always so happy and jumpy. His name means rice in Japineese.

Actually, Gohan means rice. Son Goku is the Japanese name for the main character in "Journey to the West," a Chinese novel.

As for most annoying anime character, I can't choose between Relena from Gundam Wing or Yuya from SDK.

I haven't watched Gundam Wing in years but I remember disliking Relena immensely from the first episode. She was annoying and a bit stalkerish.

For Yuya, I'm judging more so from the Manga than the anime, since I've tried to erase all memories of that horrid show from my mind. Yuya was okay in the beginning but as the manga goes on, she just becomes rather annoying and useless. She can't fight, she doesn't really seem all that bright and she's pretty much a huge liability. All she does is stand around saying things like "Kyo can't lose." and "I believe in Kyo." It seriously makes me want to throw the book down and scream.
I would have to say the Naruto from uh Naruto lol. Believe it! Man, thats the worst catch phrase ever. Oh, and also Yugioh because of his god sounding voice..its just to cheesy.

Agree with you man, for a main character I don't like him. Is that what that "datebayo" he's always saying means?
My brother loves to watch this anime called Yu-Gi-Oh. He's completely obsessed with it. Sometimes he drags me out of my room and makes me watch it. Personally I think it's a good anime though there's one character that I hate. Can't remember her name, it was something like Tayia. She is very annoying character. Bossy, too sensitive, idependant, serious, dumb.
Hands down Asuka.

Mod edit: Please put more thought into your posts in future. Thanks.
To me, the most annoying character is Hinata. She is so annoying. She's always like, ""
I like Sakura the best! Especially in Naruto Shippuuden:duel::ninja: