Is Marcus a goblin?

Is Marcus a goblin?

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Is Marcus a goblin?

Do you Remember Marcus?


He’s the Tantalus Theatre Troupe member with a sharp tooth and pointy ears. Marcus is most notable for being the leading man in Tantalus’ performance of the play I Want to Be Your Canary. He is also a temporarily playable character on more than one occasion.

Many years ago when I was playing FFIX it occurred to me that Marcus vaguely looked a bit like a goblin. Now that I’m older and have more Final Fantasies under my belt, I have recently chanced upon Marcus again and have been reminded of how much he does look like a goblin in the style of classic Final Fantasy portrayals of goblins or goblin-type enemies (and later titles such as FFXV also present goblins in a similar fashion).

Marcus' stance is more human-like and his features are less exaggerated compared to the traditional goblin counterparts, but there are mild similarities.



The sharp tooth could just be a sharp tooth, and yes the pointy ears could just be pointy ears, but they are considerably more pointy than human ears typically are without surgery. Marcus also wears a bandana which resembles those worn by some goblin enemies (others wear long hats which flop backwards/forwards). Marcus' colour scheme fits those of some FF goblins too.

When he isn’t acting, Marcus is a skilled thief and his combat ‘job’ as Thief reflects this. Considering that Final Fantasy goblins are tricksy and mischievous, the role suits him. It would make sense for the Tantalus Troupe to hire a goblin as perhaps goblins are renowned for their thieving skills.

So, what do we know about Marcus? Is any of his backstory given? Is he a goblin? Is he a human who just happens to have pointy ears and a sharp tooth? Is he a hybrid of sorts?

It doesn’t matter at all, obviously. We should show respect towards Marcus whoever he is and we should never discriminate against someone just because they turn out to be a goblin... I’m just rather curious. :argor:

He might be a reference to the old FF goblins. This is very interesting!

Maybe he became more developed than the average goblin because he was taken in by Baku and would learnt the basic language, rights/ wrongs, etc and it's symbolized by his more "human " appearance.

I can picture a young baby orphan goblin Marcus, who had just lost his family, and Baku just sees a crying child without a home and just takes him in.
Wow! I had not thought about it until now but it is true! He sure has characteristics of a goblin.
Still, I like the idea of him being more of a hybrid, the son of a human and a goblin, because he also has a very human appearance. And I don't think that would be strange; we've had this kind of strange inter-species relationships in other FF games before, like in VI.
I always thought of him as an ugly human. Like, those bottom teeth that jut out are just that. The fact his eyes are sorta covered is just part of his design (RPG characters don't always have practical designs :lew:).

You're right though. I never would have thought of him being a goblin until you brought it up :s.
You know... This is very interesting... You start looking at a lot of the "humans" in FFIX things are really off....
Look at Blank and Baku and Cinna...Blank.jpg
Blank here is stitched up and can't even see his eyes do to a belt buckle on his face...
Baku has almost pig like attributes just like some other characters...
Cinna has the goblinish features like Marcus...
Makes you wonder if these became some weird deformities or if Terra and Gaia attempting to come together did something or if this is how life always was...
I always figured he was just an ugly dude to be honest. One of the unlucky ones, just not to the extent of poor Cinna! :lew:
The designs are definitely very similar. But IX is a throwback to the older game in the franchise with plenty of references therein, so this could also be another one. I like IX for its quirky character design, how every central character looks and feels different to the other in not only personality but also style, and Marcus is no exception.