Tactics Advanced If it's you...

Prez said:
First of all in this thread I would like to ask, Have any of you had sword training and would you be able to defend yourself in Ivalice?

Well, technically, most enemies had weapons you could not use. Even so, I'd have my weapon of choice: and hand cannon.
I'm sure that you would be able to learn easily, PreZ. :P
First of all in this thread I would like to ask, Have any of you had sword training and would you be able to defend yourself in Ivalice? If it was realistic Marche would of been dead on his first mission.

You don't have to fight straightaway... it's only because Marche called a Bangaa a lizard that he had to.

Like just about everyone else, I'd prefer to live in Ivalice.
I'd like to live life in Ivalice for a while and see how that goes. Definitely more interesting than here. :monster:
i would stay there, except for the fact i love my family too much to abandon them. if they came with me then i would stay there otherwise no.
I rather stay with my friends in Ivalice so I can fight,be free,and travel all over the world.Plus I hate my life anyways so why not go on a adventure :P
Well, I agree it would be fun to stay in Ivalice and battle monsters and all that, but eventually I would probably miss my old life, like my friends and family, my possesions.

But if I could travel between those two worlds whenever I wanted, then that would be the best thing EVER. period.