If Aeris Didn't...?


Happiness can not be taken away~
May 27, 2009

Aeris her death was a memorable moment and it was a classic tragedy that tugged the hearts of millions of gamers & hardcore FF Fans around the world [ expect if you watch AC first or that blabbermouth kid at school spoiled it for you ^^''; ]

It was a classic moment in FF VII History and Final Fantasy History. But was just wondering if Aeris didn't die.. If Cloud jumped and stepped in front of Aeris and dodged Sephiroth's attack..

Would FF VII be so memorable ? Would it still be one of the most popular/ raved about by Fans.
Would Advent Children be created ? Would there still be a Final Fantasy VII compendium.. ??

Basically is just asking if Aeris's death was the moment that made FF VII a Fan- Favorite and one of the most popular Final Fantasy games around the world.. ??

I think the music and materia system is great and a personal favorite. I loved the game from the start and when she did die I was torn rather to keep playing or just give up. I think that Square could still have made it a great game even without her death.
As you said, it certainly tugged the heart strings of many players. Main character deaths were not new to FF, however Aeris / Aerith embodied something so pure and innocent that a lot of the female players especially saw something in her to respect greatly.

When she died it was almost as if she had become a martyr, or even a saint. It was presented like that in the game.. Her burial in the water was quite dramatic (it looked almost as if she was being baptised, only she was being buried / dumped in the lake :monster:), and it was a relatively holy place in itself. I'm not sure if there is any intended reason for the way they said their goodbyes to her like that, but there might be.

As for it being THE moment that defined FF7... I'm not too sure. I tend to prefer most of the other story archs other than the whole Cloud feeling sad about not stopping / being partially responsible for Aerith's death. You could say that a lot of the compilations rest on this pivotal moment in the game though. Advent Children kept refering to Cloud's feelings about the incident and how he felt guilty and wanted forgiveness. Crisis Core developed the early years of Aerith more and would probably tug the heart strings of Aerith fans in the know about her eventual passing.

However, I have to say that the Nibelheim sequence is probably the crucial moment of FF7. Again it isn't my favourite, but it is what they refer to / recreate more than anything.

The scene itself was certainly dramatic and needed to happen to develop the plot. I wouldn't say it is my personal favourite scene, or one I think of often though. To me the things that made me love the game so much are the whole plot, character sub-plots and everything else.

If it didn't happen? She wouldn't have been able to help guide the lifestream to channel its energy into stopping meteor. The destruction on the planet would have probably been a lot greater. It might even have been the end of life on the planet.
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I'm one of the females who never really got into Aerith that much. But aside from that, I don't think anything should've been different about her death scene.

The whole plotline -cough-with-it's-plot-wholes-:P-cough, revolves around it, and I think are part of the reason what made Final Fantasy VII so great in my opinion.

No, I don't think Cloud should've saved her. No, I don't think anyone else should've taken her place. Although maybe things could've been different if she hadn't run off by herself. That's just me though.

I like how Square-Enix captured that moment, I wasn't in tears, or that upset, but it was a completely different thing to see.

However, I have to say that the Nibelheim sequence is probably the crucial moment of FF7.

I have to agree with Argor there. That, and Cloud's Lifestream part are what stick to me most when I think of Final Fantasy VII. Mainly just because it's parts that take the characters feelings on rollercoasters, and it's captured so well.

As far as Aerith not dying, I don't think Final Fantasy VII would've counted as a better story for it with her alive in it.

That sounded rather harsh, but I meant story wise of course. :gasp:
Off the top of my head, there's:

The drama that was The Nibelheim Scene

The eye-opener that was Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream

Everyone's return to the ship after the finding their "reason"

The shock of The Crater scene

The Midgar Break In

^ When I think of a "defining" moment or something that really epitomizes a story, I see it as something that's not only memorable (which I feel these various scenes are), but something that really represents the story. When a given story has so many layers, it's hard to find one scene or event that captures it all, but I think the first three do that quite well.

The Aeris scene was definitely a heart-wrencher or a shocker (for most), but I don't see it as a defining moment. Nor do I think the game would be anything less if that scene weren't included. You take that scene away, and there's still a pool of others that were great pieces of the story. Maybe not the emotional "jerkers" that her death may have been, but captivating in their own way.

And I definitely don't think this scene is the answer to any of the questions you asked. There was a reason why people dived into the game before that scene, and there's a reason why they adamantly played after. If you look at the other thread, most people seemed to take it and move on, because the game and the story had much more to offer. It's entire success does not hang on the 1st disc ending. That'd be ignoring everything else about the game, as well as the fact that not everyone even liked Aeris. =p

Also, her death wasn't a "tragedy". There's no slow corruption of her character, no real flaw that'd ultimately become her downfall, nor an underlying inevitability behind it. She was impaled by a psychopath. <<
I was pretty shocked to see her die, hadn't heard much about the game when I first had it all those years ago and had no idea it was coming, so it was a shocker. What captured it best was the music, just after she died and then during the scene where Cloud sets her into the water. Which is one reason why I fear a remake, the lack of dialogue during those scenes was what made it so powerful, should VII be remade, I'd imagine they'd throw in shit that would ruin it.

Anyways, had she not died, then we would've lost that powerful scene, and maybe missed out on the scene with Tifa and Cloud sat at the foot of the Highwind while every is off to find their "reason." Ofcourse, taking a different direction may have made the game better/worse/the same but I think it's best the way it is.

It gave Cloud another reason to fight, not for vengeance, but for Aeris' cause.

Aeris her death was a memorable moment and it was a classic tragedy that tugged the hearts of millions of gamers & hardcore FF Fans around the world [ expect if you watch AC first or that blabbermouth kid at school spoiled it for you ^^''; ]

It was a classic moment in FF VII History and Final Fantasy History. But was just wondering if Aeris didn't die.. If Cloud jumped and stepped in front of Aeris and dodged Sephiroth's attack..

Would FF VII be so memorable ? Would it still be one of the most popular/ raved about by Fans.
Would Advent Children be created ? Would there still be a Final Fantasy VII compendium.. ??

Basically is just asking if Aeris's death was the moment that made FF VII a Fan- Favorite and one of the most popular Final Fantasy games around the world.. ??

Yepp, I think it did at least I remember watching something on it on G4 and it expressed the anger and sadness towards Aerith dying, and a lot of people sad thats the moment that made the game what it is, and I don't think another game has killed off its main Heroine. So thats probably why the game is bigger than any other.
I don't know. Anytime a gaming tv show speaks on "the greatest games ever" and they feature VII it's always Aerith's death scene that is most memorable. Like on Icons (G4) when they did the best FF game ever and it was made number one they spoke on Aerith's death scene and the fury it brought to the player and Cloud.

Not to mention when speaking about Nobuo Uematsu It's Aerith's death song that is the most known. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ102AXKboM

It's not like you see people saying "Oh, yea the Lifestream scene" or "Yea the town Nibelheim that was burned down" when talking about VII. It's always "Yea, the death scene of Aeris' was so sad." And that's pretty much it.

So Aerith's death is a HUGE part in the game and is in fact the most memorable FFVII scene in the entire game. Seeing how it's most spoken on.

Would FFVII still be memorable if Aerith hadn't died?
Most likely. People loved the touching and beautiful storyline of it too. If Aerith hadn't of died I don't think we would have Advent Children, either. Especially since Nomura said it was about Cloud's guilt.

Just saw Aqua's comment, see, she said it too.:randompoke:
I was pretty shocked to see her die, hadn't heard much about the game when I first had it all those years ago and had no idea it was coming, so it was a shocker. What captured it best was the music, just after she died and then during the scene where Cloud sets her into the water. Which is one reason why I fear a remake, the lack of dialogue during those scenes was what made it so powerful, should VII be remade, I'd imagine they'd throw in shit that would ruin it.

Anyways, had she not died, then we would've lost that powerful scene, and maybe missed out on the scene with Tifa and Cloud sat at the foot of the Highwind while every is off to find their "reason." Ofcourse, taking a different direction may have made the game better/worse/the same but I think it's best the way it is.

It gave Cloud another reason to fight, not for vengeance, but for Aeris' cause.

Just a reminder to please please PLEASE do NOT turn this thread into an LTD argument. You know that the forum is strictly against this and there are rules that this particular argument is no longer allowed. For more information on that, please read here:http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/final-fantasy-vii/regarding-the-love-triangle-debate-28875.html
I'd have to agree with many of the points made already but allot of things made the game great for me. I could have gone without having aerith dying, me being a huge fan of the character, and without her death I would have still enjoyed the battle system, materia, summons, the gold saucer, the plot, limit breaks, and many other things that would take longer to delve into.

All in all I think we should look more to the story tellers ability to make us attached to aerith, if we didn't like her it wouldn't have effected us. So really it was a good plot, not the death of a character, coupled with a well crafted game... that made us love it so.
Oooh, this is toughie. Her death was definitely memorable and as mean as it is to say, I think I mainly liked her for what she had become AFTER she died more than what she was in life Dx

I don't think FFVII would be what it is without that tragedy, but there were other things going on too...

I'm just trying to think if she had lived, how much would really change in the story after wards? At the very least, with no soul praying for Holy, they'd all be screwed :ness:
I'm just trying to think if she had lived, how much would really change in the story after wards? At the very least, with no soul praying for Holy, they'd all be screwed :ness:
She had already summoned Holy before she died. When you return to The Forgotten City, Bugenhagen clarifies as much, and that it was merely being suppressed. So that wouldn't have changed had she lived.

But let's say that it wasn't... Talk about your dark games.

It's not like you see people saying "Oh, yea the Lifestream scene" or "Yea the town Nibelheim that was burned down" when talking about VII. It's always "Yea, the death scene of Aeris' was so sad." And that's pretty much it.
Mm, this is a pretty big generalization. And the thing is, you do see a lot of people who refer to the Tifa/Cloud Lifestream scene, or the general Nibelheim incident as Argor has done above.

There are probably even more with a fascination of Midgar, and find that and/or the whole Shinra break-in as the most memorable section of the game. A lot of people hated leaving that place
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Just a reminder to please please PLEASE do NOT turn this thread into an LTD argument. You know that the forum is strictly against this and there are rules that this particular argument is no longer allowed. For more information on that, please read here:http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/final-fantasy-vii/regarding-the-love-triangle-debate-28875.html

I wasn't?

Just saying that the scene with Cloud and Tifa probably wouldn't have happened if Aeris was alive, as would it bring a few other changes to certain scenes, nothing to do with the "love triangle." Only mentioned it because that scene is a memeroble one. :huh:
Oh dear, I wasn't referring to you. I was just saying in general.
Yeah I just quoted you as an example. xD A post like that could easily get the discussion started and I wanted to stop it before it began.
Groovy, sorry for the mix up. :monster:

Hug? <3

As for the topic, had she not died, how'd you think the game would've ended? Just Aeris doing some mad mumbo jumbo super summon or something?
Hey, great thread :-)

As many people have specified, FFVII would definitly be as memorable even if she didn't die.
There are many aspects of Final Fantasy VII that make it one of the best RPG's of all time.

I just think the circumstances of why Aeries died was pretty annoying.
I read an article that said the script writer (or whoever it was) called up the main guy and said..."we should kill Aeries"...I was like...harsh! haha.

I think she is an awesome character....but I am going to put it out there....
YUFFIE IS BETTER ;)...if there was not Yuffie...that would hit hard for me :kelly: haha.

I remember my friend ruined a part of the O.C for me...can't remember what...so I ruined FFVII for him by dropping the Aeries dying bomb on him..

He was like :holyshit:, didn't speak to me for awhile haha.

I think I'd have to say, yeah. :hmmm:

It would change the game. The plot wouldn't be affected a lot, but I think Aeris' death really tugged at the hearts of the players. I'm not going to say it's solely what made FFVII so popular, but it certainly made it memorable. It made Cloud's will to fight Sephiroth stronger and FFVII's plot became more emotional, and that's something people can relate to.
Her death was an important part of the storyline, which is why I've never understood why some fans are desperate to see her revived.

Like Midwu, Richard, Josef, Tellah, and Gaulf before her, she was required to die in the storyline to add another reason for the player to hunt down and kill the main villian of the game.

If there is an VII remake, Aeris should remain dead, like Tellah did in the remake of IV. Magically reviving her would cheapen the storyline and hurt the impact that her death had for the player.
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