Advent Children I look like Advent Children...


May 20, 2007
I'm not being conceited or whatever, but ... I think I really look like someone from Advent Children in this picture.
I sort of look like a boy in this shot BUT I'M A GIRL! ;D


ehehe. anyone else think so or am I just weird?

No, no, you're just a wierdo. You posting this would be the equivalently of me posting a photograph of myself saying, "I look like someone from Aladdin."

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
who do you think you look like? O_O you dont look like anyone from offense or anything..but you don't
I'm sensing an aspect of Denzel there. Yes, I know you say you're a girl, but...

Oh well.
Nu-uh. She looks like Yazoo or Kadaj, you losers. xD

But they look like girls, so don't feel bad.
I really don't think that anyone from AC looks like someone from real life...

But then again, I'm bad at noticing these things. CGI character=/=Real people in my brain. So it's like, "NO! NO ONE LOOKS LIKE A CGI CHARACTER! THAT'S SO WRONG! They'd look... fucked up on plastic surgery."

You're asian, so I guess I see a little Yuffie. Your nose is longer than hers though. I actually see some Yazoo too. XD
Asian people look like advent children people because they're designed after Asian people. Because asians are HOT!

Be my Yoko-ono?
i suppose you do look kinda like somene from AC... or you look like you could be from AC but not neccesarily look like someone in particular

No, she looks Asian because she is. And the cast of characters from AC look Asian because they are. That's it.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe