[FF V] why does everyone hate this game?

The game has a great system, the graphics are amazing. But its weakpoints is the plot and some of the characters. Its not something many expect in FF.Bartz casualness may not have sit well.

Initially Square intentionally did not release the game to english audience for that very reason.

But gameplay is fun enough. I dont consider it the best ff game ever but it is definitely one of the most iconic in the 16-bit era.

I think if the game was released early like FFIV then it wouldve been accepted more. Most people go by the final fantasy anthology review and say it is the worst than what the reviews led on.
Alot of whiners. The game isn't even that hard. The story is charming and Bartz is a blank slate because I believe he's meant to be a projection of a "normal guy". Which makes him more accessible and malleable for roleplay. FFV also features one of the better bonus dungeons and bonus bosses of the whole series. Good music too.. I guess beginners need not apply you need to have a familiarity with strategy and tactics! Game is good. as for grinding, you have to grind EVERY ff if you want to get that invulnerable "I have the best weapons gear and abilities" feeling. Meh.