Favorite FF Quotes

"You don't need a reason to help people."
"Listen, Vivi. You gotta do something next time. You should try-- screaming back or whatever. Like... 'Get off me, you scumbag!'"
"Ooh. Soft."
"I AM the new angel of death. Yours!!"

"I no like heights."
"Ugh.....I CAN'T BREATHE!!!"
"I do what I want. You got problem?"

"Beware, the answer you seek may forever change your life for the worse."
"To be forgotten is worse than death."

"How do you know we exist? Maybe we don't exist."

The deep ones got my attention, and some of Quina's quotes are kinda funny...sometimes. Wish I could add more but I haven't played any FF games in ages.
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Mine is from advent children. Sephy said it :8F:

"What is it that you cherish the most? Allow me the pleasure of taking it away."

Well spoke, Cloud. Said like a true leader. Really puts the danger and apocalyptic circumstances in perspective.
In honour of this quote, I make a conscious effort to use the word 'Mosey' quite a bit in my daily vocabulary..
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I'm a bit of a Squall fangirl, soooo...

"(Think what you want... Reality isn't so kind. Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why...) As long as you don't get your hopes up, you can take anything... You feel less pain. Anyway, whatever wish you have is none of my business."

Squall: Are you done yet...? I don't want to talk about it. What am I supposed to say about other people's problems?
Quistis Trepe: I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you to listen.
Squall: Then go talk to a wall.

And my absolute favourite.

I... sure have changed. I wonder what everyone's doing...? They're probably laughing at me. Or maybe they're angry...? What do you think? To tell you the truth... I worry too much about what other people think of me. I hate that side of me... That's why I didn't want anyone to get to know me. I wanted to hide that side of myself. I hate it. "Squall is an unfriendly, introverted guy." It made it easy for me when people perceived me that way. That's a secret between you and me. Got that?
Hey, that's Cloud's line! '...It's too dangerous, I can't get you involved...' Blah blah blah.~ Aerith Gainsborough

She is so adorable! I love this quote by Aerith, she is so sweet and playful in FFVII :yay:
Whats ur fav ff quotes?

I have a few

ff7- I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it.
- Vincent Valentine

ff8- "Yeah, Whatever"- Squall

"I dreamt I was a moron." -squall

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!!!!" -Zell

ffx- "ride ze shoopuff?" -hypello

"This is it. This... is your story. It all begins here" Auron

ffx2- I'm gonna kick you in the spleen!- Rikku

Duck soup!- rikku
duck what?- paine

I'm just a kid!- Shinra

[Paine, as Black Mage, prepares to strike with a fire spell]
"Smokings bad for you!"
I would have to say FFX had the best quote IMO.

Auron"and the cycle went on"
I think it was the whole conversation and situation surrounding them at that point that made that line so powerfull to me
"Goers are goin down!"

XIII "My parents died, i had to be strong for sarah, so i thought i needed to forget my past,and i became Lightning".

I guess i'll throw in a X-2 quote
Pain: we'll leave this one to you, Yuna!
Yuna: where are you going!
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Yuna: Give me a Y
Rikku: Give me a R
Paine: Give me a break

FFX Cid: No mistakes, or I'm gonna tear up that mop you call hair

Squall: I dreamt I was a moron

Squall: I'll be here... I'll be 'waiting' here... I'll be waiting for you, so... If you come here... You'll find me... I promise...

Reno: A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool.

Reno: Shut up, you're making me sober
ff quotes

FFXIII- "The only hope for a L'cie...is a quick death!!!!" lolz -Hope

FFVIII- Squall- "whatever."

"I will never be a memory"- Sephiroth

"Life....Dreams.....Hope... Where'd they come from..And where are they headed...? These things... I am going to destroy!! (insert best laught ever)"- Kefka Palazzo
My most favorite quote is "I don't care what you are doing, so much
as the idiotic way that you are doing it." -Vincent Valentine.
Another favorite of Vincent: "I was frozen in time, but I feel as if my time is just beginning..."

"A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool." -Reno
"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion." -Sephiroth
"Oh! Cloud! Your hair looks like a Chocobo!" -Tifa (Haha that always made me laugh.)

But theres alot more I like but thats just a few of my favorites. ^^
Squall: I dreamt I was a moron... ~ FFVIII
Oh Squall...:britt:

Rikku: Do you think we need a password?
Paine: How about 'Kick..it's..ass'
~ FFX-2

Squall: I dreamt I was a moron

Vincent: Too much hope is the opposite of despair, an over powering love will consume you in the end
"You stand before the final dimension, And I am the darkness of eternity…"-Necron

"In a world of nothing, fear does not exist".-Necron

"Foolish creature… Your fears have already deluded you".-Necron
"He always said that just once, he'd like to dress up like a girl." (FFVII) ~ Aerith

"Aerith' memories... Our memories... We came to tell you... our memories... Come Planet! Show us your answer! And Sephiroth!! To the settling of everything!!" (FFVII) ~ Cloud
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!

Tellah: "You spoony bard!" (Never gets old :)
White Mage in FF4: Hi. I was just wondering if you knew how much we've suffered because of you. Good day.

Cid: That lobster just got served!
Bartz: With cheese biscuits and mashed potatoes!

Sabin: That's Shadow! He'd cut his mama's throat for a nickel!
Locke: Hey! Call me a TREASURE HUNTER, or I'll rip your lungs out!
Edgar: If something were to happen to me, all the world's women would grieve!

Aeris: This guy are sick.
Barret: Oh yeah? Well to me it looks like a golden shiny wire of hope.
Red XIII: I'll talk as much as you want later, Miss.
Cid: Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!

Vivi: How do you prove that we exist? Maybe we don't exist...
Steiner: Bah! Only a flesh wound!
Moguta: I'm kupo for kupo nuts!