Annoying part


(C)loud (S)trife
May 30, 2008
the most annoying part of the game is where, i find yuffie and puts me though all this crap and you choose the wrong one and your screwed lol soooooo much fun though, annoying lol

runs off with shit

you bitch lol
Never used her, apart from the time I went against Reno at ShinRa.
Easy win (H)
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Technically, messing up with her on the very last part of the dialogue is an easy way to raise your affection level with her, if you want to go on a date with her in Gold Saucer... So at least it's not frustrating entirely without a reason.
I didn't bother with her after my first playthrough. I got Vincent of course. But not Yuffie. I couldn't stand her. I could just imagine her with the same horrible voice she developed in the compilation.
I got her in all my playthroughs she ended up being quite useful in most fights till you get to the stage of having to go to her home town and have your materia stolen etc. But this time as I downloaded FF7 to my PSP is I called Yuffie 'Joe' one of my mates and like I am trying my best to not get her liking me cause Cloud and Joe? come on! haha. When we fought her we were like.....does anyone remember what to say again haha good times...
I wandered into the Wutai sidequest by accident, I got that annoyed that she stole my materia and I couldn't find her that I decided to just think fuck my materia, Im off, KEEP IT. Then it wouldn't actually LET me leave and I was like :rage: I'm ok with it, now I know what I'm doing but bugger me, that first time in there I was tearing my hair out hahaha

So although it was probably the most annoying thing EVER in my first lay through , the most annoying part of the game for me now is the Kalm flashback, god damn, do I hate going through that whole sequence
I wandered into the Wutai sidequest by accident, I got that annoyed that she stole my materia and I couldn't find her that I decided to just think fuck my materia, Im off, KEEP IT. Then it wouldn't actually LET me leave and I was like :rage: I'm ok with it, now I know what I'm doing but bugger me, that first time in there I was tearing my hair out hahaha

So although it was probably the most annoying thing EVER in my first lay through , the most annoying part of the game for me now is the Kalm flashback, god damn, do I hate going through that whole sequence

Ok Bambi you have actually made me agree with you on that, Kalm town bit annoyed the hell out of me, its like I get a mate to do it for me, I just really hate that part as well as the bit were you fall into the dessert and have to chocobo race to get out.
i think that to, but the other annoying part is where cloud falls in the lifestream, tifa gose in with him. Then you do all the flash backs and that got to me, lost time even forgot where i got to once lol
Love getting Yuffie, usually is always in my party. I didn't like the materia system much anyway and I loved the whole Wutai angle.
I love Yuffie.

The most annoying part is for me also the kalm flashback.. and the mideel flashback.

when playing "normally" i hate it sometimes when i come back from morphing those fish/flower things in sunken gelnika, emerald weapon surprises me behind the corner and i didn't save.
Flashbacks are annoying, yes....
But I felt they helped to fill the story out nicely, especially the one in the Library under the mansion in Nibelheim, those of you who haven't seen this stop reading and GO THERE NOW
And Yuffie is hugely useful for maxing stats, most definitely NOT annoying in any way whatsoever
I love Yuffie. I always get her when I play through. She's especially useful when you get her Conformer and you can use morph without losing damage. I liked the Wutai side quest even though i stumbled into it on accident. I was super annoyed but at the same time it was really nice to get a bit of her back story since there really isn't much considering she's optional. Plus there are some pretty entertaining moments on that when Don Corneo is being a MASSIVE creeper and saying he's going to do stuff with her and all she does is go 'oh gross, he doesn't even have any materia!". Epic reaction fail Yuffie, Epic fail.

Still love her character though and she gets to be really useful as long as you actually use her (like Riku in X). I can't remember what you say to her to get her in your party now though...can you get her again later if you drive her away the first time?
Haha, I messed up on one of the answers the first time I found her in the woods, too. But I had already decided Yuffie would be one of my favorite characters before I even started the game, so I just shrugged and ran around until I found her again.