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  1. Shu


    Hey folks, Long time no see, or hear. I hope you are all doing well. It has been some time since I've checked in. I have been checking in to a few of the games coming and going. I don't exactly have a console so I've been playing most everything on my PC when it does eventually release there...
  2. Shu

    What's happening?

    Just checking in with you folks. How is everyone doing these days? Hope your 2020 has been treating you right.
  3. Shu

    Information Shu-boat set sail!

    Hey there folks, I hope this doesn't surprise some. I've let the staff know that I will be stepping down from being an admin and staff overall due to personal commitments. I have not been as active over the years due to life events tend to always change at the most opportune time. In my recent...
  4. Shu

    Let's Play Suggestions

    Hi all, I know with a lot of the famous youtubers out there, their stick is doing let's plays on the side or their main channel itself. If you were to pick a game out for a let's play, what game what it be? I first would love to see an old play through of Xenogears. Post below, so maybe we...
  5. Shu

    Favorite Coffee Shop?

    For those Coffee lovers out there that like to go to a shop for your favorite barista or favorite cup of coffee, what is your favorite shop and why? Mine is a split between the old school Nashville place called: Café Coco or the new age hipster place, called "Barista Parlor" The reason simply...
  6. Shu

    Birthweek Event - Giveaway! - Sign up - CLOSED

    Welcome to a very special Birthweek event celebration! We are pleased to announce that as a part of the magazine release, the recent Xenforo 2 launch, and Birthweek event, we wish to extend a one time giveaway that will be exclusive to Final Fantasy Forums members with 100+ posts! Sign up...
  7. Shu

    Information Keyboard Shortcuts for XenForo2

    I'm a huge fan of shortcuts due to coding and documentation. Below Kier has mentioned: Keyboard Shortcut System New for XF2DP10 is a generic keyboard shortcut system, activated by assigning an attribute to any clickable or focusable element in a template. Once a shortcut is defined, hitting...
  8. Shu

    PC Dark Souls Remastered

    Anyone interested in replaying this content? I know I played the mess out of all three of them, but do you think the hype is going to live up to it's worth? I heard that game wise they are not changing anything in regards to story line. They are mostly focusing on graphics revamp, but not a lot...
  9. Shu

    Favorite phone app for communication?

    I know I have spoken to quite a bit of you folks on either Skype, What's App, Viber or even facebook messenger. I write this to ask, what is your favorite application and why? I personally overuse what's app for overseas (Brazilian friends and Chennai India work stuff) and I use face book...
  10. Shu

    Work style approach? Short term or Long term

    Generally, this is just to get a feel for your work style. Are you someone who is bursty and has a lot of short term, BUT large output in your work style? Or are you more of a maintained engine where you have more long term but slower approaches to work? The reason I ask is because I go...
  11. Shu

    US: Should medical insurance be completely free?

    This has been a big debate for decades. The ones it does matter for are those that have chronic sickness or disease or injuries. The others basically think if the Government gives us free medical insurance that we will have to pay a big tax. What are you opinions?
  12. Shu

    How do you measure success?

    As the title says, how do you measure your own success? Are you the type of person who continually works on something to perfection? Or are you one that gets something done to the sheer point of acceptable? Are you one that goes back to learn from their mistakes? Are you one that chooses to...
  13. Shu

    Visual learner or auditory learner

    As the title says, are you more of a visual learner or auditory learner? While I have not been in college or high school, I find I am a continuous learner. I am more or less better with pictures. In my day to day at work I use high level architectural diagrams to break down functional flows of...
  14. Shu

    Twitch Prefix Test

    Twitch Prefix Test
  15. Shu

    Test Youtube Prefix

    This is a test for youtube prefix.
  16. Shu

    What is your favorite get away spot?

    I know by reading the title, you are thinking.. do you mean vacation? Do you mean escape? Do you mean a spot in my house? Shu stop being so vague. Actually I'm more or less thinking, what is your favorite place around you in which you might travel to in proximity that gives a piece of mind...
  17. Shu

    Zodiac Age What Features do you like most about this Version?

    Feature: A distinct upgrade to functionality that brings value to the gamer So what do you love the most about the new game? A few examples: License/Job System overhaul Speed Enhancement 2x and 4x New Graphics New Magick(s) Controllable Summoning I'll let a few people post, before adding...
  18. Shu

    Audiobooks anyone?

    So after enjoying three books out of seven in the Dark Tower Series, I started listening to it on the way to work. Personally I love reading when my mind isn't muddled by work brain or with a bad day. It clears out the head and then allows me to imagine with some spatial cognizance. Though since...
  19. Shu

    Information Photobucket Deprecation - Alternative Photo Storage

    Hello All, Since this may be no stranger to you and you might have been saying: Where did my siggy go? How can I use my Photobucket account since you already have like 20,000 pictures already on it? What other alternative image service should I use then if I can't use my photo bucket...
  20. Shu

    Announcements Paddy McGee - Ex Soldier (Moderator)

    Morning Folks, To our great regret, Patty McGee has decided to step down from being a Orience/Gaia moderator. He has been a fine example of a go-getter from the beginning of his career on September 14, 2014. We will be looking into filling the spot, but not immediately. For now we wish him luck...