Abortion - your views.

I think an abortion at a legit clinic is okay.. because unfortunately and I hate to say it like this, but sometimes a baby is better off this way. You have to think about the quality of life some would have if not aborted. I think if you have a real good reason, then its okay.. definitely wouldnt consider it murder.
now necromancy i'm against 100% XD (this thread)
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that some indiviuals try to indoctrinate us to think they're way, and what the discussion should be is how we ioculate ourselves against those people, whether or not your pro-chocie or pro-life.

Anyhoo, that's my two cents. Let the flame wars recomence.

Mm. See, but the problem is that pro-choice people don't go around performing abortions on people who don't want them. Pro-life people try to stick their noses into other people's business (where it doesn't belong), push their morals on them, and tell them that whether they need an abortion or not, regardless of circumstances, they should not get one. If pro-lifers had their way, abortions would be outlawed. K, I don't want a bunch of little bible thumping Christians telling me about my rights. (Not to say that all Christians are pro-life, but must pro-lifers are Christian). I'm not Christian; I don't necessarily have Christian morals. So it's unbelievably presumptuous and rude for these people to shove their little morals on me and tell me I'm a sinner or selfish for wanting to killing babies. Maybe they should stop whining and read a biology textbook. Or better yet, maybe they should be trying to save dying children who are, you know, actually alive instead of unborn fetuses.
I believe that the woman in question should have the right to choose. For one reason or another people fall pregnant when they don't want a child. I watched a documentary recently tho which was quite disturbing, it showed an aborted baby at 24 weeks/6mths and it showed the dead baby. I think perhaps, unless its medically unsafe, then the legal limit for an abortion should perhaps be a little lower. But I would never like the right of choice taken away from me if I found myself in that situation. To be called a murderer when you clearly are not is frankly disturbing and unfair to a woman who I suspect would already be feeling very distressed
Mm. See, but the problem is that pro-choice people don't go around performing abortions on people who don't want them. Pro-life people try to stick their noses into other people's business (where it doesn't belong), push their morals on them, and tell them that whether they need an abortion or not, regardless of circumstances, they should not get one. If pro-lifers had their way, abortions would be outlawed. K, I don't want a bunch of little bible thumping Christians telling me about my rights. (Not to say that all Christians are pro-life, but must pro-lifers are Christian). I'm not Christian; I don't necessarily have Christian morals. So it's unbelievably presumptuous and rude for these people to shove their little morals on me and tell me I'm a sinner or selfish for wanting to killing babies. Maybe they should stop whining and read a biology textbook. Or better yet, maybe they should be trying to save dying children who are, you know, actually alive instead of unborn fetuses.
This is precisely why we have a separation of church and state and, as long as people remember what you've essentially summed up, pro-lifers wont have any influence over you.
We once had a woman come in from Pro-life in our RE class, and she was very...forceful with her views, we got showed disgusting picture slides and warned of everything that could go wrong in abortions and she told us how a baby can feel pain after 16 weeks and everything, and said something like "if you kill a fetus (yes she said kill) you won't be punished by the law for murder, but you will be punished by god" and to get an idea of how horrific these slides were, two girls were crying and one girl had to leave the classroom. At the end of the lesson our RE teacher (after the woman left) explained that the woman did come on a bit too strongly and that every danger she mentioned was very rare.

That afternoon made me wonder why people try to force their views on abortion on people, why do they force themselves to worry about other peoples "souls" and life choices? In my opinion, if someone wants an abortion, they should be allowed to get one, provided that the fetus can't survive out of the room, If it can survive out of the womb, i feel it shouldn't be allowed, since then you really are taking away life...
We once had a woman come in from Pro-life in our RE class, and she was very...forceful with her views, we got showed disgusting picture slides and warned of everything that could go wrong in abortions and she told us how a baby can feel pain after 16 weeks and everything, and said something like "if you kill a fetus (yes she said kill) you won't be punished by the law for murder, but you will be punished by god" and to get an idea of how horrific these slides were, two girls were crying and one girl had to leave the classroom. At the end of the lesson our RE teacher (after the woman left) explained that the woman did come on a bit too strongly and that every danger she mentioned was very rare.

That afternoon made me wonder why people try to force their views on abortion on people, why do they force themselves to worry about other peoples "souls" and life choices? In my opinion, if someone wants an abortion, they should be allowed to get one, provided that the fetus can't survive out of the room, If it can survive out of the womb, i feel it shouldn't be allowed, since then you really are taking away life...

I can understanding feeling very strongly about things, but being so forceful to teenagers is a bit disgusting if you ask me.

I also don't like the way she said "punished by god" as if her god was the only god, not taking into account there may be some people who believe differently in the class. It also really capitalises on the fact that most pro-lifers are christians.
Women should be allowed to choose.

Abortion cannot be simply ruled out as "bad". In many scenarios babies have ruined peoples lives whether they were intentional or not. Due to this I strongly disagree with the pro-life arguments.
Abortion is an issue of "LIFE".

In a country (USA), that values an individuals rights, we've lost sight of the most important right of all.....THE RIGHT TO LIFE. Just look at what proponents of abortion have done in the past several years.

They have fought for and continue to fight for the "barbaric" practice of partial birth abortion here in the states. Planned parenthood has promoted and supported abortion by selling tee shirts as a "novelty item" that makes the statement...."I had an abortion, it's my right".

On March 17th of 05 in England a doctor aborted a baby simply because it had a cleft lip and palate, a cosmetic condition that is correctable by simple surgery.

In China abortion is practiced simply to choose the sex of the child.

In Kansas City there is a Doctor who commits partial birth abortions and afterward puts clothing on the child for funeral services and then returns them to the parents for burial.

Yes, I am a Christian and base my principals upon biblical principals and the word of God indeed does say that the act of "feticide" is an abomination in the eyes of God. I usually do not like to quote scriptures as a basis for moral principals, as morality is not limited to people of faith. But, I believe so strongly in protecting the rights to life of the most innocent in our "civilized" world, a child, who's only sin and fault is that of being perhaps an inconvenience. The scriptures that "condemn" feticide in Biblical Scripture and prove in the eyes of God even the "unborn" are considered a "human life"......Palms 139:13-16, Ecclesiastes 11:5, Jermiah 1:5.....all, clearly point to the fact that the "unborn" is "alive" and has a "soul", and the act of taking their innocent life is just as barbaric as premeditated murder.

A list of Abortion "wrongs"
ABORTION PUTS MAN IN GODS PLACE......as man passes judgment without even as much as a crime being accused, and without any due process at all.

ABORTION MAKES PRESUMPTIONS THAT ANY FETUS IS NOT HUMAN NOR AN INDIVIDUAL....despite the facts of modern DNA technologies that prove beyond doubt that a gestating child shares DNA "signatures" of both parents, not just the mother, thus making that life that rests in the womb, a living "individual", who shall cease to "live" without the support of its parental host. With the logic that "dehumanizes" this life being that, if it cannot support itself it does not have the right to life. Then one must ask the question....what would happen to any "child" without support from its mother or someone to care for it, after birth? Yet, once the child's head breaches the birth canal, it is deemed murder. It is a "sorry" practice indeed to place the right to life simply on the semantics of any language, to justify the selfish act of murder and try to justify it with an individual right of "choice".......but again, what choice does the unborn have?

ABORTION ENDS LIFE WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF ANY MORAL LAW OF SOCIETY....thus, it can only be viewed as murder, under the terms of morality.

ABORTION SHEDS INNOCENT BLOOD.....no more or less so than any act of terrorism does, simply to meet ones selfish objectives.

ABORTION IS SIMPLY AN ACT OF INGRATITUDE....for the most precious gift of all mankind, a "child" to carry on ones bloodline of heritage...even "animals" will fight to the death to protect their offspring and project their continued bloodline.

ABORTION IS AN ACT OF COVETOUSNESS AND POMPOUS ATTITUDE....to actually "think" that one can own the life of another to discard as they will.

ABORTION IS THE ULTIMATE ACT OF SELFISHNESS......to hold ones "individual" rights above the "FACT" of life. 54
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Abortion is an issue of "LIFE".

In a country (USA), that values an individuals rights, we've lost sight of the most important right of all.....THE RIGHT TO LIFE. Just look at what proponents of abortion have done in the past several years.

They have fought for and continue to fight for the "barbaric" practice of partial birth abortion here in the states. Planned parenthood has promoted and supported abortion by selling tee shirts as a "novelty item" that makes the statement...."I had an abortion, it's my right".

On March 17th of 05 in England a doctor aborted a baby simply because it had a cleft lip and palate, a cosmetic condition that is correctable by simple surgery.

In China abortion is practiced simply to choose the sex of the child.

In Kansas City there is a Doctor who commits partial birth abortions and afterward puts clothing on the child for funeral services and then returns them to the parents for burial.

Yes, I am a Christian and base my principals upon biblical principals and the word of God indeed does say that the act of "feticide" is an abomination in the eyes of God. I usually do not like to quote scriptures as a basis for moral principals, as morality is not limited to people of faith. But, I believe so strongly in protecting the rights to life of the most innocent in our "civilized" world, a child, who's only sin and fault is that of being perhaps an inconvenience. The scriptures that "condemn" feticide in Biblical Scripture and prove in the eyes of God even the "unborn" are considered a "human life"......Palms 139:13-16, Ecclesiastes 11:5, Jermiah 1:5.....all, clearly point to the fact that the "unborn" is "alive" and has a "soul", and the act of taking their innocent life is just as barbaric as premeditated murder.

A list of Abortion "wrongs"
ABORTION PUTS MAN IN GODS PLACE......as man passes judgment without even as much as a crime being accused, and without any due process at all.

ABORTION MAKES PRESUMPTIONS THAT ANY FETUS IS NOT HUMAN NOR AN INDIVIDUAL....despite the facts of modern DNA technologies that prove beyond doubt that a gestating child shares DNA "signatures" of both parents, not just the mother, thus making that life that rests in the womb, a living "individual", who shall cease to "live" without the support of its parental host. With the logic that "dehumanizes" this life being that, if it cannot support itself it does not have the right to life. Then one must ask the question....what would happen to any "child" without support from its mother or someone to care for it, after birth? Yet, once the child's head breaches the birth canal, it is deemed murder. It is a "sorry" practice indeed to place the right to life simply on the semantics of any language, to justify the selfish act of murder and try to justify it with an individual right of "choice".......but again, what choice does the unborn have?

ABORTION ENDS LIFE WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF ANY MORAL LAW OF SOCIETY....thus, it can only be viewed as murder, under the terms of morality.

ABORTION SHEDS INNOCENT BLOOD.....no more or less so than any act of terrorism does, simply to meet ones selfish objectives.

ABORTION IS SIMPLY AN ACT OF INGRATITUDE....for the most precious gift of all mankind, a "child" to carry on ones bloodline of heritage...even "animals" will fight to the death to protect their offspring and project their continued bloodline.

ABORTION IS AN ACT OF COVETOUSNESS AND POMPOUS ATTITUDE....to actually "think" that one can own the life of another to discard as they will.

ABORTION IS THE ULTIMATE ACT OF SELFISHNESS......to hold ones "individual" rights above the "FACT" of life. 54

That's great. However, we aren't in China. You're also citing really extreme cases of abortion. Partial birth abortions are not performed very much.

Abortion puts man in God's place? Gee. So does going to the hospital, getting a vaccination, or taking medicine when you're sick. That's tampering with God's will!

There is a major difference between an infant and a fetus. An infant is capable of breathing on its own. While it is dependent on a caregiver for essentials, it can sustain life on its own. A fetus isn't developed. If the fetus doesn't have a central nervous system, I'm sorry but medically, it's just a cluster of cells.

See Roe v Wade. Fetuses obviously aren't legally considered people. It's not murder without a trial. Innocent blood? It's a cluster of cells, for Christ's sake. It's no different from a parasite. It's like a tapeworm; it lives within your body, feeds off your nutrients, and makes you physically sick.

An act of ingratitude? Dude, the earth is overpopulated. That last thing we need is more freaking children. People are starving due to lack of resources. There needs to be LESS people, if anything. As for the animals: have you ever heard of a hamster? They eat their young. There is also a species of bird (I can't remember which, atm) that has two chicks: if something happens to the older chick, the younger one replaces it. However, if the older one survives, the mother pushes the younger chick out of the nest to die because it's obsolete. Polar bears have been known to eat their young if there isn't enough food. Don't romanticize nature.

Hey, it's the woman's body. If she yanks the fetus out and it can live on its own, good for the fetus. However, it cannot. Because, well, it is nothing more than a cluster of cells. Obviously, that is not a life. A life is something that is capable of living on its own. Breathing on its own. Has its own heartbeat.

Like I said, it's so rude to impose one's own moral code on another. I'm a very moral person. I do a lot of community service and like to help others. But I'm also pro-choice. Does that mean I go around with my little coathanger of justice giving out abortions to pregnant women? No. But I do believe everyone should have a CHOICE. If you don't want to have an abortion, good for you, don't have one. If you think you need one, then get one. To impose your belief on everyone is WRONG. The only reason I care about pro-lifers at all is because they try to impose their beliefs on everyone and take away peoples choices. In reality they should mind their own fucking business :monster:
I believe in pro-choice, and I do not think it is an act of murder. I can understand why a woman, or couple would opt for an abortion under different circumstances.

As a young person, and still wet behind the ears as my dad would say, I have an idea of what those fears are when faced with the daunting idea of abortion. I was raised right, I was taught right and morally, and despite all I have known and said and done, I know what truths lie behind it all and let me just say one day you will be faced with decisions that could very well place you in the predicament of making that decision of life or death. I will not deny that there have been times when during a heat of passion (despite what I told my boyfriend before), when an accident happens and you are left to fret for weeks not knowing the "what if" of what was. I can not confirm anything, but there has been a harsh reality when some things are amiss and "off schedule."

But it is that intense fear that strikes you right to the core -what will I do? I am young, I can't support a family, hell I am not even finished with my schooling that I have to pay back in a small number of years, possibly go to grad school and still find time to get a job and move out of my home. And would you tell your family, friends, who do you go to for help? It might seem simple -oh just go there, but there's that panicky sense that even if you are in a stable relationship, you are alone.

I must agree, there are some dirty people that abuse what they have the choice to, but there are many other corruptions in every form -even in religion. But don't forget there are people out there who don't abuse it.

Also, about the whole adoption thing. After all these years I discovered that I have a cousin out there, someone who is possibly in his thirties or so. Someone I have never met who probably has his own family, his own wife and kids....and will he ever know of his family that is out there? Maybe, I can't be certain of anything, but I know that he is there somewhere. Imagine the feeling of knowing that somewhere out there, there might be missing family you may never meet or know.
Abortion is an issue of "LIFE".

In a country (USA), that values an individuals rights, we've lost sight of the most important right of all.....THE RIGHT TO LIFE. Just look at what proponents of abortion have done in the past several years.

They have fought for and continue to fight for the "barbaric" practice of partial birth abortion here in the states. Planned parenthood has promoted and supported abortion by selling tee shirts as a "novelty item" that makes the statement...."I had an abortion, it's my right".

On March 17th of 05 in England a doctor aborted a baby simply because it had a cleft lip and palate, a cosmetic condition that is correctable by simple surgery.

In China abortion is practiced simply to choose the sex of the child.

In Kansas City there is a Doctor who commits partial birth abortions and afterward puts clothing on the child for funeral services and then returns them to the parents for burial.

Yes, I am a Christian and base my principals upon biblical principals and the word of God indeed does say that the act of "feticide" is an abomination in the eyes of God. I usually do not like to quote scriptures as a basis for moral principals, as morality is not limited to people of faith. But, I believe so strongly in protecting the rights to life of the most innocent in our "civilized" world, a child, who's only sin and fault is that of being perhaps an inconvenience. The scriptures that "condemn" feticide in Biblical Scripture and prove in the eyes of God even the "unborn" are considered a "human life"......Palms 139:13-16, Ecclesiastes 11:5, Jermiah 1:5.....all, clearly point to the fact that the "unborn" is "alive" and has a "soul", and the act of taking their innocent life is just as barbaric as premeditated murder.

A list of Abortion "wrongs"
ABORTION PUTS MAN IN GODS PLACE......as man passes judgment without even as much as a crime being accused, and without any due process at all.

ABORTION MAKES PRESUMPTIONS THAT ANY FETUS IS NOT HUMAN NOR AN INDIVIDUAL....despite the facts of modern DNA technologies that prove beyond doubt that a gestating child shares DNA "signatures" of both parents, not just the mother, thus making that life that rests in the womb, a living "individual", who shall cease to "live" without the support of its parental host. With the logic that "dehumanizes" this life being that, if it cannot support itself it does not have the right to life. Then one must ask the question....what would happen to any "child" without support from its mother or someone to care for it, after birth? Yet, once the child's head breaches the birth canal, it is deemed murder. It is a "sorry" practice indeed to place the right to life simply on the semantics of any language, to justify the selfish act of murder and try to justify it with an individual right of "choice".......but again, what choice does the unborn have?

ABORTION ENDS LIFE WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF ANY MORAL LAW OF SOCIETY....thus, it can only be viewed as murder, under the terms of morality.

ABORTION SHEDS INNOCENT BLOOD.....no more or less so than any act of terrorism does, simply to meet ones selfish objectives.

ABORTION IS SIMPLY AN ACT OF INGRATITUDE....for the most precious gift of all mankind, a "child" to carry on ones bloodline of heritage...even "animals" will fight to the death to protect their offspring and project their continued bloodline.

ABORTION IS AN ACT OF COVETOUSNESS AND POMPOUS ATTITUDE....to actually "think" that one can own the life of another to discard as they will.

ABORTION IS THE ULTIMATE ACT OF SELFISHNESS......to hold ones "individual" rights above the "FACT" of life. 54

I for one, do not believe in god, so why should I have people preaching these things to me should I decide I want an abortion one day?

What if it is medically unsafe to carry out a pregnancy? What if the mother is mentally unstable??

What if carrying thru a pregnancy meant the death of both mother and child???

I agree, in some cases it is for selfish reasons, but who gives the right for someone else to dictate what another woman should do with her body? ESPECIALLY when the other person isn't religious? (Ok so I am Christian, but not by choice & I do not follow the religion - I was merely christened as a child)

I wonder if you would be so quick to take on someone elses religious views?

Like I said, it's so rude to impose one's own moral code on another. I'm a very moral person. I do a lot of community service and like to help others. But I'm also pro-choice. Does that mean I go around with my little coathanger of justice giving out abortions to pregnant women? No. But I do believe everyone should have a CHOICE. If you don't want to have an abortion, good for you, don't have one. If you think you need one, then get one. To impose your belief on everyone is WRONG. The only reason I care about pro-lifers at all is because they try to impose their beliefs on everyone and take away peoples choices. In reality they should mind their own fucking business :monster:

Well said, I'd never impose my beliefs on people so why do others feel they have the right to impose theres on me?
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As I said, one does not have to be a person of religious faith to be a person of "moral" character. Any way one wants to slice it, abortion is MURDER, period. Many people try to "dehumanize" the unborn as a non living entity.....for several reasons.....it does not breathe, its simply a mass of non-living cells, its no more alive than any other "growth", it has no cognation to reason. The facts are as such....were we all not simply a "mass" of cells at one point in our life? Life is not defined simply by the semantics of the English language......what about the person that drowns in frigid waters and ceases to breath for up to 45 minutes, and then later is brought back to the living act of breathing.....is that an example of a non-person, because he/she stopped breathing and having cognation to thought? It seems there was another person that classified people as non human and justified the mass murder of millions in course of human history.....HITLER.

In fact the stats of how many children are murdered in just the US each is staggering.....In all of American exterior wars, from the Revolutionary war to the war in Iraq, the amount of lives that were lost are less than one and a half million. However, over one and half millions babies are murdered in America every year. We are told that in eight years Nazi Germany killed six million Jews. The outrage of decent people toward wholesale extermination of human life continues to this day, However, 12 million babies were killed in America during the same 6 year period of time (in terms of years). Total all the deaths each from cancer, heart disease, and automobile accidents, and the figures do not total the number of deaths claimed by abortion.

America has organized groups and statutory regulations for the "humane" protection of whales, owls, wolves, and eagles. Severe penalties are enforced for violators of these protective laws. Not withstanding, in America it is "legal" to kill an innocent baby.

When the "fancy" whitewashed language is removed, we are left with the horrifying reality of the almost unbelievable methods used by abortionists to terminate the life of the unborn. During the time between six to sixteen weeks, the vacuum curettage method is common. The unborn child is torn apart by the force of the suction and body parts are sucked in a jar. During this time period the mifepristone (RU-486) process is also used, The Chemical causes the baby to literally starve to death by interfering with the function of the placenta. After 13 weeks forceps are commonly used to tear the child out of the womb, limb by limb. This method is called D & E. All methodology is extremely traumatic and violent.

One can "rationalize" how they please with the semantics of why they feel the taking of a human life in the name of "personal" rights is justified but the majority of abortions in this country are preformed simply for "social" reasons and or to prevent the perception of social embarrassment.....a few stats taken directly from a PLANNED PARENTHOOD magazine, the "Family Planning Perspective". The Alan Guttmacher Institute performed a survey in 1998 of women who were acquiring abortions. The institute asked them why they had elected to have an abortion. The institute received responses from 1900 women at 27 different abortion clinics and three hospitals.....here are the results and notice that about 93% of the reasons given for elected abortion as "social concerns" only....and just 1% was for rape or incest.

Woman is concerned about how having a baby could change her life....16%

Woman can not presently afford a baby....21%

Woman has problems with relationship or does not want single parenthood....12%

Woman is not ready for the responsibility......21%

Woman does not want others to know that she is expecting....1%

Woman is not mature enough, she thinks.....11%

Woman simply already has all the children that she wants or needs....8%

Husband or partner wants the woman to have an abortion....1%

The unborn has health problems...3%

Woman has health problems....3%

Rape or incest.....1%

All numbers have been rounded off to the nearest whole number.

A very few of the reasons are "valid" enough to simply discard a human life like a "waste" residue of the sex act. 54
As I said, one does not have to be a person of religious faith to be a person of "moral" character. Any way one wants to slice it, abortion is MURDER, period. Many people try to "dehumanize" the unborn as a non living entity.....for several reasons.....it does not breathe, its simply a mass of non-living cells, its no more alive than any other "growth", it has no cognation to reason. The facts are as such....were we all not simply a "mass" of cells at one point in our life? Life is not defined simply by the semantics of the English language......what about the person that drowns in frigid waters and ceases to breath for up to 45 minutes, and then later is brought back to the living act of breathing.....is that an example of a non-person, because he/she stopped breathing and having cognation to thought? It seems there was another person that classified people as non human and justified the mass murder of millions in course of human history.....HITLER.

In fact the stats of how many children are murdered in just the US each is staggering.....In all of American exterior wars, from the Revolutionary war to the war in Iraq, the amount of lives that were lost are less than one and a half million. However, over one and half millions babies are murdered in America every year. We are told that in eight years Nazi Germany killed six million Jews. The outrage of decent people toward wholesale extermination of human life continues to this day, However, 12 million babies were killed in America during the same 6 year period of time (in terms of years). Total all the deaths each from cancer, heart disease, and automobile accidents, and the figures do not total the number of deaths claimed by abortion.

America has organized groups and statutory regulations for the "humane" protection of whales, owls, wolves, and eagles. Severe penalties are enforced for violators of these protective laws. Not withstanding, in America it is "legal" to kill an innocent baby.

When the "fancy" whitewashed language is removed, we are left with the horrifying reality of the almost unbelievable methods used by abortionists to terminate the life of the unborn. During the time between six to sixteen weeks, the vacuum curettage method is common. The unborn child is torn apart by the force of the suction and body parts are sucked in a jar. During this time period the mifepristone (RU-486) process is also used, The Chemical causes the baby to literally starve to death by interfering with the function of the placenta. After 13 weeks forceps are commonly used to tear the child out of the womb, limb by limb. This method is called D & E. All methodology is extremely traumatic and violent.

One can "rationalize" how they please with the semantics of why they feel the taking of a human life in the name of "personal" rights is justified but the majority of abortions in this country are preformed simply for "social" reasons and or to prevent the perception of social embarrassment.....a few stats taken directly from a PLANNED PARENTHOOD magazine, the "Family Planning Perspective". The Alan Guttmacher Institute performed a survey in 1998 of women who were acquiring abortions. The institute asked them why they had elected to have an abortion. The institute received responses from 1900 women at 27 different abortion clinics and three hospitals.....here are the results and notice that about 93% of the reasons given for elected abortion as "social concerns" only....and just 1% was for rape or incest.

Woman is concerned about how having a baby could change her life....16%

Woman can not presently afford a baby....21%

Woman has problems with relationship or does not want single parenthood....12%

Woman is not ready for the responsibility......21%

Woman does not want others to know that she is expecting....1%

Woman is not mature enough, she thinks.....11%

Woman simply already has all the children that she wants or needs....8%

Husband or partner wants the woman to have an abortion....1%

The unborn has health problems...3%

Woman has health problems....3%

Rape or incest.....1%

All numbers have been rounded off to the nearest whole number.

A very few of the reasons are "valid" enough to simply discard a human life like a "waste" residue of the sex act. 54

Save the long winded waste of words. Besides, may I just inform you that your statistics are official stats and thus there is a hidden number. greater than you'd be able to make an estimate of especially in the scenarios of rape and incest. Are you to propose denying women control over their own bodies, that sound rather megalomaniacal to me, however you wish to sugar coat it. On this account don't throw issues of morality on people who choose to respect pro-choice over pro-life. Pro-life being a misnomer as when the foetus is removed it has far too few human attributes to be considered "alive". Also don't make comparisons with Hitler because he was a megalomaniacal bastard who had millions tortured and slaughtered, that was out of spite whilst as with abortions it is a case of necessity. Also only a nut-job like that would oppose basic human choice which by an astonishing coincidence is what you're doing. Get it?
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Your Thoughts On Abortion?

What do you people think of Abortion. I am personally completly against it. The thought of killing babies makes me sick. I mean I dont know how some people can be for it. Like an example:

Girl: Hey...do you believe in abortion?

Guy: Yeah I guess.

Girl:...do you believe in murdering someone?

Guy: no.

See what I mean. There is NO difference between murdering someone with some kind of weapon and abortion, imo. I mean you would be killing someone either way. Killing life before it has a chance to come into the world. It is completely unfair to babies to kill them before they even have a chance to live.

I just dont see how people can not be against abortion but be against murders and killings and things.

What do you think? are you for abortion or against it?
I'm for abortion, it's a choice. I don't believe it's murder unless you have an abortion after a certain amount of weeks, like, if the baby could survive if you gave birth to it then.

And what if the woman got raped and was pregnant? Would it be fair for her to have to raise a rapists baby? No, I don't think so. She could grow up to resent, even hate, the child, not to mention it could psychologically damage her. It's more than fair for the woman to abort the baby then.

And, what if having the baby could put the womans health / life in danger? Then it's fair to have an abortion. Why risk a life for something that hasn't been born yet? And, what if the baby would have a mental or physical disability? Some parents wouldn't be able to cope, and they might not be able to give the child the specialist care and attention it would need. Then it would be fair to have an abortion.

I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control, that's just wrong. But, there are certain circumstances where it should be allowed.
What do you people think of Abortion. I am personally completly against it. The thought of killing babies makes me sick. I mean I dont know how some people can be for it. Like an example:

Girl: Hey...do you believe in abortion?

Guy: Yeah I guess.

Girl:...do you believe in murdering someone?

Guy: no.

See what I mean. There is NO difference between murdering someone with some kind of weapon and abortion, imo. I mean you would be killing someone either way. Killing life before it has a chance to come into the world. It is completely unfair to babies to kill them before they even have a chance to live.

I just dont see how people can not be against abortion but be against murders and killings and things.

What do you think? are you for abortion or against it?
Of course there is a difference. They aren't stabbing a baby to death, or putting it in a pot with acid. That is murder.
Abortion is not.
It is simply making a choice, that you cannot have a baby. that may be due to incest or rape, or you aren't ready to raise a child. Which is an huge responsibility, and someone should be ready before they decide to take that step.
Furthermore it depends what kind of life you can offer that child. Do you really want children born into poverty, drug addiction and crime?

Your arguement against abortion is that an unborn foetus is actually a child. Wrong.
It is a foetus, we could have a debate about semantics, you saying IT R CHILD, and I saying, no it is a foetus.
Clearly it is a foetus, and that's why abortions have a cut-off date. Which means that an abortion cannot be performed after it becomes a child.
Ergo, it is not baby killing, such emotive language is used because there is no reason why abortions should be illegal.
It's terminating something which isn't alive and could not be alive.

I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control, that's just wrong. But, there are certain circumstances where it should be allowed.
Of course there is a difference. They aren't stabbing a baby to death, or putting it in a pot with acid. That is murder.
Abortion is not.
It is simply making a choice, that you cannot have a baby. that may be due to incest or rape, or you aren't ready to raise a child. Which is an huge responsibility, and someone should be ready before they decide to take that step.
Furthermore it depends what kind of life you can offer that child. Do you really want children born into poverty, drug addiction and crime?

Your arguement against abortion is that an unborn foetus is actually a child. Wrong.
It is a foetus, we could have a debate about semantics, you saying IT R CHILD, and I saying, no it is a foetus.
Clearly it is a foetus, and that's why abortions have a cut-off date. Which means that an abortion cannot be performed after it becomes a child.
Ergo, it is not baby killing, such emotive language is used because there is no reason why abortions should be illegal.
It's terminating something which isn't alive and could not be alive.

Just because the fetus is not alive does not justify abortion. You are still terminating that which WILL live. So, you are still preventing a life. And even if a child is concieved via rape, it is still a life nonetheless. And maybe if people were not out trying to get laid all the time, they would not have to choose abortionon or not. And, although it is not an easy solution, if the parents are some how unable to support the child they could always put it up for adoption after its is born.

Women have also been interviewed who have had an abortion, and almost all of them have regretted it every moment of their lives. And who is to say that that child who was aborted could have been the doctor who finds a cure for cancer, AID's or any other currently uncurable diesese. Or the leader who brings peace and prosperity to the world? When we abort a child, we abort out future.

One final thing.....if a mother were willing to kill her child, no matter how developed it was, what does that say about her ability to be a mother? I mean, doesnt that go against everything we learn about motherly love, how they should be willing to lay their life down for their child?
Just because the fetus is not alive does not justify abortion. You are still terminating that which WILL live. So, you are still preventing a life. And even if a child is concieved via rape, it is still a life nonetheless. And maybe if people were not out trying to get laid all the time, they would not have to choose abortionon or not. And, although it is not an easy solution, if the parents are some how unable to support the child they could always put it up for adoption after its is born.
No, it's not alive and therefore is not a life.
And if it's going to be aborted, it is not something that will live.
It's a foetus not a life. That's why abortions can't be carried out after a certain date.
And quite frankly it is disgusting that a women would have to raise a child that was conceived against her will. That is just stupid. It's taking all control away from the women who was raped, what person can actually say they are 'pro-life' when they are forcing a women to do something against her will. It's rape all over again.
Also people don't try to get laid all the time.
FYI sex is perfectly normal, especially in a relationship :gasp: shocking Inoerite.
People don't go around trying to have sex with everyone they meet.
It is rather immature and it doesn't contribute to the discussion.

Women have also been interviewed who have had an abortion, and almost all of them have regretted it every moment of their lives. And who is to say that that child who was aborted could have been the doctor who finds a cure for cancer, AID's or any other currently uncurable diesese. Or the leader who brings peace and prosperity to the world? When we abort a child, we abort out future.
Sauce plox?
Alternatively, who is to say these children don't turn to be another Hitler, or Mengele.
Also Cancer, AIDS aren't cured by individuals.
Also No one is going to bring peace and prosperity to the world. Hypothetical situations aren't a valid arguement.

One final thing.....if a mother were willing to kill her child, no matter how developed it was, what does that say about her ability to be a mother? I mean, doesnt that go against everything we learn about motherly love, how they should be willing to lay their life down for their child?
Are we talking about abortion, because
1) It's not a child, it's foetus, and
2) She isn't killing it.
Also what gives you the right to judge a mother's ability?
Are you a mother? Have you been in her situation?
If the answer to both those questions and more, the answer is you have no right to judge her.
Attacking a stereotype of people who have aborted, is cowardly.
I guess it all depends on how one defines the words "alive" and "life," as well as an individual's moral, ethical, philosophical, biological, and religious beliefs. They're two words capable of holding much symbolism, just as much as they hold technical significance. And although this is a very controversial and tough subject to talk about, when it boils down to it, I believe it is the woman's right to decide whether or not she wants to keep the potential child--under circumstances, that is.

In my eyes, it is not yet a "alive" in terms of having lived and experienced things a human being experiences until the fetus has emerged from the womb; therefore it is mentally unaware of what they could be potentially missing. I do have qualms about deciding to abort at a later time rather than sooner, though, and believe it best to abort (if one should come to the decision) as soon as possible (1-5 weeks) instead of dragging it out along the prenatal development process, giving the fetus more time to gestate and pass the stage where they could "live" on its own outside the womb.

And although some people are making good points in this thread, there's a lot of pointless bantering as well, even going so far as to tell someone their opinion is wrong. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. :argh:
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